Unexpected Reunions...

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Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

I'm back after a seven-year break, I actually took some time to learn and try to improve so here goes nothing. I am writing and providing source material in concert with my brother Andrew providing Info while he works on his story telling.

The school room was quiet. All, but the scratching of the pencil on the test sheets could be heard. Johns wrinkled hands worked the pen with practiced ease that of a man far older than the form he currently held. Around him the school room was decorated to look like a collector's dream. On his right a display case housed a large hunting knife modeled after Big-Foot Wallaces Blade. In the far-right hand corner a uniform of the proto–Texan Army prior to its absorption into the US Military. Above it crossed was an 1836 Patterson Revolver and an 1830's Mexican Army Officers Sabre. Both weapons were in pristine condition kept up by loving hands.
Perusing the test sheet of the Texan War of Independence in front of him he chuckled. Marcus Wrights answers were correct according to the absolute shame they called an Highschool History book. If only they knew how wrong, they actually were.
A nock on the door broke his concentration.
“Excuse me sir, its closing time...” Looking at the time, he chuckled. It was in fact time to leave. Putting everything away he tidied up the table and got up. Walking up to the door he grabbed the old overcoat from its post in the wall left of the door and tossed it around sliding into it with the dexterity of a man who'd mastered the art of the sword.
Walking out and into the field his phone went off. Not stopping he answered and said a pointed hello. Charles was antsy, he had long run out of his daily rations. The man on the other end gulped.
“The package is delivered sir!” John nodded and ended the phone call. Charles rushed to him straining the rope. His powerful build that of an extremely Muscular Texas Walker Grey with white splotches all over its Fifteen Hand tall frame. He was hungry and wanted to eat. John looked at the horse disdain on his aged face "Piggy..."

Mean While in Minneapolis
Tiberius walked around the library he narrowly avoided a flying kick by Dixie as she vaulted from an upper level. She landed legs in a mess howling in pain.
“Why?” She whined as he chuckled and turned to look at the sixteen-year-old sphinx. Her hair was now in a mess all over her shoulders, a leg was in an awkward position beneath her.
“What did you learn?” He mockingly said. In response she began to laugh. In response Tiberius raised an eyebrow putting his hands on his hips continuing the mocking display. She only laughed harder at this. After a short while she caught herself and stood up.
“How do you hear me coming every time?” Tiberius chuckled and relaxed before he could speak, Niel walked up and spoke up.
“You could not sneak up on a corpse my dear. Plus, Tiberius here has hearing that makes your mother look deaf..." Just then a growl rolled through the library and Dixie shivered involuntarily.
“Momma says to be nice...” Tiberius shook his head and looked at his phone, still nothing.
“What brings you to the library today?” Niel said cheerfully attempting to lighten his daughters now downtrodden mood.
“Waiting on a package...” Tiberius said nonchalantly his face now bored again.
“A package?” Dixie inquired Tiberius looked at her incredulously. She watched dragons all her life and yet she still didn’t know.
“Yes.” Dixie looked at Niel who was also confused. He was brave enough to speak up.
“Why do you need anything? You have Millions...” Tiberius shook his head.
“First of all, its Billions. Second of all you wouldn’t like me very much if I didn’t occasionally dump money on a pricey object!” Dixie and Niel were now right and proper confused.
“Wait why?” Tiberius shook his head
“You know Bonnie and Clyde, right?” They both nodded obviously still confused. Tiberius groaned knowing he'd have to explain further.
“Used to be a Dragon Power couple of extreme fame they did. All until they went off the deep end...” Dixie blinked trying to wrap her head around it. Niel got the message and nodded this time in acceptance. Dixie saw this and demanded and answer.
“What's he mean papa?” Dixie was done trying to get answers out of the Dragon. Niel sighed and collected himself.
“My dear Dragons have a gold lust; It must be sated in the form of taking items of value. Mining said items of value or obtaining items of value. Tiberius is at the point where he must do so...” Dixie's relative innocence welled up to the surface as she spoke again only partially informed.
“What happens if they don’t?” Tiberius face palmed the noise being heard all around the library.
“Three words... Bonnie and Clyde!” Realization dawned on her face, and she gulped.
“Oh wow, I think I got it...” Just then his phone went off. It was John.
“Yelllo?” John chuckled.
“It's finally here... Oh bring the family; I got something I want to show your father...” Tiberius nodded and ended the call. Tiberius looked at the now curious Niel
“Alrighty; Niel get Phix and this one...” Tiberius motioned to Dixie with a wave of his hand “Ready to travel. We're going to Texas...”
Last edited by Jharris16-17 on Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

