Stainless Steel Angel

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Sgt. Howard
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Once back inside, Greg was once again accosted by the soft, round soy-latte drinker who had questioned his need for a handgun before- only this time, he actually sought understanding.
"So... if you don't mind my asking- what IS that thing you carry?"
"Hmph... model 1911 Springfield armory re-issue- essentially, they fired up the old assembly line they shut down in 1945 and started the serial numbers where they left off. Identical to what I was issued at Ft. Benning, Georgia," he pulled the 'war horse' from it's holster, pulled the magazine and jacked and locked the action open to show it to be empty.
"Show and tell time?" Tina asked.
"Fella wanted to see what I pack, I figure there's no harm," Greg responded- then he handed the open weapon to the man.
Looking down the muzzle, he commented, "That seems a mighty big hole in that thing- whats it shoot?"
Greg grinned- model 1911s generally come in one caliber only- he popped a round out of the magazine and showed it to him. The fellow appraised it with the eye of one who barely understood what he was looking at.
"Looks like a big bullet," he commented.
"There are bigger," Greg casually mentioned, "But this one does what it needs to do, and it's easy to come by."
"What does it need to do?" he asked.
"Drop a man with one shot." Greg replied.
There was a pause as the concept sunk in. He handed the bullet and the pistol back to Greg, aware of the severity of Greg's intentions should it ever be drawn in need.
"JEEEZE!" he finally exclaimed, "what are you afraid of?"
Greg reloaded the round into the magazine, closed the action of the pistol and snapped the magazine in it's well- as he slipped it back into the holster, his half-grin in full display, he responded in sotto voice,

"Not a damn thing."
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by GlytchMeister »

Can you imagine if John (my John) had been in that shop and pulled out HIS hand cannon? Mister "Soy Latte" might've pissed his pants. :lol:

I wonder if the blast from that thing going off would shatter nearby windows.


Hmmmm... :idea:
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Warrl »

Greg's last line reminded me of a certain anger-management session...

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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Just Old Al »

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

The ride back to Minnetonka was too short, and way too long. Leaving late, and the traffic delays of normal business slowed them. Smokey’s gentle handling of the car and refusal to fully use its potential (“It ain’t broke in yet”, he said) made them a bit later.

However, all was not completely lost. The coffees were fresh and hot, and the smells of the pastries, the other coffees and the to-go box perfumed the car with a delightful air. No matter how tempted, neither was stupid enough to eat in the car – pastry crumbs in the upholstery would be a death sentence from the old Brit – who took a very dim view of food in expensive cars.

“So, what do you think he’s going to do to us? He can’t fire us – we brought this thing in on time and on budget, and the only big problem was the harness. It’s running perfectly, and we’ve proved it out – that’s got to count for something.”

“He ain’t agonna fire us – not unless he wants to be stuck here with the Canuck.” Smoky grinned. Downshifting, he passed a dawdling Buick, then took the car back up to 70 and fifth gear. “That don’t mean he ain’t gonna let us know how un-happy he is with us.”

“And that will be…?”

“Well…I wouldn’t get too attached to them coveralls. I get a feelin’ yer gonna be spendin’ all yer time in the office from now on – and I’m gonna be cleaninin’ out the machine shop…again.”

“He wouldn’t – would he?”

“Lookit it this way. We took a customer’s car out for an un-authorized joyride – and had us a close call with the Minneapolis PD. That’s not exactly “performing to specifications” as the old man’d put it.”

“Yeah…you’re right.”

The rest of the ride passed in slence. They came to the gate, keyed in, then Wing jumped out and opened the auto door in the building. They eased the car in, tiptoeing as it were, past the parked Aston and on back to Bay 12. Turning in the bay, they positioned the ADMC-12 exactly where it started out…

…to be confronted with pictures.

A sheet of plywood had been leaned against the wall over the workbench, in front of where the DeLorean sat. To this had been thumbtacked 8 x 10 color glossy pictures, with circles and arrows and a paragraph on each one stating what each one was.

“There’s the evidence against us.”

In each picture, the DeLorean had been circled, with arrows pointing to it. These had been taken from the Aston, as parts of its structure showed in many of the photos.

Wing sighed. “We’re dead.”


Al appeared in front of the car – he’d obviously heard them come in, and had timed his approach so that they could appreciate the photo gallery he’d arranged for their benefit.

Smokey shut the DeLorean down, and both doors opened. Wing stepped out, Al special in hand, and said “Coffee?”

