Dances With Minotaurs

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Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »

Ladies and gentlemen of the WSFA Forums: I give you a new character. And she approves of the following...


She pulled the car up to the side of the one-time roadhouse bar that was now a church building. Bracing a bit against the cold, wintry weather, she stepped out of the driver's side of the copper and red Land Rover Discovery.

She hadn't quite planned on doing this. Her first reaction, when her husband had told her about the party in Minnesota, was to want to stay home and hide under the covers. She'd been even more afraid when she heard that there was going to be a live band – and that there would be dancing.

"It's going to be a 'make-up' reception for Shel and Justin," he'd explained to her. "It was the least the Alexander clan felt they could do for them on their anniversary."

She closed her eyes at the thought. The mess that had been was something she'd been talking to her counselor about for months. She'd seen some of the aftermath of the Machine Shop at Pillsbury. Though she had been busy taking care of little Aeternia at the time, she'd heard the shooting and the screaming.

She hesitated, looking around and into the building. She regretted having mentioned anything to her counselor about the party – of course she was going to suggest trying to take dance lessons. And that's when she blurted out that there was a mutual friend she could talk to about that.

She raised her eyes to the skies, then walked over to the door. She thought for a moment. What was it that Joe said about the door? Her mind blanked for a moment, then it came to her in a flash: I want to talk to Phix.

The door opened on its own accord, something that surprised her. Startled, she stepped back, then – treading on curiously – she stepped through the threshold and into a hallway.

The hallway was somewhat familiar to her – it looked like the entry to a school building. In fact, the doors just ahead of her looked like…

"Park," she said out loud. "The Park High School library."

Cautiously, she opened the wooden doors with opaque, smoked glass. Inside was a statue, sitting on a base – the statue of Joan of Arc from the Park library.

This must have been intentional on Joe's part, she thought. She looked ahead, where there were rows and rows of shelves of books, stacked up seven levels high.

She didn't quite know what to do at this point. She'd never been here before, obviously; she and Joe had just taken the door to another portal in the Library's VORP System – that's the term that she'd heard Shelly call it, anyways.

She turned to the left and noticed a sign that said, TO TRANSPORT SYSTEM. Figuring she'd be able to find Phix that way, she followed the sign.

Two rows over, there was a small opening – a lobby. There was a pair of what appeared to be elevator doors, with a panel in the middle. The two buttons on the panel read "CALL"; the other read "HELP." She hesitated a moment, before pressing the "CALL" button. The doors on her left slid open immediately.

What was inside wasn't quite an elevator. It looked like something out of a Jules Verne adventure, with tall glass walls, elaborate grillwork, and a very well-appointed – and carpeted – floor. The windows looked out to what appeared to be a brick wall.

She turned and faced the door of the elevator. Next to it was a sign on the wall. Just as she read it, the doors to the elevator closed.

State your destination clearly. If you know the wing or floor name, state it now.

"Uh, the librarian's office?" she said tentatively. The lift moved, a brief flash of light filling the interior as it moved upward briefly in what appeared an arc. She reached to grab the handrail, more out of disorientation than anything. She noticed that there was blue sky and a few clouds out the window – but then in a brief flash the lift was ensconced in brick, slowing to a stop.

The door opened. And what she saw made her catch her breath.

She was standing in a huge atrium, with an elaborate marble floor and various balconies that rose up to the ceiling – which she couldn't see. On each balcony she saw the end of book shelves – and those shelves also looked like they rose into the heavens. On the floor she was on, there were a few tables and desks, like you would see in a library – but there seemed an conspicuous lack of people seated at them.

She turned, looking up at a grand, central structure that looked all the world like a cathedral. All of the balconies met at each side of this grand edifice, which also seemed to shoot upwards to the heavens. Its elaborate lamps and windows lit the whole of the atrium, bathing every part with a warm, natural light.

She was just about to take a step towards this central structure when a shadow appeared overhead. She heard the fluttering of wings, and for a moment was terrified. Her terror became petrification when a large, winged beast landed in front of her with a loud THUMP.

"So, asking for the Librarian, are we?" the beast said, settling down on all fours.

Her senses slowly returned, cognition dawning that this beast – winged, with haunches that looked like a cat and an upper torso that looked like a woman – was familiar. But only from the upper torso, as she had never seen Phix in what Joe had called her "feral form."

"Uh, he-hello, Phix, I, uh…" was all she could get out.