John was quiet as he entered the bounds of the property. Charles now quickened his pace as he headed to the barn. It was a deceptively small building easily able to hold and supply a dozen horses. When in the barn John dismounted. Carefully he took the reins and stowed them on the hook. Returning John took off the Saddle and put it on the post sticking out of the wall.
With a click of his tongue Charles followed him to the gate to the back pen John then opened the gate and waited. Almost as if waiting for approval Charles finally began to mosey on in. After he cleared the gate, he began to trot going to the Feeding trough. It was just over half full. Charles' head plunged in, and he lost all concern.
Turning back John walked to the door and closed. He now headed to the Garage where his residence was. It was huge able to fit easily a dozen M1 Abrams tanks and all the accompanying equipment. In the corner the stairs were, and he walked up it to the raised balcony that served as his domicile. Removing his Overcoat, he placed it gently on the coat rack. A loud bark filled the garage as Fred rolled in his tracks clanking in metallic joy.
Turning John smiled at Fred "How are you today?"

Elsewhere deep underground
Tiberius chatted with Jesse as he packed up for the trip. His mother had already packed a week's clothing for them. Whilst Joey dutifully assisted their mother as she made final preparations for the trip. Jesse was doing his best to hide from there often overbearing mother. Jesse was quiet for the most part. He was the quiet one of his two younger siblings.
"Why do need to get stuff?" Tiberius chuckled at Jesse's ignorance; the downside of not being a Dragon
"It's my nature... Yours to just toned down quite a bit." Jesse smiled wickedly
"Can you fly with that load?" Tiberius looked at Jesse shaking his head.
"Boy, you can't pick up the dog, don't talk to me about carrying the Truck!" Jesse looked like he'd just been slapped.
"I'm sorry!" Tiberius snorted at Jesse's reaction. Smoke rolling off his nostrils. He quickly moved to brighten up the teenager's mood.
"Ease up kid, you're riding with me and Grandma..." Jesse's face split wide as riding with Phix entered his teen mind.
"Dixie too?" Jesse asked and Tiberius nodded. Jesse was brimming with excitement.
"Yup, Niel decided to follow in the Airship..." Tiberius chuckled at the last comment.

Up stairs
Dorna knew Jesse was down in Tiberius' cave. She did not care, besides it allowed her to prepare in peace. Outside Drago prepared the Airship. It was mostly ready and now they waited on Niel and the others to show. Joey talked a thousand miles a minute thus why Drago and Tiberius were away where his incessant rattling could not be heard. This was still to her advantage. Joey was unlike his brother Jesse a dragon in full by chance...
Thus, she enjoyed the ability to mentor him as she'd mentored his older and not so wiser brother. Outside Drago cursed in Draconic as the Motors kicked over just missing his face. Chuckling Dorna turned as Tiberius entered the kitchen back of essentials in hand, Jesse in toe hiding partially behind his older brother.
"You ready?" Dorna asked already knowing the answer to which Tiberius nodded
"Still waiting?" Tiberius Asked bored Dorna nodded matching her sons look of boredom. A dragon could easily cruise at eighty miles an hour, but even they were on time.

