A VERY happy wedding...

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

Heh, don't feel bad, Glytch. It took me a bit, too.

ANYWAYS... (Somewhat sad that Aeterna didn't pop out on my birthday... :( But October birthdays are cool. :) )


The crisp, cool air of north central Wisconsin was starting to hint at the long winter to come.

I, however, was ecstatic. I'd gotten another envelope with a simple birth announcement:

Aeterna Antonia
7.75 pounds, 19.6 inches
born 15 October 2015

The photo of Phix holding the little one, with a proud – but very young looking – papa next to her, nearly brought my wife to tears.

We decided to get her a gift card for Babies 'R Us – I found that you could print them out online, explaining that the happy couple were from the Twin Cities area. And today being my first day off in seemingly forever, I had wandered over to the portal that morning.

Thankfully, there was no snow when I pulled up to the door of the old Scott Town Hall, but there was definitely frost on the ground. I parked and quickly zipped in to the door.

The lobby gave way to the Great Hall almost immediately. I was about to call out when a huge shadow suddenly appeared overhead.

"Well, well, what have we here?" The sphinx landed with a light thud directly in front of me.

Oh, crap, I thought.

"Uh, hi there Ph…"

"Soooo, mortal, do you seek knowledge or adventure?"

"Uh… wait a minute – I thought I already…"

"SILENCE!" She brought her face up to mine. "Answer the question: knowledge or adventure?"

"Uh… knowledge?" I said, trying to control my bladder.

"Well then," she grinned, baring her teeth. "You know the drill." She pulled herself up to her full, feral form with wings outspread.

I am faster when it's cold,
And slower when it's hot,
It's good when I hit a net,
But bad when I do not.
The ice is my milieu,
Though I'm nothing without branch of tree;
So tell me, mortal, if you dare:
What may I be?

I stopped, my brain having ceased working for a moment.


"A hockey puck," I nearly giggled it out.

"Good. Here, have a cookie." She handed me a large monster cookie. "Thank you for the gift card. Now, go – I'm way behind on these."

She leaned over and planted a kiss on my forehead, then flew off.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by GlytchMeister »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:...flower patch? Care to translate for the out-of-the-loop youngster?
Lily and Daisy
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Mid November of that year, on a large sandbar/small island in the middle of the Bermuda triangle.

In the northernmost pavillion tent, Buck and Alan were both getting final touches on their Hawaiian Shirts and White suit pants- both sweating bullets, and not from the heat. In the southernmost pavillion tent, Katherine and Jin were getting the same treatment to their Bikini tops and Sarongs- Jin was JUST beginning to show her pregnancy. Outside, Club U-296 had a full que of customers, a band had set up and was cranking out low-level background instrumentals, and a large number of folks were just enjoying the break from the miserable Minnesota Winter while waiting for the ceremony to begin.
"Mayahule, for the last time- what you are suggesting is NOT what your daughter wants! And personally, I am quite offended by the concept of animal sacrifice! I find it repugnant!"
"But Nick... may I call you Nick?"
"No you may not! My Name is Nicodemus! 'Nick' is something human males do when shaving!"
"... Nicodemus, then- you are a Rabbi, your people did animal sacrifices at one time,"
"AT ONE TIME- yes, at one time- we don't do them anymore... and in case you haven't noticed, I am also a goat,"

"My word, it's a wonder the island doesn't capsize," Daisy stated as she surveyed the crowd.
Lily looked thoughtfully at the horizon- "... didn't some moron of a congresscritter worry about that happening to Guam?"
"Oh, I remember that- I swear, Humans do tend to put idiots in charge of things, don't they?"
"As I recall, that's how my predicament came to be... Daisy, are you really ready for this?"
"Hell no- tell me what Mother is- Lily, you just GOT your family back- that would blindside ANYBODY. But you've got extended family now- you ain't loosing nuthin'. Heh, the only thing that I see is - OUR kids ain't at the alter with a pregnant bride!"
Both women chuckled at that- "Yea, well... we DO have grandchildren anyway," Lily commented, "and likely to have more. I mean, what a combination- our children are creating a 'United Nations' of paranormals in their own home... (sigh)... no, I'm not ready for this... but I will learn to love it... on a different note, didn't I hear that your head Butler quit?"
"Oh, he threatened to do so... I upped his salary... THAT solved the problem,"

