16 years from now...

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16 years from now...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

A minor piece of entertainment that popped into my head so I decided to inflict it upon you all. This is sixteen years after the double wedding-

"Go on, now's your chance," Lance Valencia urged Pete, "Wilkinson won't be back anytime soon,"
"Yea," Mark Rains took up the persuasion, " I mean, you never know until you try,"
Peter Grayson had indeed painted himself into a corner- the teacher had left study hall, as she normally would, once roll had been taken. These were among the highest GPAs that Gryphon High School had to offer, and the fewest disciplinary problems... save one. It was hoped that the company of such well-behaved students might have an effect... as of yet, there was not much evidence one way or the other. And the one deemed an issue was currently the subject of this conversation... all stemming from her introduction to Gryphon last year.
Last year, Peter was quite thrilled to be in advanced Algebra, the only sophomore to do so. He was something of a celebrity- for about two weeks. Then a girl... a FRESHMAN girl... attended the class that was supposed to be the domain of juniors and seniors, completely eclipsing Peter's achievement. At first, he resented her highly for this... then, as she showed her proficiency in math, he began to respect her qualifications to be there. On occasion they would study together- where he learned that like himself, she was of Paranormal/Human mix. Her Mother proved to be the head librarian at the Great Library, while her Father was no less that the legendary Neil Antonia- the man who oversaw the crucifixion of the Christ.
In spite of her Mother's protests, everyone knew her as 'Dixie'. She even spoke with a slight drawl, having acquired it from her Aunt Euryal... and while she was bright as any scholar, she was more prone to mischief that a five-year-old unsupervised in a candy store. Many people blamed her over-indulgent father... he DID after all give her a 1938 Indian SuperChief when she got her driver's license this year, then taught her the fine art of driving a 'suicide clutch' with manual spark advance. The sight of this lean woodsprite of a girl in SHORT shorts and a 'Daisy Mae' top driving a heavy, dangerous, ancient piece of iron had caused more than a few fender-benders in the twin cities, but her old man just shined it on. Her Mother of course was often beside herself, but that was another matter...
Peter had known her since that time- and had started harboring feelings he was afraid to express. This was the daughter of a FIERCE apotropaic sphinx and a man reputed to be the most fearless and heartless mortal to EVER exist- and she was about as wild as a cornered bobcat- and yet he admired her. From admire to desire was but a short slide, one where he himself was unaware of the change until it was too late. He had never dated, had no experience as to how to show the young lady attention that might bring favorable results.
That's how he landed himself where he was right now. Straight-laced, prudish and devoid of tolerance perfectly described the entity known as 'Ms. Wilkinson', who had just abandoned her post of students- the result was soft whispered speech and the presence of earpieces and personal music as the class collectively relaxed it's sphincters. It was at this moment that Peter, looking at Dixie's short 'pixie cut' from four seats back, wondered how she might react should he kiss her on the cheek...

His fatal error was that he uttered this out loud in front of Mark Rains and Lance Valencia.
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by jwhouk »

He's so dead.
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Interesting start. Looking forward to more...
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Cautiously, goaded by two friends who were seeking entertainment at his expense, Peter got out of his seat and approached Dixie. Sweating, pale and ready to bolt, he got just behind her desk- this is the girl that took down a mugger bare handed, taking his gun away from him and beating him senseless with it. This is the girl that dropped a senior last year with a single punch... because he slapped her butt. He was five days incoherent. Her fiery temper never gave warning- it just exploded. A lithe-yet-curvy dishwater blond with short wavy hair and deep brown eyes, a slight freckling splashed across her cheeks and nose on a fair complexion, she had the sinewy nature of her Roman Father coupled with the beauty and powers of her daunting Mother... even a half-Hippogriff as himself had to be wary. By this time, a goodly number of students were aware of Peter's approach, if totally unaware of his intentions.

In a moment, he brought his lips to her cheek and committed the deed. He then snapped back, beyond the reach of her arms... and fists. There was a collective gasp from the classroom.

