Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by FreeFlier »

GlytchMeister wrote:Dunno if you want a hard plastic if we're gonna be shooting for high-schoolers. . . .
I was thinking Delrin because it has similar density to most hardwoods, and should have enough density for the job, but be tougher than wood.

Foams are probably not dense or rigid enough to fly well . . . Frisbees are usually hard plastic for that reason.

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by GlytchMeister »

FreeFlier wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:Dunno if you want a hard plastic if we're gonna be shooting for high-schoolers. . . .
I was thinking Delrin because it has similar density to most hardwoods, and should have enough density for the job, but be tougher than wood.

Foams are probably not dense or rigid enough to fly well . . . Frisbees are usually hard plastic for that reason.

Ehhh... I'm thinking along the lines of a lawyer/sue-happy America. Also as a dog owner.

How do these fit together?

Nowadays, it is generally recommended to use soft, fabric frisbees for dogs to play fetch/catch with, because the hard plastic can hurt their mouths.

If hard plastic can hurt a dog's mouth, it can cause enough damage to make an overprotective predatory sue-happy parent freak out and sue the school and the designers of the device and ammo for every penny they're worth.

Dumber suits have been won. Remember the hot coffee lady from McDonald's? Yeah.
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Just Old Al »

AAAAAnd back to the story. :)

AN: Another collaboartive - Sarge, Glytch, DInk - you know your bits - and I appreciate always.

Stripped, inspected and reassembled, the launcher was again ready to go. A small quantity of meat birds had been made by hand and frozen with LN2, and awaited their destiny in a cooler, slowly warming to chewable temperatures. The three partners in crime sat in the bay with drinks, contemplating the machine. Its tests had gone perfectly. The wooden disks, chocolate disks and prototype meat birds had all flung perfectly.

It was time for the reveal.

“Now is as good a time as any, I suspect.” Al pulled his phone from his pocket, pressed a few buttons and said” Phix”.

“Madame Phix! It seems my compatriots and I have come up with a solution to your problem – or at least we think we have. Any chance I can get you to drop out to Alexander House’s back 40 in about an hour?”

The phone gabbled.

“No, it’s something that will take some room – which is why a demonstration is in order. If we can get this to work, I doubt tiring out your cub will be an issue – and hairballs from inappropriate snacks will be a thing of the past.”

More noises, then Al hung up.

“Not unsurprisingly, she is on her way. I think Daddy is going to get to deal with the little beast for a while – I hope he has chainmail gloves – or he may end up regenerating a hand.”

“How do you want to demo this?” Greg asked.

“Simple – we show her the basic function with the wooden disks – then we load it up with the burgers in the Peltier cooler in the ambulance and let her try it. She gets to put the idea across to Dixie. Not seeing that will be at all hard, as cats teach hunting behavior by demonstration.”

Greg nodded, then grinned. “I can’t wait to see the little flying chainsaw play this game. She gets a bellyful of good beef and some exercise and all she’s going to want to do is lay in the sun and purr.”

“Speaking of that, do you have your Kevlar engineering gauntlets? SOMEONE is going to have to hang onto the aforementioned chainsaw while Mama demonstrates the idea…and you volunteered.”

“I did NOT!”

“No, I did. Volunteer you, that is. I explain to Phix, Glytch drives, and YOU get the chainsaw.”

Greg was indignant. ”What the hell did I do to get the sharp end?”

Al chuckled. “"You got up this morning- besides, your hands are legendary. I've seen you de-burr steel with your bare calluses and strike a match off your palm. You have more scar tissue in those hands than I have in my whole body."

Greg was indignant. "Yea, well- if I can't play banjo after this, you and I will have words!"

Al’s chuckle got even louder. "Maybe so, but I suspect the civilized world may thank me. In any case, anything Dixie chomps off Neil will help you regrow, I expect."

Glytch grinned reassuringly, trying to make his friend feel better. "Don't worry, I can have you safely ensconced in a nuclear bunker in less than a second..." The grin turned to a slight frown. "Although... That might be all she needs to get the job done..."

Dignity thoroughly offended, Greg gave up on speaking to his compatriots, deciding that a respectable silence was far better than the obscenities he had running through his mind at present.

With that, the ambulance was loaded with the launcher and the support materials. Greg and Al drove out to the estate and to the back 40, Glytch electing to travel by his own means as the ambulance had only two seats.


“Well, we’re all set. Wonder where Miss Kitty is?”

“Right behind you….”

Greg started, then relaxed as he realized Al was having him on. Glytch chuckled and said “Slowing down, Greg. Getting soft in your old age.”

“I will never get as soft as the Limey, here…he’s just completely gone to pot. Good living and not enough exercise – it’s a sad thing to see. Servants catering to his every whim…it’s awful in a man of his age.”

Al harrumphed. “Gone to pot indeed. I am still in the peak of physical condition, mind you…”

“Peak of a molehill, maybe. “ Greg grinned again.

“Ah, here she comes.” Al said, relieved that he didn’t need to come up with a retort. Phix drove into view on one of the small utility vehicles the staff used.

“PHIX! Good to see you.” Hugs were exchanged all around, then the launcher became the focus of attention.

“So, what do we have here?”

“Simple – this is the solution to all your problems. Exercise, healthy treats, and time outdoors without you having to run after your darling daughter every second.” With Greg and Glytch adding their parts, Phix was soon brought up to speed on the operation of the launcher, and the meat birds.

“So, let me get this straight. This thing tosses meat patties into the air – and then what happens?”

“You do what any other avian predator would do.”

“Eviscerate you?”

“Har, har. You are SO bloody funny. You didn’t tell me you’d taken up comedy as a hobby, Phix.” Al was unamused – the furball had scored a point on him.

Greg and Glytch, laughing heartily, applauded Phix’s sally. Glytch leaned toward Greg and muttered "One for her side." For their trouble they received a sidelong glare – which they completely ignored.

“Are we done? Thank you. No, what happens is the meat bird gets launched, and Dixie “ (AETERNIA!) ”goes after it. Being frozen, it will not be easy for her to chew, but will feel good on her gums from the teething – and they’re too big for her to choke down in one lump.

Once she gnaws that one and finishes it up, you do it again. From what Atsali says, the launch and return cycle is tiring – so it will get her to burn energy that she won’t need to expend elsewhere.”

“This has possibilities. Let’s see how it works.”

Greg unloaded the wooden test disks and loaded three of the meat birds Al had prepared.

Phix, over here behind the launcher. The meat bird is going to come out, then you launch. Just yell “PULL” when you’re ready. If you want to transform now, please do.”

Phix transformed, becoming the awesome predator she was in her natural form.

She lined up, going into pounce, and yelled “PULL!”

