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Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:17 am
by shadowinthelight
I know some may think the sense of confusion to be the product of weak writing but I get the feeling what Paul is doing here is intentional.

What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now.
What happened to then?
We passed then.
Just now. We're at now now.
Go back to then.
I can't.
We missed it.
Just now.
When will then be now?
How soon?
We've identified their location.
It's the moon of Vega.
Good work. Set a course and prepare for our arrival.
Nineteen-hundred hours, sir.
By high noon tomorrow they will be our prisoners.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:27 am
by AmriloJim
shadowinthelight wrote:Who?!?!
I don't know.
Third base!

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:28 am
by KnightDelight
You would think Brandi would remember her part of the chess games. She must have been planning something to have placed crystals all over the place (and who knows what else). It seems as if she didn't even notice NG being sucked out, nor notice she's gone. That, or she's still playing and not letting on she is aware of anything in that regard. It's also possible that NG also took the memories of whatever Brandi was doing/planning during all that time when she left Brandi's body and she really doesn't have a clue about any of it. She really does think it was just a drill and wants to get home before the batter dries out. At least the week is still young and we may hear more about it yet.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:41 am
by scantrontb
AmriloJim wrote:
shadowinthelight wrote:Who?!?!
I don't know.
Third base!
no, he's on first... i don't know is third...

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:46 am
by jwhouk
Dave wrote:A few months back (our time) Monica finally got her dander up about having "been played"... powerful beings, pulling her strings to set her up as a tool of some sort, for reasons of their own. Smacked Phix right in the jaw to get her point across, in fact.

I think she's got a real opportunity here, to recruit a chorus of others who can make the same complaint. Katherine, Atsali, Lily, Suzi... they've all been set up and used, with nary a by-your-leave, and it took a hell of a lot of good luck to bring them to this point with their skins and souls mostly intact.

It does feel as if there's a reckoning due here! In the words of an enraged Daffy Duck, "Who's responsible for this??"
And they all turn and look as some bespectacled geek in the corner goes on sketching in his sketchbook, occasionally pausing to flick through Facebook on his laptop as he sips on his coffee....

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:41 am
by Swedish Chef
This whole arc felt like a Divide by 0 error to me; trying to understand won't help.

...I need Chuck Norris.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:03 am
by Grantwhy
shadowinthelight wrote:I know some may think the sense of confusion to be the product of weak writing but I get the feeling what Paul is doing here is intentional.

What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now.
What happened to then?
We passed then.
Just now. We're at now now.
Go back to then.
I can't.
We missed it.
Just now.
When will then be now?
How soon?
We've identified their location.
It's the moon of Vega.
Good work. Set a course and prepare for our arrival.
Nineteen-hundred hours, sir.
By high noon tomorrow they will be our prisoners.
I don't know if I'm authorised to give points, but I'm giving you 3 Yogurt Points anyway :D

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:08 am
by Julie
Geez Tsillah! Way to over-simplify what just happened! :P The question I have now is this: Did The Library somehow obtain copies (or the originals) of the information on the lost tribe? Or will they have to go collecting the bits that were pulled from Atsali's mind, or what?
zachariah wrote:More hidden games. Brandi acting like this whole thing s was no big deal and she has to get back to baking?? Come on get real here. There should be more reaction than that.
KnightDelight wrote:You would think Brandi would remember her part of the chess games. She must have been planning something to have placed crystals all over the place (and who knows what else). It seems as if she didn't even notice NG being sucked out, nor notice she's gone. That, or she's still playing and not letting on she is aware of anything in that regard. It's also possible that NG also took the memories of whatever Brandi was doing/planning during all that time when she left Brandi's body and she really doesn't have a clue about any of it. She really does think it was just a drill and wants to get home before the batter dries out. At least the week is still young and we may hear more about it yet.
A: Brandi didn't know what happened...remember that Thup was sucked out behind her back, and Bud played it all off like it was nothing. She probably remembers putting the empty crystals at the various gates, but that doesn't mean she is currently aware they were used. Additionally, Brandi has said she doesn't like to know too much because her mind starts working on the facts. I think that Brandi's response is part ignorance of the situation and part a desire to remain ignorant of the situation. :)
zachariah wrote:Sali had her head vacuumed but apparently doesn't care. From the state she was in before the gate she lost more than just the memories.