Among the crowd there was a tallish older gent in conversation with Paul Stookey... the man had a guitar case in hand.
"Just do that appregio pick you've developed, I'll handle the vocals... I mean, I love your voice, but 'Wedding song' has never had a harmony when I've played it,"
"Not a problem, Paul- I am just honored to share a stage with you- but now, after the ceremony... do you know Harry Belafonte's 'Wedding Toast'?"
"OOOH!!! YES I DO!!! Do you have the lyrics written down? I never remember the order,"
"Paul... there IS no order... Harry did it differently every time he played it!"
A look of dawning crossed Paul's face- "No WONDER I could never figure it out! How about I just join you on the chorus?"
"Here's my idea- first verse, I do line one, you deliver the punchline- second verse, You do line one, I deliver the punchline- whatcha think?"
"Too complicated without rehersal- I'll stick to the chorus, OK Greg?"
"Fair enough- I am SO looking forward to this,"
"Me too- HEY< there's the sign! We need to tune and get up there,"
"On it,"

"Justin, I've been thinking..." Shelly pondered.
"I thought I smelled smoke," he replied.
"Wiseass! No, about us... and maybe I'm being selfish, I don't know... but I'm thinking my Daddy deserves to give me away at my wedding, deserves to see grandchildren... what do you think?"
Justin thought about it for a bit... "I think... I think you're right..."
They kissed.

"Brandi! Belly up to the bar, girl! I'm buying!" stated a slightly inebriated Suzi.
"Girl, you got an early start here... are you gonna be OK?"
"Doubt it... I never really was..."
Both girls started laughing.

"Daisy, I never did understand- how was it that Buck and Kath could win a dance competition when Kath had never danced before in her life?"
"Lily, it's simple- horses and humans actually share a brainwave frequency... not that one TRULY understands the other, but when a human rider becomes familiar with his mount, he can actually tell the horse what to do with his mind... centaurs have the same capacity with horses OR humans. Kathy was so enthralled by Buck when they met, she was naturally open to his suggestions without knowing what was going on,"
"... he didn't use that to...?"
"NO... oh, no- that's not possible. Co-ordination of movement- he has NO influence on her emotions or desires... but if you keep your mind open to it, you'll be amazed at what you can do,"
Lily thought about this for a moment- "Daisy, what if... " and she whispered in her ear.
Daisy's eyes got big- "Oh! OH! Won't THAT be fun! Yes, I think we can pull that off..."

Nadette and Atsali were wandering around, lookng at the whole thing... Atsali finally spoke up-
"No, there's no privacy here that I can think of... and as much as I love making out with you, I think we ought to be more social here,"
"Yea, I think you're right... darn it... oh look! There's Cinnamon and Sis... it's so funny seeing a bear riding a centaur- where's your sister?"
"Oh, she's here someplace, being a terminally cute nuisance... oh look! There's Devyn, Mallory, Alexis and Abbie! Wow! So many friends from school... and there's Krystal, so... yes! There's Jessie! C'mon, we've got a lot of people to say 'hi' to,"

Rowdy and Kevin were both inside the groom's pavilion while Monica and Bud were with the brides- this left Georgette to fend for herself... a mortal amongst a sea of paranormals. While she did her best to NOT show it, it left her a little jumpy inside... especially as she knew only a handful of those present. Walking about, looking for a familiar face, she stumbled on a rather short, balding fellow who looked equally out of place.
"Oof! I beg your pardon- ??? ... don't I know you from somewhere?"
"Ah... actually, you do... sort of... I almost got your photograph in Minneapolis a while back- you, Monica and some older gent were doing a 'selfie' where you two bussed him on either cheek,"
"OH! I remember now... but... are you... human?... it's very hard for me to tell in this crowd,"
"Very Human and very mortal- I'm Joseph Houk, correctional officer... I think we're two of the few... I want to say 'normals', but that depends on what you consider 'normal' anymore,"
Both got a good laugh out of that...
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

"Wait a minute," she said briefly. "I remember - you're the one who found Monica's dog, right?"

"Guilty as charged," I replied. "Of course, I don't quite think that's why I was invited to this wedding..."

The strains of the band beginning the introduction music began to play.

"Oops, I think they're starting here in a minute." I went to head off to find a seat, but stopped "Oh, by the way? I did talk to M last week at the Library - after I got my invite. You don't need to worry about the drones."

