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Kevin's future...

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:32 pm
by AnotherFairportfan
...not sure whether to envy the boy or fear for his health and corporeal integrity...
pjbud.jpg (27.65 KiB) Viewed 22976 times

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:23 pm
by jwhouk
Meh. He handled Monica pretty well. Bud might be a nice change of pace.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:11 pm
by AnotherFairportfan
jwhouk wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:23 pm Meh. He handled Monica pretty well. Bud might be a nice change of pace.
Monica was {was} human.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:57 pm
by jwhouk
AnotherFairportfan wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:11 pm
jwhouk wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:23 pm Meh. He handled Monica pretty well. Bud might be a nice change of pace.
Monica was {was} human.
Jin wrote: "That's debatable."

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:52 pm
by TazManiac
(We'll have to get Kevin a 'power-up', if he is to survive...)

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:15 am
by GlytchMeister
Carbon nanotube and graphene reinforced titanium bone casings and internal marrow bracing, polyampholyte gels and nanotube fabric to strengthen or replace ligaments, and coil-twisted reverse-piezoelectric nanotube and memory metal alloy structures to strengthen or replace muscles, dermis reinforced with a mixed weave of boron nitride nanotubes (for accelerated self-healing and heat resistance) and carbon nanotubes (for strength) all with their own nanomachine microbiome maintenance suites.

The organs will be a problem. The heart, obviously, is best to be flat-out replaced with two Heartmate II’s or perhaps a similar but more modern device powered by a fully internal dime-sized Vimana cell. No meat heart will ever truly be able to keep up with the needs of a Golem girlfriend. Blood vessels, especially big ones like the Aorta, will need to be reinforced to make sure they don’t get shredded by the forces he’s likely to encounter.

Lungs are tricky. They are extremely susceptible to shockwaves and it’s really bad when they bleed. I don’t know exactly how, but perhaps it would be best to line the insides of the alveoli with some hydrogel that is gas-permeable but strengthens the alveoli and keeps blood contained should those pulmonary capillaries get shredded.

Digestive system and all the other bits we don’t want banging around will also need G-force stabilization and shock absorption... perhaps shear-thickening sacks and artificial ligaments to hold everything in place?

Extend the rib cage downward and create some cross-braces... pelvis will need work, too.

Ah, yes, we’ll also have to alter the cerebral-spinal fluid to be shear-thickening to help protect against concussions and such.

Hmm... it’s late so I’m running out of steam. What else will need to be enhanced to help withstand the kinds of forces he’ll encounter?

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:01 am
by jwhouk
Mayahuel sips on her wine and looks up innocently.

"You know, if you want, I could always..."

Bud's eyes start to glow and her hands radiate super-plasma.

Mayahuel sees this out of the corner of her eye and stops mid-sip.

"...or not."

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:18 pm
by Dave
GlytchMeister wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:15 am Hmm... it’s late so I’m running out of steam. What else will need to be enhanced to help withstand the kinds of forces he’ll encounter?
Do think, please, about the Hard Problem of protecting and stabilizing the brain! There's little sense in reinforcing Kevin's body to handle high levels of physical stress, if the first really vigorous session of interpersonal calisthenics ends up vibrating his grey matter into mayonnaise.

Concussion is not a trivial issue, and not easy to prevent... the skull is a rigid box, the brain is a rubbery gel. Even installing internal supports throughout the brain tissue would be problematic... it localizes impact stresses but doesn't eliminate them.

He may need some sort of inertial damping field (such as Bud probably has, given that she could toss an object towards the sun at a goodly fraction of light-speed without being shoved a hundred yards down into a crater).

Suggested reading, for reference: Keith Laumer's A Plague Of Demons, which deals in part with the technology of turning an ordinary human into a cyborg-ish super-warrior through PAPA (power-assisted personal armament).

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:09 pm
by TazManiac
(I'm partly recalling a book re: augmenting a human to be able to exist on the surface of Mars...)

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:59 am
by GlytchMeister
Yeah that’s why I would modify the cerebrospinal fluid to be shear-thickening... but there’s only so much that can handle, and if it turns too stiff, it’ll just act like a smaller skull. Not good. Modifying the entirety of the skull to incorporate some elements from the Woodpecker skull will be necessary. No need to extend the tongue around tee back, obviously, but adding some artificial shock-absorbent muscles and cartilage and maybe using visual, kinesthetic, and semi-circular-canal data to operate anticipatory muscle contractions to minimize brain motion. Might even be able to make that an autonomous nervous system response, like a knee-jerk.

The brain itself may need internal reinforcements, but that opens up a whole new can of worms.

