Something Wrong 2013-10-16

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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Dave »

ChattaStarhawk wrote::shock:

O-K... The Tar was created in an act of rape and death, and since evil is a human attribute, the only question left in my mind is whether the Tar was the rapist's soul (or some part thereof) or some part of Jet that felt the guilt for all the deaths from the crash. (I lean toward the former since Jet's demons didn't know the source of the Tar.)
Monica referred to The Tar as a "caustic parasite." One possibility is that it was an independent entity, capable of infecting/possessing more than one human over time. It might have resided in whatever man attacked Jet, and then transferred to her when he died in the crash.

Whether it originated with him (part of his soul?), or existed independently before him and took him over...I dunno. It's common to say "those who are abused, tend to become abusers" - perhaps in the Wapiverse this is sometimes due to a sort of spiritual-parasite infection? A pseudo-demonic STD of sorts?
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by DilyV »

Fairportfan wrote:
shadowinthelight wrote:Everybody died WHILE she was getting raped. THAT would explain the explain the tar. :shock:
Perhaps everyone died BECAUSE she was being raped?
As someone else suggested, if the pilot was the rapist, it could very well have been why the plane went down... Co pilot asleep, pilot sets the auto-pilot (or thinks he does) and heads aft.

If so, It's obvious that the auto pilot didn't work as well as this one...

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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Jay-Em »

I don't think it was the pilot. I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone close.
Most sexual abusers are very close, parents, uncles, aunts (yes, that happens)nephews and whatnot.

The interesting thing is that the plane started shaking and went down when "the deed"was perpetrated.

Is Jet a Carrie? I wouldn't be surprised .Telekinetics fit within the Wapsiverse imho.
And Tar? I like the explanation from some peeps above. A parasite that hops from abuser to abused, and thusly perpetuating it's vile existence.
but, why 42?
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Sidhekin »

Jay-Em wrote:I don't think it was the pilot. I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone close.
Most sexual abusers are very close, parents, uncles, aunts (yes, that happens)nephews and whatnot.
Yes. But then, Jet/Guidance speaks of "a man", which is an off way to refer to someone close. Not "daddy", "my brother/uncle/cousin", nor even a name.

So this sounds as one of those not-very-close cases. And an unusual "opportunity" ...

Hmm ... "he was inside me" ... and so was the Tar, in a (different) way. A reflection, a reinterpretation, or a coordinated invasion?
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by My2Cents »

meisdadoo wrote:So if the "Tar" was not a demon (Because astral fire does not hurt demons) It was either the evil soul of the rapist that finally got the hell fire it deserved, or it was something else that made the man a rapist. On second thought, maybe it was just the residual effect of being raped--the thing that makes a victim want to wash and wash and wash but can never quite get clean. But tar seemed to be sentient or at least aware of it's surroundings, and it had a "greatest fear", so there's that.
Interesting, verrrry interesting, but creepy.
Monica demons -- Doubt, Vanity, Panic, etc. -- are emotions, yet they appear sentient. I think the tar was a form of guilt, not a demon.

Given that Pratt and McBride only feed on the guilty, I wonder what their response would have been to Jet would have been?
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Mark N »

Sidhekin wrote: Hmm ... "he was inside me" ... and so was the Tar, in a (different) way. A reflection, a reinterpretation, or a coordinated invasion?
The after effect of any assault be it physical or mental leaves gashes in a persons psyche. Those cuts scab over and leave scars. Normally a person deals with the event and the scars heal up with little permanent damage; The Tar can be a scab of sorts left by the rape and since the crash happened at the time of the event it overwhelmed her and she ended up repressing the rape and the scab was given the ultimate opportunity to fester and grow like a pestilence in her soul. Monica has just released one hell of a dose of penicillin.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by KnightDelight »

Now I'm confused. How big a plane was this? I had the impression before that it was a small private plane just carrying the family. Was this a commercial flight? Maybe to some place in South America for the modeling gig. If Georgette brought down the plane and knew it, or figured it out later, she would have tremendous guilt from killing everyone on board. If it was a commercial jet that could have been hundreds.

The thing I still wonder about though, did she carry on the abuse on others? Did Tar make her like her attacker? OTOH there's the possibility she is an avenger, secretly murdering sexual predators. Gotta be more to all this than just her being raped.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by shadowinthelight »

