A Stable Relationship

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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Dave »

Would have greatly enjoyed seeing the looks on their faces when they were mid-flight. :lol:
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Warrl »

oops wrong forum
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by DinkyInky »

Dave wrote:Would have greatly enjoyed seeing the looks on their faces when they were mid-flight. :lol:
Shock, hate, fear, one kid actually looked turned on as he flew out the shop doors. His mom said about a decade later that he was trying to ask me out. I told her that asking me straight up would have worked better than bullying me until I tossed him outside via the elevated shop doors.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Warrl »

Dawn was surprised at how quickly she and Rowdy—he asked her to use that name—got past the usual awkwardness of a first date. And the lunch he had spread out on the blanket he laid over the grass was delicious.

She noted, however, that the area between them and a stage alongside the old mill building was rapidly filling with people, and she was about to ask if something was up when Rowdy said "And now, milady, the diversion promised doth arrive." A woman in Elizabethan costume stepped out on the stage and began introducing "The Cromulent Shakespeare Company" and a play Dawn was quite familiar with: A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The company did the Bard justice, and more, embiggening the work with frequent—and necessary—pauses for the audience to calm their laughter. During the fifth act a stagehand came around the periphery of the crowd to them and invited them to come backstage after the performance.

So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.

Puck took the final bow to a standing ovation. Dawn and Rowdy gathered up the remains of their lunch and piled it in the basket with the blanket on top. As they made their way to the stage, Dawn asked what prompted the backstage invitation.

"Oh, our foundation provides a small but useful part of their budget and occasionally consults with them on things that don't show up onstage. It's enough to get a few privileges."

They arrived at a door where the stagehand was waiting to usher them backstage. "Mr. Alexander! It's great to see you again!" A woman, apparently the company's photographer, visibly aborted a hug and offered a handshake instead. "And you brought a friend?"

"Pauline Hazelton; Leah Balster." They also shook hands.

"That was a fantastic performance," Dawn said.

"Thank you. I'm on the Company's Board, so I get to claim some credit. Now everybody was warned a VIP was coming backstage, so it's time to announce you. HEY EVERYONE! This is Franklin Alexander. He's the head of the Alexander Foundation that provides a critical bit of funding for this operation—including your stipend checks!" Cheers erupted. "And a few years ago when the company was about to go bust, he stepped in personally to fix our advertising, and saved us!" More cheers, particularly from some of the older members of the company. "So treat him, and his lady friend Miss Hazelton nice, okay?" Turning to Dawn she asked "Is there anyone in particular you want to talk to?"

"Well, everyone was so good, it was the funniest performance of Shakespeare I have ever seen... But I have a soft spot for the fairy that was Titania's herald in Act II."

A stagehand, dismantling and packing a tree, looked up. "That was me. Why do you like that character—she doesn't even get a name!"

"I played the part in 8th grade. Watching the recording afterward convinced me that I should not be an actor. But still, it was a lot of fun."

"Oh it is. So's backstage, but really I do this to fill in between parts small enough that I can memorize them. That's where I'm weak. This job, I can read scripts and checklists any time I need to."

"Memorizing I can do. But I was the worst actor on the stage—Quince did not butcher his Prologue, and I was even worse, stiffer than that tree trunk. You, though, were excellent. The flirting with Puck really added substance to the character and got the audience laughing, and all without a word that wasn't in the script."

"Yes, it did, and thank you for noticing and mentioning it. The first time Susan and I did it in front of the director, I thought we'd have to pick him up off the floor."

Dawn chuckled. "I think Mrs. Clauwert would have had a heart attack. Thank you for your time. I shall let you return to your work." She offered a handshake, but he showed that his hands were rather dirty from handling the props.

She found Rowdy just finishing a conversation about audience size, with a gentleman who turned out to be the director and a woman who was the producer. It appeared that all three were pleased with whatever conclusions they had reached.

As they walked back to the parking lot, Rowdy asked "Did you enjoy today?"

"I most certainly did," she replied. "Although it was not the sort of date I expected, it seems to have served several purposes."

"The most important of which were to please you and to be low-pressure. So, may I call you again?"

"Yes, you may. Please do."

