A VERY happy wedding...

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Dave »

Sgt. Howard wrote:I was wondering when someone would pick up on that... what's more, it's TWO MOMMAS ain't happy... and they are both headed to the same place!
Worse yet... if Daisy Alexander decides that Rowdy and Cinnamon aren't enough backup, and calls in cousin Horatio as well. He's the lawyer for the clan (family? herd? company?) and you know he'd be quite furious at Buck for such a publicly-visible stunt!

Yeah, he'd be a Horace of a different choler, no question about it.

(places a harness into the Pun Jar... Buck may be needing to wear one for a while)
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Buck was finally allowed to see Katherine, with the instructions that she was NOT ALLOWED TO TALK. He came in, smiling weakly. She motioned him over, grabbed his hand and held it to her face... she then closed her eyes and smiled. Buck placed the other hand on her shoulder- she nuzzled her face into that hand as well.
"Sorry I hurt you," he quietly whispered,"
She flapped a hand at him as if to say, "Pish tosh," and resumed holding his hand. It was clear she was not going to talk, so the nurse allowed Neil into the room with Phix. Neil came right up to the other side of the bed and whispered, "I've got something for you,"
Katherine opened her eyes slowly- Neil produced a long cotton swab and a phial of liquid.
"We have to be careful... too much, and you might grow them back,"
She looked horrified at the thought... but after a moment, she pointed at Neil and mouthed, "Can you do this?"
"Yes... we will titrate the dose thusly... " and produced a drinking glass with about one ounce of water. He then used an eyedropper to put one drop in the glass- this he stirred with the cotton swab- then he said, "Open wide".
Katherine did just that... in a flash, Neil swabbed both sites triggering her gag reflex. He immediately hid the paraphernalia.
"Katherine? are you bleeding?" asked the recovery room Nurse. Quicker than thought, she as there checking on Kathy and looking in her mouth...
"Damn!!! You must have had some TINY tonsils for what I am seeing down here... two miniscule patches that look halfway healed... amazing!!!"

Lilly arrived after a very short run, bypassing the information desk and heading straight towards the Surgery Department. Once through the doors, she found the recovery room... in spite of the number of personelle who tried to stop her. She arrived there with about four nurses and techs who were trying to usher her back out to the waiting area... until Katherine saw her and squealed, "MOTHER!"
The re-union commenced immediatly.
"Why didn't you TELL me you were going in for surgery? Are you alright? What was it?...." and a thousand other questions rattled off in rapid sequence. Katherine could only smile and try to calm her Mother as best as she could- then the Nurse in charge of recovery came over-
"Ma'am! Please! She has NO BUISNESS talking right now! She's had a tosilectomy and could start bleeding at any time!"
"Tonsilectomy...?" she looked at Buck, "... you're the fellow at the wedding... heh... the one in the broom closet (Kathy and he both blushed)..." Lilly looked between them and it dawned upon her what must have happened- "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER?!?" she demanded in a rather angry tone.
Katherine held Buck's hand close and placed her other had out towards her Mother as to say, "Do not harm him," Lilly saw this and hesitated... then stated quite clearly, "...she seems to vouch for you (Katherine nodded energenically), so I will not persue it... this time... but understand- if I have any reason to believe that you have harmed my daughter..."
"Ma'am, I would expect no less," Buck replied (taking all the wind out of her sails), "... and I am sure that you are capable of making me regret any stupidity I might commit... but understand this- I would not harm your daughter for any reason... nor your grand-daughters, for that matter,"
Lilly eyed him as if trying to make up her mind- then finally commented , "Fine- see that you remember it,"