Glytch pushed the button, and THOCK! The meat bird was sailing through the air.

WHOOSH! Phix went after it, and was nearly on it when a tendril from the grass whipped up, snagged the meat bird, and disappeared into the grass. Seconds later an outraged yell of “EEEEWWW THIS ISN’T CHOCOLATE!!” rose up in Castela’s voice.

Phix, treading air overhead, reached down and picked up the outraged child from the grass, returning to the starting line and the massed bellows of laughter from the men at the machine.

Al, face twitching as he fought to control himself, spoke to Castela after Phix lowered her to the ground.

“Castela, sweetie, that wasn’t very nice. Tanta Phix needed to catch that – this is a toy we’re making for Aeternia and Tanta Phix needs to test it so she is sure it’s safe for her.”

“Bu-but Grampa I thought it was gonna be chocolate like ju-just last time! Those were GOOD!” As little children do, Castela was heartbroken over the lack of sweets.

“Oh, sweetie…go on back to the house. Grandpa will stop by later and bring you some OK?” Grandpa, like all grandfathers, was a pushover – and he knew it and didn’t care a fig.

Ensured of her sweet treat, Castela perked up, bestowed a careful hug on her grandfather and scampered off. She’d have chocolate later – Grampa said so!

With her departure, the assembled crew began to laugh again. Greg joked, “Oh, such a mean, nasty old man…”Grampa will bring you some later…” BWAAAHAHAHAHA…WHAT A PUSHOVER!”

“And in your time how many sweet rations did you happily hand out to local children? Oh, please…I do not want to hear it.”

“Oh, gee, Mr. Big Bad Sergeant-Major…” Greg broke out in guffaws again. With that, Phix and Glytch lost it again, laughing loud and long at Greg’s mockery of the crusty old man.

Al let it go on a minute, then clapped his hands for order. “OK, back to work. My apologies, Phix, I had no idea the little thief was out there. Shall we try this again?

She lined up, going into pounce, and yelled “PULL!”

Glytch pushed the button, and THOCK! Again the meat bird was sailing through the air.

WHOOSH! With a gale of wind from her wings Phix was after it, snagging it easily, popping it into her mouth as she circled to return.

“Hmmmm…crappy beef, Al. Not impressed. Tough to chew, as well.”

“Phix, focus. The chewiness can be fixed by regulating the storage temperature – though remember we don’t want her to wolf this down and want more. Keeping it hard makes her work at it, and the cold will help with her teeth erupting. As for the beef, we have a good butcher shop in Minneapolis putting together a bulk order of chopped steak for the little darling – these were put together with industrial burger from AHI’s kitchens.”

With an eager expression on her face, Phix got back into pounce and said, “Set it up.”


Again and again Phix launched, circled and returned, chewing her prize. Glytch added some variability to the throws – allowing the controller to do its thing and forcing Phix to work harder for her prizes. After the eighth or ninth burger she alighted and said “No more – It’ll ruin my lunch.”

“So, whaddya think?” Glytch was curious. “Was there enough variance in the throws to make it interesting?”

“Yes…might be too much for the little one, though.”

“Not a problem – come over here and let me show you the controller.” Glytch clapped his hands together and rubbed them vigorously as he switched into teaching mode, then explained the workings of the controllers, leaving the librarian impressed at the design. Then Greg, proud of the way the launcher had behaved, explained the design of the hardware, and briefed her on the care and maintenance – and charging procedures.

Finally, Phix stood back.

“I am impressed. If I can get the idea of the game across to Aeternia, then this is going to work quite well. The combination of exercise and healthy treats – hopefully the production burgers are better than those“ Al sniffed – nitpicking, were we? “then this will be a great way to get her to burn off energy.

When can I bring her out so we can try this?”

“If I can get Greg to run into Minneapolis for the pallet of burgers for me, I figure we could do this tomorrow. Does that suit you?”

“Perfectly. This is fantastic – you gentlemen outdid yourselves with this.”

“Phix, you are quite welcome. On the morrow, then – but would Madame Librarian care for some chocolate before she goes?” Al pulled a few of the foil disks from his pocket and grinned wickedly.
"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by DinkyInky »

AN: I'm a parent, and well, the adorable tumbleweed needs guidance. Thanks to Al for dialogue tweaks.

Katherine was catching up on some reading when the phone rang.

"Hello? Oh, hi Phix."

"Castela was out here while the boys were giving me a demonstration of the toy for Aeternia."

"Yes, I know. She said she was helping."

"Well, she wasn't exactly invited, and from what I understand, she wasn't invited the first time either, Al was just being a big old softie and let her stay so she wouldn't get in trouble, or cause trouble. He's not experienced in being a parent, so as a grandparent, this is perfectly understandable.
But Mummy to Mummy, this is bad behaviour dear, and she will get worse if left unchecked.
She will be there soon, as Al sent her away with promise of sweets. Ta.

"I see. Thank you for telling me. Got one more quick call to make. Bye."

Speaking into her phone, she said, "My little birdie".

After Atsali picked up, she asked about the test.

"Yeah Mom? Oh, yeah, but after the first fight, Grandpa Al smoothed it over and let her treasure hunt for the ones I missed. That's why she took a nap. He wore her out. But she earned the ones on the ground, she had to find them. He's very good at being sneaky. He stopped the fight real quick, and got her to not interfere, and gave you a break by giving her a surplus of exercise. Okay, love you too. Nope, not a word. Bye."

Clearing her call history, she waited until Castela came skipping in.

"Hi Mamma. Grampa Al said he's-he's-he's coming by to bring some treats, an-an ta let you know."

"That's nice sweetie."

Al, unaware he was running into a trap, knocked on the door, being let in by one bouncy little tumbleweed, who was very expectant of a treat, and all smiles.

Katherine, not amused at all, tapped her foot, lips pressed into a thin, white line, hand held out expectantly.

"I will be taking those. She has to earn them, and will start by being truthful, and so will Grandpa. You didn't invite her to help either time, did you? Did you." Katherine gave a cold, calculated stare that made even the old Sergeant-Major wilt.

Under the baleful eye of Castela's mother the old Sergeant shrank, attempting to hide from the maternal glare. Gathering the shreds of his courage he said,

"Well, technically, no - she wasn't invited, but this is her home after all and if she did happen to come wandering in-"

"As I thought. Was she invited the second time she went out there and interfered with your tests?"

"Welll...not really. You know I love her company, though-"

"Enough excuses out of you. Castela, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"It's not fair! Grampa Al said I could-could have them. Tanta Phix and Atsali are no good, dirty rotten snitches! They had-had-had to tattle! An-an you're bein' mean! Only Grampa Al loves me!" whined Castela, sobbing.