Rowdy heard her door unlock in response to a button on her key fob, and opened the door for her. As she got in, she squeezed his hand. A few minutes later she was on the road, with her GPS guiding her to a hardware store for some hinges and handles.

When she got back to her apartment, she found a note under her door. After reading it she put it on the half-finished desk and changed into running clothes, wishing she had someplace she could run feral. Lacking that, she drove to the university's track and put in about five miles.

Returning to the apartment again, she found most of the building's residents in the front yard watching the firemen across the street at the far end of the block. The house there was severely damaged.

Out-of-story Note: The Cromulent Shakespeare Company does exist and do Shakespeare in the Park performances in Minneapolis. Leah Balster has photo credits on their website. Everything else about them is made up for this story and any perceived resemblance to reality is pure happenstance.
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by jwhouk »

it is always a good thing to use real stuff about the TC in stories, IMNSHO. Good job with it.
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Warrl »

Yeah, but I was making up stuff about the organization's internals and history, some of which could be seen as derogatory - for example, by whomever was running their advertising and marketing several years ago which led to the need for Rowdy to intervene. Thus the disclaimer. Which also, in a sense, serves as free publicity for the company. Surely nobody not already aware of its real-world existence would have thought it was real based on its use in the story.
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by DinkyInky »

jwhouk wrote:it is always a good thing to use real stuff about the TC in stories, IMNSHO. Good job with it.
That's why a certain artist is staying at the Grand, and why she tried to have a meal at a certain bbq place nearby...plus, it's nostalgic for me.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Warrl »

Monday, July 17 - morning
Dawn was sanding a drawer of her nearly-completed desk when Mrs. Johnstone knocked on her door. "Pauline? Could I borrow you a minute?"

"Just a moment." She quickly shifted to human form and donned a wraparound dress. Opening the door, she saw her landlady had three young men - at least two of them werewolves - behind her, as well as a woman who looked likely to be the landlady's older sister. "What can I do for you?"

"These boys need an apartment - they were in my sister's" - with a glance toward the older woman - "house down the street that had that fire Saturday. Are your kinfolk almost done next door?"

"I think it will be another couple days, but it would be better to ask their boss." She moved toward the other basement apartment, from which construction noises were emerging. She knocked on the door and then opened it carefully without waiting for an answer. She calls out "Hey Greg?"

A large, late-middle-aged man in overalls looked up from where he was placing a flat object, wrapped in padding, in a protective framework. "Moment, Cousin." Then he returned to the task, putting the final board of the framework in place. Two other sturdy-looking workers, with more than a passing resemblance to Greg, were measuring the doorless, counterless cabinets and starting to build a larger framework while a third appeared to be splinting broken portions of the counter-front. Off to the side was a double row of kitchen-cabinetry-size cardboard boxes, and opposite it a stack of filled frames similar to the one Greg was working on.

One of the werewolves looked at the proceedings and said "Wow. Is this a kitchen remodel or an archaeological site?"

"Both, actually," Dawn replied.

Greg carefully added his latest package to a stack of similar items on the wall opposite the kitchen cupboards, then joined the group at the door. "That's right. This house is what, fifty years old? These cabinets were made in a shop in upstate Vermont, by the first master craftsman my family put in that shop when we bought a half interest in it in 1857 and his best friend, who was the only child of the man who owned the other half. The two of them went off to the Civil War together in 1861 and died in Tennessee. As far as we know these are their only surviving work; they will be very carefully restored and put on display in the office of Hazelton Forest."

"So, Greg, the question is, how soon will you be done here? These gentlemen just got burned out of their apartment, and need a place to live."

Greg looked around, calculating. "I'll promise five o'clock Wednesday, but there's a good chance we'll finish putting in the new cabinets late tomorrow if the countertop is delivered on schedule. If you managed to rescue some stuff and need a place to put it, you can bring it in and put it in the bedrooms - but only while we're here! These cabinets are precious! Speaking of which, do they know what caused the fire?"

