Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Dave »

Mark N wrote:
Bathorys Daughter wrote:Yes, it's all very nice to get Phix to see the error of her ways, but is it best for Phix herself? I mean, she still has to deal with all those Apos (and who knows what other threats there are out there). None of them have Phix's pacifist POV about things, nor the benefit of Nudge's shock theraphy. That can be really dangerous for Phix. It's one thing to hold out a facade of civilized behavior for the benefit of the lesser beings like Monica, but quite another to take it to heart. She said any sphinx who doesn't watch their back deserves whatever they get. If she begins believing her pacifist/caring attitude in her heart of hearts she will be showing true weakness to the Apos, not just an apparent weakness that caused whats-her-name to lose her head (among other things). Sphinxes can't afford to have real feelings for others because that becomes an opening for another one to take her out. And they will because she will begin to doubt herself, hesitating at a crucial moment. Self doubt and real, heartfelt out-in-the-open caring is death to a sphinx among sphinxes.

I agree with you on this. but there is one thing that will stop any self interested Sphinx from trying to harm Phix, the fact that her granddaughter is a Titan and very protective of those she loves. But simply, harming Phix would lead to a nasty vendetta on the Apos.
There's something more going on here, though. I don't think the "care vs. don't care" dichotomy is as clear as Bathory's Daughter suggests.

As I see it, it's clear that Phix does care - a lot! If that were not the case,
  • She would not have broken into tears when Shelly raged at her.
  • She would not have punched Bia out through the wall.
  • She would not have been so tense and angry that Medeia's comment would trigger her into striking out with a sudden killing blow.
  • She would not have gone into a furious blood-rage at the very first verbal prod from Nudge.
If she truly did not care - if her behavior towards Monica and Shelly was indeed as much of a facade as Bathory's Daughter suggests - then I think Phix's reaction to all of the above would have been along the lines of "Meh."

What Nudge is doing, I think, is going to force Phix to see that she has a serious choice to make. She can either
  1. Pull back into her shell, be a "real sphinx", and try to continue to play the enigmatic master manipulator. In effect, she would have to become exactly the monster that Nudge is accusing her of being: heartless and mechanical, avoiding all true contact and intimacy with others. The price: she'll lose Monica, she may lose Shelly, and she could end up being seen as the enemy of all of the Wapsi players who can no longer trust her words or motives. Or,
  2. Face up to Monica and Shelly and the others with real integrity: deal with them as peers, tell the truth, and work to regain their trust. Prove Nudge wrong, and reject "the monster". The price: she'll have to be even more careful about watching her back around the apos.
I don't think she can have it both ways. Recent events have "blown her cover" and there's no real going back to the former state of affairs. That's a tough situation for her, no question... but it's a situation that is at least partially of her own creation, and she's the only one who can make the decision about how she's going to react to it.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Fairportfan »

Boxilar wrote:Looking at the strip, I don't think Nudge is running aimlessly, hoping Phix will run out of mad. The way she tossed insults over her shoulder in the first panel, almost in an aside kind of way, coupled with the look of concentration forward as she delivers the final accusation of the strip tells me she has a plan, and has had one from the moment she walked into the scene of carnage in "By Morning Light". Probably even before that. Tricksters don't take chances when they don't have to.

And Nudge presumably spent the night sitting on the rock talking with Shelly. Wonder what those two might have come up with?

Me thinks the game is afoot. Or ahoof. Or alionpaw. Or awing.

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There's that door.

The one that leads ou onto a street in Minneapolis...
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Boxilar »

Dave wrote:
Boxilar wrote:And Nudge presumably spent the night sitting on the rock talking with Shelly. Wonder what those two might have come up with?

Me thinks the game is afoot. Or ahoof. Or alionpaw. Or awing.
This does feel as if something has been set up... Nudge's barbed accusations seem too well directed to be "off the cuff". She clearly expected to get the reaction she did!

Maybe, get Phix mad, lure her outside of the Library where her "own turf" advantage no longer applies, then confront her?

Possibly, now that Shelly is aware that she is half-Titan, she might have some access to additional strengths or abilities which could enable her to over-awe even a ragingly angry Phix? (seems like a long shot, given how much trouble Shelly has been having just controlling her basic sphinx morphing... but maybe she can up-size more now?)
I doubt size has anything to do with it. Shelly was able to move at superhuman speeds that only Bud could see in the bar fight. She slips back into her Sphinx form under stress because after holding it for some eighty thousand odd years, it's her "default" form. But she dosen't seem to need it to exercise her Titanic power. And that's the crux of things. Shelly may not have to confront Phix outside the Bibliothiki, if that is the plan. Bia emphasised Shelly's Titan heritige, because Bia is a Titan and sees herself and those like her as the top of the supernatural hierarchy. But as Tina pointed out, Shelly is also a Sphinx.

