The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by lake_wrangler »

jwhouk wrote:"Noreen," Billens stared at his fellow "agent". "The issue right now is that these officers appear to have intruded on Agent Aedeobie's apartment - without a warrant?"

"Just cause," Thompson replied. "His car was found in Wisconsin, abandoned - with blood in the back seat."

"And maybe it didn't occur to you that his wife might be in labor?"

"If so, agent - where is she, then?"
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the $1000 question... :P
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by jwhouk »

"Good question," came another voice from the front door. "Hey, Judd, long time no see."

Now it was the Lieutenant's turn to have a pained expression on his face.

"Hello, Lily," he said. "How are you involved in all this?"

Lily just flashed her badge. "FBI, same as Billens and..." She stopped as she looked at the other "agent."

"Noreen Atolicus - I think we met at Jin's wedding?" She held out a hand to Lily, her eyebrows waggling a bit.

Lily took the proffered hand, looked at Billens - and mouthed one word at him: Nudge?

Billens nodded. Lily's eyes promptly rose to the ceiling.

"Look, Judd, we've been trying to get a hold of Miss Aedeobie, but she's not answering her phone - and her mother doesn't have one at her estate." She looked over at the kitchen counter, by the tea maker. "And I suspect Alan left his phone here," she pointed to the evidence laying there, attached to a charging cable.

"So - we still have an empty car in the middle of nowhere; two, possibly three people of interest and a newborn who are all MIA; and no idea where they may be?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Noreen interjected, "but perhaps they went over to May's place?"
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Just Old Al »

“You can get down, now, Ms. Adeobie. Everything looks good – no bleeding, and no damage from the delivery. Things seem to have gone remarkably well considering the conditions the birth happened under. From what you and the midwife told me that was less a birth and more of an ejection – poor thing was on rails to hear your mother describe it. All in all, though, everything went perfectly and you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Helping Jin down from the table, he turned and took the baby from Alan’s nervous arms, laid it on the table and began his examination.

“Cord needs to be retied, but best use I’ve ever seen for a boot lace” he said as he retied the cord end with a suture and cut away the end with the knotted boot lace. “Nice clean job, you washed her afterwards – good, and she’s feeding well? Great.” The doctor performed the standard reflex checks performed on newborns, eliciting a thin squall from his patient as he tested for the Moro reflex. He then applied erythromycin to the infant’s eyes, rewrapped her, and passed her back to the willing arms of her parents.

“You have a fine, healthy baby girl, Mr. and Ms. Adeobie.” He pronounced with satisfaction. Being as his normal work with MIB involved healing things of a far more gruesome and violent nature, this neonate examination and health check of the mother was a wonderful change of pace.

Young parents were a wonderful sight, the doctor thought. Jin, holding the little girl in her swaddling, was a serene Madonna picture even if a bit disheveled. The doting father, standing behind and gazing down on his daughter presented the tower of strength and protection all fathers should be – and sadly some were not.

Satisfied and heartened by the new life in his presence, he began to return his equipment to his kit, and then at a thought turned back to the young couple.

“I know what’s going on, and why you folks are here in the Library. Once this is straightened out you really need to see your OB/GYN for a proper check-up, and the little one needs to go to her pediatric doctor for an examination and to start talking about her periodic visits. She’s a wonderful little girl, though, and I’m sure she’s going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up. What are you going to name her?”

This wasn’t a hard question – most couples answered that in seconds. However, the look of perplexity on the young couple’s faces was almost comic if it weren’t so confused.

“Honestly, Doc – we don’t know. We talked about it and talked about it and never did come up with a name we could agree on.”

“Oh, well – it really doesn’t matter till you go register the birth, anyway. I’m sure you’ll figure it out by then.” Packing the rest of his tools, the doctor closed his jump pack, accepted a handshake from the father and a hug from the mother, and went on his way.

Jin, Alan and Nameless wandered back out to the Atrium – they’d been in the Library’s first-aid center near the central Atrium. Phix waited there, and heartened by the short duration of the visit with the doctor came forward.

“Everything OK?” she asked, a little but not terribly concerned.