Daisy, Rowdy and Cinnamon were flying east as fast as the old Suburban would go, heedless of posted speed limits... not like any law enforcement would interfere with any vehilcle sporting "ALXNDR" with a number 1 through 8 on it. They knew the family fleet well enough... besides, if they heard the same broadcast they would likely render escort.
They pulled into the parking lot early that afternoon, found a spot, brushed by the news crews and headed straight for Surgical waiting.
"Yes? May I help you?" asked Naomi as Daisy walked up to her desk.
"I am Daisy Alexander and I am here about my son Buck- where can I find him?"
"OH! Uh, he's already released... but I believe he's seeing another patient at the moment... oh, wait- there he is right now," Naomi stated as Buck appeared thru the surgery doors, pushing Katherine in a wheelchair with Neil, Phix and Lilly in tow. Kevin, Bud, Atsali, Castela, Justin, Shelly, Jin and Alan all got out of their seats and crowded around the now furiously blushing Katherine. Castela jumped into her Mother's lap and started hugging with serious intent while Atsali sized up Buck and asked what she was afraid to ask earlier-
"So... you're Momma's boyfriend?"... in perfect earshot of Daisy, Rowdy and Cinnamon.
Daisy stormed up through the mass and, pushing others aside (Daisy was not what one would call 'delicate', either in build or manner), went face-to-face with Katherine to see this girl for herself.
It is interestiing to note that not all Centaurs can make their eyes reduce the iris to human porportions- such is the case with Daisy. Her deep brown eyes showed very little white. When she saw Katherine's Black eyes, that fully filled her orbs with color, she was startled- not only was this a centaur in her mind, but those eyes were BEAUTIFUL!
"OH MY LANDS!!" she gushed over a very confused Kathy, "No wonder you stole my boy's heart! Buck, where did you find this beauty?"
"Now, Mama," Buck started to caution, "you need to know a few things here..."
"Oh fiddlesticks- you would think I never left my Momma's paddock- I can see well enough..." she froze in mid sentance as she eyed (and smelled) Lilly.
"Who are you?" she demanded in low tone.
Lilly looked right back at her and replied, "I am her Mother- and I do NOT appreciate being handled like baggage,"
"... and how would you PREFER to be handled? I'm sure I can ACCOMODATE you- I have dealt with your kind before... huh?... HER MOTHER?!? BUCK, ARE YOU INSANE? THAT GIRL COULD INFECT YOU!!! ...oh why didn't I see that before...? GET AWAY FROM HER!!"
"WHAT ARE YOU, A CLYDESDALE? I WASN'T A VAMPIRE WHEN SHE WAS BORN... wha...? why are we in the library?" Lilly asked as she looked around.
Daisy was also noticing the change of location, "Where are we? And Why are we here?" she asked.

"That would be MY doings," said a small, heavily busted girl in Jaguar spots.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by GlytchMeister »

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

You forgot two words that Lily would have used upon addressing Buck after putting two and two together. Hint: "WTF". ;)

I think we just renamed this chapter: "Meeting the Parents". ;)
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

It turned out to be a very large party that emerged into the grand hall of the library- Jin, Shelly, Bud, Phix, Katherine, Castela, Atsali, Lilly, Alan, Justin, Kevin, Neil and Buck as well as Daisy, Rowdy and Cinnamon.
And, of course, Monica and Georgette. Monica addressed Daisy and Lilly, who had squared themselves off in the center of the mass with Buck and Katherine (still in a wheelchair with Castela in her lap) between them.
"Right now, I've got a SQUAD of MIB cleaning memories where you two decided to catfight... and Lilly, I had JUST vouched for you yesterday! You know better... and YOU!" she pointed at Daisy, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO CHALLENGE ANOTHER PARANORMAL IN PUBLIC? I SAW THE WHOLE THING!"

Daisy could only stare in shock... "the.. the Jaguar Girl... " she finally muttered.

