It happened at Mucho Mocha

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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Wait!!! WAIT!!!" Tina yelled, "Phix, THAT'S HIM!!!"
Stan attempted to back out- in the process he shut the door behind himself. The lock clicked. He turned to see that there was no latch handle- you had to use the key to unlock it.
He was cornered. Behind him was a carnivore the size of a large moose. He had been pointed out by Tina, possibly to the carnivorous moose.

Stan went from 'WTF!' to 'I WANT MY MOMMY!!!' in 1.04 heartbeats.

Desperately he fought with the door to no avail- suddenly something grabbed him by the collar. Something big- REAL big. He turned his head to see where the creature had latched onto his collar with her teeth. He yelped, a loud high pitched yelp- then the beast gave a grumbleing grunt and released him. Shoving her face right up into his she growled,
"You startle my baby while she's feeding ONE MORE TIME and I will have her nurse on YOUR nipples!!! This kid has some SHARP TEETH!!! What the hell is wrong with you?!? ...owie...." she winced as she changed the little one over to the other breast, "... nobody is going to hurt you, but your horizons are about to be stretched beyond your imagination,"
Stan tried to say something, but all that came out was an unintelligable vowel movement.
"Seriously? THIS is the fellow you're talking about?" the busty little girl asked Tina.
"?... he is actually very attractive when he is not scared shitless... is that so hard to believe?" Tina sounded hurt.
"No... what is hard to believe is that HE, the one who has YOU in such a tailspin, JUST came through a LOCKED door,"
"Did I do something wrong?" he finally managed to stammer out.
"You did nothing wrong... just unexpected," Tina affirmed.
"it wasn't latched," the words came out of Stan's mouth before he could check himself. Again, three pair of eyes were upon him. It wasn't any more comfortable than the first time- but the creature said he wasn't going to be hurt, so at least that much comfort was to be had... sort of...
"That was my fault," Tina said to no-one in particular, "I've been short-sheeting myself all day long- I was supposed to make sure the door was locked- you two just 'poited' in... Stanley, " she now addressed him, "there's a few things you need to know about us... and when I say 'us', I am referring to what you precieve as 'me'... I... 'we' are not exactly what we look like... at all... "
"We...?... I'm not sure I understand..." he began.
"The body you see before you is that of a brain-dead individual- Tina Rosario Aldaco Guzman- being run by... entities... that inhabited her prior to her untimely accident. Normally, said entities expire with their host... we took over," Tina went on.
"Entities? I... look, can I take a moment here? I... really, I just wanted... well, I wanted some kind of a lunch and coffee and... OK, I wanted to talk to Tina again... Tina, did I do something to hurt you?"
"You did nothing wrong... just unexpected," she repeated.
"?...what did I do...?"
Tina looked directly into his eyes-
"You ... you caught my fancy (she giggled)... and I never figured that would happen with anyone. What I am, I am a freak of nature- anybody who gets close to me will experiance things that... well, things that are hard to explain,"
"I... I caught your fancy?"- clearly that was all he heard. Brain-dead entities meant nothing right now.
Tina sighed- yes, testosterone is funny stuff indeed.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by TazManiac »

... and the Tina mini-arc continues a few more strips.