Al took the proffered cup, unsnapped the lid, and took a long draught of the contents.

“Soooooooo, how did it go with the Minneapolis PD? I got a phone call about you two driving a “time machine” around Minneapolis, terrorizing gun-wielding visitors to a certain coffee shop.” Al very carefully did not mention that it was the aforementioned gun-wielding coffee shop inhabitant that had called him, and not the inferred Minneapolis PD.

With this, he stood there with his very best “this better be good” expression on his face, and awaited the explanation.

“Well, y’see, boss, it was like this…” started Smokey, uncertainly.


“I specifically stated that I would be gone an hour. I stated that that car should be in the same spot when I got back. What part of the car should be in same spot meant take it for a joyride around Lake Minnetonka?”

Wing opened her mouth, and closed it again. Any minute now the Sergeant-Major would be along – and that would be it.

“There is only ONE thing - ONE THING – I want to know.”

“How did it run?”

With that, the stern expression on his face dissolved, and the excited mien of a schoolboy seeing a friend with a new toy replaced it.

With that, John came around the corner, laughing heartily, and Wing and Smokey tumbled over each other trying to describe their experiences with the car. Passing John a coffee as well, the four then stood around the DeLorean, John and Al hearing of the virtues of the vehicle.

“Al, this car is nothing like a stock DeLorean. The extra power, modified suspension and good rubber all add up to a very aggressive package. We took it easy on it and had NO trouble keeping up with and easily passing traffic as we wanted. This thing will definitely give the Aston a run for its money – at least off the line.”

“She’s a good’un boss.” Smokey added, in his own laconic way. “ ’ve driven faster, but she grabs the road and holds on. She’s a lot more Lotus now than she is DeLorean.”

“So, is she ready to go to her new home?”
“A bit of cleanup, fluid checks, and yes – she’s ready.”
"I think so as well. Let’s be about it, then – get her cleaned up. I need to figure out how I want to spring this on a certain centaur.”
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Hansontoons »

To all the wordsmiths that create the delightful stories on this forum, thank you!

After a blur of a day at work being pulled in several different directions at the same time, it is a pleasure to return home and escape into the world you have created!

Rush/Red Barchetta just came up on my random play musics. Somewhat appropriate for the story!
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by DinkyInky »

Sgt. Howard wrote:I've actually seen the types that order a soy latte- had I just made that up, you could rightfully accuse me of stereotyping. Typically either limp-wristed (not necessarily gay, but more of what I would call... fragile... for a male of the species) or your classic overweight bureaucrat... this fellow I will say is the latter. Neat, tidy, useless, hands as soft as a woman's boob and a limited view of the world, as if they are wearing blinders. Usually wind up in management. Powerful women scare them, threaten their authority. Probably resentful that this skinny barista disarmed a very wound-up veteran who was hold a very LARGE pistol- but Tina has always been more that meets the eye, eh?
If the girls are soft, she needs a bit of a workout. If I do nothing else during the week, I do butterflies and any exercises to work the pectorals and shoulders. The girls may be big, but gravity ain't getting the better of my girls without a fight!
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Sgt. Howard »

DinkyInky wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:I've actually seen the types that order a soy latte- had I just made that up, you could rightfully accuse me of stereotyping. Typically either limp-wristed (not necessarily gay, but more of what I would call... fragile... for a male of the species) or your classic overweight bureaucrat... this fellow I will say is the latter. Neat, tidy, useless, hands as soft as a woman's boob and a limited view of the world, as if they are wearing blinders. Usually wind up in management. Powerful women scare them, threaten their authority. Probably resentful that this skinny barista disarmed a very wound-up veteran who was hold a very LARGE pistol- but Tina has always been more that meets the eye, eh?
If the girls are soft, she needs a bit of a workout. If I do nothing else during the week, I do butterflies and any exercises to work the pectorals and shoulders. The girls may be big, but gravity ain't getting the better of my girls without a fight!
Dink... boobs are supposed to be soft... if your 'girls' are as hard as my scarred, callused hands, I should be able to strike a match off them... somehow I doubt this is the case.
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by GlytchMeister »

