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Re: It's not a laser WEAPON, unfortunately

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:21 pm
by ShneekeyTheLost
Julie wrote:Apparently I can. I've lived my whole life in Texas, and unless I'm sleepy, drunk, or recently spent a lot of time around my mom's side of the family, I apparently sound like I'm from the Mid-West (according to non-Texans who have been puzzled as to my origins). And before anyone asks, both of my parents have lived their whole lives in Texas as well. :P
If my Texan Drawl ever slips into my speech, it generally means either I'm a) hamming it up for them damn yankees what don' know any better, or b) Someone is about to be in a great deal of pain if'n they don' exercise th' intellect God gave a lemming. Particularly if said in a flat, emotionless tone of voice.

There was also a rather amusing incident back when I worked at American Airlines Cargo involving a rather stubborn Jamacian who wanted to ship a barrel. Mind you, he was calling at 2 AM CST, and my coworker called in drunk that night, so I was literally the only one on the phones at the time. He called me until I got off shift at 6 AM. For four hours. To keep from going crazy, I started exercising my repertoire of accents. The man was absolutely convinced he had talked to at least twenty people over the course of the night. Apparently the calls were recorded and somehow were leaked to my coworkers, who had a good chuckle out of it. To this day, the only thing needed to send some of my friends into helpless bouts of laughter is the phrase "I want to sheep da bar-ral".

Re: It's not a laser WEAPON, unfortunately

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:45 am
by NOTDilbert
Julie wrote:
Apparently I can. I've lived my whole life in Texas, and unless I'm sleepy, drunk, or recently spent a lot of time around my mom's side of the family, I apparently sound like I'm from the Mid-West (according to non-Texans who have been puzzled as to my origins). And before anyone asks, both of my parents have lived their whole lives in Texas as well. :P
Actually, so do I. I never took any 'speaking' courses (like broadcast people take) but I have been told I have a radio announcer's voice - never done that (yet) - but it comes in handy to have a mostly accent-less voice for telephone work.