“Everything is just fine. Baby’s perfect, mother’s perfect, and other than this idiotic nonsense about us being a cult and sacrificing children it’s just fine. What’s up with that?”

“Well….things there have taken an interesting twist. Not long after all of you got here the police got into your apartment and searched it. They obviously didn’t find anything but your clothes, Jin but that didn’t stop them nosing around looking for who-knows-what.”

“The problem is – they found your wedding album on the coffee table. Billens got there and tried to do damage control, but they saw him in one of the pictures. Nudge and Lily went in as well, but by then the damage was done.”

“”We’re not sure where to go from here other than memory-clearing the bunch of them – but the information is out.”

“Oh, dear.”
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by jwhouk »

The teenager running the gas station counter overnight was on her last copy of Glamour when she heard the chirping again. It was loud enough that she could hear it over the country tunes that WRJC 92.9 FM was pumping out that night.

It appeared to be coming from the general direction of the dining room of the restaurant - and it was perturbing her to no end.

She picked up the phone and dialed over to the front desk of the Best Western.

"Yeah, hey, Terry? It's Lisa over here at the Shell. There's something going off in the restaurant, sounds like an alarm or a phone, maybe... You got a key?... Okay, thanks."

A few minutes later, Terry arrived at the store's front counter.

"Been dead for you all night?" she asked.

"Just a few stragglers who came in late because of the snow," he replied. "Think I have the key for the gate."

They both walked over to the lock side of the sliding metal gate. "I can hear it," he said, as a shrill chirp sounded in the darkness. "Sounds like a phone with a dying battery."

He managed to find the right key for the lock, and they set out in search of the noise. Lisa heard it again, and honed in on a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"Hey, got it!" she said. She managed to wedge it out of the gap between the back cushion and the seat - only to see the "BATTERY LOW" message on the front. She tried swiping, but that led to a code lock on the phone.

"Whoever's it is, it's in lock mode." She took a cursory look at the phone, then handed it to Terry.

"Put it in Chet's office," Lisa said. "He can try to track down the owner in the morning."

"Yeah, not the first person to lose their cell phone at the restaurant," Terry replied.

He tucked the phone in his pocket, then headed back to the motel.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Just Old Al »

Behind the scenes at MIB headquarters, pandemonium reigned.

A crisis of this level called for extraordinary measures – simply finding and memory modifying the individuals who knew of the photo album became impossible soon after it was found. Simple denial was also impossible – the photographs were too clear, and the number of officers made it just as impossible.

Obfuscation became the name of the game.

Kevin’s photo studio was quickly ransacked with permission, and all of the source files of the pictures quickly put beyond the reach of the most diligent law officer. With that, all of Kevin’s camera equipment and studio gear was moved along with Kevin himself – back to the Library, where all of the pictures were taken.

A personhunt then took place – humaniform pictures were to be the name of the game.

“What the hell is going on here!” Phix bellowed, as the Great Hall began to fill up with agents and the paraphernalia of the photo studio.

Brandi, attracted by the bellow, walked over. “Here’s the story – we need to steal a part of the library for a short while. We need to do damage control on that damn photo album – and you’re going to help by not giving us a hassle.”

“Of course not – just what are you going to try and do?”

“Everyone in those pictures has a humaniform equivalent we can work with. Kevin is going to end up getting touted as a Photoshop genius – because we’re going to produce the “originals” he created the photos from.”

“ohhhhh…so you need to round up everyone and have a photo session.”

“Yes – especially the bridal parties and their families. We’ll need to fake up hairdos and the clothing from the MIB costume shops, but we can pass that off to the Photoshop job as well if there are any minor discrepancies. What we’ll need you and Nudge to do if you can is fetch in the people that don’t have access to the island normally – and Phix, don’t eat anyone.”

“Well, really!”

Around them a carefully organized chaos swirled. Makeup artists and stylists, working from the original images, grabbed Jin and Alan and restyled them to their wedding photo best. Costumers with approximately-matching garments modified the garments to match, also fitting Jin with undergarments to resemble her early pregnancy self.

As the others in the party were whisked in they underwent the same treatments. Katherine still had the sarong and top, so little costuming was needed. A quick raid took place on Buck’s closet, and the white pants and Hawaiian shirt also turned up.