*shudders at the horrific image*

And here I was thinking it would be Al who would pay me back for the Zardoz link...
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by DinkyInky »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
DinkyInky wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:I've actually seen the types that order a soy latte- had I just made that up, you could rightfully accuse me of stereotyping. Typically either limp-wristed (not necessarily gay, but more of what I would call... fragile... for a male of the species) or your classic overweight bureaucrat... this fellow I will say is the latter. Neat, tidy, useless, hands as soft as a woman's boob and a limited view of the world, as if they are wearing blinders. Usually wind up in management. Powerful women scare them, threaten their authority. Probably resentful that this skinny barista disarmed a very wound-up veteran who was hold a very LARGE pistol- but Tina has always been more that meets the eye, eh?
If the girls are soft, she needs a bit of a workout. If I do nothing else during the week, I do butterflies and any exercises to work the pectorals and shoulders. The girls may be big, but gravity ain't getting the better of my girls without a fight!
Dink... boobs are supposed to be soft... if your 'girls' are as hard as my scarred, callused hands, I should be able to strike a match off them... somehow I doubt this is the case.
Soft? I really can't see it. To me, soft is like a pillow, and hell no.
Nope, firm with a bit of give. If they're soft, they're sagging. Mine without the locked and loaded boulder holders have been called fake, because there's very little jiggle to them. If I hear neglected, ignored, or hungry babies crying, yeah, you prolly could strike a match off them.

Polish boob genetics kicked me...hard.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by GlytchMeister »

He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by DinkyInky »

Somebody give Glytch some ancient bits of machinery. I think I broke him into posting a wiki walk or a trope travel.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by FreeFlier »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
DinkyInky wrote: . . . If the girls are soft, she needs a bit of a workout. If I do nothing else during the week, I do butterflies and any exercises to work the pectorals and shoulders. The girls may be big, but gravity ain't getting the better of my girls without a fight!
Dink... boobs are supposed to be soft... if your 'girls' are as hard as my scarred, callused hands, I should be able to strike a match off them... . . .
Well, matches will ignite if you bring them into close proximity to something very hot . . .

Wolf-who-watches wrote: :roll: Males! :roll:

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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by GlytchMeister »

DinkyInky wrote:Somebody give Glytch some ancient bits of machinery. I think I broke him into posting a wiki walk or a trope travel.
Nope, I didn't get trapped in TVT. I did, however, have to reboot. GlytchOS encountered an error and had to shut down. I'm better now.
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by GlytchMeister »

Wolf-who-watches wrote: :roll: Males! :roll:
Apparently it doesn't matter what species...
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Just Old Al »

Wolf-who-watches wrote: :roll: Males! :roll:
And you wouldn't love us if we were any other way...

Vive la Difference!

On another note, how in Hades did we go from DeLoreans to boobs? I could understand a 58 Caddy with Dagmars, but a DeLorean is the Jet supermodel of cars.

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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by jwhouk »

We still have to figure out the photo shoot of Ari with the car, y'know...
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Just Old Al »

jwhouk wrote:We still have to figure out the photo shoot of Ari with the car, y'know...
That's not boobs that's wings...FOCUS, Hammy. :)
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by ShneekeyTheLost »

jwhouk wrote:We still have to figure out the photo shoot of Ari with the car, y'know...
Isometric on the front bumper driver side view with gull wings wide open, Ari resting with her face to cam with ample cleavage neatly contained in her coveralls, pressed adequately against the sheet metal of the hood to show more flesh than usual (this is a car photo shoot after all), with her perched on her elbows. Two shots... one with wings arcing in the same angle as the gull wings, one without the wings .
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by Just Old Al »

ShneekeyTheLost wrote:
jwhouk wrote:We still have to figure out the photo shoot of Ari with the car, y'know...
Isometric on the front bumper driver side view with gull wings wide open, Ari resting with her face to cam with ample cleavage neatly contained in her coveralls, pressed adequately against the sheet metal of the hood to show more flesh than usual (this is a car photo shoot after all), with her perched on her elbows. Two shots... one with wings arcing in the same angle as the gull wings, one without the wings .
I was thinking above the car, personally - standing elevated above it - both with their wings open and in the same arch as you say. Catch the wole thing dead on from essentially inline with the nose and at an upward angle to emphasize the height.
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Re: Stainless Steel Angel

Post by jwhouk »

ShneekeyTheLost wrote:
jwhouk wrote:We still have to figure out the photo shoot of Ari with the car, y'know...
Isometric on the front bumper driver side view with gull wings wide open, Ari resting with her face to cam with ample cleavage neatly contained in her coveralls, pressed adequately against the sheet metal of the hood to show more flesh than usual (this is a car photo shoot after all), with her perched on her elbows. Two shots... one with wings arcing in the same angle as the gull wings, one without the wings .
I like this one.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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