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Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:22 pm
by DinkyInky
You guys might not be, but you need to spare those poor innocents...or else.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:01 pm
by Just Old Al
DinkyInky wrote:You guys might not be, but you need to spare those poor innocents...or else.
Why? They need their horizons expanded. It's good for them in the long run.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:11 pm
by GlytchMeister
*sarcastically pious expression*

It is the sacred duty of the educated to spread knowledge to the masses for the betterment of humanity.



Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:16 pm
by Dave
GlytchMeister wrote:*sarcastically pious expression*

It is the sacred duty of the educated to spread knowledge to the masses for the betterment of humanity.


Just... remember to be merciful.


Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:52 pm
by Hansontoons
GlytchMeister wrote:*sarcastically pious expression*

It is the sacred duty of the educated to spread knowledge to the masses for the betterment of humanity.


From the seat of learning, the flush of success!

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:31 pm
by DinkyInky
GlytchMeister wrote:*sarcastically pious expression*

It is the sacred duty of the educated to spread knowledge to the masses for the betterment of humanity.



Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:08 am
by ShneekeyTheLost
Hansontoons wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:*sarcastically pious expression*

It is the sacred duty of the educated to spread knowledge to the masses for the betterment of humanity.


From the seat of learning, the flush of success!
Naw, considering the topic it's more like this:

The Board of Education shall be applied to the Seat of Knowledge, and there shall cause a significant impact on the decision-making process as to what is and is not appropriate behavior.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:37 am
by DinkyInky
Hansontoons wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:*sarcastically pious expression*

It is the sacred duty of the educated to spread knowledge to the masses for the betterment of humanity.


From the seat of learning, the flush of success!
ShneekeyTheLost wrote:Naw, considering the topic it's more like this:

The Board of Education shall be applied to the Seat of Knowledge, and there shall cause a significant impact on the decision-making process as to what is and is not appropriate behavior.
Yeah, unless you went to a school like I did, then Mother just went in and shattered the board's expectations.

Still tempted to make that into a plaque and decal for a wall stud for my friend so she can deal with the step brats.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:32 pm
by Warrl
Still tempted to make that into a plaque and decal for a wall stud for my friend so she can deal with the step brats.
And you know what shape the plaque should be...

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:48 pm
by Sgt. Howard
Warrl wrote:
Still tempted to make that into a plaque and decal for a wall stud for my friend so she can deal with the step brats.
And you know what shape the plaque should be...
Care for a schematic?

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:56 pm
by ShneekeyTheLost
Sgt. Howard wrote:
Warrl wrote:
Still tempted to make that into a plaque and decal for a wall stud for my friend so she can deal with the step brats.
And you know what shape the plaque should be...
Care for a schematic?
I've got a wood burning tool set somewhere or 'nother. Carve and lathe out a paddle, burn it into said paddle. Make a good gift. First one is balsa. Should that one break or go missing, the next one will be pine. Third one, should it be necessary, will be pressure-treated oak. Fourth one will have 'wiffle holes' drilled in.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:23 pm
by Just Old Al
ShneekeyTheLost wrote: I've got a wood burning tool set somewhere or 'nother. Carve and lathe out a paddle, burn it into said paddle. Make a good gift. First one is balsa. Should that one break or go missing, the next one will be pine. Third one, should it be necessary, will be pressure-treated oak. Fourth one will have 'wiffle holes' drilled in.
Bugger that - go straight for titanium....If you're gonna impress 'em , IMPRESS 'em. If you must graduate the response, put a leather and foam cover over it.

Titanium's nice and light - not a lot of power needed to accelerate it.

Yes, I am kidding....

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:53 am
by GlytchMeister
Grey- or black- stained ironwood with the burnt message in it and whiffle-holes drilled in between the words, rimmed with black leather with those mean-looking stainless steel pyramid studs in the leather - the studs are on both sides of the paddle rim as well as facing out from the edge. Large spherical pommel, wrapped in leather with four more studs along the equator of the sphere and a fifth extra-large stud on the bottom.

Not only would it make an excellent disciplinary implement, a simple 90° rotation would turn it into a reasonably effective club (or "skull-basher, as one of my redneck buddies likes to call such weapons) for home-defense.

Whaaaat? I'm a Boy Scout, I'm attracted to multi-purpose!

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:47 am
by Warrl
July 16, 2016, shortly before noon

As Dawn pulled into the lot at Mill Ruins Park, she saw Rowdy - no, Franklin; he had not given her permission to use hs paddock name - waiting for her. She parked, and got out of the vehicle before he could get to her door - just in time to hear him start laughing.

He had a rather pleasant laugh.

"What's so funny?" she asked, smiling.

"I suddenly realized what the paint job on your truck is all about. It's rather sassy."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes I do." He doubted that her sister Patricia had had a similarly painted vehicle - but he wasn't going to mention her if he could avoid it.

"So, what's the plan?"

