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Messages In The Wind

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:38 pm
by jwhouk
Something left over from the old BLC boards: A place where you can say something to someone who'll likely never ever see it - something you've always wanted to say.

To whoever it was that got the idea to close my old workplace - though I suspect it wasn't just one person - I just want you to know: you overturned many lives because of your decision, short-sighted or not. I truly hope you can sleep at night.

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:06 am
by Jabberwonky
If it weren't for the asshats in our HR department I'd be taking off from Baghdad International to fly to Dubai, Atlanta and San Antonio to rest for a day then fly to Minneapolis for the Mid West Funny Book Fair...
Thanks a lot guys...

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:38 am
by Julie
I don't know how you have fooled everyone else into thinking that you're a great guy, but you've always felt like a sleazey wolf in sheep's clothing to me. You make my skin crawl, and I look forward to the day that you are exposed for the fraud you are. I can only hope that when you are caught (because you inevitably will be) that you don't bring down the caring and trusting people who were blinded by your fake smile (no really...I don't even believe your teeth are real) and overwhelming charm (aka schmooze). I am watching you as carefully as I can (without having to get too close to your ick) to find any hole in your façade that can be exploited to get you as far away from me and the people who matter most as is possible. I only hope I find it before you do something that we can't fix.

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:28 am
by MerchManDan
I'm sorry I failed you; I'm sorry we aren't together. I never wanted us to split up. When we were together, all I wanted was to make you at least as happy as you made me. Now, almost five years after you broke up with me, I still want you to be happy. Every day, I think of you & hope you're having a good life - even if it isn't with me (though obviously I wish it is).

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:58 pm
by chibichibi01
I'm not sure the love i feel for you is real or whether I'm holding onto you in a desperate attempt to not be lonely anymore. I feel that if i lose you I'll never find anyone else who understands me as well as you do...

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:04 am
by DinkyInky
I wish you well in your new fatherhood. It hurts that you decide to tell everyone but your oldest family member about it. I hope that someday you can bring yourself to tell me WTH I did that made you so bitter and angry at me, and if not, that you can reconcile that anger into nothingness and that you love that child of yours with more than all you have...

...because that precious child will feel your pain and anger, and be helpless to make Daddy's pain go away with a simple, "I Love You" and a hug. I will go on pretending to not know about it, because all of the family has told you they will NOT do your work for you. So I will pretend to not know you have a gorgeous child...

Still, I wish you well, with the 2 am wake-ups, the feed me, change me, love me. And you better do that with not so much as a sigh of frustration...

I'll keep my cell number even after I move in the hopes that someday you'll be a less bitter boy about things. I was always there for you, and did hope you would share your most glorious moment(Seriously, how could you not tell me you were a father????) with at least a note in an envelope. My child feels like they were the one that hurt you, and the reason why you no longer visit, and that brings out the Mother Lion in me...

How dare you make a child feel like it's all their fault and not so much as send them a card or note, you who so claim to love my kid(at least claim it to all my friends and important family). How dare you call me a lazy bad parent. How dare you say that my child isn't LD(especially when you were the one that convinced me to have my child diagnosed!). How dare you tell strangers that I'm a horrible parent.

How. Dare. You.

You better be the most loving, caring, perfect father in the world...

...because If I ever hear of you not loving that child with more than everything you have, if you ever make them cry like you made mine cry, I will personally come and kick your stubborn, stupid, selfish, vain, fool arse from here to Texas(Apologies to all Texans because they sure don't deserve to see you). Hell, that arse-kicking goes to you if you make your stepchild cry(Because I can, and will, you smug holier-than-thou jerk!).

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:54 pm
by chibichibi01
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby for being jealous of how wonderful your life is. For being jealous of your non divorced parents, your still living parents. I'm sorry for being jealous that you have all the luck in the world but life shits on me every chance it gets. I'm sorry I took it out on you over a game. I'm sorry I do these things to yoh.

I'm sorry for being a horrible person. I know I deserve all the horrible things in my life for making you so miserable with me. I'm sorry you can't leave me because you'll feel guilty if I fall apart.