"I sense that your husband didn't mention the deal about coming here, did he?" She responded with a head shake. Phix looked up for a moment, then sighed. "I'm going to have to talk to that boy." Phix looked her right in the eye. "As part of you having access to the Library itself, there's a procedure. I have to ask you a few things, first."

She returned a blank stare at Phix.

"First of all: do you seek knowledge, or adventure?"

This question concerned her. What kind of question is that? she thought to herself. She considered for a moment before squeaking out, "Kn – knowledge?"

Phix nodded, then set back on her haunches.

"Well, then, you only need answer a simple riddle. Answer it correctly and Library access is yours."

Before she could ask anything else, Phix touched her hand thoughtfully to her lips – displaying the rather long claw-like fingernails on her hands.

"Ah, I have one for you," she stated finally.

"A child feels safe and secure within,
Kings and paupers all rise from it,
The hand that rocks it rules the world,
For life, the grave it's opposite."

She blanked out completely upon hearing it. What would a child and a king have to do with…

She smiled briefly.

"A cradle. What is a cradle?"

In a blink, the large feral cat-like creature reduced to the female form that she had seen many times before, in a simple blouse and pantsuit.

"You don't need to respond like you're on Jeopardy, Sarah dear," she explained. "Welcome to the Library. You wanted to see me about something?"
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by TazManiac »

This is the first 'fic I've read in many a month. Having fallen off the bandwagon, er Haywagon, I was in a catch-22 of not catching up becasue there is so much to catch up to, and...

Anywhoes, decent beginning, even if I don't have all the backstory I find I'm not too bogged down being shepherded along with needed basics.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »

I've always meant to have a good photo of the statue. It appears that in the last few years it was moved out to the "foyer" of the library, beyond the front doors. This photo was taken back in 2015, at the 50-year reunion of the Class of '65:


The doors behind the statue are the entrance to the library. The main entrance to the school (1901 12th Street) is directly behind the viewer in this particular photo.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »


"Sir, your 11:30 appointment is running a bit behind," the young woman with strawberry blonde hair stated, poking her head into the dance studio.

The studio's lone occupant, a large, burly man who was dressed in shorts and a leotard, only nodded at the information. He was stretching along the bar on the one end of the studio, loosening himself up after a morning session of teaching some young ones about square dancing.

"She just called and said it was something about snowfall near her place." The girl looked at the large man, who had leaned back with one arm holding onto the bar, and one leg held out in front of him.

"Understandable," he finally said, his voice a bit strained from the stretch. He returned to an upright position, and turned to face the woman. "Phix told me she was coming in from Wisconsin. Memory serves, a few of the portals over there get frozen over during the winter." He did a little shrug of his shoulders, which made his seeming lack of a neck more pronounced. "Just let me know when she gets here, Dorinda."

Dorinda nodded to him, and slipped back out the door. The large man then shrugged a bit, shaking out the kinks. Teaching square dancing was hard on his legs, with all the shuffling and occasional skipping that it required. He was going to need a whirlpool treatment by the end of the day. Hopefully, this new client wouldn't be too much of a klutz.

He wandered over to the bathroom, and discreetly waved a hand over an unseen panel next to the door. A brief flash occurred on the other side, and he entered into a well-appointed barn-like enclosure, with a stretch of grass and several enclosed stalls of dirt and wood shavings. Shrugging, he moved over toward a cabinet opposite of one of the stalls, and divested himself of his shorts and leotard, placing them inside. Then, with an imperceptible blink, his legs and torso changed – as did his head. A coat of dark grayish fur covered him from head to toe – except for his arms, which remained powerfully human. Hooves appeared on his feet, and long horns – which gave away his Texan heritage – emerged from his head. He looked at himself in the mirror on the inside of the cabinet and sighed.

"Ah, Murph, yer gettin' old for all of this," he said to himself. Quickly, he went over to one of the pens and closed the gate. After relieving himself (holding it in human form did a number on his multiple stomachs at times), he wandered through a chute to a hose-down station which allowed him a quick shower. He then sauntered back out, walking over to the fans that were built into the walls on the one end of the barn. A motion sensor tripped, and they went through the process of blowing air to assist in drying the bulk of his feral form.

I wonder if centaurs have this much trouble drying themselves in feral form, he thought. Bad enough my human form is still hairy enough to be mistaken for a sasquatch.