"What?" Georgette looked at me with her face confused and surprised at the same time. I pointed up toward the peak of the island. There, sitting around a ledge near the top of the peak, were a half-dozen semi-feral Apos.

"Those were the ones that were on Phix's side after Arania's eviction from the Library." I smiled. "Nudge was put in charge of coordinating them against any possible incursions."

I motioned toward the seating area.

"I may not be Tom Brady, but I wouldn't mind sitting next to a supermodel," I said with a smile.

"Flatterer," she replied, as she walked down the aisle of the seating area.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Paul and Greg came up to the bandstand, the other musicians respectfully holding their instruments at bay. On a downbeat, both men started a hauntingly beautiful melody and Paul opened up with the lyrics,
"He is now to be among you, at the calling of your hearts..."
As he sang, Alan, escorted by Kevin, came from the North pavilion at the right head of the assembly- he was followed by Buck, escorted by Rowdy (both in human)- Alan took center left, while Buck took far right. Kevin and Rowdy stood off to the right of Buck. Paul's beautiful lyrics floated across the congregation as all eyes turned to the South pavilion- first Katherine, escorted by Monica, then Jin, escorted by Bud came up the aisle. The timing was perfect- both couples were in position as Nicodemus cleared his throat.
Nicodemus gave a simple explanation of the human condition and the sacrament of marriage. He spoke of the devotion to each other, the promise of the ring and the taking of oaths in front of all these witnesses, how their faith in each other and their hope for tomorrow makes this even more of a promise for everyone's future than just those exchanging the vows.
The terms were discussed, the vows were made, the two couples were presented to the people... and the REAL festivities began.
Shelly caught one of the bouquets... two of the other ladies in that competition suffered mysterious injuries, including one black eye. Justin caught a garter. Nicodemus made note. Bud and Kevin danced every dance... as did Kathy and Buck. Phix and Neil spent most of the time enjoying the company and playing with Aeterna Dixiana... Neil started calling her 'Dixie' over Phix's objections. Atsali and Nadette disappeared and did not show up for a while, Castela danced with Murphy, the Minotaur... then the Band put Greg and Paul at the Mikes again.
The skirmish at the bar intensified as patron after patron got some form of libation (The most difficult being the tall skinny chick who insisted on a Manhattan)- when all quieted down, Greg led the pandemonium-
"The chorus goes as follows- 'Come, drink this toast- drink this wedding toast- come, drink this toast- to the FOUR we love the most,'... and drink when you get thirsty!"
Greg and Paul started off with a calypso beat as Greg started off-

"Will her love be like his rum?
Yes it will, yes it will,
Intoxicate him all night long?
yes it will, yes it will,

come, drink this toast, drink this wedding toast-
Come drink this toast, to the FOUR we love the most-

Will she be the perfect wife?
yes she will, yes she will,
make him work hard all his life?
yes she will, yes she will

come, drink this toast, drink this wedding toast-
Come drink this toast, to the FOUR we love the most-

Will her cooking be the best?
yes it will, yes it will,
will it make him split his vest?
yes it will, yes it will,

come, drink this toast, drink this wedding toast-
Come drink this toast, to the FOUR we love the most-

Will we sing and dance all night?
yes we will, yes we will,
eat up everything in sight?
yes we will, yes we will"

...it went for several more verses, causing laughter, spilled drinks and a mild level of mayhem. Then the regular band took over and a conga line formed, causing even more hilarity.
Greg sat down at a table to catch his breath, only to realize that Phix and Neil were there. He extended a hand to Neil, saying, "You... you look like me at your age... but I know you're not MY son- I got 'clipped' long before you could have showed up- amazing,"
"It... it IS remarkable. But both of my folks are dead, so I suppose I could say the position's open..."
"HAH!!! I've got two daughters MUCH older than you, and a couple of highschoolers that I acquired with a relationship... to say nothing of not enough room for you, leave alone a bride and a little one. I'm Greg Howard- I hail from eastern Washington State,"
"Neil Antonia- my wife Phix and THIS is little 'Dixie'," Neil proudly held up his daughter.
"Her name is 'Aeternia'!" retorted Phix.
"..?... Phix?... aren't you the librarian at the Great..."
"My... Mother ... holds that position... she and I share the same name,"
"I... see, well, I daresay you are the spitting image..."
"Uh, yea... but..."
As Greg left, Phix looked at Neil- "I looked him up, as you asked- he was adopted at birth, born August 24th, 1954 in San Jose California- the death cerificate you used was a clerical error of some sort- he had a near death experiance at age three in Belview Washington- he survived,odviously, but since you only used the records of the Greater Seattle area when you used his name, you had no mention that his family moved BACK to San Jose in 1958 when he was four. Neil... is he...?"
Neil was thinking, doing the math- finally commented, "That would have been December of 1953...yea...I remember her... he probably is my son... he doesn't need to know..."
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