I theorized that Bud’s throw was actually a manipulation of galactic angular momentum - a tiny faction of the galaxy’s kinetic energy was shunted into the Calendar Pebble by way of a picoscale Poit wormhole. So, essentially, the newton reaction force would have been evenly distributed throughout the entire galaxy. Thus avoiding an abrupt burial. Inertial dampeners are... tricky. That energy has to go somewhere. It may be possible to use Lanthian energy conversion tech - whatever they use to so efficiently convert extreme radiation into useable power is likely to involve something that absorbs and converts the kinetic energy of the decay products. That tech may be able to be applied on a macroscopic scale to absorb brain motion and convert it into energy. Problem is, that energy will have to go somewhere... might be able to insert it into a Vimana Cell’s radiation recycling mechanism - essentially converting the spare energy into mass, which takes the form of nuclear fuel that goes back into the Vimana cell. There will of course be waste heat in all of this, but not so much that his biology won’t be able to handle it. Absorbing a football-level collision would likely feel like a lukewarm shower, and something on the order of an... enthusiastic but hopefully still somewhat careful Golem Girl would likely feel like swimming laps in a big hot tub. He’ll definitely have a high temp after a while, but as long as he stays hydrated and gets electrolytes, takes brakes once in a while, and keeps the environment in which he is absorbing these impacts at least somewhat cool and dry, he should be fine.

The extra power can go into the Vimana that powers his new heart and supply’s the extra voltage that may be needed to activate his new muscles.

Hmm. Eyes will also need kinetic shielding, too. And the inner ear is probably best to just completely replace, those tiny bones and the canals and the stupid little hairs in the cochlea are absolutely ridiculous. Terrible, over-complicated, contrived engineering.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:09 am
by GlytchMeister
Honestly, we may have to make all of the fluids ahead-thickening, at least slightly - that way they all immobilize entirely during times of extreme g-force, to keep them from all flooding into one spot or another. He’s not likely to be exposed to extended extreme g-forces, just momentary impacts, so it’s not like he’ll black out. But with the forces she can generate, she might very well be able to pound the liquids right out of him. If they all turn solid at the moment of impact, he might have a chance. This will have to include his cytoplasm, too. Otherwise the cells themselves will be shredded by the pressure between her and his momentarily solidified fluids.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:50 am
by Dave
Yeah... I have a feeling that proteins may not be a suitable structural basis for the cells at these levels of physical stress.

I wonder whether Doc Smith's "Masters Of Space" gimmick would work? Do a 1:1 replacement of Kevin's molecular structures (carbon-hydrogen-oxygen-nitrogen), with analogous molecules built out of more robust substrates (silicon, fluorine, etc.)? He'd need that Vimana cell or something similar as an energy source... I doubt he'd be able to metabolize human-type foods for energy... but he's probably last a long time with such a stable biochemistry.

He could change his name and be a literal Teflon Don!

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:36 am
by GlytchMeister
Unfortunately, while elements in the same groups share many characteristics, they aren’t similar enough to replicate chemistry like that.

For example: Brief Summary of Organic Chemistry

Silicon... just can’t compete with that.

You are right, though. Meat just can’t handle the kinds of forces a Golem can generate, especially if we assume her involuntary spasms are as involuntarily full-strength as those of a human. An orgasm is a bit like a pleasant seizure. A Golem having a seizure could concievably shatter the solar system if not the galaxy (they may or may not be capable of flattening the sun with a flick of the wrist, so this is not beyond what has been described to us. And that’s not even including the teleportation. If the Poit ability is also affected by the seizure, she may very well rearrange the universe. Very messily.

See also: Man of Steel, Women of Kleenex.

Here’s what I think: Despite outward appearances, Mayahuel DOES have a grasp of basic safety concepts - I doubt she would have made it so easy to de-power and mortalize a golem otherwise (she only had to scratch a single rune inside Jin - this seems like something akin to a check mark in a box labeled “Mortal?” Or something like that). Thus, my theory is Golems have DEFCON levels. Level 5 would be “Incognito.” No super strength, nothing special at all except that they are hilariously durable... and requires no intent, conscious or otherwise. 4 would probably be something along the lines of activating the nightlight eyes, changing into their animal forms, and limited teleportation . This level requires at least subconscious intent - instinct or unfocused intent. Level three starts requiring purposeful intent and allows for the full face light, greater teleportation, limited super strength and speed, etc. Level 2 is focused intent - fire breath, imparting enormous kinetic energy such as throwing golf balls at hypersonic speeds and pebbles at subliminal speeds, etc. And level 1 is only unlocked with a concentrated force of will - this would unlock the planet-cracking, sun-flattening powers.