She then hugged Al, and ran up the stairs to have a cry and sulk in her room with Corn Husk Maiden.

Katherine's ire returned to Al - who sincerely wished he were anywhere else - like in front of a phalanx of hostile troops..

"Al, I love you dearly, but do I have to speak to Daisy about this? You are spoiling that child rotten. She needs to have limits - and when she's allowed to exceed them - AND REWARDED FOR IT - that does no one any good - especially her."

"Now, Katherine, Dear..."

"Don't you Dear me! I am her Mother! I am the one who has to deal with the fallout after you've left."

"You do remember that you and I talked about this the first time. I did mention she'd come out and gotten into the test."

"Yes, but you did not mention the sheer pest she'd been, which I had to drag out of my eldest after the fact. THIS time I got it from Phix - who called me to tell me how obnoxious she'd been - and that you placated her with the promise of a reward."

Al wilted further.

"You're right. Mea culpa - the little weed was annoying as hell. I bribed her to get her to let us complete the tests - and for that I will wholeheartedly admit I was wrong.

I can't say no to a child, Kat. I just can't - especially THAT one and her older sister. Maybe it's not having family before, but ...but..."

He shrugged helplessly.

"I will learn, and I will try harder...but in my defense...I love the little stinkweed and her sister like they're my own. I can command men and women and be stern and hand out discipline...but not to those two."

With that, Katherine relented. "Al, I understand - but you have to be firm with the little monster. Can I count on you to at least TRY, next time, and not be a total mushball? It's for her own good, you know."

Al, knowing he was licked, assented. "I will try, dear. Believe me, I have nothing but her best intentions at heart...I will try."
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by FreeFlier »

Mom-voice has power beyond mortal comprehension.

GlytchMeister wrote:
FreeFlier wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:Dunno if you want a hard plastic if we're gonna be shooting for high-schoolers. . . .
I was thinking Delrin because it has similar density to most hardwoods, and should have enough density for the job, but be tougher than wood.

Foams are probably not dense or rigid enough to fly well . . . Frisbees are usually hard plastic for that reason.
Ehhh... I'm thinking along the lines of a lawyer/sue-happy America. Also as a dog owner.

How do these fit together?

Nowadays, it is generally recommended to use soft, fabric frisbees for dogs to play fetch/catch with, because the hard plastic can hurt their mouths.

If hard plastic can hurt a dog's mouth, it can cause enough damage to make an overprotective predatory sue-happy parent freak out and sue the school and the designers of the device and ammo for every penny they're worth.
GlytchMeister wrote:Dumber suits have been won. Remember the hot coffee lady from McDonald's? Yeah.
I'd rather not remember it, thank you!

The other thing to remember is that that verdict was whittled away on appeal . . . eventually to basically nothing. The lawyers still got paid, though, which was the whole point of the exercise.

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Dave »

Just Old Al wrote:"As for the beef, we have a good butcher shop in Minneapolis putting together a bulk order of chopped steak for the little darling – these were put together with industrial burger from AHI’s kitchens.”


"... hopefully the production burgers are better than those ...“
Definitely, Al should stick with chopped beefsteak, or other cuts from domesticated animals. For more chewiness and some variety, maybe discs cut directly from flank steak would be worth trying.

Do not, under any circumstances, start feeding Dixie burgers made from wild game. She's been eating too much wild game already... the hairballs make that clear.

I shudder to think what it would do to the tranquility of that household, if Dixie should develop a taste for moose and squirrel.
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by FreeFlier »

I wonder how much the bad/dangerous reputation of the sphinxes comes from their difficulty in controlling their young . . .

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Sgt. Howard »

My god... Al... you've been out-ranked... by a civilian... Wait a mo, she was a CWO in the Air force? Huh- OK, you were outranked by an Officer...
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Sgt. Howard »

FreeFlier wrote:I wonder how much the bad/dangerous reputation of the sphinxes comes from their difficulty in controlling their young . . .

The combination of the difficulty in controlling their young and their natural tendency towards cannibalism is a source of population control for the species... otherwise, we'd be up to our rooftops in Sphinxes...
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Warrl »

Sgt. Howard wrote:My god... Al... you've been out-ranked... by a civilian... Wait a mo, she was a CWO in the Air force? Huh- OK, you were outranked by an Officer...
He was outranked by Mom.
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Just Old Al »

Warrl wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:My god... Al... you've been out-ranked... by a civilian... Wait a mo, she was a CWO in the Air force? Huh- OK, you were outranked by an Officer...
He was outranked by Mom.
You got it. Poor bastard never had a chance.
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Dave »

Just Old Al wrote:
Warrl wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:My god... Al... you've been out-ranked... by a civilian... Wait a mo, she was a CWO in the Air force? Huh- OK, you were outranked by an Officer...
He was outranked by Mom.
You got it. Poor bastard never had a chance.
He forgot that Momma Voice isn't limited to working on the kids.

He got off easy, though. She didn't recite his full name (in capital letters). I hear that's often enough to put a grown man straight into the hospital, with a bad case of dislocated ego or fulminating humiliation.
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by DinkyInky »

Dave wrote:
Just Old Al wrote:"As for the beef, we have a good butcher shop in Minneapolis putting together a bulk order of chopped steak for the little darling – these were put together with industrial burger from AHI’s kitchens.”


"... hopefully the production burgers are better than those ...“
Definitely, Al should stick with chopped beefsteak, or other cuts from domesticated animals. For more chewiness and some variety, maybe discs cut directly from flank steak would be worth trying.

Do not, under any circumstances, start feeding Dixie burgers made from wild game. She's been eating too much wild game already... the hairballs make that clear.

I shudder to think what it would do to the tranquility of that household, if Dixie should develop a taste for moose and squirrel.
the hairballs were from eating it whole. Remove the fur and wild game is perfectly fine.

I'd prefer it if she got a taste for Amethyst and Jade lizards...especially if it's name begins with a "B"
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Dave »

DinkyInky wrote:
Dave wrote:I shudder to think what it would do to the tranquility of that household, if Dixie should develop a taste for moose and squirrel.
the hairballs were from eating it whole. Remove the fur and wild game is perfectly fine.
I'm not so sure about that. I developed a taste for moose and squirrel at an impressionable age, and you know how much agony that has caused!

A riddling sphinx is hazardous enough. Do you really want to be dealing with a riddling, punning sphinx?
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by DinkyInky »

AN: Thanks to Al for the lovely dialogue. The poor guy just can't catch a break...


Daisy had just settled down in her favorite chair. Quiet music was playing, a cup of tea to hand, and the morning's tasks well in process. Perfect time for a break, she thought, and lifted her mug of tea to her lips.

