The elixir

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Re: The elixir

Post by Sgt. Howard »

AmriloJim wrote:Again, kudos for a most enjoyable read!

I knew the 101 method... Roman numerals do not easily support witticisms; try working "MMMMML" into conversation.
I've gotten Women to say that often enough... but they never tell me what it means...
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Re: The elixir

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"The 'Elixir of life'? Hmm- the last fellow to get involved with that was Herodotus, about five hundred years ago," Phix mused.
"Is there documentation of his search?"
"No... but I remember it well enough... there really wasn't anything specific that told him what he wanted to know. OH! Then this 'codex' shows up in his name a few years after his death- it is actually a bound book, crudely done, with another book with nothing in it. They just showed up one day- then, nothing,"
"How did a copy arrive here?"
"Every book, scroll or set of notes will automatically have a copy show up here once it is finished. That is ancient magic from when humans first learned to write- it is the basis of the entire collection. The earliest works predate the flood,"
"But... you said this codex showed up after his death? What was in it?"
"Random words in Assyrian, printed in cuneiform- and yes, AFTER we learn of his death. He died of plague in Athens,"
He stopped to look at her-
"I really regret having broken your nose- I have never struck a female before and the thought that..."
"The rules of your own kind do not apply to me, remember? I am a sphinx, and as I understand it, the first you have ever encountered," she smirked- "You want to know a secret? It was all bluff- I do not harm anyone unless I am provoked. My 'Big Bad Sphinx' routine is just to scare off tourists and trouble. YOU, sir, YOU decided to actually HANDLE the situation... bare-handed at that... I respect that..."
"... I.. break your nose... and drop you... with a choke hold... and that makes you respect me?!? Your kind... I just... don't understand... is that TYPICAL for sphinxes?"
She laughed.... "You're the second person today to make some comment about 'my people', that you don't understand... we are apex predators. Ultimatly, we recognise and respect force and courage. YOU have BOTH... and kindness as well. VERY rare..."
"You DO know I was frightened by you?"
"Of course- I could smell it- you would be an idiot NOT to be frightened... but that didn't stop you from asserting your position. THAT is courage,"
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Re: The elixir

Post by TazManiac »

Serendipitously discovered via 'the Random button'....

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Re: The elixir

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"I see- I guess the 'forcefulness' speaks for itself- do you craft your appearance? You appear as a remarkably desirable female in human form... of course, I imagine you would look better without those shiners,"
"Do you find the overall look pleasing? I know little to nothing of human tastes... I cannot eradicate my injuries, but I have some leeway as to my form,"
He studied her for a moment- "Now, why should my opinion of your appearance be of importance to you or anyone else?"
She blushed at this question, causing his eyebrows to raise. Looking at her hands as they were finger laced across her belly, she smirked and whispered, "I find you quite pleasing- and I rather hope you find me the same..."
Cornelius was quite stunned- the sphinx was flirting with him! To flat-out refuse her attentions might not be prudent- but to accept them... the prospect of a liaison with another species,an immortal one at that, he wasn't sure exactly how that would play. Clearly the poets and philosophers had no solid material to give him- they were no more capable of telling the truth than any Roman Senator. Either horn of this dilemma entered unknown territory- there was no help there.
Another criteria was sought- something tangible. Something meaningful.

Which choice gave him more bragging rights? ... well, THAT was a no-brainer... but he would try to play it coy...
"I DO find you pleasing- but you must understand that I am an old man with only a few years existence left in me, while you are immortal. I am flattered that you find me pleasing... but in all fairness I must warn you that death stalks me even now... especially now, for I have cheated death several times over and am now no longer young. I would be honored to keep your company, if you so desire- but what time I have left, I will be somewhat selfish with. I have until I die to find this 'elixir of life' if I am to prolong my existence... but while I am doing my research, I will not shun your company," and with that, he gently lifted and kissed her right hand.
She squeaked and giggled in a most 'little girl' fashion, then pensively dropped her hands and closed in on his face. He welcomed her kiss (so much for coy) and found her waist a perfect match for his arm...
Meanwhile, an old goat watched from the corner of a book case.
"This... this is not good at all," he muttered to himself," ... there is no good will come of this,"
... and Nicodemus click-clacked his way back to his study desk with a heavy heart.
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Re: The elixir