"So," I explained to Monica after watching Georgette scramble for the other boquet, "I talked with Tsillah about it, and the Library agreed to allowing the portal change. Makes things a lot easier for me, for sure."

"No more hayfever episodes?" she asked, sipping on her mimosa.

"Well, unless the wind comes in off the trees, no." I was sipping on a Coke Zero; I volunteered to be a "DV" - Designated Vorper.

A being who looked like a little orphan Annie version of Tsillah, except taller, tapped Monica on the shoulder.

"Here, my daughter wanted me to give you this."

She presented M with the remains of what appeared to be a DJI Phantom Quadcopter - which was only obvious because the top markings and faceplate were left intact on the top and one side of a squished cube, about five inches on all sides.

"Nudge saw the guys trying to take photos from a boat parked off shore." A shadow coalesced into the shape of Tsillah. "One of the sphinxes took care of them. The other took care of the drone."

"Georgette is eternally grateful," Monica chuckled.

"Makes a nice centerpiece, if you ask me," I said.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by GlytchMeister »

Do not meddle in the affairs of paranormals, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Dave »

GlytchMeister wrote:Do not meddle in the affairs of paranormals, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
Gotta appreciate a man who knows the classics! :lol:
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

A little warning: I may end up on radio silence over this weekend due to my return to the salt mines after a never-long-enough vacation. :(
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »


Erza Molin had gathered most of the debris from the beach and around the bar by noon the next day- seldom would he ever leave the library, but his compensation for this effort was considerable-
He could visit the Island during off hours as long as he helped with weddings and such here.
He had just sat down for a break when a little voice caught his attention-
"Hey... HEY, MOLIN!!! DOWN HEAH!!" yelled Calista as loud as she could.
Erza stooped down to the diminutive fey and noticed her struggling with a mason jar, one that had holes poked in the lid. Upon closer examination, he noticed a few 6" humans trapped inside the jar. He looked at Castela quizzically.
"One a' da Apos tol' me ta give you dis an DO sumpin wid dem... but I don't know WHAT yer supposed ta do... you tink de'll make good bait?"
Erza looked them over with renewed interest while the humans begged and offered money, power, women... ANYTHING, as they were pleading for their lives. He pointed at the jar, then opened his hand and made a face to ask 'what?'.
"Dey wuz takin pictures wid sum radio control crap- dey wuzzn't invited an' wanted to spill secrets... dey know too much,"
Erza made an 'OH!' face and placed the mason jar next to his lunchbox, smiling as he considered what he might catch in the surf.

FINI... for now...
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by louisxiv »

Sgt. Howard wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:...flower patch? Care to translate for the out-of-the-loop youngster?
Lily and Daisy
Just noticed this in a post-holiday catch up — puts me in mind of:

“Daisy and Lily,
Lazy and Silly,
Walk by the shore of the wan grassy sea, —
Talking once more ’neath a swan-bosomed tree.
Rose castles,
Those bustles
Where swells
Each foam-bell of ermine,
They roam and determine
What fashions have been and what fashions will be”

—Edith Sitwell (1887-1964) Façade: Waltz

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

Sgt. Howard wrote:Erza Molin had gathered most of the debris from the beach and around the bar by noon the next day- seldom would he ever leave the library, but his compensation for this effort was considerable-
He could visit the Island during off hours as long as he helped with weddings and such here.
He had just sat down for a break when a little voice caught his attention-
"Hey... HEY, MOLIN!!! DOWN HEAH!!" yelled Calista as loud as she could.
Erza stooped down to the diminutive fey and noticed her struggling with a mason jar, one that had holes poked in the lid. Upon closer examination, he noticed a few 6" humans trapped inside the jar. He looked at Castela quizzically.
"One a' da Apos tol' me ta give you dis an DO sumpin wid dem... but I don't know WHAT yer supposed ta do... you tink de'll make good bait?"
Erza looked them over with renewed interest while the humans begged and offered money, power, women... ANYTHING, as they were pleading for their lives. He pointed at the jar, then opened his hand and made a face to ask 'what?'.
"Dey wuz takin pictures wid sum radio control crap- dey wuzzn't invited an' wanted to spill secrets... dey know too much,"
Erza made an 'OH!' face and placed the mason jar next to his lunchbox, smiling as he considered what he might catch in the surf.