Mrs. Johnstone answered that. "The fire department says the downstairs tenants - just moved in last month - were cooking meth. These boys were the upstairs tenants. My sister Emily says they rented that apartment from her for three years and were never any trouble; they even helped her clean up after an eviction once. Now they have to find an apartment in mid-month and replace nearly all of their belongings, when their money comes in on the first. Emily knew I had this apartment with the wrecked cabinets being replaced, so she called me and sent them over."

"Boys, why don't you take a quick look at the rest of the place? Bathroom just needs a bit of cleaning before we leave, bedrooms are fine."

"And then come to my apartment and you and Mrs. Johnstone can discuss details over tea," Dawn added. "Thank you, Greg. Give your grandson a hug from me when you get home."
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by jwhouk »


"Did they ever figure out which one of those soldiers was the one that Bond fellow shot up in trying to attack you and my great-great-grandfather?"

"I vaguely remember it may have been some kid named Hazelton. Never really went and inquired, to tell the truth..."
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Warrl »

(sorry for the long delay, I'll try to be a bit more steady about this.)

"What sort of tea do you like, Mrs. Johnstone?"

"Oh, whatever you have."

Dawn set a teakettle on the stove to supplement her electric teapot, put cream and sugar on her temporary table, and opened the cupboard containing her teas. "Hm... I think this one will surprise you. And for the young men, that seems appropriate."

The three young men, having finished their exploration of the adjacent apartment, knocked on her door. Dawn opened it. "Come on in. I am Pauline Hazelton, presumably your new neighbor."

"I'm Peter Kronwulf; this is my boyfriend Henry Ambrose, and his cousin Florian Ambrose. We're all art students at the university."

"I start med school this fall. Right now I am making tea, though, and have an herbal that I think you will like. While I do that, you fellows can talk to Mrs. Johnstone about a lease. Sorry, I am still making chairs and am not prepared for this many guests." She pointed them toward the two remaining chairs, leaving them to sort out who would be left standing, and went back to the kitchen area.

"Do you like the place, boys?" the landlady asked.

"Well, we would prefer where we were, but this is good enough under the circumstances. We weren't exactly prepared to have our apartment burnt out from under us."

"I don't imagine you would be. It is smaller, and you don't get the light or the view. But it's the only vacancy I have. It stays warm in winter, and the rent's less than Emily said you were paying her. Don't worry about the deposit or the rent for the rest of this month; Emily and I will deal with that between ourselves and I think you get a bit of a refund."

"Believe me, that is appreciated."

Dawn came in with two cups of tea. One she set in front of her landlady. "Ma'am, this is what I use to wake up in the morning. If it's too strong, mix in some milk; I usually do." The other cup went to Florian, who tasted it and smiled.

Mrs. Johnstone looked somewhat skeptically at the tea in her cup. "It looks like it could float a horseshoe."

Florian swallowed very quickly.

Dawn brought out cups for the other two young men. "A horseshoe, no. The horse, it takes three cups with no milk."

Henry looked at his cousin in concern, as he seemed to be having some difficulty breathing. "Florian, maybe this tea isn't good for you."

"No," he coughed a bit, "the tea's fine, if I remember" - cough - "not to inhale it. Quite delicious. What is it?"

Dawn was back with her own tea, and stood by the end of the kitchen counter. "A Brazilian plant called wolf apple."

Florian coughed again, more vigorously.

Dawn thought about adding "Although the creatures that eat it are not exactly wolves" but decided to be merciful. Instead she turned to the landlady and asked "How do you like your tea?"

"It's very rich and earthy. Like there are several layers to it. Odd. I think I'll try it with some milk." She stirred a hefty dose of milk into the tea and tasted it. "Oh, much better, it's milder but everything is still there. This is sipping tea, it deserves some time. Here, you boys look over the lease while I enjoy this."

Peter began reading the lease while Henry, Dawn and Mrs. Johnstone sipped tea. Florian excused himself to the bathroom. A couple minutes later Peter passed the lease to Henry just as Florian said "Pauline, you have a wood shop in here?"

He was at the door to the first bedroom of the apartment, where she had been working on the desk earlier. She walked back to join him. "Yes, I do. Want to take a quick look?" They went in the room together.

"What sort of woodwork do you do?"