At the library
Phix was a blur of motion as she packed four or so suitcases, one for taking care of herself and Dixie and then one for the each of them. Niel stayed away as he knew that it was not a good idea to get in the way. Dixie sat on the edge of their bed in an Outfit her mother had picked for her. It was a well-fitting outfit suited for work in the sun. No doubt they had argued and Phix had won. Niel sat back as he watched the fine thing that was Phix pack.
"So dear, how will we travel on your back?" Phix turned to look at him with a look of pure amuzement.
"Silly man thing... We will go by Airship; Drago has obtained one capable of moving us and those unable to fly in his clan." Niels eyebrows raised, an Airship, they were dragons easily able to support the lot of them in flight.
"And where do you intend to be?" Phix grinned wickedly
"First class..." With that she turned back and closed the suitcases and walked out.
"Grab em you two!" Niel went over and took two bags following her. Dixie groaned and grabbed the remaining bags following them.
Outside a Cab waited for them. Phix in a revealing top leaned over talking to the Driver. While the driver struggled to meet her eyes, Niel allowed his to drift to Phix's rear end.
"Let's go dear..." They piled in and the driver left leaving for the Sikorsky Hearh. It was silence for the trip and after a good thirty-minute drive they arrived and got out. Phix Tossed a Fifty towards the driver. The driver sped away.
As they entered the back yard of the Sikorsky Hearth the illusion dropped for Niel. A full-size Hindenburg Airship sat its motors idling as it waited. Dragon and Tiberious were in Feral form.
Dragos Scales were Black in coloration with red eyes. His Sons were Blood Red with Yellow colored eyes. Both were the same as father... like son. Stocky with exceptionally powerful muscles and limbs. They were of the combative type with their bulky shapes favoring physical combat over speed.
Albeit over fifteen hundred years younger than his father Tiberius was easily Fifty foot in length body wise with a wingspan of over a hundred seventy foot. His tail easily Seventy foot long; His Neck almost a dozen foot in diameter was almost twenty-five foot long.
All along his spine large spikes rising in some areas a yard in height. His horns were curved forward resembling a skull. He suspected it was evolutionary to promote fear in his or her enemies. There nostrils were flared wide as to intake the most oxygen. The twelve-hundred-mile trip was a doozy even for the experienced dragons.
Dorna led the non-Dragon Sikorskies out with a smile. Forgive the display. "They like to show off..." Tiberius let out a roar which made Niel stagger and lowered his head down. At this Jesse ran up and climbed up taking a seat just back of Tiberius' shoulders. To his surprise Dixie ran up and did the same Phix smiled walking over.
Dorna came up to him chuckling. "Let's go, were flying economy..."
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

The yard was quiet as John did his Saturday duties. After a long and though oil bath Fred had run off to the pond to reverse the progress John had made. He should be pissed, but he had no great concern though. They would be there in a short while a mere ten hours. Enough time to set up the surprise. Charles grazed in the field getting fat for the next week or rations and carousing his two Appaloosa girls. The Perks of being boss hog...
As predicted the moving company had put the Package in the worst spot, but they weren't paid to be smart. He'd had to move the equipment himself, but he still enjoyed it. The Russian pieces had their own charm to them. Quietly he swore as the SUV's drove up picking up dust as they sped down the road.

Seven Hundred miles away
Dixie was full of glee as she flew above Tiberius. Drago led a hundred or so yards away leading his massive Black form easily seen by all. She was envious of the Dragons as they flew. As single wing flap could support them in the air for easily a dozen or so minutes. She however needed to keep a steady beat. Thus, why her mother sat pristinely drawing her father's envious gaze. Jesse and her mother talked with great enthusiasm.
Coasting down she listened in.
"So, he dived and hit the other dragon and made the dragons wing snap. The dragon fell down squealing like a girl!" Her mother chuckled
"Did he?" Jesse nodded rapidly.
"Then when Tiber offered an opening... The other guy took it!" Phix smiled at this
"Tiber huh, may I call you Tiber?" Tiberius growled in response
"I see, only you can... Jesse?" Jesse looked at her questioningly
"Yes?" Phix smirked
"How does one earn the right to call him Tiber?" Without warning Tiberius dived wings tucked in.
In Response Dixie dived struggling to follow Tiberius and only catching up as Tiberius pulled up Wings beating with incredible speed almost too quick for their sheer size. Jesse had a smile that split his face wide. Her mother was smiling the exhilaration making her feel young. Dixie was now jealous and struggled to follow the much larger Dragon. At the level of the Airship Tiberius began to coast again not saying much.