Besides what gives the library the right to set this little side show go on just so it could get what it wants? That implies the library played everyone in this.
B: I wouldn't say Atsali doesn't care that her head was vacuumed. After all, she did ask "what happened?" :) While that could be read as "I don't remember what just took place a few minutes ago" I think it's more of a "How did all of that crap leave my brain?" kind of thing...I mean, she did notice that all of the memories were gone, so she had to remember that they were there in the first place. :)

C: Yes, The Library has played a lot of people. I kind of get the feeling that the mind behind The Library subscribes to the idea of ends justifying the means. It just makes me more curious about that entity...where it came from and how it obtained that level of power...
wwf wrote:I assumed that the buffer or data crystals that were placed at each gate would extract the information from Atsali's head.
This is the first time she has used a gate since she had obtained all that knowledge.
I think you may be right about that. I just wonder how Lily was able to activate that particular feature of the gate system...since not all of the crystals were in the two gates they went between...unless maybe they were routed through all of the gates almost instantaneously...or maybe the gates are all somehow connected in a way that allows someone passing through "two" gates to interact with all of them at once while in transit...This gate stuff is pretty interesting! :D
shadowinthelight wrote:I know some may think the sense of confusion to be the product of weak writing but I get the feeling what Paul is doing here is intentional.

EDITED: Epic Spaceballs Quote
And this is why you're one of my favorites. :) *hugs for shadowinthelight*

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:50 am
by kingklash
I think Brandi's aware of something more going on, but it depends on her Restore Point's time stamp in the Records. How long has it been since she used a 'Gate? How much do we want her to know about her activities while the Co-Pilot was under control?

Forget Chessmaster, Tsillah gets to play Dungeon Master for this tale, and we still have two days to see if all shoes have dropped yet.

And Atsali said "It's all gone," so she may be even be computer-free.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:18 pm
by NOTDilbert
Dave wrote:A few months back (our time) Monica finally got her dander up about having "been played"... powerful beings, pulling her strings to set her up as a tool of some sort, for reasons of their own. Smacked Phix right in the jaw to get her point across, in fact.

I think she's got a real opportunity here, to recruit a chorus of others who can make the same complaint. Katherine, Atsali, Lily, Suzi... they've all been set up and used, with nary a by-your-leave, and it took a hell of a lot of good luck to bring them to this point with their skins and souls mostly intact.

It does feel as if there's a reckoning due here! In the words of an enraged Daffy Duck, "Who's responsible for this??"
Cut to a shot of Bia, Sitting at a control desk behind a Curtain, smirking at the Fourth Wall, saying "Ain't I a stinker?"

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:49 pm
by Timotheus
If these "Star Gates" follow the classic pattern the gates are actually all the same gate and its only the exit point that has to be designated before you enter it. So passing through one gate is like passing through all the gates.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:27 pm
by DilyV
Dave wrote:A few months back (our time) Monica finally got her dander up about having "been played"... powerful beings, pulling her strings to set her up as a tool of some sort, for reasons of their own. Smacked Phix right in the jaw to get her point across, in fact.

I think she's got a real opportunity here, to recruit a chorus of others who can make the same complaint. Katherine, Atsali, Lily, Suzi... they've all been set up and used, with nary a by-your-leave, and it took a hell of a lot of good luck to bring them to this point with their skins and souls mostly intact.