FINI... for now...
Bravo, dear chap.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

Phix was awake, pacing the floor of her study while doing an early morning feeding of Aeterna when she saw the notification indicator.

This puzzled her, because it was a weekend over most of the time zones of the earth - which meant very little was actually printed up and sent to the Library's New Volume Depository. At least not much that wouldn't be handled by Nicodemus.

She put her baby daughter in a front-facing snugli and sauntered down to the New Volume Depository. Probably just some fan fiction, she thought to herself. Or - God, I hope it's not some tasteless erotica.

She arrived at the depository to find exactly two volumes: one in a blank manila folder, about perhaps a centimeter or so thick. The notifier simply said "142 pages, unbound."

There was a second version, this one also on 8.5x11" paper, but with four pages to a sheet. The second looked like it was a printer's proof of the first work, so Phix set it aside for later cataloging.

Aeterna was fussing a bit, with mommy not devoting her full attention to her feeding time. "Shhh, little one, momma needs to look this over before she can go back to..."

Phix stopped in her tracks when she opened up the manila folder.

The title page had a picture of her, with teeth bared, in front of the silhouette of a Roman Soldier.

The title made her go wide-eyed: The Centurion And The Sphinx.

She looked down at the authors - no one she'd ever heard of.

She flipped through a few pages.

WHAT? It was all there - Neil's return, the accident, the story of the Elixir, how she found out she was pregnant with Aeterna...

"Something wrong, dear?" Neil was padding around in his nightshirt. "I thought I heard you say something."

"It's... uhm..." She looked down at the folder. "Oh, it's nothing. Just some fan fiction or something. I'll finish up with Aeterna and be back in bed in a jiffy."

Neil shrugged and walked off. "Never argue with your wife, especially when she's an apo sphinx..."

His footsteps grew quieter, but Phix paid it no heed.

It was all there. The wedding. Nudge's stupid prank. Katherine, Jin, the two vampires, that odd gentleman from Wisconsin, and... Monica.

As she found herself reading the tome silently, she was occasionally reminded of the baby at her breast. She kept reading - realizing every single word was true.

This was going to have to go to MIB, she thought to herself.

When she reached the last page, she was genuinely surprised.

"So that's what they did with the interlopers. I think we need to give Mr. Molin a raise, don't you, Aeterna honey?"
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Atomic »

Don't let other peoples limitations become your constraints!

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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

louisxiv wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:...flower patch? Care to translate for the out-of-the-loop youngster?
Lily and Daisy
Just noticed this in a post-holiday catch up — puts me in mind of:

“Daisy and Lily,
Lazy and Silly,
Walk by the shore of the wan grassy sea, —
Talking once more ’neath a swan-bosomed tree.
Rose castles,
Those bustles
Where swells
Each foam-bell of ermine,
They roam and determine
What fashions have been and what fashions will be”

—Edith Sitwell (1887-1964) Façade: Waltz

Magnificent find!!!~
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"I am not a ...'cat'... puny mortal..."

I am a bit out of practice, but I think that flys.
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101_6575 (4).jpg (249.56 KiB) Viewed 25517 times
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by GlytchMeister »

Is that a scene from... Uh... "A Visit to Phix?"

Also, who drew that?
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

GlytchMeister wrote:Is that a scene from... Uh... "A Visit to Phix?"

Also, who drew that?
That is from 'The Elixir' where Neil encounters Phix for the first time. He has just told her, "Ask your riddle, cat,"- her response is listed above the artwork. Annie says it is a fair representation of me- but I have been drawing myself since 3rd grade, so that is not surprising.

Yes, that is my work- twenty minutes total draw time
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

Not bad for a quick sketch.
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Re: A VERY happy wedding...

Post by jwhouk »

By the way - I'd just like to say that TC&TS looks very nice using the Windows Reader app in WinX.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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