Dixie sat shock still for about two heartbeats- in a fraction of one, she was in Peter's face.

"What do you think you're doing?" she snarled.

"Uh... well I ...uh... I just ... uh... I always wanted to kiss you and... "

Her voice went dangerously quiet- "...what...?"

"Look, Dixie, I uh, I think you're very smart and uh, very nice and uh, I think you're rather beautiful.. and uh..." he had turned red.

"...shut...up... shut... up... shut... the... hell... up...just... shut... up..." she whispered, also turning furiously red. She closed her eyes- her face went back to normal color- when she opened her eyes again, she had 'that stare', the look that said she was seeking dominance. Peter knew that look- he also knew he dared not look away. He stared right back into her eyes, fully overcoming his fears and not allowing her to cow him as she had done to many in the past.
For quite some time, they stared each other down, searching for fear, for weakness. HE was scared shitless but he certainly wasn't going to let HER see that- as he stared at her he slipped his eyes out of focus, knowing what would come next.

She struck- he dodged. She struck again- he blocked and sidestepped. She tried a 'sucker punch'- he ignored her cocked right fist, blocked off her left jab and kissed her again. She snarled a curse at him. She swung with the right- he blocked again. Each block was a 'soft' block, pushing the hand to one side rather than catching it. She started getting frustrated, her eyes started going feral. HIS eyes started going feral, he felt his beak trying to push out. Her facial marks were now showing, and her hands no longer were balled up as talons appeared on the ends of her fingers. Dodging was now going to be a bit dicey. She went for a slash, whereupon he grabbed her wrist, yanked her forward while pulling the wrist down and back, landing her square on her backside with a resounding 'SMACK'. Instantly he had his beak clamped around her throat- she went still... then she curled her arms and legs into semi fetal to show submission.

"AAN I KAKE OOO OOO UH YOONYER PROM?" he asked with his mouth full of her neck.
"Sure...make sure th' corsage is whayt," she giggled.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Ha ha ha... good one!

Interestingly, I remembered what you said about getting the eyes out of focus, so I knew this was going to be an interesting fight...

With an amusing ending, as it turned out... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"I can't believe it! Peter Grayson asked you to the prom? I mean like he's in track and swimming, he gets REAL good grades... and he's SOOOO cute! SNARL!!! How do YOU rate so high?" Kathy Hoffer rattled.
"Dunno, really- Ah reccon he just kinda layked what he saw in me- but I'll be switched iffin' I know whut that is," Dixie replied, "mind you, ah AIN'T complainin'- Ah noticed he wuz noticin' me from a while back, an' juss wondered iffen he might actually DO sumpin' 'bout it,"
"Well, if YOU had a shine for him already, why did you try to kill him?" asked Debbie Fox, " all he did was kiss your cheek,"
Dixie gave her a severe look, "On account of AH'M A SPHINX, numbskull- it takes more'n BRASS t' impress us... iffen that were a REAL courtship, Ah would'na let him win,"
"... HUH? You STARTED a fight, then LET HIM WIN?!?" both girls were stunned by this revelation. Kathy was about to add her own questions, when Dixie put up her hand-
"If Ah had let th' fight CONTINUE, Ah'd mighta had t' KILL him. Iff'n he'da WHUPPED me, we'd be mated right like that- but iffen Ah throw in th' towel after a scrap, we kin date an' not make no promises. An' yer right... " she turned to Kathy with a broad smile, "He IS KEEYUTE!!!!"

"DUDE! YOU WALLOPED A SPHINX!!! AND YOU"RE TAKING HER TO THE PROM?!?" Mark was beside himself. Lance was too stunned to speak. Both boys expected Pete to leave the classroom on a stretcher... or perhaps in a bucket...
"Well, I'd read about it, see, and it seemed pretty straightforward... "If you can knock the little Mama on her butt, you can drag her home..." that's on the authority of a man considered an expert in the field of Sphinx mating practices,"
"Who's that?" asked Lance, finally coming out of his stupor.
"Gregory F. Howard of Malott Washington," Peter proudly announced.
Lance and Mark looked at each other- "Never heard of him," Mark replied- "Me neither," added Lance.
"Well... REGARDLESS of whether or not you know of him, he seems to know his biscuits on the subject,"
"I guess," Lance ventured.
"...?... what do biscuits have to do with it?" Mark asked.