Halfway there. the phone rang in her pocket, startling her. Setting her mug down and digging into her pocket, she looked at the caller-ID and saw the call was from Phix - who as far as she knew was out on the back 40 with Al. Concerned, she answered the phone, putting it to her ear.

"Hello? Oh, hi Phix. Yes I'm home. Everything okay?"

"I hate to say this, but I think I've started a a problem.

The little stinkweed was out at the tests and made quite a pain of herself. Al, rather than disciplining her and sending her off, he bought her off with the promise of treats and then sent her off. I have to say I called Katherine and let her know what Castela'd been up to - she needed to know and Al didn't seem to be disposed to deal with it - the big softy."

"I...see. Well, to be quite honest, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before this.
I appreciate the warnings, and I do NOT blame you. "

"I'm really sorry, Daisy - and I know I've gotten Al in trouble with Katherine, but Castela can't be allowed to get into the middle of things like she did this time - and I suspect the last set of tests, as well. I hope you're not mad at me."

"No, I'm not mad. I...I will talk to him. Bye Phix."

Daisy sighed. She had somewhat expected this - she knew Al was indulgent with the little ones, sadly to a fault. Katherine was very strict, and the conflict in styles was going to come together sometime - it seemed like this was the day, and Al was going to come out on the wrong end of the equation.

She sighed again, and reached for her tea. Halfway to her lips again, the phone rang - this time it was her granddaughter, Atsali. What could be wrong there? Daisy picked up the phone, the tea going back to the stone coaster on the polished wood table.

"Hello? Oh, hello sweetie. What's wrong? Take a deep breath. Is Nadette with you? Good. Okay, stay with her. Now tell me what has you so upset."

"Gramma, I did something awful." Atsali said between sobs. "Momma asked me about Castela and the tests I did for Grandpa...and I told the truth. I should have fibbed - Momma was mad before I got off the phone. She's gonna yell at Grandpa...and it's all my fault."

"Oh. Ohhhhh. No sweetheart, this is not your fault."

"But-but Momma is gonna yell at Al - and he's gonna yell back - and they're gonna have a fight and get mad at each other. I've heard Al yell at Daddy - that was LOUD. Al knows how to yell."

"Yes, he does, sweetie, but remember they are both new to being parents. Your sister is young, and she does need to learn about the importance of being truthful, and disciplined for disrespecting boundaries while she is young so the lessons stick. You can talk to me about this anytime, and if you need to, you can talk to Rowdy and Cinnamon about it. Their fights were legendary."

Atsali laughed hiccuping a bit from the previous crying. "I'm gonna ask them about that - sounds like fun. Are they gonna be OK? I don't want Momma and Al not to like each other because of me - I want us all to get along."

"Please don't work yourself up about this. Castela will calm down after a while, too. Go relax. Take Nadette out for some ice cream. If you need money...well, he's right, you did work for it, so go spend some of it. I will talk to them all. Love you too, sweetheart."

Daisy stared at her tea mug, and the congealing layer of oil on the top. With a sigh, she put the mug back on the tray with the teapot and cozy, picked the tray up, and headed for the kitchen. Placing the tray on the counter, she dumped the untouched tea mug and pot and rinsed both in hot water.

The phone rang again. With a heartfelt sigh that Rosalita heard across the kitchen Daisy looked at the caller ID. Katherine.
Turning the volume down on the speaker, she answered the phone, holding it carefully away from her ear.

The cacaphony from the phone's small earpiece was annoyingly loud, even at a distance.

"That HUSBAND of yours...spoiling my children with gifts they do NOT deserve...I will have you KNOW THAT DISCIPLINE IS NOT AN OPTION and has to be CONSISTENT..."
Kat went on for a minute, then two, then began to run down.

"Hello Katherine..okay, breathe, honey, deep breaths. Now speak.

"Al is simply incorrigible. SIMPLY incorrigible. He is spoiling Castela horribly - not disciplining her when she requires it. It's a disgrace, that's what it is. How am I supposed to raise a proper young lady when GRANDPA gives the little monster whatever she wants, and lets her run wild through his work?"

Daisy tried in vain to pacify her daughter-in-law. "Okay. Okay. Yes, I see. I get your point. No, honestly? You have every right to be upset. Yes, I will talk to him. Yes, as soon as he gets in. "

"I have already given THAT MAN a piece of my mind. I'm ready to give him another one as well. Castela ran off saying "Grandpa Al" is the only one who loves her. Well, if that's the case HE can CLEAN UP the temper tantrums afterward because I WILL HAVE NONE OF IT. Please let ME give him another piece of my mind - I guarantee it will upset his disposition as much as he's upset Castela's!"

"No, I'd prefer it if you stayed out of it. I do NOT want Castela more upset at you.
Mother to Mother? Please trust me. I will talk to him. Okay? Okay. Okay. Goodbye Katherine."

Daisy stared at her phone, all possibility of a restful cup of tea gone down the drain with her pot of Bewley's.


The phone rang.

"Hello? Oh God Annie, not you too!"

"What's the matter, dear? I just wanted to call you - Greg and I have been talking about Al and your granddaughter - there's a potential problem there you need to know about. Al is not giving the little one the guidance she needs - to be honest as Greg describes it she's running roughshod over him."

"No, no need to warn me. I've just had everyone tell me in ways ranging from polite to raging lunatic...and I'm tempted to believe there's a full moon tonight to bring it all out."

"As I got it from Greg she got into the middle of the test - they fired the target, and Phix was on it - then Castela snagged it out of the air thinking it was another one of the chocolate targets. She was a trifle disappointed to find out it was a four-ounce lump of frozen hamburger!

Al promised her sweets and sent her off home when he should have spoken to her about interfering. This wasn't the first time, either - the first test had her in the middle of it. Al should have stopped her, but he didn't - and Castela shouldn't have been there at all."

"Oh. Well...true. I agree. Well no, technically they both are wrong."

"Greg said Phix was annoyed about it, after they got done laughing at the big softy. I think Phix thought this needed dealing with - and was going to talk to Kat about it."

"No, actually I agree with Phix, but I don't think she realised Katherine would blow up at him like that.... Yeah, she called me just a bit ago, fuming."

"What the hell is wrong with that woman? He’s an indulgent grandparent – if that’s a crime then there are millions of older folks in the world that should be in jail. Lacing Al up one side and down the other for that? What the hell!”

"She's new at this, an instant parent, Annie...and to not just a teenager and a youngster, as if that weren't trouble enough, but both Paranormals to boot. Atsali called me worried she's caused a fight between Al and her Mother, and I had to calm her down…. No, she's with her girlfriend…. That's what I said.”

