This is NOT Working

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This is NOT Working

Post by AnotherFairportfan »

Kate has been home for about twenty-four hours, and it is painfully obvious that i am not going to be able to be her care-giver, nor is this house suitable.

I TOLD them that - told her therapists, told her hospital case manager, told the insurance case manager. I KNEW it wasn't going to work.

But nobody was listening to me, the insurance coverage for the hospital ran out, and there's nothing to put her in an assisted-living place till she regains a bit more of her won mobility.

Right now she's sitting on the floor beside her bed because she wanted to transfer to the wheelchair but we couldn't get her properly in.

I tried to tell her that part of the bedding was holding her back but she didn't understand and she only got partway into the chair. From there, all we could manage was for her to slide down to the floor leaning against the bed.

I'm not strong enough nor fit enough to help her get back up, so we're waiting for Steve to get home from work.

Oh great. We were thinking Steve was going to get off work at 4 PM and be home by 4:30.

No - he's on an odd shift that keeps him there till 10:00 PM; Helen, who might be able to lend enough assistance to get her up, is working till midnight.

And so we've wound up calling 911 on her first day home.

Maybe NOW someone will FUCKING well listen to me.

But i doubt it.
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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by TazManiac »

Frustration will sap your strength and make you nervous. Stop it right now.

Obviously, it being the first day, things will improve.

In the mean time, it might be advisable to bivouac where you are, pallet & pillows style and start cracking the corniest jokes you can remember. :)

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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by Hansontoons »

What Taz said. This is new, not wanted or expected. Frustration is easy to surrender to. I'm guilty of it.

Just get comfortable. If sleeping on floor is what the first night delivers, make it a memory and a story for the grandkids.

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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by Alkarii »

Shortly after my grandfather lost the ability to walk (less than two weeks before he died of cancer), I learned that he would use a short step stool (like, only a few inches tall) for my grandmother to get on, and then used a jack (probably not a scissor jack) to lift her high enough that he could help her up the rest of the way.

Not sure if you have the means to devise something like that, but maybe it could help?
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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by Warrl »

Alkarii wrote:Shortly after my grandfather lost the ability to walk (less than two weeks before he died of cancer), I learned that he would use a short step stool (like, only a few inches tall) for my grandmother to get on, and then used a jack (probably not a scissor jack) to lift her high enough that he could help her up the rest of the way.

Not sure if you have the means to devise something like that, but maybe it could help?
Do you happen to have a set of encyclopedias? They can make impromptu stepstools of most desired heights in increments of an inch or so. Even multiple stools of different heights.
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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by Atomic »

A short friend of mine carries around one of these folding types to get that extra reach for the top shelf.
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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by DinkyInky »

Just getting back to almost normal, so catching up.

Any news? How are you holding up dear? How's she doing?

When my sister was wheelchair bound, we had rented an adjustable motorised hospital bed, which I cannot believe they didn't offer you, and also for days she just wanted out of her room, we had cheap stacks of foam mattresses and a box spring on the floor that were the exact height of her wheelchair. We parked it, I stood behind it, and she scooted backwards into it, using her arms to pull herself upright. Not sure how much upper arm strength she has, but it might be easier to get her into a chair if she can.

Well wishes sent.
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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by chicgeek »

Ohh, that sucks so much. I also can't believe they didn't give you the option to rent a bed. MrChic was sent home with a temporary fold up wheelchair, a walker, a bath seat, a commode, and home health stopping by occasionally. We were very fortunate in not having any stairs to deal with.
And I am nowhere near strong enough to lift him, I would have been in serious trouble if he'd fallen.
I'm sending you both continued good wishes for healing and dealing with this.
For him, all this was close to ten years ago-it is amazing how the body can recover.
If people offer to help, let them run errands and such for you. Does your grocery offer delivery, or a order online then pick it up service?
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Re: This is NOT Working

Post by FreeFlier »

I second the adjustable motorized hospital bed. We had one for my mom, and she would adjust it to where she needed it to transfer. It let her keep living independently for five years after the first stroke.

There are all sorts of gadgets you can use, and some are cheap. Others can be had inexpensively secondhand if you watch.

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