KnightDelight wrote:Gotta be more to all this than just her being raped.
Rape trauma + survivor's guilt does sound like a potent combonation. I specced before that the tar was a manifestation of evil itself. If you want to define evil as the dark side of humanity, that one-two punch could go a long way into feeding a person's negative feelings, i.e. strengthening the evil part of their nature. It is not an unheard of idea in fiction that a force becomes so powerful/concentrated/ect. that it takes on a life of its own. Once the tar was on the loose in C-space it apparantly spent its time terrorizing Jet's demons. I doubt it took its time to manipulate her into becoming a rapist.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by scantrontb »

txmystic wrote:I figured there had to be some kind of violation to explain the tar, but at the SAME TIME as the traumatic plane crash?? How on earth did she move on from that?
I'm sure that the obligatory grief counselling from the authorities for the actual plane crash survivors guilt kinda helped... the only problem was that they were missing the fact of the rape, so that part got bottled up and turned into the tar because it was never properly covered in the healing strategies they used.
What kind of sicko even attempts something like that on a plane?? In what universe can someone get away with that?
unfortunately, THIS universe... it's well documented that statistically the perp is likely to be someone close to the victim and not some random passer-by... as for how he expected to get away with it... you would be surprised at the crap people will believe from someone they trust... and add on the fact that "everybody was sleeping" and it becomes a case of "he said, she said" and unfortunately society tends to believe the adult in those kinds of situations. if it was a crew member or another non-associated passenger, then all he had to do really was keep her scared enough to stay quiet for the rest of the flight. once they landed he's gone and/or they're out of there trying to get their baggage etc... they'd never catch him afterwards.
I'm amazed that Jet could survive when he did not.
as for her survival, he had probably gotten his pants back up and in place so the rescuers never twigged to the rape at all, but had not yet left the restroom, and he provided the cushioning to prevent Jet from getting injured at the sudden stop of impact. thus we find out the (probable) truth behind the "covered in blood, but not hers" mystery. and if the fact that he was between her and hard objects was ever really investigated the inspectors probably thought it was coincidental or a "really lucky break" that he "just happened" to be in the way, and never really, truly THOUGHT about how they ended up in those EXACT spots during the crash... remember this is before they reconstruct the plane down to individual rivets in order to determine the cause of the crash, that kind of thing would have been found, IF the searchers had noticed the positioning... then again if Jet wasn't hurt except for some bruising (i seem to recall her sister Jill saying that?) then she may have wandered around after the crash as well, and they never saw the two of them as being in the same spot DURING the crash at all!, and at that point, heck, he could have still had his drawers around his ankles and they wouldn't have cared... HE died in the restroom, of course he'd have his pants down, while Jet was wandering around after the wreck they couldn't pinpoint her location AT the time of the wreck and thus... the rape was missed...
But one other thought--I was guessing yesterday that these various "parts" of Jet appear in this realm at various points in time at the last moment when the tar attacked one of her demons (out for sushi, at the photo shoot, etc.), which probably manifested as a traumatic reliving of the incident in Jet's memory...and then suppression. Hence those "parts" cannot recall anything beyond the violation now that the tar has been destroyed. Now Monica will shepherd them together and help everyone heal in J-space, to become whole again...
interesting take on things; i just saw it as Paul showing that things were continuously morphing and flowing from older-Jet, back into the disembodied-head-Jet, but for us, it was more like stop motion photography... you get little glimpses every once in a while and those "frames" were just the ones we saw as panels in the strip...
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by scantrontb »

shadowinthelight wrote: I doubt it took its time to manipulate her into becoming a rapist.
yeah, can you imagine the headlines? "Supermodel JET Is a Rapist!, Details at 11:00!!!" and for some odd reason i really don't see Monica fan-girling over somebody that's been in the headlines for THAT kind of reason, super model or not...
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by The Fansheep »

Ok .. while it is true that people being abused have a higher Tendency it dosnt mean that they necessary follow that line. Not at all! Especially if the rape was hidden away as deep as with Georgette. I doubt that if it was a one time thing and she apart from that only got love and care from family (Jill) she would develop the tendency to abuse herself.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Fairportfan »

Sidhekin wrote:
Jay-Em wrote:I don't think it was the pilot. I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone close.
Most sexual abusers are very close, parents, uncles, aunts (yes, that happens)nephews and whatnot.
Yes. But then, Jet/Guidance speaks of "a man", which is an off way to refer to someone close. Not "daddy", "my brother/uncle/cousin", nor even a name.
Many victims of family-based abuse can't/wont remember (or say) their abuser's identity.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Fairportfan »

KnightDelight wrote:Now I'm confused. How big a plane was this? I had the impression before that it was a small private plane just carrying the family. Was this a commercial flight?
Bige enough to have a bathroom - minimum Learjet/Gulfstream sixe, i'd guess.
Maybe to some place in South America for the modeling gig.
Not a gig - they were going to a model agency - likely NYC or LA - lower probability London.

She was twelve - just starting out; not likely to be heading out for shoots in exotic locales.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by jeffepp »

The "They were all asleep" thing:
Could it be that the... "Thing" knocked everyone out, including the pilots?

As to the title, it sounds like a reference to a certain bad taste joke about a certain plane crash, that was the news a little while back.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by eee »

Oh. :cry:

No WONDER Tina went off the deep end and threw Monica at Jet almost reflexively. To someone who can read auras Georgette must have been a full sensory assault that had to be fixed no matter what. Unfortunately, since she didn't warn Monica about what was going to happen first, she created an different problem in trying to fix things...
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Yamara »

scantrontb wrote:
txmystic wrote:I'll be in the corner for awhile. You just keep hugging her, Monica...
Busty-Mom-Hugs! to the rescue...
There's that previously-established prime power of hers.