After a few minutes of the blow-dry, he went back to the closet and finished the job with a large bath towel on one of the shelves. Satisfied with the results, he tossed the towel into a bin next to the door, and slipped back into his human form. Slipping back into his leotard, he adjusted himself before slipping on the shorts he wore over them – out of modesty, of course – before heading back into the studio.

(EDIT: Sorry for the D'OH! Moment...)
Last edited by jwhouk on Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by Warrl »

Dunno why I didn't notice this earlier but Murphy has hooves coming out of his head...
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by lake_wrangler »

Warrl wrote:Dunno why I didn't notice this earlier but Murphy has hooves coming out of his head...
You beat me to it! I noticed that too, as soon as I read it. :lol:

Meanwhile, it's always interesting, in these fanfiction stories, to see the degree of technology applied to accommodating paranormals' feral forms. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "creature comforts"... ;)
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by Warrl »

lake_wrangler wrote:Meanwhile, it's always interesting, in these fanfiction stories, to see the degree of technology applied to accommodating paranormals' feral forms.
On the Alexander estate it's called "the back door".

Over in the expanded Sabrinaverse (which is a furry world, not a paranormal world, but still) they have fur dryers. I imagine (the stories never get into details) these as blasting warm air like the Dyson Airblade hand dryers - which really do work on skin, can't comment on fur for obvious reasons. One starts high and aimed slightly downward, and slowly moves down on a track, then when it gets to floor level it adjusts its aim slightly upward - to lift the fur and get under it - and slowly moves back up to its high position where it finishes its cycle and shuts off. For a centaur, I suppose a device could be mounted so the airblades are vertical, and the centaur could just slowly walk between them. But then, a centaur can just shift to human and use an ordinary bath towel.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »

"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by lake_wrangler »

Warrl wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:Meanwhile, it's always interesting, in these fanfiction stories, to see the degree of technology applied to accommodating paranormals' feral forms.
On the Alexander estate it's called "the back door".
In that instance, yes. But I do remember one story mentioning the bathroom system in the library, which would allow you to select your species, and it would transform the interior accordingly (humans get toilets, centaurs get a field, etc.)

It's just one more way to see that the various authors on this forum have taken the time to think things through in detail down to the most minute aspects of their story. I like that.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »


The studio was just down the street from Mucho Mocha, just as Phix had told her. She was shaking, and it wasn't entirely because of the cold winter morning in the Twin Cities.

She was petrified about going to this appointment. Her? DANCE? In front of all those people?

Phix had consoled her, encouraged her, even – the impromptu demonstration that she and Neil had given her had been the tipping point. She wanted to do this, for Joe.

Steeling herself even as she was saying I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home to herself with every step down Franklin Avenue. Finally, she found herself at the door of No Bull Dance Studios.

Stepping through the door, she found herself in a rather odd place: a well-appointed lobby area with a desk placed between two sets of double doors, both adorned with pull door handles in the shape of the Texas state flag and carved with various "cowboy" scenes. The one wall had a framed painting of the "Sweetheart of the Rodeo," while the other was an old advertisement for Gilly's Roadhouse in Houston. There was a simple sign behind the desk with the name of the studio – matching the sign outside, which featured a pair of long horns protruding from the "N" and the "L" of the name.

There was no one at the desk, but there was a bell with a small sign next to it that stated "RING BELL FOR ASSISTANCE". She tapped the bell, which rang a bit louder than she thought it would. Moments later, a strawberry-blonde head peeked out from one of the double doors.

"Hello?" She saw Sarah, then smiled as she stepped through the door. "Oh, you must be Sarah. Come right on back, Mr. Taurenis is waiting for you." She held the door open, and Sarah walked into back part of the studio.

The place was huge, and that was something of an understatement. The entire interior of the building had been converted into a large dance floor, with smooth wooden planking, a mirrored wall with a railing along it – like you would see in a ballet studio. The décor of the rest of the studio, however, was straight out of a western motif. There was lariat ropes framing paintings of cowboys, rodeos, and boots. These were accented by numerous five-point stars and a single Texas state flag on the one side.

Out of a door on the back side of the studio came a hulk of a man; well-built with a roundish head and graying brown hair. For a moment, she thought he was a friend of Joe's from Milwaukee.

"Wait, did you say Taurenis?" she asked.