"Furniture, obviously. Some sculpture. There is very little involving wood that I have not done, including planting trees."

He looked around the room. Furniture, definitely. And not just wooden box furniture. A lathe sat above a container holding spindles and leg parts for another chair. A narrow piece of wood was carved for half its length into leaves and vines; he had seen supposedly-finished pieces less well-shaped than her rough carving. Near that were a few small carvings with no varnish or other finishing coat, likely done from scraps from the furniture-making.

"Some of it in steel-toed shoes?" He pointed at an area of the floor where a thin layer of sawdust displayed a quite clear and distinct hoofprint.

"Steel-toed shoes are a very good idea for forest and lumber work." She scuffed her foot through the sawdust, eliminating the print. "Nobody in this building has seen me in them though."

"The foreman over there said his company name is Hazelton Forest. And your last name is Hazelton."

"The company is in a small town deep in the hills, and Hazeltons have been there a very long time. Do you know what that means?"

"Half the town are Hazeltons, and the other half are cousins?"

She laughed and nodded. "Very close to that. It is a rather close family for its size, and the company is designed to help keep it that way. Almost every household in town owns a piece of the company. The family is big enough to engage in rampant nepotism and still insist on competent executives. Both my parents are upper management, but none of my grandparents were, and at least a dozen households own more than they do."

He was checking the detailing of an elegant nightstand awaiting its final coats of lacquer. "What're these symbols burnt into the back?"

"Maker's marks." She pointed at the symbols in order from the top down. "Hazelton family, me, this year. I got my own mark when I was fourteen and made journeyman."

"At fourteen? Impressive. And so is this. I want to try to buy it from you, but if you name a price I can pay you're cheating yourself." He finished his examination, slid a drawer back into place, and stood. "I do sculpture and sometimes wish I had a lathe. Might I be able to borrow yours once in a while?"

"That could be arranged. Woodwork can happen in here. For metalwork or stonework, the lathe goes outside on pavement."

"Sparks. Sawdust and cheap wall paneling." He shuddered. "No argument."

"Bring your own tools and goggles." She picked up one of the small carvings, a wolf, and held it up. "You and Henry seem to have a lot in common. How well does Peter fit in?"

He caught her meaning easily. "Oh, the three of us have a howling good time together some nights." She chuckled at the rather thin, but sufficient, obfuscation. He took the carving from her and looked it over. "Now this I could afford - but it doesn't have your mark."

"It is not up to standard and I doubt I will finish it. If you like it as it is, you may have it."

"If this is not up to your standard, I'd love to see a sculpture that is." He looked it over, sighed, and set it back among the others. "I do like it, but I don't let myself bring home unsigned art. Otherwise I tend to fill up all available space with it."

"Florian!" The call was from the front room. "You want to look the lease over?"

He headed out. "You already did - " glancing at the document - "if you both say it's OK, we can sign it. Hey, it's a hundred a month cheaper, each!"
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by FreeFlier »

"Flo" Ambrose? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm surprised they could stand being that close to a meth lab. Though maybe they didn't recognize the smell . . . or that was the first batch.

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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Warrl »

FreeFlier wrote:"Flo" Ambrose? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Deliberate. 8-)

I'm surprised they could stand being that close to a meth lab. Though maybe they didn't recognize the smell . . . or that was the first batch.

The downstairs tenants hadn't been there two months yet. It was early days in the history of that meth lab. It would kind of make sense (don't know if it's true) that the single batch most likely to blow up is the first batch - it depends on whether the primary cause of explosions is long-term stupidity such as not cleaning equipment, or short-term stupidity such as setting open containers of volatile flammable liquids next to flames.

(It's a given that the primary cause of unintended explosions is stupidity. Details, of course, vary.)
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by lake_wrangler »

Warrl wrote:
FreeFlier wrote:I'm surprised they could stand being that close to a meth lab. Though maybe they didn't recognize the smell . . . or that was the first batch.
The downstairs tenants hadn't been there two months yet. It was early days in the history of that meth lab. It would kind of make sense (don't know if it's true) that the single batch most likely to blow up is the first batch - it depends on whether the primary cause of explosions is long-term stupidity such as not cleaning equipment, or short-term stupidity such as setting open containers of volatile flammable liquids next to flames.