“Damnit, Daisy – what Al did wasn’t that bad. He loves the little monster, and he just needs to tighten up. The boys and Phix had a good laugh at the big mushball, and Sarge could tell he knew he wasn’t handling it right – but he just couldn’t do it.”

"Oh Gods, a voice of reason! He did? Really? Tell Sarge I said thanks. I hear him walking up. Yeah, he sounds upset. Thanks a million Annie, we shall have to hang out soon. Bye."

Quickly filling and turning on the kettle, she measured loose tea into the pot and got out a second mug. If she knew anything about her husband she knew that after the morning he'd had that tea was most definitely going to be in order.

Al looked dreadful. His face was etched with sorrow, and he wandered over to Daisy, hoping she just hugged him and didn't look at his face. Daisy picked up on it before he got close, and just wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

“Hello, love. How did the tests on the launcher go?” Daisy was not going to let on about the phone calls – let him come out with it by himself, if he wanted to.

Launcher is fine – it’s perfect for what Madame needs for her cub. It’ll serve her and the little one perfectly for years.”

“Cup of tea, dear? I just put the kettle on.”

“No, thank you, love. I need to talk to you about something – something serious.

I think it’s time for me to go.”

Daisy was thunderstruck. What in Hades was he going on about?

“The past few days have proven how wrong my being here is. I’m a twitchy, guilt-ridden old man with loose screws in his head – and since the day I set foot here trouble has followed me – and inflicted itself on all of you.”

You’ve not had a moment’s peace – the damage to the house, the Sphinx problem with Ari…I should have followed my gut and left after the battle – and left you all in peace. Even last night – the nightmares.”

“You can’t be…you with me around. You are a beautiful woman – but you’re a centaur – and you’re not one when I’m around.”

“I should be alone – I’ll hurt no one that way.”

Daisy was dumbstruck. Is this what it had come to? Was this the tiny shove that pushed him over the edge?


“No, love – it’s better this way. Let me get a bag, and I’ll go to 2. From there I can plan my move of the business and leave you all in the peace you deserve.”

“Mucking up dealing with Castela today and rightfully getting read the riot act for it proves how yet again I’m being a disruption. Too much trouble, too much grief – always in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t belong here – never did.”


He gently, lovingly put his finger over her mouth. Then he turned away and headed for their room.

Rosalita had heard it all. Wide-eyed, she looked at Daisy and said, “Senora, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.”
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by DinkyInky »

AN: Thanks again Al for dialogue assistance.

Part deux (What, you didn't think we were gonna end it on that, did you? Really now. No, seriously. Put down the pitchforks and torches.)


Daisy’s mind whirled. That stupid old man and his benighted sense of propriety – and honor – and Gods only knows what was running around in his head. Stiff-necked, self-righteous, useless old FOOL.

Daisy picked up her phone and said “Katherine”.


“Come over and say goodbye. Al is leaving.”


“He’s upstairs packing a bag now. Last night he had one of his episodes of nightmares, and between that, exhaustion and his foul-up today he’s decided we’re better off without him.”

“I didn’t know. I had no idea….”

“No one does – he won’t let me talk about it. He’s decided that he isn’t fit to be around anyone – and rather than mess up our lives because of his presence he’s decided it’s time for him to go.

I can’t talk to him when he gets this far down. He won’t even let me speak.”

“You can’t let him go, for God’s sake. He’s just depressed – tired. A good night’s sleep and he’ll be back to normal.”

“I can’t stop him. I can’t make him stay. He’s made a decision.”

Up in their room Al packed – his leather portmanteau was laid out on the bed. Essentials – shirts, trousers, pants, underthings, toiletries – he’d send for the rest later or send Ari over for it. Oh – can’t – portal. Perhaps Edward would bring things out.

Bag closed, his suit bag open, long coats and other such items in and he was set.

He felt a tranquility – much as he was going to miss this place and the people in it this was best. He didn’t need to muck up their lives any worse. Let’s face it – he was no one’s love in the shape he was in.

Oh – keys. He peeled the Aston’s fobs and keys off and left them on the nightstand.

One bag in hand, one over his shoulder he headed down the stairs into the entryway, then out toward the drive – and Miss Clara. There was a certain symmetry to it – it was how he’d come, and it was how he’d go. Sometime in the next week or two he’d get over to Tina’s and let the redneck know where he was – or not. Might be best to let that go as well.

He stepped out, head down and headed for where he’d parked the ambulance.

Turning the corner he stopped – dumbstruck – and dropped his bags.

Clara sat, crazily tilted.

Where her tires had been were four logs from the firewood pile, shoved under her axles. Of the tires and wheels there was no sign.

Leaving his bags on the ground, he walked over to the stranded ambulance. A piece of cardboard had been shoved roughly under one wiper, with the words “Where the hell are YOU going?” scribbled on it with a tire crayon.

He chuckled. He laughed. He settled to the ground, laughter bubbling up, and out it came, cascading like a waterfall and continued on some more, until the tears flowed from his eyes. After what seemed like an endless time, he heaved himself up off the ground, collected his bags, and headed back for the house.

Two pairs of eyes watched from concealment – one pair with multiple highlights, and one with large pupils rimmed in hazel. Both were attached to bodies with dirty, scratched hands that had been at frantic manual labor. Clothes dirty but expressions serene, they watched the scene as the old engineer returned.

“He’ll be all right now. He needs sleep, and perhaps a few days of quiet.”

“I'm sorry Daisy. I’ll apologize for yelling at him later – Just let him rest right now. I never thought he’d take it this way-“

“None of us did dear.”
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
--Safyr Drathmir
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Just Old Al
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Just Old Al »

Once Al was inside and unpacking (or so it sounded like) Katherine prepared to head home, considerably chastened. She’d forgotten at a critical moment that her “Mom voice” could hurt – and was going to be careful not to do that to Al again.

“I’m sorry, Daisy – I never thought he’d react like that. He never shows weakness, or being tired, or anything – it’s hard to tell – he hides things well.”

“I know. Someday he’s going to let his guard down enough to let us realize how he’s feeling – but I’m not sure when.” Daisy said, disgustedly. Damn stiff necked old coot…he’s lucky I love him or I’d kill him she thought.

They hugged, and Katherine said “Let me know how he is. I’ll stay away for the moment and keep the kids away. I’ll let Buck know as well. Oh, damn – what are we going to do about Clara?”

“Leave her just as she is. He’ll find the tires and tools inside and get her back up on her wheels. He’ll grumble, but he’ll laugh – and it’s a good lesson for him. He has to realize that we’re not going to let go just because he feels like committing emotional seppuku.”

“Damn, we WHIPPED the tires off that thing!” Katherine laughed. True enough, between the two of them, Al’s trolley jack and a pair of lug wrenches they’d had the wheels off it and inside in less than 10 minutes.