"Well, yes, that's the family name," he said, extending his hand in greeting. Murphy Taurenis, pleased. I believe I recall seeing you at Mr. and Mrs. Epimethus' wedding last year."

Sarah was still a bit shocked by Murphy's appearance. "Sorry, I don't recall much about that, other than the people we were staying with at the Alexanders." She looked at him for a moment. "You wouldn't happen to be Latvian at all, would you?"

Murphy made a bemused face. "No, ma'am, can't say that I am. Born and bred in Texas; come from a long line of Longhorns from UT."

"So why are you up here in Minneapolis?" she asked.

"Well," he replied with a chuckle, "Y'all'd have to ask the little filly behind you." Sarah turned to look at the woman who had ushered her in.

"Dorinda Alger," she said, extending her hand in greeting as well. "Mr. Taurenis here is my uncle-in-law."

"Y'all are making me feel even older, Dor," he chuckled at her. "My sister married a boy from Eden Prairie, and she had two wonderful daughters. The other one works over at Gryphon High."

"That place I've heard of," Sarah stated in recognition. "I think one of my husband's friends here in the Twin Cities has kids who go there."

"If it's who I think you're talking about, yes," Murphy nodded. "Castela took ballet and dance lessons with me years ago. And, it's likely that the same person who recommended her to my studio did the same with you – the wonderful Madame Phix?"

Sarah only nodded at this.

"All right, then – Dorinda can show you where you can put your coat and such. We can go through some basics to start when you're ready."
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by FreeFlier »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course he's a Longhorn . . . and of course he went to UT . . .

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by lake_wrangler »

No bull! Did you really call it that???

(See what I did, there? ;) )

Looking forward to moooooooorrrrrrre!
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by Dave »

FreeFlier wrote:Of course he's a Longhorn . . . and of course he went to UT . . .
Why, of course he went to UT.

Going to Texas A&M would have resulted in a serious conflict of interest. Even if he was accepted there, he would have had to leave... very much Aggie-rove-ation for such a nice fellow.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »


After years of being in the business of teaching dance, Murphy had learned two very important life skills: first, how to deal with people stepping on toes. That was the easy part, since the "glamour" (as those Fae folk charmingly call it) was converting his hooves to feet. A few of his students had complained that it felt like they had stepped on a rock while dancing – and he gently pointed out they'd likely stepped on his feet.

The other skill was one he had to learn quickly: how not to show that you're grimacing in pain when someone really did hurt him by being a klutz. And, even after years of practice and patience, it was hard to do at times.

This was one of those times. Despite her best of intentions, Sarah was much less than graceful.

Okay, she was a klutz.

And for the tenth time since he'd started to show her the moves required in the waltz, she'd spun into him – and he had to catch her from falling. In doing so, she pushed both of them to the floor, with Murphy flat on his back.

After catching his breath again, he choked out: "Alexa, stop music please." There was a beep as the music assistant program stopped in the middle of the number he'd cued up. He then helped Sarah back to her feet before rousing himself from the floor.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she kept apologizing, even as he raised his hand to placate her. "I keep forgetting which way to turn, and…"

"No, no, it's all right," he finally spoke when he gained his bearings. He closed his eyes a moment, and tried to focus. "I've had issues like this with some other clients in the past…" A memory surfaced. "By any chance were you laid up, where you couldn't walk for a while?"

"Yes! I had back surgery when I was a teenager… why?"

"I've seen this before," he began. "Someone who had to learn to walk all over again has the most trouble with dance steps that involve turns." He considered. "It's not impossible, but it's probably better to limit the number of turns you use in a particular type of dance. Don't overthink it; just do it."

She nodded, frowning a bit.

"I think there may be a different dance step that would work for you, though." He turned and looked at the music assistant. "Alexa, play 'Tango in Paris,' please." There was another beep as some Spanish baroque music began to play over the studio's speakers.

"Let's try this," he began.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »

AUTHOR'S NOTE: There is no such tango, don't try to Google it.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by FreeFlier »

jwhouk wrote:AUTHOR'S NOTE: There is no such tango . . .

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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by Just Old Al »

jwhouk wrote:AUTHOR'S NOTE: There is no such tango, don't try to Google it.

Yes. "Tango In Paris" didn't last...
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by jwhouk »


Sarah found herself nearly skipping as she walked back down the street toward the coffee shop. Though things had started roughly, the lessons ended beautifully. She had never felt so confident about herself after learning that simple tango step. And Murphy had been so kind and understanding! She knew that the party would be a breeze – even if it meant having to babysit Aeternia for an hour or so before hand.