Well done Sarge. Sometimes I am verbose, but I'll just say I like what you do, dude.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Stan," Tina started, "... do you ever hear little arguments in your head about a decision? Wondering if you are doing or not doing the right thing?"
"Uh... well, yeah... most of the time in fact,"
"OK- those voices... are actually sentient beings that inhabit you. They serve a number of purposes, usually to do a confidence check or such... they ...'feed' your insecurities and as such they often try to make you question your own judgement. Tina Guzman was in an automobile accident that left her brain dead- WE are those voices in her, except now we are running her. WE are actually a very... unique... situation, am I right, Phix?"
"To the best of anyone's knowledge, Tina here is the only demon-operated human body known to exist," the big creature purred while feeding her young.
"Demon? Did you say DEMON?" He looked at Tina in shock- "... you are actually a group of DEMONS?" he thought about this for a while- "... wow... a woman who admits it..."
"HEY NOW!! YEOWTCH!!!" the creature bellowed as she pulled her remaining teat out of the cub's mouth, "DAMMIT!!! Now she's nailed them both!!! Every time she's startled, she bites! Monica, would you be a dear and call Neil... owie...tell him to bring a touch of elixir here, please?"
The short busty one smiled and shook a bit as she pulled out her cellphone and dialed a number- "Neil? ...well, your ever-lovin' just got punctured on both sides again... yes, that's what she wants... we're at Tina's shop, she's in a bit of a crisis... yeah, well there's this mundane that she's fond of and the guy's right here, getting his mind blown... no, the MIB will not be involved- unless we alter his memory... you'd best hurry, the little one's starting to fuss and Phix will not feed her when she's injured like that... right... OK, here she is," and she handed the cell to the monster.
"Neil, honey, YOUR daughter just BIT me on BOTH SIDES! I swear, if you ever find chain-mail pasties, buy me several pair... no, it's not as bad as last time, but dammit they still HURT!... yea... I know, huh?... we're trying to get him up to speed... I don't know, it's too early to tell... maybe you could at that... well, yea, of COURSE I'm in feral, ever since Aeterna learned her true species she won't feed in human, you know that... huh, better than I would have expected, his shorts are clean for one thing... right, see you soon- love you- bye,"
Stan was coming down off the adrenaline rather quickly- the big creature's conversation with her mate did quite a bit to re-assure him- now he was trying to absorb what was being said about Tina.
"So... what does this mean, that I'll be seeing things 'hard to explain'?" Stan ventured.
"Tina," the short girl interjected, "do the 'lights out, nobody home' routine,"
And with that, Tina's eye sockets went empty, her jaw fell slack and she more or less froze in place.

Stan's jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. It had to be the feakiest thing he had ever seen... aside of the quarter ton beast that sat next to her...

"THAT is all that remains of Tina Guzman- her personal demons are who you have been in communication with," the short one explained.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

There was a flash, and Tina once more had silver eyes and a responsive face- and she looked at Stan to see his reaction with a worried expression. Stan fully understood- she was waiting to see if he was totally repulsed.
Was he? Freaked out, yes that was a given. Not quite grasping... well, let's be real here- it's not like she's ashamed of some stupid tattoo, this is rather earth-shaking.