Later that day, Dixie pulled the ancient 'Chugbucket' up the short driveway that connected the rental garage to the street. Some of the local element watched her as she dismounted the massive bike- once she jerked it up onto the kickstand, she turned and glared at them- they found other things to look at and consider. Yes, they lusted after her... and the bike... but on an instinctive level, they understood it was not a clever thing to pursue.
She closed the door, locked it from the inside and opened the portal gate- then she pushed the old machine off it's stand and rolled into that corner of the Library next to her quarters- the portal gate closed behind her of it's own accord. She finally brought it to a rest inside her own spacious bedroom, put it back up on the stand, placed an oil pan under the engine and began to clean it. Her mother looked in as she wiped oil grime from the crankcase.
"And how was school today?" Phix asked her daughter.
"Ah got asked t' th' Junior Prom by Peter Grayson! An' Ah sayd 'YES'!" Dixie blurted out.
Phix frowned as she surveyed her daughter- "How badly did you hurt him?" she asked.
"OH Momma- it twere'n't lak thayt- Ah LET him win, jus' lak y' tol' me, an' Ah doubts he knows it... he's a BIG MAN on campus, a REAL CATCH! Momma, Ah wants t' go shoppin here pretty quick an' fand me a rat proper dress, an' shoes... an' earrings... an', an'... oh blatherscates!!! An' Ah doan' KNOW whut else Ah wants, but Momma AH GOTS T' GO SHOPPIN!!!"
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

This one is a 1940... but it is remarkably similar to what she is driving... except hers is red. I'm thinking of doing a sketch with her riding it
SS-1940-Indian-Chief-Twin_S-700x450.jpg (118.63 KiB) Viewed 20967 times
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by GlytchMeister »

*head tilt*
That's a slight drawl?


Well, now that I think of it... I've heard Southern so deep I can't understand it any better than Portuguese... So I guess, in that sort of relativity, Dixie is only "slightly southern" in her speech...
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by jwhouk »

Compared to Euryale? Yes.
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Sgt. Howard wrote:"If you can knock the little Mama on her butt, you can drag her home..." that's on the authority of a man considered an expert in the field of Sphinx mating practices,"
"Who's that?" asked Lance, finally coming out of his stupor.
"Gregory F. Howard of Malott Washington," Peter proudly announced.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ah? You're an expert, now? :P
Good thing they can't see the fourth wall... :P
I thought Marty Stus were supposed to be a little bit more subtle than that... ;)

All kidding aside, I have to say that this new story is definitely up to your excellent standard, and I look forward to more of it. :D
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Post by lake_wrangler »

jwhouk wrote:Compared to Euryale? Yes.
Actually, Euryale's accent is not quite as strong, in my opinion. Almost, but not quite.
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Re: Search…

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:
jwhouk wrote:Compared to Euryale? Yes.
Actually, Euryale's accent is not quite as strong, in my opinion. Almost, but not quite.
She's exited- my drawl becomes indecipherable when I get exited... and I was born and raised in San Jose, CA.
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by DinkyInky »