Level 0 is Chimera, and requires all three of them, kind of like the old double-key setup for nukes, and requires they all collectively lose their shit. If Jin hadn’t been holding the Chimera back, I don’t doubt that it would have destroyed the universe in an instant. Three very angry Golems is something the laws of physics just can’t handle. It would likely eventually move something fast enough (close enough to c)to create a black hole with an event horizon greater than the radius of the Universe itself. See the end of the “Proton Earth, Electron Moon” scenario to get a vague idea of what this looks like. The Lanthians, surprisingly enough, were fucking lucky things went the way they did.

The key here is intent - so a orgasm or seizure is not capable of doing anything supernatural. The most she’ll be able to do is what any other human can do with Hysterical Strength. Without intent, the dangerous stuff remains locked.

I think this is how Brandi can catch flies - she’s not using super speed, she’s just an ancient pacifist. She probably spent a few hundred years learning how to catch a fly with just human abilities. It’s not impossible. It’s just really goddamn difficult. I also think this is how the girls can exist in the day to day world at all in general. Imagine how many times you get startled or otherwise react autonomously to something (like catching something you knock off a table) in a year. Without this safety feature, every one of those moments for the golem girls would likely involve sonic booms if not fusion reactions and earthquakes as they compress the air ahead of whatever they are autonomously moving and accidentally sending shockwaves through the continent. Accidentally dropping a fork while eating spaghetti could, in the end, result in the planet cracking.

If anything, due to Rule of Funny, maybe if she has a weird random thought in the middle of it, she might turn into her Goat form. Which I imagine would be equal parts horrifying, mortifying, confusing, and hilarious for all parties involved.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:02 am
by jwhouk
Brandi is looking over your shoulder with a rolled-up newspaper, Glytch.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:23 am
by AnotherFairportfan
TazManiac wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:09 pm (I'm partly recalling a book re: augmenting a human to be able to exist on the surface of Mars...)
Man Plus?

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:57 am
by lake_wrangler
AnotherFairportfan wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:23 am
TazManiac wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:09 pm (I'm partly recalling a book re: augmenting a human to be able to exist on the surface of Mars...)
Man Plus?
I don't remember the title, but I do remember reading a book of that nature... They had to incorporate a computer into the guy's brain, to be able to process the input from the bug-like eyes they had designed for him (the previous guinea pig, err, guy, lacking the help of such a computer, went nuts). They also modified his skin (made him look like he was wearing a diving wet suit, if I recall). But the thing that upset him the most, was that the powers that be decided that since he would be alone for the next foreseeable future, once on Mars, he did't really need his... manhood! (And they removed it without telling/asking him first, to make matters worse...)

Is that the book you were referring to?

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:17 pm
by Just Old Al
lake_wrangler wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:57 am
Man Plus?

I don't remember the title, but I do remember reading a book of that nature... They had to incorporate a computer into the guy's brain, to be able to process the input from the bug-like eyes they had designed for him (the previous guinea pig, err, guy, lacking the help of such a computer, went nuts).

Is that the book you were referring to?
Got it in one. By Fred Pohl if I remember correctly. The computer technology was a backpack...dated even at the time the book was written, but I remember enjoying it greatly.

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:29 pm
by Dave
GlytchMeister wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:36 amThus, my theory is Golems have DEFCON levels. Level 5 would be “Incognito.” No super strength, nothing special at all except that they are hilariously durable... and requires no intent, conscious or otherwise. 4 would probably be something along the lines of activating the nightlight eyes, changing into their animal forms, and limited teleportation . This level requires at least subconscious intent - instinct or unfocused intent.
Consider the fact that Bud has, on at least one occasion, accidentally squeezed something down into a diamond in a moment of annoyance. This didn't seem to be consciously intentional... the thing that got squeezed just happened to be what was in her hand at the moment that she was angry or upset about something else. She expressed chagrin about it after it happened (and IIRC she said "I made another diamond" which suggests that this wasn't the only time such a thing had occurred).

This suggests that Mayahuel's safety protocols aren't necessarily up to OSHA standards.

Considering precisely which muscles in the female anatomy are prone to contract during an orgasm, I'd think that Kevin would be more comfortable (in several ways) if Bud had a way of "locking" herself into Level 5 for a period of time, with some sort of "I tell you three times" unlock to re-enable the higher levels of golem strength. Just to avoid accidents :?

Re: Kevin's future...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:05 pm
by TazManiac
GlytchMeister wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:36 amSee also: Man of Steel, Women of Kleenex...
Yeeeeah, I've always enjoyed Larry Niven a great deal, but that one needs a going over by a fan-boi fact checker.

An example; Place the Coitus/Impregnation/Bringing to Term of a Human/Kryptonian Hybrid ... Under a Red Sun Lamp.

Still, that he even tried is worth something.