"Yes... I am the Jaguar Girl... you haven't answered my question,"
"Monica," Katherine spoke up, her voice sounding almost completely normal, "... she was protecting her son from a perceived threat- I would have done the same for my children,"
Monica strode up to a terrified Daisy and stared at her eyes long enough for Daisy to turn her gaze away. She then strode up to Lilly and did a repeat performance... with the same results.
"Both of you know better," she muttered, " and neither knows ANYTHING about the other. Prejudice is born of ignorance- both are obliterated with knowledge and understanding- for the sake of your children, I sentence you both to become CLOSE FRIENDS!"
Lilly and Daisy looked at Monica, then at each other in startled fashion. Bud gasped, Atsali dropped her jaw, most of the others went wide-eyed... except Jin... she snickered.
"What? No! There's no way that this parasite and I..."
"Me and this ignorant hay-burner? Monica have you lost your..."
"OH! OH! YOU ARE THE LIMIT!!! JUST GIVE ME A TWO BY FOUR AND I'LL SQUARE YOUR CONDITION... where'd everybody go?" Daisy noticed they were alone.
"... seems they didn't want to listen- look here girl- do you THINK I REQUESTED to be a vampire? Do you THINK I CHOSE to be this?"
"Hmmm... I guess not... hey- just what did you mean, calling me a 'Clydesdale'?"
"... uh... I think of them as... slow..."
"Physically, yes... but among our people, some of our greatest minds are Clydesdales... I almost busted out laughing at the reference,"
"Huh... go figure... Kathy is NOT a vampire... nor is Atsali or Castela, for that matter,"
"Alright... what breed or color is Kathy?"
Lilly looked at her, slightly confused, "... uh... she's human, just like me... or like I was..."
"?... how did she get those gorgeous eyes?"
"Uh... nobody really knows. Among humans, they are seen as spooky- Hey, we're a different species, we have different tastes..."

"Well they have quit yelling and they are talking," Georgette observed.
"THAT was quicker than I had figured," responded Monica.
"She won't hurt Momma?" asked a very nervous Rowdy.
"Monica wouldn't let that happen, am I right?" asked Neil.
"Well... now that YOUR Mother has met MY mother, how about you meet the rest of the family?" Buck offered.
"Uh, Hi- I'm Rowdy,"
"I can vouch for that,"
"Quiet, Sis- that's my bratty kid sister, Cinnamon- Buck's the oldest of us three,"
"I'm Atsali, this is Castela- we're Momma's (here she indicated Katherine) kids,"
"Are you- you gonna be Momma's studmuffin? What's a- a studmuffin?"
"I should never had said that word in front of her," commented Shelly.
Laughter (and a couple of blushes) made the rounds.
"I'm Kevin and this is Bud- we're adoptive 'Aunt' and 'Uncle' to these two."
"I'm Alan and this is Jin- same deal"
"I'm Justin and this is Shelly- again, same deal,"
"I am Monica, and this is Gerogette... we're of similar status,"
"I am Neil and this here is Phix... she actually runs this library- your brother apparently met Katherine at our wedding yesterday,"
"Yesterday?" Cinnamon questioned as she looked at Phix's belly, "I'm no expert on human customs, but normally don't you have the wedding BEFORE this happens?"
"We kinda got that screwed up, yea... but it's all good,"
"Sooo, how old are YOU, Atsali?" ventured Rowdy.
"She's all of sixteen young man!" came a stern warning from Kathy.
"Almost ten years your junior, bro- and I wouldn't push the issue if I were you,"
"Rowdy!!! Mamma said 'no high tailing' in town" scolded Cinnamon.
Rowdy blushed and slunk back.
"...'High tailing?'... not sure I know what that means," said Neil.
"It's how horse folk show... interest... we strut around with the tail in the air,"
I've seen Arabians do that all the time," commented Shelly.
"That's because they have the modesty of a carnival barker and the common sense of a brick," responded Cinnamon.

"Uh... Lilly? Uh, can you explain to me how to use a toilet? Only thing is, I've needed to pee for quite a while and I can't ignore it any more,"
Lilly looked at her with a highly amused expression- "You're Joking, right? I mean, you are head of household for Alexander Harvesters.... do you NOT have a toilet in your house?"
"We're CENTAURS! Show me a toilet that would work... besides, when a horse does a dump, IT'S A DUMP with a captol "D"! Get THAT down a 3" drain!... no, we just head out to the field that is fallow. Yes, there are toilets in the house- those are for guests and staff... WILL YOU PLEASE HELP ME?!?"
Laughing at her predicament, Lilly answered, "C'mon, 'Seabiscut'- let's get you relief,"
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by lake_wrangler »

No bowel or bladder movement in millennia??? I find that a little suspicious... We do know she can vomit... And she had a bagel with her, the page before... a bagel which she did not have to get up to procure, so it's safe to say she had it with her and was probably planning on eating it...