Post by GlytchMeister »

Boy, Nick's a real party pooper. Phix has spent how many millennia living in library limbo as punishment for the whole Orpheus (?) fiasco? Girl needs some fun once in a while. And I don't care if she's an apex predator, even big cats like to play.
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Re: The elixir

Post by AmriloJim »

Sarge, looks like Tatsuya doesn't know how to spell elixir...
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Re: The elixir

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AmriloJim wrote:Sarge, looks like Tatsuya doesn't know how to spell elixir...

Well it is his own personal universe. It is also likely that he is using old language spellings for them since they are bottles used by a person who may be an ancient immortal. Remember the the "Olde Candy Shoppe" signs in places trying to get that old English feel?
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Re: The elixir

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Nicodemus studied his scrolls regarding sphinxes, making certain that he understood the nature of sphinx 'courtship'- as such, he found little information. What he did find was of no use whatsoever... but if it was anything like dragons, this human had just entered a lifetime union with Phix... and he doesn't know it. He had to get to Phix and find out what is her desire with this human... a man of such age could not possibly give Phix the number of years she would require... in truth, no human could... and the loss of her mate would hurt Phix badly. Dragons who loose their mate have been known to fly out to open sea and never return- it is thought they eventually tire and drown. And the loss of Phix... the harm that could do to the Library... the other apos have no tolerance of most of the species that patronize the Library and there would be a bloodbath before they would be satisfied. Knowledge of the world would be denied to most of the sentient creatures thereof.

This cannot be. Most certainly, this cannot be.

Suddenly, Nicodemus was aware of a throaty howl that seemed to permeate the whole building. It rose and slacked in a steady rhythm, raising in volume with each cycle until it became a shriek, an omnipresent scream that was painful to hear... then it died out, like air fluttering out of an inflated wineskin.

Well... that answers that... sphinxes ARE like dragons. Now that THAT was established, a plan must be created- one that will ensure that Phix will survive the loss... or... what was that goy looking for? The 'Elixir of Life'?
His memory stirred and old, old thought, an old, old story- about the 'Tree of Life' and how the juice of it's fruit could prolong life. And how the Philistines (may their bones burn bright green for all eternity) performed an abomination with that fluid to create the giants that so plagued the Children of Abraham several millenia ago... and how Herodotus had searched information of the very thing... then his notebook shows up several years after his 'supposed' death.
THIS might be what is needed- and, unless he missed his guess, Cornelius just MIGHT be available in a short period of time...

It was totally unlike any sexual experience the old Centurion could recall- either from personal memory or hearsay. She could satisfy a cohort should she desire- and yet, the only one she wished to satisfy was he. How he knew this, he couldn't say... but it was just as certain in his mind as the fact that night follows day. She had given her heart, the full window of her soul... their minds touched, and he was smitten as badly as a teenager. Maybe even worse.