That had been the agreement between her and Phix; in exchange for watching her little one until she fell asleep, she'd arrange for the lessons. She was scheduled to come back once more before the party, then follow up the week after (and just before Christmas).

When she got to the alley next to Mucho Mocha, she thought for a moment. I deserve a nice warm coffee, she considered, and decided to forgo the portal door for a bit. Striding with confidence, she walked into the coffee shop and strode up to the counter.

"Oh, hello, Missus Fearless – wow!" Tina tilted her head and smiled in greeting. "You're radiating confidence like I've never seen! What's got you so happy?"

"Is it really showing?" Sarah replied with a short laugh. "I just got done with some dance lessons with Murphy." This got a knowing smile in return from Tina.

"He has that way about him," she said, moving over to the machine. "You'd rather have your 'creamer with coffee' special instead of your usual chai latte?"

Sarah nodded, then stopped. "How is it that you know that?"

"It's that aura thing," she replied simply. "It's how I do most of my customers, except those three unreadable friends of Monica."

"Someone call?" A short, busty, dark-reddish haired girl walked into the shop. "The usual, Tina, and just for me. Jet's off at a shoot down in the Bahamas."

Tina looked up at the ceiling. "Such hard work," she snarked.

"Hey, you don't know how hard it is sometimes to hold poses on a beautiful beach." She noticed Sarah standing in line. "Oh, sorry, sweetie, I didn't see you were ahead of me…" She paused for a moment. "You're Joe's wife, right?"

"Yes. Sarah," she said, extending her hand. "I think we met briefly last year at Thanksgiving at the Alexanders?"

"Ah yes, now I recall – though I think we were all a bit preoccupied at the time." Tina interrupted their conversation by presenting Sarah with her drink, and Monica with a scone.

"Yours is still covered by your hubby's MIB deal," she told Sarah. "And yours, Sunshine, will be up in a minute – I need to clean out the French press."

"No hurry, Tina," Monica said with a smile. "So – what brings you to the Twin Cities, besides Tina's coffee?"

"I – well, can you keep a bit of a secret?"

"Ooh, I love those! Dish!"

"I'm taking some dance lessons with Murphy," Sarah explained. "Phix suggested that I try him for some quick tips."

"He's fantastic, I know," Monica said, motioning to a booth. "Join me while I'm waiting for my coffee?"

The two of them sat and talked while Tina worked her magic behind the counter. Even as she finished cleaning out the press and began work on Sunshine's order, she smiled happily while half-hearing the conversation.

"…And I still never figured out how he got out of the house and over to Lake Calhoun…"

"…Really? She's a VAMPIRE?..."

"…The last one was the bathroom at an In 'N Out Burger in Apache Junction…"

"…She used WHAT to wake her up?..."

"…A whole DeLorean in the basement! I'd have just closed it all up…"

"…Hm, I guess it makes sense to load it with beef patties…"

It was after that last discussion that Tina had finally gotten the press cleaned and Sunshine's drink made. Sashaying around the counter, she brought it out to the pair.

"On the house, Sunshine," she said with a smile. "I needed to clean that thing out anyways."

"I don't get it," Sarah asked. "What's with the nickname 'Sunshine'?"

"It… has something to do with my answer to Phix's riddle, I think," Monica said after a moment.

"Sorta," Tina replied. "You've just always had this brilliant aura about you. I think it may be because of your demon shepherd side."

"Demon Shepherd?" Sarah was a bit taken aback by that.

"Long story," Monica replied. "Maybe next time you're here for lessons, I can stop over here and we can talk?"

"Deal. My next lesson is the 10th?"

"I think I can manage. Jet's on that shoot until the day before the party, anyways." She raised her cup toward Tina. "Thanks for the freebie, dear." The two of them wandered out of the shop, with Tina giving them a wave as she headed back behind the counter.

EDIT: RAsznfrezdich!
Last edited by jwhouk on Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by Just Old Al »

Oh, dear...another human in the mess. :)

Great fun, Joe.
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Re: Dances With Minotaurs

Post by lake_wrangler »

I particularly enjoyed the snippets of conversation, which all referred to different fanfics. It was a nice touch, while also establishing that she is being brought up to date on what's happened over there in her absence.
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