Besides, even if it was "just blood", wouldn't it have to be processed through the stomach, and filtered through the kidneys, etc.? I would tend to say that she can, and has, gone to the bathroom in the past...

Meanwhile, I do love the interaction between all the characters. Very believable! Loving every minute of it!
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:No bowel or bladder movement in millennia??? I find that a little suspicious... We do know she can vomit... And she had a bagel with her, the page before... a bagel which she did not have to get up to procure, so it's safe to say she had it with her and was probably planning on eating it...

Besides, even if it was "just blood", wouldn't it have to be processed through the stomach, and filtered through the kidneys, etc.? I would tend to say that she can, and has, gone to the bathroom in the past...

Meanwhile, I do love the interaction between all the characters. Very believable! Loving every minute of it!
To the best of my knowledge, the referances I have read ALL speak of vampires having no gastro intestinal function once the disease takes over the body... no explanation. I DO know this- Human blood, RAW, is virtually indigestible to the human system- therefore, vampirizem HAS to make changes to the human GI tract in order for the body to accept the new diet... if I am wrong, I will edit the blazes out of this segment... but this also gives an excuse to delve further into the Lilly/Katherine relationship AND the true nature of Katherine.

Post Script- their fangs are HOLLOW, right? What if the blood goes directly into the blood stream? Or through a digestive organ/pump that comes with the disease?... that wouldn't explain the bagle... or vomiting...
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

Lily did speak of "what did you have for breakfast with blood this morning?" when she was trying to figure out the crystal in KG&TLDOTA. So yes, it's presumed that they do eat. It may be that a vamp's GE tract may become part hemo-pump, so that in addition to the food to make them keep moving, the blood they drink gets it to all points of the body.

From what Sarge is suggesting, I'd think Lily is looking a lot closer to Brandi, at least in complexion, than the pale and drawn (pardon that pun) character we're used to.

EDIT: I suspect that there's still urination going on, though. But it's just unprocessed waste water.
Last edited by jwhouk on Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote:Lily did speak of "what did you have for breakfast with blood this morning?" when she was trying to figure out the crystal in KG&TLDOTA. So yes, it's presumed that they do eat. It may be that a vamp's GE tract may become part hemo-pump, so that in addition to the food to make them keep moving, the blood they drink gets it to all points of the body.

From what Sarge is suggesting, I'd think Lily is looking a lot closer to Brandi, at least in complexion, than the pale and drawn (pardon that pun) character we're used to.
I'm thinking I will have to re-write and come up with another excuse for Kathy's mysteries to be plumbed- minor annoyance at worst... and yes, Lilly will recieve a complement to her appearance
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

Sgt. Howard wrote: I'm thinking I will have to re-write and come up with another excuse for Kathy's mysteries to be plumbed- minor annoyance at worst... and yes, Lilly will receive a complement to her appearance
I'd bet closer to no bowel movement in a millennia. Suzi might have a more "normal" body system going on, because her GI tract hasn't completely fizzled.

Also - I think Lilly may have an idea why Kath has the dark eyes (she's actually six babies combined), but not be able to really describe it.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Situation dealt with- Lilly can now pee and poop... I will not test the issue, at least not in MY bathroom.
THOUGHT- do you suppose a close examination of Katherine's eyes will reveal SIX dark irises crowded into each one? Just a thought...
"... all the better to SEE you with, my dear..."
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote: I'd bet closer to no bowel movement in a millennia.
"Fourteen cases of ex-lax, and what do I get? The RANKEST FART in the history of potty jokes, THAT'S what I get... and I eat more fiber than a coil of rope every day... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!"
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote:I'd bet closer to no bowel movement in a millennia. Suzi might have a more "normal" body system going on, because her GI tract hasn't completely fizzled.
Actually, as I recall, Vampires do not DIE without blood, but they start looking scraggly, then corpse-like as they get hungrier. Suzy just bothers to keep her blood levels up while Lilly suffers from a self-loathing that shows itself as anorexia... with family and acceptance, this would naturally change. I have it as a slam-dunk... in reality, it's more likely that MONTHS from now Lilly starts taking her blood on a routine basis.
Joe- one thing about dancing with a Vampire that has enough fanny to grab... she isn't likely to be HUNGRY, so that improves your odds.