It was at once the most frightening and fulfilling thing he had ever known. Combat paled by comparison. He and she mentally took the full intimate measure of each other- and found nothing wanting. He could die right now and feel no loss, only regret that it could not continue.
He was fully embraced by this monstrous creature, she held him much as a child would hold a stuffed doll. Her breasts welcomed his face, her arms became his blanket, her body his mattress. Her musk filled his nostrils with a scent he could recognize at a distance and always feel attracted to. She purred in his ear, thoroughly content with her prize, her mate- and no mistake, he was her mate and she was his. It was a bonding as intense and furious as any blacksmith could forge... and far more permanent.
He now realized that the 'elixir of life' was more imperative than ever.
"Ah, I do beg your pardon good sir- if you would be so kind as to make yourself presentable, I believe I might offer assistance in your search,"
He could not see where the voice came from, but he felt that anyone who would respect his modesty might well be honorable- it only took him a moment to slip out of Phix's massive paws and find his tunic.
"I am now covered, and Phix require less wardrobe than myself- who do I address?"
Ka-klack, ka-klack, ka-klack came the sound of hooves on marble- Cornelius did a double take as a fully dressed goat, standing upright, walked out and looked directly at him.
"You seduce a sphinx and balk at a talking goat? Such a narrow mind- close your mouth, you look ridiculous... here, let's let her sleep- you're searching for the 'Elixir of Life', am I correct?"
Cornelius collected himself as fast as he could- "Uh, yes, that is what I am searching- how did you...?"
"This Library holds few secrets from me- what you search for is juice from the fruit of the Tree of Life itself. Herodotus spent quite a bit of time researching this very thing, but it is my understanding that the trees in question..."
"There are never more than three of them at any given time- as I was saying... what was I saying?... ah, yes- the trees in question were destroyed during the Babylonian conquest, prior to the exile,"
"Whose conquest of Babylonia? The Assyrians?"
"NO! The Babylonian conquest of JUDAH! OY!!! To YOU I must explain EVERYTHING!!!"
"Be still, Rabbi- I am a Roman, certainly I am allowed to choose what history is germane to me,"
The goat eyed the Roman in a somewhat disgruntled manner- "Yes, I suppose you have the right to your opinions... however incorrect they may be..."
Cornelius gave a grim smile... he rather liked this pugnacious creature, whoever or WHATEVER he might be.
"I believe we were discussing the 'Elixir of Life?"
"Hmm- I believe you are correct. Come with me, I think I know where you need to look,"
"One moment-" he said as he turned back to the sleeping creature behind him. Carefully, he crept up to the massive face and kissed the lips- her eyes fluttered, she looked at him and smiled broadly. With a swift motion, she again captured him in her arms and snuzzled him without mercy. Kisses, rubbing, nibbles and wandering hands and paws shut out everything else- until an irate goat cleared his throat in a loud, stage-like manner.
"OH! Nicodemus! I beg your pardon," Phix giggled, "... I did not notice you there,"
"This I am aware of- Your spielzeug there, HE knew I was here until until you accosted him. I have information for his search... and should you want more than five years of this man's life to enjoy his company, I suggest you allow him to contemplate it..." -his temper was not far beneath the surface... but then again, it seldom was.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The elixir

Post by Sgt. Howard »

TazManiac wrote:Serendipitously discovered via 'the Random button'....

Rather intriguing that Paul should mention me back before I started reading this comix, eh? Actually, we later find out that Nudge is the culprit here... but it DOES make for good storytelling...
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Re: The elixir

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It was, for the next eight and a half years, the wildest, most reckless love affair either had ever known- as a widower, Cornelius had nobody to answer to- as a sphinx, Phix had no-one who would dare question her. And all through it, Nicodemus helped put together all the bits and pieces that pointed to the goings-on of Herodotus. Convinced that his death never happened, the three of them narrowed the field as to where he or his body might be found.
Then one early Spring, Cornelius got called back to duty while studying in Jerusalem... his ability of command was seen as imperative to this assignment."Nothing more than a week of duty, and all in Jerusalem- just something that requires a strong commander," was all he was told.
When he came back, he wouldn't talk about it. Not even to Phix. He was a man destroyed by all outward appearances. Nicodemus sent some discrete feelers into the Hebrew Capital... and was aghast at what he found. He told Phix to leave him be, that he needed to heal himself. Phix refused to believe that her presence couldn't help... until she saw for herself how he had closed himself off.
Neil no longer came to the library- Phix would visit his estate in human form, but he was not the same. He was a broken man, waiting only to die. Phix tried everything- to no avail. Nobody in the house would speak of what happened in Jerusalem. This went on for two years.
Then came Neil's dream- to contact a man named Peter... and ask him to come to his home in Caesarea.

After that, Phix saw him no more- he had left his home, his servants, his lands, his holdings and livestock... his three remaining adult children squabbled over everything like jackals at a carcass.

He told no-one where he was off to. Common speculation was that he wandered off to die. His assignment in Jerusalem became known- and Phix mourned her loss for the next two centuries....

