Too Many Sparks

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Just Old Al
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Re: Too Many Sparks

Post by Just Old Al »

Sgt. Howard wrote:Just remember- the Old Sgt. has to make a 'million in one' shot with his ancient musketry...
And do it he did...scrambled that clank slickern' deer guts on a doorknob.
"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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Sgt. Howard
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Re: Too Many Sparks

Post by Sgt. Howard »

I daresay I couldn't have wrote it better...
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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Re: Too Many Sparks

Post by lake_wrangler »

GlytchMeister wrote:Glytch raced back to the main arena, taking to the trees just as naturally as running along the ground, swinging and jumping quickly and quietly to avoid the now seemingly leaderless army of clanks and monsters, teleporting where he could to speed his progress. Any that did manage to see him didn't see anything after, dispatched quickly with his Jakob's Blade and a teleportation. On one occasion a tree itself tried to grab him, and he simply teleported it out of the dirt.
The tree let go and smoothed out the wrinkles in Glytch's overcoat with an affectionate pat.
"That's better." With that, Glytch put the tree back into the dirt. "Play nice."
Bravo! Bravo! :D
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Re: Too Many Sparks

Post by GlytchMeister »

Glych walked with Brigs and Emily back to the wagons. "Brigs, what do you have that can help Emily? If you have something that isn't consumed and can be reused, that would be excellent."
The Brigadier furrowed his brow. "I have what I need to set and cast the fracture. Beyond that, I believe I have an ultrasonic emitter that can be used to encourage bone growth. With luck, we can have Em free of encumbrances in a few hours.
Glytch nodded. "Do you need my assistance?"
Em spoke up. "No we can handle this. You can go on about rescuing the children," she said, grinning wickedly but tiredly.
"Fine. I'll get to work."
"Glytch," Emily's voice was remarkably stable and strong, despite her injuries. "Your dagger?" She held out the blade handle outward.
"Right. Thanks." Glytch took the blade and smoothly sheathed it.
"Thank you."

Em turns to the Brigadier as soon as Glytch walks away. "And as for you, you old peacock..."
He sputters. "What about me?"
"Don't think I've forgotten those wounds of your own.

The Brigadier sputtered. "Madam, if you think I am going to divest myself of my trousers-"

Em interrupted, snickering. "Not me, you idiot. Get one of your aides up here to dress those wounds to your legs, and make a little tea while they're at it." She pulls out a small flask, and hands it over. "A dollop of that for medicinal purposes in the tea. Then I can use that emitter of yours while we trundle on."
"Don't be ridiculous, it's barely a scratch."
"You're still bleeding. And those trousers are slashed all to hell. Unless you're trying to set a new fashion?
And while they're about it, have one of them go back and get my lab coat. I have a sewing kit in one of my pockets, somewhere..." With that, her expression turned a bit vague, and her hands twitched as though she were examining objects.
"Wretched woman." The Brigadier grumbles.

Glytch headed toward the massive beheaded clank and the broiled suit standing over it. The three Jägers were standing at the feet scratching their heads. "Meester Glytch! The Mistress and her toys are not letting us get dem out!"
Glytch quickly scanned the clank suit and understood. "They don't want you to destabilize it, right?"
"Ve thought ve could just rip a hole in it, but Hy tink dey're worried ve'll knock it over."
"Vell, dot vos our Plen B..."
Glytch held up a hand, smirking a little. "Let me take a look." With an agility that took even the Jägers by surprise, he scampered up and around the armored suit, occasionally taking out his bright work knife and tapping the metal with the pommel, listening intently to the metal. Other times he stopped cold as the suit creaked. Every noise from thermal contraction, weight shifting, and tapping helped him build a rough mental picture of the structure of the metal titan. At one point, he found a window that had melted and bulged inward slightly. He wiped some soot away to reveal Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek arguing. All three looked up suddenly and began to shout at Glytch, but he couldn't hear anything they were saying. Eventually he took a finger and wrote "I'll get you out" in the soot before continuing his survey.
Finally, he teleported back to his Pontiac, which had landed gently on the ground. He tossed a parachute out of the way, popped the hood, and got out his screwdriver, placing an enlarged head on it for turning larger bolts. After a few moments of cursing and sweating, Glytch managed to unbolt, unplug, and otherwise detach the power supply from the structural supports. "Oggie! I need some muscle!"
The Jäger was at Glytch's side in a moment. "Vat hyu vant, Meester Glytch?"
"See that box?"
"It contains a power source potent enough to create a radioactive firestorm that will develop into a self-sustaining weather system. I need you to very CAREFULLY and GENTLY move it..." Glytch looked around and found a suitably soft patch of grass, "here."
Dimo stared at the box for a moment before whispering conspiratorially into Glytch's ear. "Hy tink is goot idea hyu called me eenstead ov my brodders..."
Glytch gave a cheeky half-smile. "I thought so myself."