Now, explaining lipstick on your collar that isn't a color your WIFE uses... well, there you're on your own, Kimosabe. Not pretty. Don't bring it up in front of Annie...
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Dave »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
jwhouk wrote: I'd bet closer to no bowel movement in a millennia.
"Fourteen cases of ex-lax, and what do I get? The RANKEST FART in the history of potty jokes, THAT'S what I get... and I eat more fiber than a coil of rope every day... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!"
So that's what actually caused the "nuclear criticality" event at Mapimi?!?

Acutally... given the low caloric content of blood, the great physical strength and robustness of vampires, and this "no potty" business, and I'm beginning to suspect that a vampire's metabolism may involve the 100%-efficient conversion of blood into energy. Some sort of haemoglobin-catalyzed cold fusion...
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by lake_wrangler »

"A dump with a capital 'D' ..." Yeah, that would mess up any building's plumbing... :lol:

By the way, I forgot to mention earlier: I loved the bit about the eyes, how Daisy finds them so pretty, while they are considered creepy among humans, and the bit about Lily calling Daisy a Clydesdale, meaning it as a derogatory term, while Daisy sees it as a compliment...

Incidentally, when I was working as the Horse Director at the summer camp I used to work at, I sometimes jokingly referred to myself as a "Claudesdale"... More recently, I joined a cycling forum where they use the term Clydesdale to describe male cyclists who weigh more than 200 lbs... (Again, I definitely fit the bill...)

On the other hand, I am a little surprised at Monica's reaction towards Lily: she doesn't strike me as the type to be lording it over others, so to come across as "I make you a peer, and this is how you repay me?" seems a little odd. Of course, she has every right to be upset, as both Lily and Daisy were calling attention to themselves as being paras, while in a public place... yet it was not that long ago, that Shelly and Monica were the ones being called out on the carpet by Phix, for paranorming out in public themselves... (Huh? I think I just invented a new verb... )

I understand the situation called for it, but it just seems a little odd, to me...
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

The wife had to work late that night; it was a mandatory staff meeting to go over new rules at her center. I was just checking out the latest on the Nashville Predators message boards when I heard the intercom buzzer ring.

It was Wednesday, so I figured it was probably the Schwan's foods guy. I went into the kitchen and picked up the handset: "Hello?"

"Yes, we're looking for a Mr. Joseph Houk?" It was a female voice – one that sounded familiar.

"May I ask who this is?" I unsteadily eyed the door. The only bad thing about our apartment complex was that the intercom and door system was located on the opposite wall from the entry door.

"Special Agents McBride and Billens, FBI? We'd like to talk to you for a moment…"

My hair stood on end.

"One moment," I said, then put the handset down and ran over to the door. I couldn't see much out of the fisheye peep hole, but I could see what appeared to be a vaguely disinterested gentleman in a black suit and sunglasses standing next to…

Suzi. The vampire. From the wedding.

I uttered a curse under my breath and threw some shoes on. I ran back over to the intercom handset – freaking out my cat in the meantime – and said, "Just a second, I'll be right out."

I hung up the handset, grabbed my house keys, closed my eyes to say a silent prayer, and went out to meet the two.

My apartment door is right next to the main entrance to our wing of building. The two of them were standing around on the walkway, looking somewhat nonchalant – though Suzi looked a bit nervous.

I stepped out, looking right into Suzi's eyes as she was standing by the intercom.

"Uh, hello again," I said. "Hopefully nothing's wrong?"

"We got a call," the other agent began, "that there had been a break in a case involving a kid that'd attacked you at your place of work?"

I looked right at Suzi, who was looking uncomfortable.

"I thought the kid had been taken someplace by you guys," I said to her.