“Yes we did! May we never have to do it again!” They laughed again, and Katherine left, to deal with her children and the rest of the fallout of the day.

Daisy sobered after Katherine left – a few phone calls needed to be made.

The first, to Phix.

“Phix – it’s Daisy. No test tomorrow – things went badly after you left.”

“What in Hades happened? This doesn’t sound good.”

“My idiotic husband got his gonads handed to him by my daughter-in-law. He then decided that he was too disruptive a presence here and had always been – and tried to leave.”


“Yes, my stiff-necked, honor-at-all-costs JACKASS of a husband tried to leave. We shorted him out, but he’s exhausted. He needs a down day or two, so if you don’t mind we’re going to push the test off.”

“No problem. Daisy, I’m so sorry…will he be OK?”

“He’ll be fine. Stupid bastard pushes too hard – he’s been running flat out as long as I’ve known him between the damn war, the business rebuild, the houses and everything else. He’s fried himself. He needs a vacation – and that’s going to happen soon if I have to nail him into a crate and ship him to Café U-296 myself.”

“I’ll wait for a call back on the test. Take care – let me know if I have to slap sense into him – I could enjoy it.”

“I know you would…so I won’t.” Daisy laughed. “See you later, Phix.”

Next, Sarge and Annie.

“What’s up – did you deal with the problem?”

“The problem nearly solved itself permanently.” Again, Daisy detailed the events of the afternoon.

“What the Hell got INTO that woman? You going to be OK handling this?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. Crisis averted. Tell Greg he can grab the meat birds tomorrow – I called Phix and called off the test till Al gets some rest.”

“I’ll let him know – can he borrow a truck tomorrow to run in and pick them up?”

“Of course – he knows where the lockbox is and he has the codes for the doors. Tell him to help himself to one of the trucks – I’d prefer not to have bloodstains in the Bentley unless Al is the source.” Daisy snickered evilly.

“You MINX! OK, I’ll let Greg know. See you later, honey.”

One last contact, and she might be able to get a cup of tea.

She pulled out her cellphone again, and typed a quick email to Glytch.

No test tomorrow – cancelled. Al is exhausted – things went bad with Katherine and he caught the brunt of it.

She hit send, and two minutes later a VORP sounded outside the back door. Glytch let himself into the kitchen, finding Daisy there trying to make herself a pot of tea.

“What happened?”

Daisy went into the story again, her own tiredness worrying the young man.

“Look, why don’t you sit down. I’ll get this.” With that Glytch made the tea, getting Daisy to sit and relax at one of the stools at the counter.

“Damnit, Glytch, he needs a rest. A good long one. He’s burning out…and it’s getting worse. Hate to say it, but I do too. If I can get rid of him for a few weeks it would do me no end of good.”

“No doubt. It’s tiring…and he’ll be the first to admit that you bear the brunt of things when he gets too tired.”

“Yes. I need to get him to take a long break – a few weeks or a month off somewhere. I’d happily go with him if he wants me to – or let him go alone as long as he rests. He needs to recharge – the past year or two has been hard on him.”

Glytch sighed. “Been a busy time for all of us. You’re right, though – he needs a break – and so do you.”

“Thanks, Glytch. Nice to hear someone else coming to the same conclusion.” They sat together and talked, Daisy sipping her long-overdue cup of tea.
"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Howard," Annie called out to the old Sgt. "you ain't hauling beef today- Al had a meltdown and Daisy and Kath had to disable the crackerbox."
Greg looked up from the addition to the greenhouse he was building.
"What? What happened? I thought that old Toff was bulletproof,"
"Yea, well- Kath went over and gave him what-for over the way he's pampering Castela... apparently it broke the man hard. Daisy says it's under control, but I'm trying to figure what could do that to Al... I mean, Kathy, right? How can a man who has seen as much as Him be broken by someone like Kath?"
Greg pondered this for a moment... "Honestly Dearheart, I'll be damned if I know. Yea, Castela was being a righteous little shit, and had the old fool wrapped around her little briar tendril... hm... I've not seen Kath at full boilers, so I have no clue... I guess she landed a few good shots," he thought some more, "... Annie... didn't we have to ambush him into dancing with Daisy?"
"You're asking me? You lead the ambush, as I recall... 'Girl from Ipanema' was the opening salvo now that I think about it... why are you even asking?"
"Because families don't come with training wheels, and I think Al just had a major road burn... I have an idea of what I want to say, but I gotta make sure I say it right,"
"Greg Howard, don't you go screwing things up now... those are two beautiful people and I love them both!"
"Annie- WE love them both... I will do my magic, as I always have in the past. I will follow where I am led, and take it from there..."

The next morning, bright and early, Roger Oyler watched from his bathroom as his crazy neighbor went tromping along the fence line to the outhouse at the North end of the alfalfa field. Swiftly, he slipped on a pair of lined Carharts, a flannel shirt, wolverine boots and his battered old Stetson. The fifty-year-old Gold and Silver buckle that announced his championship bullride was brought to bear against an additional four notches that evolved over the years. Striding out to the North, he just saw Greg enter the outhouse and close the door. Moving quickly, he covered the distance much faster than one might expect of a man in his early seventies. Soon he stood in front of the structure, still an impressive 6' 5" ramrod straight and solid built.
He waited.
And waited.
And waited some more. He heard nothing.




And he did. And found it empty. He looked carefully in the outhouse, checking the walls for solidity, trap doors and the like. He even squinted down the hole. Lighting a match for light, he examined below.


"What were you doing outside?" Maggie asked her husband as he walked back into the kitchen with an odd look on his face.
He looked at his wife and tried to imagine a way to explain...

"Oh... just wanted a brisk walk, that's all..."

Greg appeared at the Manor shortly thereafter- Walking past the garage, he noticed the crackerbox on stilts.
"Some disable," he thought to himself.
Stepping up to the Kitchen, he found Rosalita busy with breakfast efforts.
"Is Miss Daisy up?" he asked in a cheery voice.
"Oh! Gregorio! What are you doing here so early? You startled me!"
"Didn't mean to, mi Chiquita Bonita- is Miss Daisy awake? I do need to talk to her,"
"Oh, well- I did see her just a ..."
The Grand Dam of the estate strode in as Rosalita was speaking- "Greg! Oh, thank goodness you're here! I staved him off last night..."
"Yea, I noticed your handywork," Greg commented.
"I had help- Greg, he's very over-stressed and I'm not sure what to do about him. He knows only one speed and that's 'Ahead Full Flank'. I'm ever so thankful for Neil giving him that elixir, but he simply continues to push himself beyond all limits! I keep saying he needs only a good night's sleep- but I'm not so sure, truth be told. He listens well enough, but there's few who's advice he will actually heed-- and right now, you're the only one that comes to mind,"
Greg took all this in without a motion or a word- he then turned to Rosalita, "My Dear, could you pour me some coffee, and drip a bit of molasses in it? Daisy, pull yourself a full mug as well- I will need a full de-briefing if I am to be of any use..."