The other pictures in the album were considered, and a selection of these were set up for “Original” status. The picture of Atsali and Nadette snogging (in feral) was one, as it would demonstrate the strong differences between the album and the “original”. Paul Stookey speaking with a gryphon was a simple shot – Billens was about the same height as the gryphon and would be Photoshopped into the original image – the difficulty of locating the gryphon and getting him on camera making the simple substitution a better idea.

The shots of the Alexander-Gilchrist wedding party would serve admirably as well – Atsali in feral, Castela in human, and Daisy, Cinnamon and Rowdy in feral (wearing sunhats, of course) would be rather striking when compared to the “original” shots. These were easy – the centaurs had no clothing to match other than the sunhats, and the positioning was simple enough in front of the pavilions and beach.

Most of the shots would go unchallenged – the most striking would do to deflect the question of the validity of the rest.

Once set up, the photography went quickly. The needed individuals were shuttled in, costumed/dressed as needed and shuttled to the island, the photography done, and then on to the next. Several hours’ work later, the new images were ready, and with the camera dating set to deal with the question of authenticity several sets of the prints were run off.

Later that day, Judd Thompson received a visitor at his MPD office. This visitor was a lawyer – a Mr. Alexander from Alexander Harvesters.

“Mr. Thompson, I am representing Mr. and Ms. Adeobie. I am here to decide whether to proceed with a harassment suit against the MPD and you specifically for the illegal entry and search of their domicile, and the illegal seizure of items from said domicile in support of a discredited investigation.”

Thompson winced. He’d received word not long before that the “Amber Alert” was the creation of a misguided dispatcher, a power failure and spectacularly bad timing. The only crime had been a hit and run on the part of the Toyota’s driver, no more.

“Mr. Alexander, there are many questions that need to be answered by your clients as to the irregularities in this case. First off, the blood on the seat and outside the car – where did that come from?”

"Very simple, Mr. Thompson. Ms. Adeobie was at full term and the stress of the trip she was on caused her to go into labor in the restaurant – and she delivered in the car after it was stranded off the road. Luckily, her mother was a midwife and was able to deal with the technicalities of the birth. They were picked up and brought back to Minneapolis by a good Samaritan who wishes to remain nameless – and I will NOT allow you to violate their privacy over this. Mother and baby are doing quite well, but really want to return home – which they will NOT do until this harassment by you and the MPD ceases.”

“This is all well and good, Mr. Alexander, but there are other questions that need to be resolved. When my men were looking for signs of the missing baby at the Adeobie’s apartment, some rather odd photos of their wedding turned up – and an explanation of these is decidedly necessary. The complicity of an FBI agent in trying to take over the case – on orders from his superior, but still personally involved – makes this entire issue quite suspect.”

“First off, that album is one of the items illegally seized from the apartment. You are in illegal possession of it, and my clients demand its immediate return. If you have it brought here, however, I will – entirely voluntarily – satisfy the curiosity of you and your superiors – then I will decide if further legal action is required by your responses.”

Thompson knew he was in hot water. The incorrect Amber Alert and the subsequent searches and seizures left the MPD and him personally in a precarious position. However, he wanted answers on those pictures and the fantastic beings in them. With a phone call he had the album brought up from the evidence locker.

Alexander opened the album and pointed to a picture – his and Katherine’s family wedding photo. A truly awesome sight it was, with the centaurs, the siren and the humans all standing on the beach.

“Do you recognize this human?” he asked Thompson, pointing at himself. ” Yes, that’s you.” Thompson replied, realizing the abyss he had managed to step into.

“Interesting composition, eh? Centaurs, a winged siren…all sorts of paranormal creatures. Let me show you another copy of this picture.” Alexander dug into his briefcase and produced a folder, and from it extracted a print.

“A friend of both couples was the photographer for the wedding. He is also a very talented graphic artist, and decided to produce an album for both couples as a wedding present.”

He slid the picture from the folder across the desk to Thompson.

The lighting, the composition – all were the same. Instead of the centaurs there were three humans – a handsome older woman, a young man resembling the groom, and a younger woman also showing a family resemblance. Instead of the siren was a beautiful young woman.

