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Sgt. Howard
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Re: U-296

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Der LIEBE GOTT!" Screamed Dondermann, "HE HAS IT!!! HE HAS IT WITH HIM!!! We cannot throw that slimefish what it wants, our Skipper has it and now he's killing everybody! Zürfeldt, get a wrecking bar from forward- we have to break open that hatch! Walsch- get a pistol from the main armory... get two of them... and rounds... NOW!!!"
The circumstances were beyond belief- no depth charging could match the sheer terror of their present circumstances. The hatch between the Engine room and the Galley separated him from a madman who was methodically killing the unarmed crew... this same madman held the one article that might relieve them of the monstrous sea demon that currently was hauling them to their doom. The order to scuttle was superfluous... this U-boat would never be recovered.
Walsch came back with two pistols... but no ammunition.
"I have no idea where it is- perhaps he has it all on him?" Udo offered.
"Oh, this just keeps getting better... You realize he has the ticket home with him and it has split his stone... get somebody up here with that damn wrecking bar,"
Zürfeldt showed up with the implement and immediately he and two others set upon the wheel of the hatch...

Karl had defeated those who would attempt to claim the sword- there were other pretenders, but the lure of the sword was not for them. They would be defeated as well for Karl was the true warrior- the sword handle told him so. The dead bodies all around him were proof of that. There was a clunking noise ahead of him- looking up, he saw the wheel on the door starting to turn ... he knew that meant somebody was trying to open it... his pistol was now empty, so he put a fresh magazine in it and cocked the first round. The stave he had braced the wheel with gave way, the door opened and a face looked out from around it- the last thing the face saw was the blast from the pistol. The door fell open, showing more faces, more pretenders. Methodically, Karl shot and killed each one as he saw them. There was no return fire- Karl had hidden the remaining ammunition after he had packed his pockets with as much 9 mm as they could hold. All of the other pistols and maschinpistolen were useless now. Only he, Karl the mighty Warrior, had the means to kill... and kill he did. The handle told him to do so. Some faces looked familiar to him, some called his name, it didn't matter- the sword was his and his alone. Round after round he fired, each one striking another claimant from the list. HE was the one destined, HE was the true warrior... HE would claim the sword and save Germany! HE was the new Leader, the new Führer, the new salvation of Germany. With the sword in his had, HE would drive the Russians out of Berlin, HE would push the Americans and British out of Belgium and France... and then lead the conquest of all who opposed the Fatherland! In his madness, every problem was solved every obstacle was breached- HE alone knew the answers.
Several times while walking up and down the doomed U-bout, he would hear the pitiful cry or moan of one not yet dead- he finished them off without mercy. The whole time that the vessel was being pulled to it's resting place, Karl assured himself that he was the lone survivor.

Then he grasped the handle of the sword... and the handle laughed at him and showed him what he had done, how he had murdered his own crew while some beast carried the boat to the bottom. Staggered with this, he searched the boat for a single surviving member... but he was alone. Totally alone. The only company he had was of the dead and his own guilt... and the Cross of Satan. He went forward, determined to destroy the cross. He chained himself to the forward Starboard bunk in the forward torpedo room and grasped the cord of a grenade with his right hand- to drop it on a torpedo would destroy the cross, scuttle the U-boat and possibly kill the krake as well.

Then his hand refused to work. His left hand gripped the P-38 Walther and slowly brought it to his head. He fought the urge with all his might... and for a time, thought he might beat it...

Things had quieted down in the dead-not dead thing that held the object... there had been much loud noises such as the two-legged air breathers were prone to making, and several loud popping noises... the spinning things at the end were still turning, but after a while that was the only indication of movement.

Then there was one more pop... and all was silent inside.

He carried it back to the gate area and went to deep water to recover from his adventure...
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Re: U-296

Post by Sgt. Howard »

And that brings us to here...

Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Bravo! Bravo!

Realistic, plausible, easy to read, entertaining, draws you in... and it fits nicely between the cracks of conventional canon. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I also followed the provided link and read on for a bit, enjoying "the rest of the story"...

Well done!
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Re: U-296

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Thank you... I rather enjoyed writing this little blurb to 'fill in the cracks' as it were. The big trick was leaving the Captain as Paul drew him- he had to shoot himself with his left hand, you see. Otherwise it was 'smooth sailing'... except for the crew of the U-296 of course...
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Re: U-296

Post by jwhouk »

Hm. Upon further review, that Alserman guy looks familiar.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: U-296

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote:Hm. Upon further review, that Alserman guy looks familiar.
Thought you might notice that...
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
jwhouk wrote:Hm. Upon further review, that Alserman guy looks familiar.
Thought you might notice that...
First reaction upon reading this: did I miss something?
Second reaction: Woah, is it possible that it was Neil?
Third reaction: wait a minute... it couldn't be Neil, since he didn't die in the sub...
Fourth reaction: hang on... is he the one who got taken by Stinky? Could he have survived that?

Fifth reaction... I have no idea... Does that mean I have to re-read it, now?
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Re: Search…

Post by Sgt. Howard »

lake_wrangler wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:
jwhouk wrote:Hm. Upon further review, that Alserman guy looks familiar.
Thought you might notice that...
First reaction upon reading this: did I miss something?
Second reaction: Woah, is it possible that it was Neil?
Third reaction: wait a minute... it couldn't be Neil, since he didn't die in the sub...
Fourth reaction: hang on... is he the one who got taken by Stinky? Could he have survived that?

Fifth reaction... I have no idea... Does that mean I have to re-read it, now?
Stinky threw him ashore on Southern Ireland-
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
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Post by lake_wrangler »

Sgt. Howard wrote:Stinky threw him ashore on Southern Ireland-
... and he managed to switch his accent enough to pass as mostly local, or from not that far away, anyway, and avoid raising suspicion... was found by a man and his son, if I recall...

(Without looking or re-reading... just needed someone to jog my memory... )
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Re: U-296

Post by jwhouk »

(whistles innocently)
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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