Al woke up, somewhat disheveled and confused. The alarm did not go off. It was clearly late. There was unfinished business... oh... that... well, that brought everything into focus. There were apologies to tender, and issues to address, the sort of thing that truly left him feeling very much like a fish out of water.
Why couldn't families be a much simpler affair?
Oh well- go from the known to the unknown- bathroom, toilet, hotwater across the face, shaving cream, razor, hot towel, inspect, address deficiencies, comb, shorts, socks, tank tee shirt, crisp shirt, rough slacks, steel toed shop shoes... and coffee. He certainly smelled coffee. Thankfully, that dear charming little cook spent quite a bit of time learning Al's preferences from Tina, to the point that Al was certain he would fail to differentiate in a blind taste test. As he descended the stairs, he heard conversation in the kitchen- recognizing the Dam he so adored AND the unruly loose cannon that once wore a uniform, he stepped into the kitchen somewhat surprised-
"For a moment there, I almost expected Tina herself to be serving," he dryly commented, "I won't pretend to not know why you're here, Greg- what's more, I think Daisy and I can sort this out well enough, thank you."
"Hear me out, Sgt. Major- " Greg used a tone he perfected for those who out-ranked him, "I believe you'll find my words brutally honest, but incredibly helpful."
Al looked at him for a moment- "Brutally honest...? I'm trying to think of a time you weren't... and failing at that," he looked around and saw that they were alone in the kitchen. Both women deserted their posts without being noticed- "I believe you've ambushed me again... shoddy effort on my part to let that happen a second time, I daresay."
"In affairs of the heart, ambush works well on you- pull your coffee, Sgt. Major and sit down- I'm about to tell you a few things... and it would do you well to listen".
Greg began, "You entered the military as a private, right?"
"Did you see any combat between Private and Lance Corporal?"
"Well, no- and as you know, that promotion will occur eventually..."
"How about from Lance Corporal to Corporal?"
"Yes... that was my first taste of war..."
"Al- and you need not reply to me, but think to yourself- how many men died from your errors between those two ranks?"
Al went completely pale.
"Then from Corporal to Sergeant, how many more?"
Al was now beside himself- "JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?"
"Al- you know who I am- between Private and Sergeant, I killed twenty eight of my own men. I know their names, I see their faces, I can recite their social security numbers, I know details about their home towns..."
"Simple Al- the combat education of Military Command is paid for in human blood- how much of it is the enemy's and how much of it is your own command depends on training, skill, intelligence and luck. Nobody talks about it because it is bad for moral- but it is the reason guys like you and I cannot tolerate errors past a certain magnitude. It is the reason we freak out when something goes totally wrong sometimes, especially if we inadvertently harm someone we care about.

It is the reason I don't drink- when I drink, I drink to get drunk. Then I remember those names and faces when I'm drunk and I want to hurt somebody... I'm sure you can fill in the blanks,"
"Gods- I had no idea- damnitall, you've riled me up and brought me low- for what?"
"How many casualties occurred at the test site?"
"Eh? ... well, none, but you see..."
"How many casualties occurred in the aftermath?"
"I see where this is going, but don't you see..."
"AL! I've been through three divorces trying to figure these things out- I know how to screw up a relationship in more ways than I can count- but I also know what makes them work. If I've gone through that Hell so's you can learn from my errors, then so be it. You taking the blame so hard is an error. YOU MADE A MISTAKE! IT HAPPENS! LEARN FROM IT AND MOVE ON! Kathy will not hate you forever- she never hated you- she was rather upset, and rightfully so. SHE's new at this herself- she adopted those two, remember? You, you're finally in a family... and of course you're not too sure how to handle things. Of course you're going to make mistakes. You're on the low end of the learning curve here. There's no indoctrination to Grandparenthood- you don't get training wheels ("Snort"). The little ones are there and you figure it out as you go. What is Napoleon's first rule of combat?

In unison, both men stated, "No plan of battle survives first contact," and started to laugh.

"YOU took quite a chance with your little manipulations there- this could have gone horribly wrong, you know," Al stated as he regrouped.
"We're dealing with human emotions here- logic provides more of a suggestion than basis of fact. Sometimes bold steps are required."
"I see- and since you consider logic quite malleable... you should have considered law, you know,"
"Naw- where's the fun in that? Besides- three divorces? THERE's emotional combat experience... and they don't give medals for it."
"True enough... your role as a 'trickstering cupid' is interesting enough, though,"
Greg agreed, "Yes, I did assist in the set-up to get you two together... I take full responsibility for that. I really didn't want to see that end after all my hard work,"
"Hard work?!? you danced across a floor with your bride... 'Girl from Ipanema' as I recall... hardly a backbreaking effort from you,"
"Yea, but I had to trick you into wanting to dance,"
"You did no such thing! I turned around and found myself face to face with the most wonderful dance partner- who could resist such a temptation? YOU had little to do with it,"
"Without my efforts, it would NOT have occurred,"
"NOW SEE HERE, you highly self-esteemed rustic, what I sense from you is delusions of adequacy..."

Around the corner, Daisy wept tears of joy.

Her Al was back!
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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Just Old Al
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by Just Old Al »

As they argued back and forth, Rosalita and Daisy crept back into the kitchen, unnoticed by the pair verbally abusing each other at the counter. Daisy picked up the coffee pot and walked up to the pair, refreshing their drinks without a word. The argument continued unabated, having started on the subject of the night Daisy and Al danced, and then devolving through the tense times of the war.

“And I tell you that had we not had the intelligence we had we’d have been quite done for. The data on the Brinks and on Nodaki’s potential moves was invaluable. Our Intelligence Irregulars – particularly that lad Cavin Joe had contact with – paid off handsomely.”

“I don’t disagree, but we’d have been up a foul-smelling creek if it hadn’t been for me bringing in Glytch. His crawler swarms gave us everything we needed, and the independent confirmation from the underworld via Cavin was confirmation.”

“Be that as it may – did you pick up the meat birds yesterday?” Al suddenly changed the subject – back to business even though he hadn’t yet eaten that day.

“No – that is why I came in early – I’ll get into town and pick them up. What did we order, anyway?”

“Chopped steak – 4 ounces. Approximately 2 inches by 1 inch, frozen hard. 400, in cases of 50 each. We have room for them in cryo back at 2 – just bring back a case or two to do the tests with and deal with Dixie initially. We should have room for that here in the freezer.”