"No, sir, it was his accomplice – the one who helped him buy the drugs," Agent Billens continued in his monotone.

"He was killed this afternoon attempting to rob a hospital pharmacy in Minneapolis."

I froze.

I looked Suzi directly in the eye.

"That shooting at the hospital I heard about – involving Epimethus," I said firmly.

"I had nothing to do with it," Suzi said to me. "Lily's daughter is at the hospital. Apparently, that guy she was dancing with was visiting her – and he got in the middle of the robbery."

"And Justin was there visiting with Shelly." I connected the dots.

Suzi nodded.

"Lily's there right now," Suzi explained. "She found out that the kid that got offed by Alexander was part of a larger drug selling ring." She looked at my neighbor's patio. "Is it possible we can come inside and talk? I've gotten reprimanded seven times this year about talking shop in the open."

"I also know that if I don't invite you in, your eyeballs are going to ooze out whatever blood type you had for breakfast this morning," I replied calmly.

I looked her squarely in the eye.

"I really don't like being hit on my someone, especially after they know I'm married." I brought up my ring to her line of sight.

The other agent coughed. Suzi closed her eyes.

"All right, I'm sorry about that," she said, looking down. "The booze and the blood combined tend to throw my inhibitions to the wind." She shot a look at Billens. "Can we come in and talk to you inside? Or only him?"

"No, no, you both can come in," I said. "Just don't make any sudden moves; you already freaked out my cat."

"Ah, crap," Billens said. "I'm allergic to cats."

Suzi looked like she'd asked for a glass of blood and gotten tomato juice.

"All right, fine," she said, rolling her eyes skyward, then back at me. "But there is something I'm supposed to tell you. Keep this incident with Epimethus quiet."

"Why?" I asked. "Who said? The Library?"

"No," she looked at me directly.

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

lake_wrangler wrote:On the other hand, I am a little surprised at Monica's reaction towards Lily: she doesn't strike me as the type to be lording it over others, so to come across as "I make you a peer, and this is how you repay me?" seems a little odd. Of course, she has every right to be upset, as both Lily and Daisy were calling attention to themselves as being paras, while in a public place... yet it was not that long ago, that Shelly and Monica were the ones being called out on the carpet by Phix, for paranorming out in public themselves... (Huh? I think I just invented a new verb... )

I understand the situation called for it, but it just seems a little odd, to me...
Not to me. Monica has gone off on Atsali before. Please remember - this is the Jaguar Girl we're talking about.

And as for "paranorming" - I'd actually think "outing themselves" would be a better fit, but we'll call the OED about it, anyways. :lol:
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:On the other hand, I am a little surprised at Monica's reaction towards Lily: she doesn't strike me as the type to be lording it over others, so to come across as "I make you a peer, and this is how you repay me?" seems a little odd. Of course, she has every right to be upset, as both Lily and Daisy were calling attention to themselves as being paras, while in a public place... yet it was not that long ago, that Shelly and Monica were the ones being called out on the carpet by Phix, for paranorming out in public themselves... (Huh? I think I just invented a new verb... )

I understand the situation called for it, but it just seems a little odd, to me...
I am remembering Monica throwing Nudge into a pit of lava... taking Nudge, Shelly, Connie, Tina up to so many thousand feet and letting them free-fall... smacking Phix across the face as hard as she can... poiting Shelly and Bud... in the nude... to a major Mall...all just to get a point across. I deliberatly had her show dominance with a stare-down, based on those incidents, as that is a simple way to re-establish the pecking order... YES, Lilly is a peer... but there is still a pecking order and it WILL be observed.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Dave »

jwhouk wrote:And as for "paranorming" - I'd actually think "outing themselves" would be a better fit, but we'll call the OED about it, anyways. :lol:
Plain language might be better. Otherwise, somebody is going to mention "parasailing", someone else is going to get the wrong idea and try to tie a sphinx to a gaff and hoist it up the mast... and things could get very messy, very quickly...

... especially if the sphinx had been drinking at the wedding reception and was already two sheets to the wind.
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