I'm told I have no accent period, unless exited, then I get whatever a Hoosier accent is.
It was distinct enough that Avery Brooks picked up on it in a hotel bar during a convention. It wasn't until later that I realised I'd chatted with someone a bit famous(that my Mother admired), and not gotten an autograph for her.
Still can't figure out what a Hoosier accent sounds like, as to me, it's not distinct like say, French or British.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Mom, I have a date for the prom," Pete called out as he entered his house, "I'm thinking I need to look at tuxes and stuff,"
Emily Grayson bustled out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a towel, "Really? Well my goodness I was wondering how soon that might happen... who is she?"
"Why should you be wondering about me going to the prom?"
"Oh... more like wondering when you were going to start dating- parents worry about such things, you know. 'Are you dating too soon? are you dating too late? are you interested in girls at all?'"
"MOM?" he gave an exasperated call, "... then why do I have Georgette Sundahl's bikini series posted all over my room?"
"I wondered... especially when you consider she's almost as flat-chested as YOU are- so, who is the young lady?"
"Dixie Antonia... I think her real name is Aeternia, or something like that... but everybody calls her Dixie... Mother... what's wrong?"
Emily stood stock still- she then walked over to her son and examined him for injuries. When she found none, she breathed a sigh of relief.
"Nothing's wrong, dear- nothing's wrong... just wanted to make sure YOU were all right. She is a sphinx after all- and here I was wondering why you had that damn book,"
"What are you talking about?"
" 'The Social Structure of Sphinx Society' by that vulgar idiot Howard," she answered, "MOST of his observations are just plain wrong! Of course, the better part of his works are based on hearsay and conjecture... you should read what he says about your FATHER's people! Says he would love to OWN one as a PET!"
"Mother, he was offering praise in his odd way- you have to understand, most of his comments are satirical in nature- he follows up on that statement by saying, 'slavery is, of course illegal... but even so, the prospect beckons...' "
Emily stood stunned, "How much of his work have you read?"
"Quite a bit, actually- the Library has everything he has written, of course, and it's all quite popular. There's a love story, 'It Happened at Mucho Mocha' that's VERY trendy with both girls and guys- and his historical fiction 'U- 296' has a long waiting list..."
"I consider ALL of his work 'fiction'... those books ought to be banned and burned,"
"MOM- I survived the encounter with Dixie BECAUSE of his book! He told me what to expect and how to deal with it,"
"... as if he would know... well, as they say south of the Mason-Dixon, 'even a blind hog finds an acorn from time to time,' I suppose you got lucky enough and she found you pleasing,"
"Well, it's not like a full courtship- I was only asking for a date. And yes... I KNOW she let me win. What's more, I'll bet I COULD 'knock her flat on her butt' should the need arise," he swelled up a little at this statement.
His Mother cast a jaded eye upon her son- "This is your FIRST DATE, young man- you don't need to worry about knocking down AND 'knocking up' a sphinx any time soon... 'cause you DO know that if you TRULY best her in combat, she will claim you, mate with you and kill any female you look at unless you beat her again, making her understand that you want a harem..."
"That's... never mind... I fully understand what bonding to a sphinx involves- this is a date... a PROM date... nothing more..."
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by jwhouk »

Famous Last Words. :D

This is sounding like a combination of Sixteen Candles and Blind Date. :shock:
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Betterer and betterer... :D

Nice to see that Peter is not foolish enough to not realize Dixie let him win...

And now, I can't decide whether the mom's opinion of Greg or Peter's is the valid one... Is he, or is he not, a Marty Stu? :P
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Re: Search…

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:Betterer and betterer... :D

Nice to see that Peter is not foolish enough to not realize Dixie let him win...

And now, I can't decide whether the mom's opinion of Greg or Peter's is the valid one... Is he, or is he not, a Marty Stu? :P
I am presenting my work as that of someone who understands paranormal humor more than anything else- that I take known facts about them and present them in such a way that they find highly amusing... thus Emily doesn't get much of what I say, being hung-up on 'politically correct' and such... and her knowledge of paranormals suffers from the very limitations she thinks she sees in my work.
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:Betterer and betterer... :D

Nice to see that Peter is not foolish enough to not realize Dixie let him win...

And now, I can't decide whether the mom's opinion of Greg or Peter's is the valid one... Is he, or is he not, a Marty Stu? :P
I am presenting my work as that of someone who understands paranormal humor more than anything else- that I take known facts about them and present them in such a way that they find highly amusing... thus Emily doesn't get much of what I say, being hung-up on 'politically correct' and such... and her knowledge of paranormals suffers from the very limitations she thinks she sees in my work.
I like your definition of your writings. It makes sense, as far as the reactions to it.