Repulsed? Yes... but not completely. He had seen pictures of himself asleep the morning after a wild time and THAT wasn't pretty either... but here was a situation where origional body and soul had parted company... and now was being run by what amounted to the doubts and fears of the origional owner? THAT would take some adjustment, to say the least.
He walked over to her and stood just before her. Her eyes were pleading with his for acceptance, his own eyes full of uncertanty- finally, he caressed her face with his hand, she closed her eyes and wept, a smile breaking across her face.
"I... can make no promises at this time... but I would like to take you out for a ride again,"
She grabbed his hand and kissed it, tears flowing freely.
"So this is Stan, is it?" came a voice from across the room. Stan looked up to see a tall, rawboned teenage male striding across to the beast, who he kissed in slightly seductive manner before fussing with a rather grumpy cublet. He then extended his hand to Stanley-
"Neil Antonia- I'm Phix's Husband," he indicated the beast, "and little Dixie's Daddy," he fuzzeled the cub.
Neil looked puzzeled- ".. there's no 'Dammit' in her name,"
"So... you can turn into a human?" Stan asked, looking at the two.
Neil laughed, "I AM a human, actually- but yes, Phix can turn human... which reminds me, Phix, tell me how much you love me," -this last bit was in a schmaltzy sing-song voice.
"You're an obnoxious bastard and you ought to be publicly horse-whipped!" she responded in mock severity.
"Tell me how much you love me,"
"I will not submit to blackmail- tell me what you are hiding or I WILL thrash you,"
"OH! Extortion is fine, as long as it's not blackmail?"
"It's ALL fine as long as I win!" she giggled.
"Tell me how much you love me,"
Trying to look disgruntled, she finally succumbed- "I love you bunches and bunches... THERE! Now, what's going on?"
Neil held up a small necklace with an odd figure hanging as a pennant- Phix stared at it, confused for a moment- then recognition spread across her face as she gleefully snatched it from Neil and placed it on the cub. Immediatly, the cub took human form and the necklace became invisible. Phix wrapped an arm around Neil and kissed him heartily.
"I adore you!" she exclaimed- then she herself became a svelt, tall teenaged girl in a pair of levis and a peasant blouse. The change startled Stan, but then after what had already transpired he found himself recovering quickly enough.
"Now- do the elixer thing," she said as she turned her back on Stan. Neil pulled a small eyedropper bottle from his vest pocket while Phix pulled down the top of her blouse. Neil applied a single drop of fluid to each offended nipple and replaced the bottle. In a few seconds, Phix had the baby comfortably nursing off to the side of the room.
"I'm at a loss- why is the... the little one being a ... OK, I'm in over my head- your ... daughter and wife- what are they?" Stan asked.
"They are sphinxes- Dixie ("AETERNA!" yelled Phix) was born in human form, but after she smelled her mother in her native form she reverted to what you saw- a sphinx cub," Neil explained.
"And... why didn't ... Phix... just stay human?"
"Well, that requires some effort... it's not her natural state, you see. We had to do it through her pregnacy to keep the baby, but once the baby was born she was safe to go feral. Besides, I like being cradled by my 'big bad beastie' when I sleep,"
"He's afraid of the dark," Phix retorted, "and monsters under the bed- he needs me to protect him,"
"And YOU don't sleep worth a crumble without your Centurion cuddle-toy, you mangy cat!"
"I AM NOT A MANGY CAT! I am a sphinx! I have eaten bigger things than you out of boredom,"
"Yeah... they're married alright," Stan muttered to Tina, who giggled. He looked over at the small, top heavy Latina-
"Your name I didn't catch- and are you human? Jeez, that's such a rude question, I apologise,"
"Monica- and I am human- it is an odd question in any other sociecty, I'll grant you that- you seem to have recovered quite nicely, considering what you have been faced with,"
"I have to admit, I am a bit surprised at myself for how I am looking at things here- Tina, you are what you are... that I am not SURE what you are is bothersome, but then your friends don't seem to have a lockdown on that either and they are still your friends. Of course, I really never knew anybody who would claim a SPHINX as a 'friend' until just now... which reminds me- Phix?" he called over to the tall girl, "Why did you have to grab me with your teeth when I was trying to get out the door? That was terrifying!"
"I am a Sphinx- we're quadrupeds. I CAN walk on my hind legs, but I'm not very good at it and won't risk it while carrying my baby. One limb for Aeterna, three for the floor- that leaves me with my mouth- and I didn't want you to break the glass, that can get messy,"
"Sorry I startled your child,"
"I'm reasonably certain that was not your intention," she replied.
"Is THAT how it happened? He yelled and she bit?" Neil asked, trying not to laugh.
"Yes wiseass- the other one I yelled and she bit- Stan was told that Tina is basically full of demons, he made a comment to the effect of 'a woman who admits it,' I raised my voice in protest and CHOMP! ... it was a real 'Wile E. Coyote' moment... almost like a BAD Chuck Jones script," she laughed as she changed the little one over to the other breast, having now fully drained the first one, "I swear, nobody would think to WRITE garbage like that,"
"There is a whole world of folks like us- just trying to fit in somehow," Monica told Stan, "Most of the creatures that you have told are make-believe, well, we're pretty real,"
"I thought you said you are human,"
"I am and I am not- right now, it's not worth bothering over. We're here for Tina,"
"Yes... Tina? You've been awfully quiet," Stan commented.
She was still holding his hand against her face.
"I... really don't have anything to say," she said with a smile.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by jwhouk »