Sphinxes CAN challenge or harm another Sphinx in thier place of power.

Shelly may have the potential to be the most powerful Sphinx alive, if she isn't already.

Another thought. Shelly kept insisting that she would go back to having a "human" life, that she would have a normal human lifespan. And Phix went along with that, despite probably knowing Shelly was immortal. Shelly desperately wanted her human life back after living as feral Sphinx in the Time Forrest, and Phix just as desperately wanted to give it to her, if only for a little while. Because Phix knows what Shelly was there.

Because the Time Forrest travels backward in time, Phix's first encounter with the Sage of The Forrest would have been with an ancient, feral being who, at the time, would have been as old or older than Phix herself. At that point Phix might have gone to investigate after hearing from the Apos about an ancient unknown Sphinx with a Companion that scared the crap out of them that suddenly appeared out of nowhere from thier perspective. From a normal time perspective, it would have been shortly after Shelly One died. That Shelly would have been a force of nature, full of revelations about what was coming for the next eighty thousand years.

Phix's deception, if that's what was, was for all the right reasons.

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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Fairportfan »

Boxilar wrote:Another thought. Shelly kept insisting that she would go back to having a "human" life, that she would have a normal human lifespan. And Phix went along with that, despite probably knowing Shelly was immortal. Shelly desperately wanted her human life back after living as feral Sphinx in the Time Forrest, and Phix just as desperately wanted to give it to her, if only for a little while. Because Phix knows what Shelly was there.
Shelly's potential immortality apparently comes from her dam ("mother" implies too many things that Bia apparently isn't), and, until Nudge spilled the beans, Phix might have known Shelly had Titan ancestry, but not that she was a full half-Titan.

So she may not have known Shelly is or may be immortal.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by scantrontb »

Dave wrote:It's really harsh medicine, painful for Phix and dangerous for Nudge... but if it's to be done at all, now is probably the right time. In the end, this may have been the only way to keep Phix from spending the next few centuries sulking in a corner and marinating in self-pity, and to get Phix to take active responsibility for mending the rifts and "building bridges" and doing whatever it takes to regain Monica and Shelly's trust.
yep, it's just like Monica was told during the CM Arc, that she "needs to defuse the 'lingering demons' THEN, or the whole cycle will start over again"... now that we know that Nudge was inside Tina, AND had witnessed the Loops outside the box as it were, we know she was talking about the Doubt that was running amok, but it kinda makes sense here too... Phix needs to let go her anger, and DO something about it, rather than staying as she is/was just when Nudge found her... This whole chase is designed to defuse Phix's "lingering demons" and let ALL of the Gang move forward from this... like i said earlier, i think the next time we see that Beach scene, that Phix will be there, either off- camera from the first time, or she'll show up late to the party...
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Wdot »

"You just exterminate those who deserve it! Even the ones you don't actually murder!"
merriam-webster: "Exterminate implies complete and immediate extinction by killing off all individuals." How would this differ from "murder" except on a grander scale? What do you guys think this means? Discuss. I may need to get a coffee at Tina's cafe and drink it back in the confusion corner.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by kingklash »

Wdot wrote:
"You just exterminate those who deserve it! Even the ones you don't actually murder!"
merriam-webster: "Exterminate implies complete and immediate extinction by killing off all individuals." How would this differ from "murder" except on a grander scale? What do you guys think this means? Discuss. I may need to get a coffee at Tina's cafe and drink it back in the confusion corner.

One day, I had a discussion with a customer about Life in general, and he was going through a divorce, and while ranting a little about what his soon-to-be-ex was telling people, he mentioned that there was a passage in the Bible that put Lying as a bigger sin than Murder. "Why would it say that? It doesn't seem to make sense!" After a quick second of thought, I said, "Think of it this way: When you kill someone, that's it. It's the End for that person. Full stop. No more anything from that point. But if you tell the right Lie about that same person, you can destroy his entire life, ruin everything he's done so far, and leave nothing short of a curse on his name and family for a long, long time. Worst part? He's still alive to suffer through it. Just from a few words." So, yeah, you can Exterminate someone and still leave them standing.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by foilgirl82 »

"I make people look at themselves in a different way, even if they might not like it" (cannot quickly enough find the original quote though)
It's the way a góod therapist does his/her job. (I am from a family of psychologists & Psychiatrist, so I look at this whole Nudge vs. Phix, in a rather different light. I see the principles of good therapy at work here.)

Pfieuuuww! *wipes sweat from brow* looong story.. Sowwy..
Don't apologize. Your "essay" gave me a new perspective on Nudge, and for that I thank you. :)

Still, her personality grates on me. I guess I have a problem w/ what I perceive as Phix being unnecessarily antagonized, especially since Nudge kept just as quiet as Phix on the whole issue of Shelley/Bia. Didn't the library say that Phix and Nudge need each other? I'm wondering when Nudge will "need" Phix.