Dimo bent over the car and placed his hands on the box, but before he tried to lift it, Glytch stopped him. "You'll want to brace one leg as far forward as you can. The weight will make your hips bend the top radiator support."
"Is it dot heavy?"
"Trust me."
Dimo shrugged and did as he was told. When he grasped the box again and lifted, he grimaced and grunted, and continued to do so until he slowly and gently put the box down again. "BWAH! Hoy, vat's EEN dere?"
"A large quantity of extremely heavy elements and dense mechanisms to control the radiation output." Glytch knelt and began to unbolt the lid.
Dimo looked over Glytch's shoulder as he opened up the box and revealed what appeared to be an ancient bronze artifact, black with age. It was roughly cylindrical in shape, and was cradled by supports, shock absorbers, and an orderly nest of circuit boards and wires that were plugged into the Vimana cell in random places.
Glytch took a deep, calming breath and began to speak Glyph clearly and carefully, enunciating each and every syllable as perfectly as he could. "Ov paj thu ya kir doz rax ghat my tep qib lazh..." At random intervals, the device began to power up. Lights on circuits turned on to indicate power was running through them one by one. Glytch continued to speak to the device until it was humming, without any issue. Finally, he replaced the lid and stood, sighing with relief. "Ordinarily I would have taken it to Mayahuel, but I'm a little isolated here... I'm glad I took the time to get my grammar sorted out." He turned and beckoned to Dimo. "Ok, time to put it back in."
Dimo had been watching with rapt attention and stepped forward, but stopped dead when Glytch lifted it seemingly without effort.
"Vait! How...?"
Glytch chuckled. "It normally supports its own weight and compensates for inertia, distributing the stress to the entire planet. Right now it feels like an empty box." He easily replaced the Vimana Cell, bolted it securlely, and plugged everything back in. Immediately, the Pontiac turned on and began to hover a few inches off the ground. Glytch heard the OS launching and nodded confidently. "I'll have Agatha out in just a few moments."

Once he had ensured everything was in working order, Glytch flew up behind Agatha's disabled warsuit and began to use a single HelioWrath beam, aimed manually, to cut a hole in the right shoulder blade of the massive machine. Once the metal cooled again, he lowered the roof of the Pontiac and brought the car in close as the three young sparks hopped in and buckled up.
"Everyone ok?"
"Yes... Though these two idiots are getting on my nerves."
Glytch smirked. "Nothing new, then. What the hell were you all arguing about?"
"The fact that I used all of the power to finish off that huge clank." Agatha spoke in an icy tone.
Everyone looked expectantly at Glytch, who made a snap decision. "I'm glad you did. That thing needed to be put down with extreme prejudice."
Tarvek scoffed. "It got me trapped-"
"With him!" Gil bared his teeth a little.
Glytch rolled his eyes and brought the Pontiac to a hover mid-air before turning to face the two youngsters. "Look, you two, she killed a thing that was trying to kill all of us, and we got you out. She knew we would get you out, so she put everything she could into offing that monstrosity. I'm not sure anything less would have killed that thing, and I'm glad I don't have to find out. If you want, you are free to test your own hypotheses... on your own time, after I clean up your mess. Until then, stop tempting me to unbuckle you two and turn this car upside-down. I'm sure Agatha here could manage Europa just fine without you two yipping at each other like a couple of small dogs!"

When Glych turned back around, the two boys were visibly pale. Agatha, meanwhile, had a rather dangerous grin on her face.

"...don't give her ideas like that..." Tarvek muttered.

Glytch grinned and brought the Pontiac back down to the convoy.
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Sgt. Howard
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Re: Too Many Sparks

Post by Sgt. Howard »

... my kind of woman....
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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