(It's a given that the primary cause of unintended explosions is stupidity. Details, of course, vary.)
Of course, said stupidity could be "improved upon" by releasing some form of gas into the room, unbeknownst to them, which would hinder their cognitive capacities... I think I read about someone doing something like that, a while back, to get rid of a bunch of meth labs in his area... ;)
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:
Warrl wrote:
FreeFlier wrote:I'm surprised they could stand being that close to a meth lab. Though maybe they didn't recognize the smell . . . or that was the first batch.
The downstairs tenants hadn't been there two months yet. It was early days in the history of that meth lab. It would kind of make sense (don't know if it's true) that the single batch most likely to blow up is the first batch - it depends on whether the primary cause of explosions is long-term stupidity such as not cleaning equipment, or short-term stupidity such as setting open containers of volatile flammable liquids next to flames.

(It's a given that the primary cause of unintended explosions is stupidity. Details, of course, vary.)
Of course, said stupidity could be "improved upon" by releasing some form of gas into the room, unbeknownst to them, which would hinder their cognitive capacities... I think I read about someone doing something like that, a while back, to get rid of a bunch of meth labs in his area... ;)
... there was never any proof...
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Just Old Al »

Meth...cook...cognitive abilities...which of these terms does not belong?
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by lake_wrangler »

Just Old Al wrote:Meth...cook...cognitive abilities...which of these terms does not belong?
Ah, so you're saying that one of these things is not like the others? :twisted:
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by FreeFlier »

lake_wrangler wrote:
Warrl wrote:
FreeFlier wrote:I'm surprised they could stand being that close to a meth lab. Though maybe they didn't recognize the smell . . . or that was the first batch.
The downstairs tenants hadn't been there two months yet. It was early days in the history of that meth lab. It would kind of make sense (don't know if it's true) that the single batch most likely to blow up is the first batch - it depends on whether the primary cause of explosions is long-term stupidity such as not cleaning equipment, or short-term stupidity such as setting open containers of volatile flammable liquids next to flames.

(It's a given that the primary cause of unintended explosions is stupidity. Details, of course, vary.)
Of course, said stupidity could be "improved upon" by releasing some form of gas into the room, unbeknownst to them, which would hinder their cognitive capacities... I think I read about someone doing something like that, a while back, to get rid of a bunch of meth labs in his area... ;)
Actually, I think at least some of the meth-cooking processes do that all on their own . . .

Of course, with your typical meth cook, it's kind of hard to tell if it's had an effect . . .

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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by lake_wrangler »

FreeFlier wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:Of course, said stupidity could be "improved upon" by releasing some form of gas into the room, unbeknownst to them, which would hinder their cognitive capacities... I think I read about someone doing something like that, a while back, to get rid of a bunch of meth labs in his area... ;)
Actually, I think at least some of the meth-cooking processes do that all on their own . . .

Of course, with your typical meth cook, it's kind of hard to tell if it's had an effect . . .

That may be so, but I was actually making a reference to something that was said during the "doing it right" fanfiction, about Sgt. Howard, if I recall... And that's why it was amusing to see him proffer his innocence, even though I never mentioned him by name...
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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:
FreeFlier wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:Of course, said stupidity could be "improved upon" by releasing some form of gas into the room, unbeknownst to them, which would hinder their cognitive capacities... I think I read about someone doing something like that, a while back, to get rid of a bunch of meth labs in his area... ;)
Actually, I think at least some of the meth-cooking processes do that all on their own . . .

Of course, with your typical meth cook, it's kind of hard to tell if it's had an effect . . .

That may be so, but I was actually making a reference to something that was said during the "doing it right" fanfiction, about Sgt. Howard, if I recall... And that's why it was amusing to see him proffer his innocence, even though I never mentioned him by name...

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Re: A Stable Relationship

Post by lake_wrangler »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:I was actually making a reference to something that was said during the "doing it right" fanfiction, about Sgt. Howard, if I recall... And that's why it was amusing to see him proffer his innocence, even though I never mentioned him by name...
Seriously? Had you really forgotten?
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