(You forgot the SHAZOWIE!)
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote:(You forgot the SHAZOWIE!)
THAT's only when she rids herself of flu... besides, when she 'turned the lights back on', she wasn't sure what she would see...
...and when she is holding Stanley's hand, I'm not sure words mean anything...
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by TazManiac »

As long as her head doesn't start spinning around on her shoulders, we're OK...
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Dave »

As she doesn't seem to have a full cafe at Mucho Mocha, there isn't really all that much risk that there's a supply of split-pea soup on the premises.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by TazManiac »

I'm wondering what happens when Tina dreams, due to recent events...

Another thing, and this i just developed since the beginning of this very post;

Making love to Tina, might, due to circumstance, be Group Sex by default.

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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

TazManiac wrote:I'm wondering what happens when Tina dreams, due to recent events...

Another thing, and this i just developed since the beginning of this very post;

Making love to Tina, might, due to circumstance, be Group Sex by default.


Having had a relationship with an MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), I can say it is an... odd... situation... never comfortable. What I see happening with Tina is the many become one eventually- she will still argue with herself, but more inline with what WE experiance.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Just Old Al »

Making love to Tina, might, due to circumstance, be Group Sex by default.

Ya just hadda go there, didn't you? We've all been standing on the high moral ground, but nooooooo.....

Get OUT of my gutter - you're blocking the light. :)

Tongue firmly in cheek - Al
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Warrl »

Minor nitpick: Wile E. Coyote. Not "While".

(Feel free to blame autocorrect.)
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by TazManiac »

AL, I've been scrabbling up out of the gutter for awhile now, but.... sorry dude.

In actuality I'd think there'd be a Driver and some voyeuristic passengers, who might even 'stay home' during the proceedings.

In other subjects I like having a support section for the girl, Monica esp, as while the Sphinx is a ready enforcer, M has some experience with 'not feeling right' so to speak, and can relate a bit to Tina's situation.

Its not the same but nobody has anothers experience anyway.
Last edited by TazManiac on Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Several weeks later....

Deputy Morton had spent most of the afternoon cruising Lumpkin County, keeping an eye out for chickens in the road and the occasional wayward cow. He and the other two Deputies that were the local law enforcement seldom had a great deal to worry about- and they liked it that way. Friday nights that coincided with a full moon and/or the first of the month tended to get a little rough, but seldom amounted to more than two or three hours worth of actual work. Other than that, only the occasional parade or Mayoral/Commissioner/local Representative speech required anything ... and usually only a presense at that. He had a regular allowance to 'firearm maintanance' and 'target practice'... that usually went to his nights off. The last time he fired his Glock was New Year's Eve, three years back... and he had to repair his roof the next day because he was too drunk to realise he was not outdoors when he shot it.
He was considered the best of the three.
He had just parked in one of his favorite 'hidyholes' along Kettle River Road, having just purchased a triple cheeseburger with onion rings and a large soda, when a dark green object flew by fast enough to startle him... and spread his lunch all over the interior of the cruiser.

He became rather upset.

Lights went on with siren, the right foot hit the floorboard and it was on!
(Author's note- cue Waylon Jennings "Good Ol Boys")
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by DinkyInky »