It does feel as if there's a reckoning due here! In the words of an enraged Daffy Duck, "Who's responsible for this??"
Actually it would be more like this" "Who'th Rethponthbile for thith? *appropriate spitting added for effect*

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:11 pm
by Fairportfan
DilyV wrote:
Dave wrote: It does feel as if there's a reckoning due here! In the words of an enraged Daffy Duck, "Who's responsible for this??"
Actually it would be more like this" "Who'th Rethponthbile for thith? *appropriate spitting added for effect*
Go Here.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:00 pm
by jwhouk
Meanwhile, that guy with the sketchpad, sipping his coffee in the corner booth at Mucho Mocha, happens to notice that his latest eBay auction is only at $3.25.

He quietly mumbles something about "shoulda done a blurb on that on the main site" and goes back to sipping his coffee and sketching.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:22 pm
by Yamara
zachariah wrote:More hidden games.
Half-hidden games. There's enough exposure of plotting to rile the suspicions of everyone exposed, except maybe post-Thup Brandi.

Gods like to work like that. Just enough plausible d for the straights, and never any repeatability or falsifiability for their fans to get a swelled head over.
zachariah wrote:Besides what gives the library the right to set this little side show go on just so it could get what it wants? That implies the library played everyone in this.
Julie wrote:C: Yes, The Library has played a lot of people. I kind of get the feeling that the mind behind The Library subscribes to the idea of ends justifying the means. It just makes me more curious about that entity...where it came from and how it obtained that level of power...
But secrets were being held from the Library. Why? Because Thup was building the Grid to keep the gods from interfering with her moves.
NOTDilbert wrote:
Dave wrote:It does feel as if there's a reckoning due here! In the words of an enraged Daffy Duck, "Who's responsible for this??"
Cut to a shot of Bia, Sitting at a control desk behind a Curtain, smirking at the Fourth Wall, saying "Ain't I a stinker?"
Mmm, dunno. Bugs answered to no one. Despite her words to Shelly, Bia has obligations to family, to superiors... and to those who push her superiors around.

Bia may be the paintbrush. But she's sitting in Someone's hand.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:22 pm
by Yamara
jwhouk wrote:Meanwhile, that guy with the sketchpad, sipping his coffee in the corner booth at Mucho Mocha, happens to notice that his latest eBay auction is only at $3.25.
Holy shit.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:43 pm
by as363
Interesting discussion - too bad we couldn't all gather in the 'Cafe du Mond' -with cups of chicory coffee and a plate od coquette de bouf . Great place - with a number of large tables - and a good selection of wines.

I am pleased to see that the Library has been mentioned a few times today. Always felt that the Library was the driving power behind the whole adventure.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:24 pm
by Mark N
Julie wrote: C: Yes, The Library has played a lot of people. I kind of get the feeling that the mind behind The Library subscribes to the idea of ends justifying the means. It just makes me more curious about that entity...where it came from and how it obtained that level of power...
I have been thinking about that as well. I remember when I was growing up that some scientists were trying to figure at what point a computer can gain sentience. The most common idea was when it amasses enough knowledge it will awaken itself. Sort of like the biblical forbidden fruit of knowledge. If that idea is true, and the Library has been exposed to all of the written knowledge in all of the Multi-verse, then it has gone well beyond a point of sentience... OH MY DOG!!! The Library is V'Ger Someone get Spock. :ugeek:

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:08 am
by Dragon Hostler
Mmmmm, Brownies!
Poor Brandi needs a long explanation.

Atsali would've gotten brain vacuumed upon entry to the library, by whatever means of entry.
While the stargate system could get K & A into the library, it is a stand-alone system, thus vexing the library all these years.

"There's a Tomograph in the doorway?"
"What, you didn't know that? All the casinos have them."
The Dogs of Vegas--Larry Todd

Abandon all privacy ye who enter here.

Re: All Gone 2013-07-10

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:08 am
by kingklash
Yamara wrote:Gods like to work like that. Just enough plausible d for the straights, and never any repeatability or falsifiability for their fans to get a swelled head over.
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."-God Entity, Futurama episode Godfellas.