Of course, I hope you know that I never once actually thought you or Joseph were Marty Stus... By definition, a Marty Stu is an author avatar, that acts like and reflects the values of the author (and may or may not be so much better than the others, be it powers, brains, or whatever), while still being "simply" yet another character in the story. Whereas both of you downright inserted yourselves into the story, breaking down the fourth wall in the process, in the most pleasant way. So any teasing I did in this thread is just that: teasing.
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Random thought: Does 80,000 year old Shelly call 16 year old Dixie "Aunt Dixie?"

Random thought #2: Is Brian Wahnee still being kept in the dark about all things paranormal, or is he now aware that his mother is still alive (as is his wife, in fact), and that he now has a little sister?

Random thought #3: Preparing for Christmas dinner...
Neil: Phix, dear, make sure that when you go get "the bird", it's not related to anyone we know...
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Re: 16 years from now...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Phix darlin' and how was your day?" Neil hailed as he stepped across the threshold.
Momentarily stunned, Neil countered with "I love you too, dear," as he approached the bedroom of his daughter.
Dixie was in tears on her bed, face down holding her pillow. Another blow-up between these two- it was becoming far too common. Neil sat down next to the bed.
"What's going on, little one?"
"Daddy,Ah... Ah need to (sob) get a dress and stuff for th' prom (sob) an'... an' Momma's all upset 'cause she says Ah'm wantin' too much... an'...an'..."
"Prom? You're going to the prom?" He thought for a moment- "Which prom?"
"Th' (sup) th' Junior Prom,"
"Who asked you to the prom?"
"(sup) Peter...(sup) Peter Grayson,"
Peter Grayson... Dan Grayson's boy. Neil considered this for a minute- "I'll get this sorted out, little one... but you have to learn to curb yourself with your Mother, alright?"
"But Daddy," she started.
"No! No 'But Daddy'! Buck up- you get very excited very quickly and that drives your Mother NUTZ! YOU know this! Now... about this prom situation... Peter Grayson, you say?"
"(sup) yes, Peter Grayson (sup) ... he asked me..."
"Before or after he got you into a submission roll?"
"Rat after....(snerk) he sounded kinda funny too when he asked- his mouth was full..."
"Full of what?"
"(snerk) Mah neck..."
"You let him pin you, eh? He cute?"
She nodded energetically- the tears have stopped by now. Neil smiled... he knew this day was coming- just didn't figure this soon. Oh well... Graysons are good people, the boy is among the top of his class, he has letters in two sports... been in Neil's class two years running. Loves history, and is fascinated by Neil's take on it as Neil himself (unlike MOST history teachers) was right there... often enough right in the middle of it. He'll call Dan later- right now he had another set of feathers to unruffled.
"We're going shopping tonight- I need to talk to Momma right now about this so that my house is in proper order. YOU need to wash your face and put on some shopping clothes instead of those biker togs,"
"Daddy... how is it you can always calm down Momma and Me?"
"Because you are both the same creature,"
"But... why can't we calm down each other?"
"Because (he chuckled) you are both the same creature"
Neil found Sphix in the kitchen pealing a potato into oblivion.
"Well now- I've got her situation dealt with... now how are you doing?"
"She is DAMN lucky you like her," Sphix muttered, "our species had ways of dealing with disobedient children,"
"Yeah well... EATING your young is frowned upon these days... Phix, you KNOW she sets you off because you two are too similar,"
"I am NOT a spoiled brat!"
"No, but you ARE headstrong, opinionated and demanding of subservience to many... and she is finding her limits while you are trying to keep her under your thumb. Neither one of you is going to change- I will be putting out brushfires until she flys the nest,"
Phix stopped what she was doing to ponder- "Am I really that difficult?" she asked.
"Certainly not to me- but as Librarian, you have no choice... with your Daughter... you do..."
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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