I posted a cryptic expectation of that was back when we knew The Tar was a human evil, but could only guess that if it were a soul, it would have to be Jet's; at least some wounded excrescence of hers, at worst an infection.

But the perp himself. Too cowardly to face his own final walk, found another way open, and a place to hide.

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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by zachariah »

Dave wrote:
ChattaStarhawk wrote::shock:

O-K... The Tar was created in an act of rape and death, and since evil is a human attribute, the only question left in my mind is whether the Tar was the rapist's soul (or some part thereof) or some part of Jet that felt the guilt for all the deaths from the crash. (I lean toward the former since Jet's demons didn't know the source of the Tar.)
Monica referred to The Tar as a "caustic parasite." One possibility is that it was an independent entity, capable of infecting/possessing more than one human over time. It might have resided in whatever man attacked Jet, and then transferred to her when he died in the crash.

Whether it originated with him (part of his soul?), or existed independently before him and took him over...I dunno. It's common to say "those who are abused, tend to become abusers" - perhaps in the Wapiverse this is sometimes due to a sort of spiritual-parasite infection? A pseudo-demonic STD of sorts?
I like this idea. The TAR infested the rapist, dominated the other demons, and then pushed him to follow this behavior. At his death it would probably pass to the nearest CSpace so it could continue it purpose. Impossible to trace but it could have had a long history of infesting people and pushing them to act on their baser urges and natures.

Probably not a family member. On thought it does not fit the profile for that type of pedophile. They do not want attention and seek the safest way they can arrange to carry out their actions. This type of risk taking is not normal for them. Even with the TAR pushing why would her need risk taking of this level? He could get all he needed at home safe from discovery.

For it to be a pilot that seems a bit thin. His behavior would present a pattern that would attract attention. Enough complaints would eventually point towards him. Even with the TAR pushing I am not sure the rapist would act in this risky of an environment. Even rapist who rape others in their work place make the attacks away from that area. While sexual harassment does qualify as rape it is not the type that includes extreme risk taking.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Julie »

Ugh! This is just plain awful! :( Poor thing!! I'm glad M pulled her (or her demons or whatever is going on here) into this safe space so she could begin to heal.
zachariah wrote:This sounds a bit off as well. How could another passenger grab a twelve year old on a plane, shove her into the rest room, and then go in himself not be noticed? While they are in locations than can be out of sight usually they are not totally hidden from either the passengers, or the flight attendants. Given the small space inside it would bound to be noticed and someone would say something. The attacker had to know this as well. Usually rapists flee after the attack. How could he flee aboard a plane. Only a total crazy would try that on a plane. There is more to this.
I've got some answers to these "issues." Not all lavatories are near a galley or other such "station" that would be occupied by a flight attendant...and even if it was, the flight attendants aren't always just standing there. Additionally, if it was a late enough flight (since she said everyone was sleeping, I'm inclined to think it was), the main cabin lights would be out and it would be dark enough for others not to notice him following her back there and shoving her into a shared bathroom...especially if it was a flight that wasn't fully booked...and if the lavatory was in the back of the plane, even if someone had been awake, the only passengers who would see would be those who were looking back to see if the lavatory was occupied or not. Most passengers don't turn around to look behind them often. Also, if she was small enough as a child, the attacker's actions might not have been any noisier than someone stumbling in there during turbulence...or changing clothes and bumping their arms or legs against the door. Certainly Jet wouldn't have made a sound on her own if she felt frightened enough for her safety. Heck...the attacker may have counted on her fear to keep her quiet after the attack was over, so he may not have thought there was a need to "flee the scene"...or he could have been insane enough not to care about getting away...or (as others have suggested) it could have been someone who believed he could get away with it because he'd done it before...or because he figured she couldn't see him clearly enough to recognize him (who's to say he didn't cover her eyes or force her to close them).
KnightDelight wrote:Now I'm confused. How big a plane was this? I had the impression before that it was a small private plane just carrying the family. Was this a commercial flight?
I'd wager it was a commercial flight. Considering how young she was, it seems unlikely that she'd have been given access to a private plane unless her family was wealthy enough for one of their own.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by Fairportfan »

Julie wrote:
KnightDelight wrote:Now I'm confused. How big a plane was this? I had the impression before that it was a small private plane just carrying the family. Was this a commercial flight?
I'd wager it was a commercial flight. Considering how young she was, it seems unlikely that she'd have been given access to a private plane unless her family was wealthy enough for one of their own.
Or the model agency was Really Eager to sign her and sent a bizjet.
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Re: Something Wrong 2013-10-16

Post by AmriloJim »

Fairportfan wrote:Or the model agency was Really Eager to sign her and sent a bizjet.
The agency would have control over the passenger manifest on a business charter. While it is possible that the attacker was part of the entourage, I feel the presence of business associates would make this type of assault quite unlikely.
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