"I have a picnic basket in the Rover." Then he struck a pose and declaimed,

"So let us go to where the Rover's parked, and there retrieve it;
after which we'll rove the park
and find ourselves some favor'd feet amongst the trees and grasses
away from feet of those who pass anon.
Repast there spread, we'll park ourselves upon our grasses
to dine, and speak of subjects oft diverse -
but if diversion needed be, it shall be handy by
in measure as desired: no less, no more.

She was laughing by the time he was halfway through the little speech. "That sounds like Shakespeare - when he was fifteen - and drunk."

"Of Shakespeare I a peer am not, nor no great shakes as poet." Breaking his pose, he offered her his hand. "But for impromptu, that really wasn't all that bad." They got the basket and wandered into the park.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:55 am
by Warrl
(Contributing to the pun jar one of those little solar-powered figures that wobble back and forth. This one is some sort of warrior with an angry expression, both arms raised, and a spear in one hand.)

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:32 am
by Sgt. Howard
GlytchMeister wrote:Grey- or black- stained ironwood with the burnt message in it and whiffle-holes drilled in between the words, rimmed with black leather with those mean-looking stainless steel pyramid studs in the leather - the studs are on both sides of the paddle rim as well as facing out from the edge. Large spherical pommel, wrapped in leather with four more studs along the equator of the sphere and a fifth extra-large stud on the bottom.

Not only would it make an excellent disciplinary implement, a simple 90° rotation would turn it into a reasonably effective club (or "skull-basher, as one of my redneck buddies likes to call such weapons) for home-defense.

Whaaaat? I'm a Boy Scout, I'm attracted to multi-purpose!

3/4inch CDX plywood, cut to the proper shape, drilled with the proper pattern, sanded, rounded edges, stained and varnished. The handle portion is wrapped in split hide leather-


BTW- very charming first date there Warrl

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:49 am
by FreeFlier
Sgt. Howard wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:Grey- or black- stained ironwood with the burnt message in it and whiffle-holes drilled in between the words, rimmed with black leather with those mean-looking stainless steel pyramid studs in the leather - the studs are on both sides of the paddle rim as well as facing out from the edge. Large spherical pommel, wrapped in leather with four more studs along the equator of the sphere and a fifth extra-large stud on the bottom.

Not only would it make an excellent disciplinary implement, a simple 90° rotation would turn it into a reasonably effective club (or "skull-basher, as one of my redneck buddies likes to call such weapons) for home-defense.

Whaaaat? I'm a Boy Scout, I'm attracted to multi-purpose!
3/4inch CDX plywood, cut to the proper shape, drilled with the proper pattern, sanded, rounded edges, stained and varnished. The handle portion is wrapped in split hide leather-

DO IT RIGHT!!! . . .
Some seniors in a shop class at my high school made such a paddle from fine-grain vertical-grain western spruce and gave it to the principal . . . the day before graduation . . .


Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:24 pm
by Warrl
At one elementary school I attended the principal had three wooden paddles...

... which he would lend out at recess to the worst bullies in 6th grade.

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:52 pm
by GlytchMeister
Warrl wrote:At one elementary school I attended the principal had three wooden paddles...

... which he would lend out at recess to the worst bullies in 6th grade.
:x :evil:

Re: A Stable Relationship

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:32 am
by DinkyInky
Sgt. Howard wrote:3/4inch CDX plywood, cut to the proper shape, drilled with the proper pattern, sanded, rounded edges, stained and varnished. The handle portion is wrapped in split hide leather-

I will laugh so very much once it explodes into splinters. My Mother flat palm shattered those very frequently while I was growing up. The principal couldn't take a hint.

I was told how she did it only recently by a martial artist. It's fascinating, even moreso now that I know how she did it.
Warrl wrote:At one elementary school I attended the principal had three wooden paddles...

... which he would lend out at recess to the worst bullies in 6th grade.
My Mother loves dealing with those types...she shatters their expectations.
Forsythia or willow branches...once my Mother gave me permission to "clean house", bullies quit touching me.
New ones (middle school) learned that psychological warfare is especially stupid in English class when you get to read things like La Chanson de Roland out loud to them and no student is allowed to speak on pain of detention/Saturday class. Reading evocatively battle scenes full of blood and gore. All female bullies wanted to puke, all male bullies discovered I'm a girl who...might not be so good to pick on. One of them asked me out after class. I took great pleasure in turning him down in the quietest and scariest voice possible. I loved my English teachers!
New ones (high school years) discovered I could run up a wall and flip over them, crab walk up a bricked corner with a backpack, and climbed trees in a dress and heels better than they could in trousers and gym shoes. They also discovered sixty pounds of books swung towards made them fly across a room. They also learned that pissing off a slip of a girl barely over four foot tall, barely weighing 80 pounds could effectively toss them out a shop door desk, books and all....or into the deep end of the pool...stupid jocks.