Sgt. Howard wrote: Lights went on with siren, the right foot hit the floorboard and it was on!
(Author's note- cue Waylon Jennings "Good Ol' Boys")
Here ya go Sarge, I fixed it fer ya. *laughs*
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Aw crap!" Stan muttered as he looked in the rearview mirror, "THAT was unexpected,"
"Stan, shouldn't we pull over?" Tina asked.
"Not in this county- they'll come up with an excuse to take the car," he checked his bearings, "... right... Girl, you up for some shennanigans?"
"What are you thinking?"
"I'll need a major distraction is what I'm thinking- we're taking the high road,"
They were upon an intersection where one would continue along the river by crossing a bridge to the right or head up the hillside on the left side of the river on a road that had been cut into the face of a bluff- this road (and the river) made a sharp left turn at about five foot elevation, overlooking a swampy portion of Kettle River just the other side of a rickity old guard rail. On the inside of this turn on the uphill side was a brake check area, wide enough for any 18 wheeler.
Stan knew this road rather well- he downshifted enough to make the left turn, the spun the steering hard left while he cranked the parking brake. The little car spun 180 degrees and came to a stop into this brake check area, skidding sideways on the two right tires and dropping back to all four. Tina immediatly stood up and pulled off her tank top.
Deputy Morton rounded the corner as fast as he dared to push the old Dodge Polara (which was still pretty much on two wheels at this point) when the 'beep beep beep' of a car horn caught his attention- inside the corner was the green car he had been chasing, with a tall, dark-haired girl flashing a bright smile and her naked chest right at him.

His brain went flatline- his eyes rivited on the girl's boobs- his car sailed right through the guardrail, covered a goodly amount of distance and 'lawn darted' into the swamp.

Stan and Tina only got six miles away before they pulled over to finish laughing... then they decided that was enough excitment for the day and headed home.
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Dave »

So, maybe what they say isn't actually correct?
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Just Old Al »

Grumble, grumble...disgraceful abuse of a precision machine....indeed....needs a good talking to...grumble... dirt, gravel...indeed...


"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Just Old Al wrote:Grumble, grumble...disgraceful abuse of a precision machine....indeed....needs a good talking to...grumble... dirt, gravel...indeed...


Even the grandest hound with the finest pedegree likes to play in the dirt on occasion...
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Re: It happened at Mucho Mocha

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Tina Guzman opened her Coffeteria at the regular time, received delivery from Becky of the pastries that put the extra sparkle to the shelves and started seeing the regulars filter in- some she knew better that to even speak to before the caffination brought cranial function online, others were full chatter before they even walked through the door.
In short, a normal day- no surprises. Her quirky nature served as a security blanket to her customers, but they couldn't help notice the extra bounce in her step and the positively brilliant sparkle to her eyes... which were now green/hazel, instead of their usual silver. She still dispensed nuggets of wisdom and bursts of sunshine in the usual fashion... but there seemed to be more... WOMAN... about her than was noticed before.
Al stepped in for his usual, strong Kona with light cream and demora, when he noticed the aroma of... molasses, of all things.
"I smell a Yank Hillbilly," he commented.
"You do realise that's an oxymoron, right?" Greg responded.
"Not to us 'Limeys' as you call me- have a day off from the zoo?"
"Sick leave- I'm sick of work, don't you see... I've been rode hard and put away wet too many times this month to keep it up... and I'm not young anymore,"
"Really? ...and when did you discover this?"
Greg dropped his voice to a whisper, "When you blocked my punch," he said with a grin.
"Phah! Two old war horses came to a standstill, that's all that was... by the by, am I imagining things or does our little Tina seem to ... I don't know, positively FLOAT these days?"
"She does, she does at that- she's not quite fourty, unless I miss my guess,"
"And he's about a decade past her- decent distance, if you ask me... now YOUR situation is positively obscene by comparison,"
"Miss Annie is quite satisfied with 'our situation' as you call it... just 'cause YOU can't snag 'em that young..."
"Now see here you 'over-the-hill-Lothario, your predilliction to girls fresh out of school is NOT worthy of..."
"MISS ANNIE was all of a tender TWENTY NINE when I met her, yes... but she knew her mind well enough..."
"APPARENTLY NOT! And the proof lies in her choice of ..."


"OK, ground rules. 1. Anything you break you pay to replace. 2. No weapons. Am I clear?" same Tina- same yardstick.

Both men looked at each other and chuckled- "That's our girl," smiled Greg.

"Indeed it is," replied Al.
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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