“OK.” Greg drained his coffee and stood, stretching. “I’ll get into town and grab them. Anything else?”

“We need to make a cover for the Launcher - I expect it’s going to be living here, as the Library likely doesn’t have a place for Dixie to play with it. And let’s start thinking about the potential for productizing this thing-“

“And you are going to stop RIGHT there, mister.” The loud, commanding voice of Al’s dam rang out from where she’d been sitting nursing her own coffee.

“YOU are going offline for the next THREE days. You need good food, moderate exercise and rest – and NO WORK. Do you hear me Mr. Howard?”

“Don’t call me-“

“I SAID did you hear me MR. HOWARD?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Please do do the pickup – but other than doing that Al is going to be involved in NOTHING – if I have to handcuff him to the furniture to make it happen.”

Greg and Al examined her face – to find no trace of mirth whatsoever. Al realized at that moment that he was in very big trouble over yesterday – and that the fallout was nowhere near over. Sighing internally, he realized that whatever it was, he likely deserved it – which again started the mental spiral downward. Throttling it mercilessly he turned again to his dam, attentive to her words.

Greg, sensing an opportune time to escape, scuttled for the door, mumbling about yes ma’am thanks for the coffee ma’am back later see you then as he disappeared for the vehicle bay.

Daisy came over and occupied Greg’s chair, her large hazel eyeds turned on him, expression neutral.

OK, here it comes… Al thought.

“Love, you need rest. I don’t mean a day or two – you need to get away for a while. We can afford to send you anywhere in the world – traveling via the Bibliothiki is simple, or any other method is available to you.

I know you have a pilot’s license – if you want to rent or even buy a plane and go that’s open too.

I will happily go with you, anywhere, anytime, or you can go alone if you promise me you will actually rest.”

Al nodded, agreeing with the idea if not the timing. “Love to do it dear, but with the back shop having a backlog of projects and Ari working on mechanics as well as her management role I’m not sure-“

Daisy got up and laid a finger across his lips – the same gesture that he had used yesterday to silence her objections.

“Al, let me make this clear. You are taking a vacation OR I AM GOING TO SHOOT YOU RIGHT IN THE ASS AND PUT YOU IN THE HOSPITAL. Am I understood, dear?” she finished, sweetly.

“Yes, dear.”

“Right now, you are going to rest for three days. I was not joking about the handcuffs-“

“Can you get leather ones?” Al said, leering suggestively. Rosalita started singing loudly over on the other side of the kitchen for no reason Al could fathom.

“Later, tiger. As I was saying, you’re going quiet for three days, then you can resume your normal schedule. I will give you four weeks to prepare your business and projects for your absence for AT LEAST one month. If I see you back before then you WILL find a bullet in your ass - and if you force me to it will be one from a Maxi-14. Am I understood?”

“Yes, dear.”

With a VORP outside Glytch appeared, letting himself into the kitchen.

“Glytch, dear! Good to see you again!” Daisy exclaimed, giving the young lad a hug. “Al was about to have his breakfast, then he’s resting for the day.” she said, with a hard sidelong glance at her husband. “Would you care for some breakfast?”

“No, thanks, Daisy – but a big glass of orange juice would be nice.” Helping himself from the fridge, he sat with Al, who’d been served a massive plate of ham and eggs. Picking at it, Al asked, “What’s up?”

Nothing much. Had an idea that I need a set of engineering eyes for, and this gave me an excuse to come by and do a bit of business on the Launcher as well. I was thinking on the random firing –“

“NO BUSINESS. If you want to talk about your idea that is fine – but RE business is NOT a subject for discussion.” The flinty note in Daisy’s voice belied the smile on her face, giving Glytch a serious hint as to the way the house was this morning.

Changing to safe, neutral subjects Glytch sipped at his juice as Al ate a few bites of his breakfast – a very small portion, as Al was usually a trencherman at breakfast.

Pushing the plate away, Al stood, picking up and draining his coffee mug. “Why don’t we go talk in my office – we have a link into RE’s computing centre there and we can discuss-“

“NOTHING BUT HIS IDEA – am I understood?”

“Yes, dear.”
Last edited by Just Old Al on Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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Re: Bringing Up a Baby Sphinx

Post by GlytchMeister »

"Alright, Al, I need some advice."
"Certainly! What is it?"
"I'm trying to write a program to help tether my devices together. Y'know how all of my tech is connected, right? Well, right now, it's organized like a hub... The center being the Behemoth-"
"The Behemoth?" Al's eyes belied the worry at such an ominous name.
"It's just a minor supercomputer I built myself. Heh... It uses a car radiator and its own air conditioner to control the heat... Anyway, the Behemoth is the central computer. On standby, it's just a server, and most of it isn't used, to save power. But what I was hoping to do was create an ad-hoc network, but I keep running into a bug... Devices of very different levels of capability have a hard time interfacing. If I interface the Pontiac with my phone, the Pontiac computer has to stoop to the level of my phone so my phone can keep up."
"I can see where that would cause problems, especially with the car..."
"I know, right?"
"Hmm... Perhaps you could use the largest computer in the network to do the brunt of the work, and... Well, no, you'd just end up using the Behemothall the time again..."
The two stared at the code for a moment before Glytchbroke the silence. "Screw it, I'll just keep using the old program. This one's just causing problems."
Al blinked and stared at Glytch. This was entirely out of character for him. "I beg your pardon?"
"I'll just delete this one and let things keep going as they are. It works fine as it is, I guess. No sense complicating things." Glytch deleted the file with an angry key press.
Al peered at Glytch, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
"See how much sense that makes?" Glytch turned from the screen and lifted his face so his eyes were visible under his hood. "Here I have an opportunity to improve an existing system, and at the first sign of a problem, I gave up and removed the whole program to remove the problem rather than seeking to improve the program so that it can continue to improve the overall system."
Al's face fell as he began to catch Glytch's drift.
"Would you really rather remove yourself from this family, abandoning it, thereby removing all possible chance of you improving it and the lives of everyone in it, just because you encountered a glitch in your coding? Or would you prefer to improve upon yourself for your own sake and for the sake of others?" Glytch lowered his hood and stood, staring Al in the eyes... He spoke with a very unfamiliar note of steel in his voice, and his eyes, though no longer hidden by the hood, glared out from beneath Glytch's brow, sunken, drawn, hard, and unforgiving. "Stay. Or go. The choice isn't about whether or not you take care of the problem. Both are valid solutions... However, your course of action will determine what kind of man you really are. Staying will tell me you are worthy of staying. And if you leave... Well I guess I'll know we really are better off without you. I'll leave it up to you to decide who you are."
With that, Glytch raised his hood and left the room silently, leaving Al to his thoughts.
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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