As an aside, I'm loving the way Phix is being drawn in this whole sequence. :P
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by NOTDilbert »

Wdot wrote:I've liked all the suggestions of soundtracks/chase music. Thank you for the interesting choices. I think I prefer 'Yakity Sax,' because like Julie said it reduces the stress! Well here's my choices, some repeats, oh well.
  • Yakity Sax
    Eye of The Tiger
    Gonna Fly Now
    Blood On The Risers
    Time For Me To Fly
    Take It On The Run
    Running With The Devil
    Riders On The Storm
    The Running Man theme
    Breakin the Law
    The Ace of Spades
    Wave of Mutilation
    Copperhead Road
    The Danger Zone
    Conan the barbarian soundtrack - 1 anvil of crom
    The Flower of Carnage
I haven't followed all the Youtube links in this thread re: Chase Music, but so far no one has mentioned Dance of the Comedians, also known as the Roadrunner theme, although people have mentioned Bugs and Wile E. Probably the first chase music any of us were exposed to......
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Jay-Em »

"Mad-On"Phix is ineed, a sight to behold.

Nudge..well.. yes, but her character is -as a trickster- antagonizing. Suffering through the "Nudges"of a trickster, is -more often than not- an exercise in frustration and unpleasant self-reflection. That irritates (understatement of the year).

And yes, Nudge does like to push Phix' buttons, given her gloating that she had been smarter than Phix when she got Phix to destroy Nudge's "book of bad deeds"so to speak. (Cannot directly find the comic)

On the other hand, Phix'arrogance seems to have pushed some buttons in Nudge too, especially because Nudge's frioends are the sufferers of Phix' arrogant superiority. As I stated. Phix is nót arrogant out of malice, but she has been the apex in her little world for too long.

The whole affair with Bia, Shelley etc. Has rubbed Phix' nose in the fact that she's nót almighty. That she tóo can make judgemental mistakes. Accepting that is hard, really hard. I know all too well. 've been there. Clearly seeing the flaws in others, and being able to do something about it, however well-meant, also has a tendency to make one blind for one's ówn faults. It took some time and reflection on my part to see that, and bóy was Í ángry....

It's a problem aknowledged in the circles of psychologists and psychiatrist. it's the reason many people in the psychiatric field, choose to have themselves checked-out by óther psychologists. Sometimes it's even mándatory.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Julie »

Dave wrote:
Julie wrote:Wow! ... I'm not sure how the rest of you have stayed sane doing this one page at a time.
Objection, Your Honor. Claim is without basis. 8-) do have a point there. :P
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Wdot »

NOTDilbert wrote:
Wdot wrote:I've liked all the suggestions of soundtracks/chase music. Thank you for the interesting choices. I think I prefer 'Yakity Sax,' because like Julie said it reduces the stress! Well here's my choices, some repeats, oh well.
  • Yakity Sax
    Eye of The Tiger
    Gonna Fly Now
    Blood On The Risers
    Time For Me To Fly
    Take It On The Run
    Running With The Devil
    Riders On The Storm
    The Running Man theme
    Breakin the Law
    The Ace of Spades
    Wave of Mutilation
    Copperhead Road
    The Danger Zone
    Conan the barbarian soundtrack - 1 anvil of crom
    The Flower of Carnage
I haven't followed all the Youtube links in this thread re: Chase Music, but so far no one has mentioned Dance of the Comedians, also known as the Roadrunner theme, although people have mentioned Bugs and Wile E. Probably the first chase music any of us were exposed to......
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Dave »

Wdot wrote:
NOTDilbert wrote:I haven't followed all the Youtube links in this thread re: Chase Music, but so far no one has mentioned Dance of the Comedians, also known as the Roadrunner theme, although people have mentioned Bugs and Wile E. Probably the first chase music any of us were exposed to......
I am so ashamed!!! There was something nagging me in the back of my mind, but I couldn't dredge it up. I will fix it immediately!
is probably the most Nudgeworthy performance of this piece I have ever seen, or could imagine.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by lake_wrangler »

I'm surprised no one has suggested the Flight of the Bumble Bee...

Take your pick:

Here it is, as played by a young lady by the name of Yuja Wang, on the piano:

Here is it, played by Guinness world record holder title of fastest violinist, Dave Garett:

And here it is, as sung acapella during an episode of Clash of the Choirs:

And one more, Jeff Corallini plays the flight of the bumble bee on a conklin 7strings bass

Oh, why not, here's another one:
Flight of the Bumble Bee (arranged by Max Leth) on Marimba with 2 players: Akane Iida and Leilani Miller, students at Brigham Young University Hawaii.