"But... wait... what did you DO in Jerusalem?" Atsali asked Neil.
Neil drew a deep sigh- "... a simple duty... that's what they called it, anyway. They wanted me in charge. Three executions by crucifixion- a murderer, a thief... and a totally innocent man,"
Atsali clapped her hands over her mouth- her eyes big, she spouted "OHMYGOSH!!!" as she realized what Neil had just told her.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The elixir

Post by TazManiac »

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Re: The elixir

Post by jwhouk »

Wait... Aren't you a little out of sequence there?
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Re: The elixir

Post by GlytchMeister »

jwhouk wrote:Wait... Aren't you a little out of sequence there?
I knew it. As soon as we got a concrete date (whenever Jesus died... 0 or 30-something AD?) there'd be a discussion about when whatever happened in relation to something.

(Not complaining, just observing and remarking.)
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Re: The elixir

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jwhouk wrote:Wait... Aren't you a little out of sequence there?
Uh- OK... what did I screw up...? OH! his date of death (Neil's?)- no issue, I can change that. The original date I shot from the hip- 48 ad, right? Between the Crucifixion and Peter visiting Cornelius we have no specific time frame, either in the Bible or my narrative. Did I miss something else?
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Re: The elixir

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Phix was approaching when she spotted the two-
"Neil, dear- we need to see about... Atsali? What's wrong, honey?" Phix asked as she saw the expression of shock on her face.
"I just told her about the detail in Jerusalem," Neil responded-" ...she's a bit... startled ... by the news,"
She turned a shocked face towards Neil- "... what? ... Neil, the world doesn't have to know... why did you just... NEIL!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!? I SPENT A GREAT DEAL OF TIME AND EFFORT PROTECTING YOUR NAME!!!" she turned to Atsali, "...uh, dearheart, PLEASE, you cannot tell anybody about this, this would RUIN Neil's reputation... people will hunt him down, the world isn't ready..."
"Phix, dear- the only people who know will be paranormals and MIB- I am safe. Besides, I am tired of hiding. I am the one who was stuck with a job nobody else would do. I didn't even know what was the issue until I was in charge of it. They pawned it off on me because none of the active duty types wanted to deal with possible retribution. I was sucker-punched... then I learned who I was to kill. Thing is, I had run across Yoshua-Ben-Yoseph a few times before- I actually spoke to the man... he was too beautiful a mind to live in my estimation. I couldn't help but love to hear his words. He even told me that I had encountered him when he was an infant- I remember the incident, but I never saw his face at that time,"
He drew a deep breath, "... then I was ordered to oversee his execution. He forgave me. When he died, the earth shook, the winds howled, buildings fell apart, lightning struck... and suddenly I saw who and what he was. I mean, I SAW it! I damn near crapped where I stood. I stated out loud that 'this is the Son of God'- and I just killed him... I hated myself with a loathing that I did not know possible. When I returned, I just wanted to die. I couldn't tell anyone what I had done... not even you, dearest. I felt as though I had betrayed everything I held as good by obeying orders... because I didn't have the fiber to do what was right. Turns out, I did exactly what was needed of me... what Yoshua needed of me... weird, huh?"
Atsali listened, spellbound... finally, she spoke-
"When you say, 'Yoshua-Ben-Yoseph', you mean... ?'
"Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Nazarene, the son of the carpenter who walked across the Sea of Galilee... 'Jesus' is the Latin of his name. He would have answered to 'Yoshua',"
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The elixir

Post by TazManiac »

TazManiac wrote:HmmmmMmmmmmm...
et Deux...
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Re: The elixir

Post by GlytchMeister »

I don't know the literary term for this, but in dubstep, this is called a Drop.
A la BOOM.
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Re: The elixir

Post by Sgt. Howard »

I TOLD you he had a secret- now, JWHOUK- what sequence did I screw up? Seriosly, I need to correct it whatever it is
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Re: The elixir

Post by jwhouk »

Acts 10-11. Which came well after the crucifixion.

Of course, the centurion who uttered the words "Truly he was the Son of God" was never named by the Gospel writers, but still.
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Re: The elixir

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote:Acts 10-11. Which came well after the crucifixion.

Of course, the centurion who uttered the words "Truly he was the Son of God" was never named by the Gospel writers, but still.
Agreed- I can work around that, just not sure how at the mo- thank you for pointing that out, meanwhile ignore it for now.
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