I'm sorry.

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:37 am
by Dave11
Whoever decided to go from a self-owned voicemail box to a commercial one: nice job. Now the system's down.

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:46 am
by DinkyInky
Can't sleep may as well cry it out. I feel like the worst Mother ever.

I made my son wash the cute facepaint off his face without taking a picture picture because it was flaking. I made him cry because of it. I didn't know his fave teacher did it, and he's not going to see her next year. Today was his last class with her.

I hope to God she is at the school tomorrow so I can have them take a picture together for his memory book. I can't stop crying, feeling like I'm ruining his life by being so damned insensitive. I need to not have bad days when he needs me.

I hope I have time to make it right tomorrow. Please God, let me make it right tomorrow.

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:55 am
by Julie
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I smiled to your face and offered suggestions to help you get things done correctly while venting spleen about how much it sucks cleaning up after your mistakes behind your back to our boss. I'm sorry that I didn't defend you and discourage her when she suggested that maybe it was time to start looking for someone else to fill your role. I'm sorry that I actually encouraged her to give you a short time frame to fix your problems or face the boot. I'm sorry that I kept silent instead of warning you that you were in danger of losing your job. I was avoiding the uncomfortable situation that would cause, and I leaned heavily on the mantra of "it's HER job to have those conversations because she's The Boss" to make me feel better about leaving you to get blind-sided.

For what it's worth, I always wanted you to succeed in your role. I wanted you to surpass me so I'd have someone to compete with for the imaginary title of "The Boss's Right Hand." I just can't handle sloppiness and inefficiencies on the job...and it turns out that that's where you excelled with ease. You are intelligent. I've never lied to you about that. You just seem to have trouble retaining information about our processes and procedures...and you're slow as molasses...and when you're not slow (because you're trying to meet our office's expectations for speed and efficiency) your accuracy and thoroughness goes right out the door. Unfortunately that is a real problem in our department since we will not be hiring a fourth supervisor in the foreseeable future, and our offices will continue to grow and develop to the point that three have to be able to do the work of four...and with you on the team, three were only doing the work of two...maybe two and a half. We all know how hard you work. We've never questioned that. It's just that you shouldn't have to work as hard and long at your job as you have been. I did the same job plus some without working every night until 11pm...and I do the same job now while only working 12 hour days twice a week.

I will miss you when you're gone. Without you here, I won't have anyone to talk to about the video game I'm watching my husband play that's so cool and pretty...and who will cover their mouth to keep from spoiling things for me when I talk about the latest episode of Naruto that we watched (when we finally pick that back up again) because they're reading the manga and are SO far ahead of the anime that I'm behind on...and while you maintain a very strict level of personal privacy about your life outside of work, I feel like you and I developed a deep understanding and connection due to the vast similarities in our past lifestyles that would have resulted in us being very close friends over time.

So yes, I essentially voted you off the island, but it was because I didn't want to keep developing anger, frustration, and hatred towards you...because I knew that there was no way our office could succeed and develop the way it needs to without you operating at my level or The Boss's level, and it would take you far too long to come close to our levels...because I knew that the more mistakes that you made that resulted in massive complaints and company expenses, the more ashamed and unhappy you would become (you were already starting to make comments about how you understood now why "some people go home to the bottle or contemplate sucking on the end of a gun"...those shouldn't be things you're thinking about this job). I truly wish the best for you, and while I know that you aren't the kind of person to stay in touch with a co-worker you've only known for a year and a half, I really wish we could continue to be friends...I just don't ever want to be your co-worker again.

Re: Messages In The Wind

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:24 am
by ShneekeyTheLost
The problem with lying to get your way is that, sooner or later, the truth will come out. And when that happens, your credibility drops to zero. Trust, once shattered, is nearly impossible to mend or regrow.

There are always consequences to your actions. In this case, the consequences to your actions are going to be -far- worse than the situation you were hoping to avoid, and will persist to the end of your days.