Who am I kidding... I'm not done: David Childs - Flight of the Bumble Bee - Euphonium

Or how about: Flight of the Bumblebee - Canadian Brass

And finally, a change of pace, with another song that had not been mentioned yet (I think):
Melton Tuba Quartett | Wilhelm Tell-Ouvertüre von Rossini

((Alright, alright, I'll stop, now...))
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Opus the Poet »

Nahh, the best version of "Flight of the Bumblebee" was the theme to the "Green Hornet" played by Al Hirt.
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by NOTDilbert »

Wdot wrote: I am so ashamed!!! There was something nagging me in the back of my mind, but I couldn't dredge it up. I will fix it immediately!
(Blatantly copying): "Thank you, miss Wdot!" :)
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Dave »

Opus the Poet wrote:Nahh, the best version of "Flight of the Bumblebee" was the theme to the "Green Hornet" played by Al Hirt.
I understand there's a version played on the tuba, on the "Spike Jones Laughing Record". It's incomplete... the musician repeatedly cracks up laughing while trying to play it. Gotta see if that record is available on CD!
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Sphinx-Napped »

foilgirl82 wrote:
"I make people look at themselves in a different way, even if they might not like it" (cannot quickly enough find the original quote though)
It's the way a góod therapist does his/her job. (I am from a family of psychologists & Psychiatrist, so I look at this whole Nudge vs. Phix, in a rather different light. I see the principles of good therapy at work here.)

Pfieuuuww! *wipes sweat from brow* looong story.. Sowwy..
Don't apologize. Your "essay" gave me a new perspective on Nudge, and for that I thank you. :)

Still, her personality grates on me. I guess I have a problem w/ what I perceive as Phix being unnecessarily antagonized, especially since Nudge kept just as quiet as Phix on the whole issue of Shelley/Bia. Didn't the library say that Phix and Nudge need each other? I'm wondering when Nudge will "need" Phix.

As an aside, I'm loving the way Phix is being drawn in this whole sequence. :P

as did i its really brought nudge to more understanding on why she doing this to phix she wants to help phix in her own way and hope that by making her mad and running her around the library that it will defuse the anger that phix been holding on to...

i mean baia{sp} did do a number on phix by coming in and saying all that stuff to her, which phix sent her flying.. she should ate her for what she did by tricking people into doing thru out there history..
and having this all coming down after the big reveal we know this hurt phix with shelly relationship in some way that can be repaired..

this almost killed shelly and m friendship if want fora certain gorgon that forced m to talk albeit, not much talking only shelly making laughter work for them{ which is the best way}

but Nudge does have a major point, phix shouldn't do what she doing it will only hurt her more...if she stays secluded from shelly's and m life, phix is teaching shelly about being a sphinx and now finding out that phix and shelly are related more then they thought .. phix needs a wake up call and nudge is doing just that in her own way
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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by DinkyInky »

lake_wrangler wrote:I'm surprised no one has suggested the Flight of the Bumble Bee...

Here is it, played by Guinness world record holder title of fastest violinist, Dave Garett:
*sneaky edit* Since you seem to like this tune, here's one by Jennifer Batten.

One of my wee one's favourite violinists(after Joshua Bell and Daniel Hope)Joshua Bell makes you hear the violin's Voice, Daniel Hope brings out all the romantic notions in music, and David Garrett is a Rock God with a Violin. He takes the crappiest Rock Music(my Opinion only), and gives it class and style. Imagine that trio playing together.

Oh, chase music....

I still think Yakety Sax, as the comic has a bit of whimsical comedy in it while being totally serious.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Sign Of Weakness 2012-09-05

Post by Wdot »

Well said. I think there's another element here, too. Phix, in her own bloody way, was having herself a pity party when Nudge wandered in.

"Monica didn't need to see that."

Phix thinks she's alienated Shelly at this point, and with her senses would have heard Monica's scream and Eyrale comforting her, even while she was neck deep in 'Splody Head's ribcage. She knows Monica is terrified of her now. From her perspective, two people who mean a lot to her now want nothing to do with her, so she was busy building up walls around her heart (Because she could not fill the chasm, sorry, couldn't stop myself) and Nudge is busy tearing them back down, accusing Phix of being everything she WANTS to be very badly right now. Nudge knows Phix isn't the emotionless killing machine she's accusing her of being.

Remember, Nudge saw Phix cry.

Phix is so mad because it hurts so much.
I like what you said here. It was how I saw Nudge's taunting Phix. Accusing her of being all those awful things was to point out to Phix no matter how she'd like to portray herself at the moment, she isn't what Nudge is accusing her of. Also, Kingklash was correct about Phix "finding her words."
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