“He talked to people at the wedding as he took the pictures and asked what they wanted to be portrayed as – and modified the pictures to suit. These albums were the gift – the modified ones. I obtained these proof shots from the photographer.”

Alexander flipped further pictures out on the desk – two girls kissing – who were in the album the siren and a furry bearlike creature. Another picture of a man talking to a gryphon – turned out to be Billens and an older gentleman chatting. Picture after picture – none of which were supernatural.

“Well, we’ll have to speak to this photographer-“

“NO, you will NOT. This matter is at an end. Unless I hear from you that this matter and any charges will be dropped – HERE AND NOW – then there will be further legal action – and this album and these supplementary pictures will be Exhibit A at how you and your minions overstepped your bounds.”

Thompson realized he was well and truly in it now. His bluster wilted rapidly after a few further exchanges with the lawyer, and twenty minutes later Buck Alexander was walking out of the police headquarters with all of the evidence from the apartment, including the incriminating album.
Last edited by Just Old Al on Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"To the finest Attorney in all the Great Lakes region! AVE!!!" offered Neil at the gathering in Jin and Alan''s apartment. Several glasses came up to the toast while Buck shyly smiled in acknowledgement. Crowded with familiar faces, it was as if 'Club Alexander' had been transported into circumstances too small for such a crowd- and yet, the familiarity allowed a congenial gathering. Many of the group had been actively involved in the search and subsequent cover-up, others only found out after the fact- but all were there now, celebrating the escape of the Adeobies from the police and the press as well as the birth of the newest member of extended family- a rather adorable little girl, one who already had her Father wrapped around her little finger. There were all manner of toys, a crib, a high chair, a changing station, breast pump, bottles, cartons of baby food and bales of diapers stashed hither and yon. Greg had built a wooden cradle of 'Pennsy Dutch' design, Al had crafted a stroller that looked 19th century but had some 21st century features, including a GPS sensory system and alarm that activated when the child was removed... he spent quite a bit of time explaining to the young couple how to dis-arm it, of course, Stan had a monitoring system of his own design and Glytch bestowed the little one with a charm necklace- the 'charm' actually was a homing device in tune with the stroller's GPS.
"And now," Neil continued, "We have one more bit of important business to attend to- have you two finally come up with a name?"
"We have- " Jin replied, "Paula, after Alan's Mother, and Taylor, after my Father's family name- Paula Taylor Adeobie!"
A round of cheers and applause followed the announcement- off in the corner, Atsali looked askance at Nadette-
"Paula Taylor? What kind of name is THAT? Sounds like they wanted a boy and couldn't come up with a girl's name,"
"At least the mundanes won't have any trouble pronouncing it..."
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Dave »

:lol: Two thumbs up!!

(Slightly disappointed that the bear wasn't invited to the party. It's almost a member of the family now!)
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Dave wrote::lol: Two thumbs up!!

(Slightly disappointed that the bear wasn't invited to the party. It's almost a member of the family now!)
The bear was delicious ... a bit of mustard/horseradish on the side along with pickled carrots....
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Dave »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
Dave wrote: :lol: Two thumbs up!!

(Slightly disappointed that the bear wasn't invited to the party. It's almost a member of the family now!)
The bear was delicious ... a bit of mustard/horseradish on the side along with pickled carrots....
Heh! Considering what the bear ate, returning the f(l)avor seems appropriate.... turnabout is bear, flayed.

(Places a package of Hambearger Helper into the Pun Jar)
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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by Just Old Al »

Dave wrote: Heh! Considering what the bear ate, returning the f(l)avor seems appropriate.... turnabout is bear, flayed.
(Places a package of Hambearger Helper into the Pun Jar)
Somehow I am getting an overwhelming craving for liver with fava beans and a fine chianti...

I figure any recipe for Sphinx should work for punster...just cook it longer to drive off the gamy flavour.

Sarge - I thought you tranked his butt - the ketamine not work did it?

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Re: The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Panicked...

Post by jwhouk »

I sat there for a moment.

"Paula... Taylor... Aedeobie?"

"Shhhh," Monica said, nudging me with an elbow.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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