In the Airship
Niel felt oddly at ease as he watched the precession. The Drago clan flew in style.
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Austin, Texas
Lyta stirred from her slumber as the powerful scent washed over her. Coming from the Northwest a scent that awakened a feeling unknown to the young she dragon she was aghast at it. Lust, Primal Lust on a level where she was almost beside herself. Standing up she smelled the air and savored it. It was rich with the scent of Testosterone.
Despite her misgivings she exited the modest cave and stretched out her long sinewy wings. Emerald Green, they glimmered in the sun. Half flapping her wings the dust obscured the scent. She was now intrigued, it came back... Taking human form she walked to the old Volkswagen and without opening the door inserted her arm into the car and turned the key. The motor kicked over and began to splutter. Partially transforming her arm, she pumped the gas evening out the idle.
From the shop to her left her brother Dario exited his normally blue overalls black with oil and his red flannel a Hodge podge of Red, White and Black. His Work Boots were covered in oil to the point they shined in the sun. He wore a halfcocked grin on his scarred face.
"Going to see Johny Reb?" She glowered at him
"Why do you care?" Dario chuckled. He knew exactly what was going on and knew it was nye on suicide to stop what was about to happen.
"I figured..." With that Dario re-entered the shop and the door closed. Opening the door, she lowered herself into the car and put on the seat belt. The healing factor she possessed relegated the need of a seat belt moot, but Dad was adamant; They must play by the rules!

Mean While at the McCann estate
John was at the entrance to the Garage as the Three Black SUVs pulled up FBI Style government plates and all the accoutrements. They got out and a dozen men pistols out aimed at the old man. Two men stepped out walking up calmly to the old Texan. They were a classic pair old and young. A bad good cop bad cop combo...
"Mister McCann; My names Agent Billings of the FIB and this is Agent McKay. We received an alert that highly dangerous experiments have taken place at this residence. We would like to talk with you?" John chuckled at this
"So which neighbor this time?" McKay looked at Billings confused.
"You've been here before?" Billings scowled at McKay all pretense for warmth gone with the Johns comments.
"Mister McCann... Have any experiments taken place here recently?" John sighed and pointed with a thumb towards the sign on the door. It read in Bold writing embroidered in Fifty Cal shells 'Get a Warrant!' Billings upon seeing the sign turned and began to walk back to the SUV he had exited previously. McKay Followed him confused. John grinned wickedly.
"How's Ol Jericko doing? Still getting eight miles to a gallon?" Billings turned back drawing his side arm only to be restrained by McKay
"Why you sack of pig shit, I will hurt you..." Just then a loud bark filled the air as Fred Bounded over growling his large teethe gleaming as the Critter snarled. The Agents either knowledgeable of Freds kind or smart enough to get out of the way scattered as Fred leapt high into the air. Landing on the top of the nearest SUV flattening it. He then stood up and bit the closest one to him and tossed it into the air like a stick a hundred or so yards. It landed Heavily Oil and gas Mixing on the parched ground.
The Last of the three SUV's was about a dozen foot from Fred. He opened his maw and a sonic blast impacted the SUV sending it flipping into the air where it hovered for about a quarter of a second and fell on its head crushed by its own weight. The other agents were gone having Poited away when they were able to. McKay was in shock still holding Billings tight. Billings no longer mad had pissed himself his dark grey slacks now dark where he pulled his sidearm.
He fumbled around failing miserably for the button on his watch to Poit out as Fred approached menacing teeth bared. His jaw just closed enough as to not blast Billings, McKay and John into nothingness. Billings somehow regained function as Fred made it with in snapping distance. He jammed the button and like that was Gone.
Affectionately John walked up and patted Fred on the Nose
"Go get Fido and have him clean up this mess... You go back to the pond afterwar. And be ready!" Fred turned and lumbered off now exhausted by the outburst towards the Housing unit for Fido.

Somewhere Northwest
The ensemble had landed and settled in for an hour-long break. Drago now in human form slept in a hammock in the back of the Gondola snoring like a freight train. Tiberius was napping in Feral Form curled up like a cat His Tail tip on the right side of his face. Hidden by the folds of his wing was Jesse enjoying the heat that radiated from the sleeping Dragon.
Niel and Phix were off somewhere doing their own thing away from the party's oversight. Dixie, Joey and Dorna sat on blanket eating a wide variety fruit. Dixie albeit enjoying the food was confused.
"Sis, why do your kind eat Fruits and Vegetables? Shouldn't Ya be eating Rare Steaks and the like?" Dorna smiled warmly her Mediterranean features brightening as the smile split her face.
"It is quite simple my dear..." She pointed at Tiberius' napping form.
"Our kind fight for survival and dominance always. Meats: the rarer the better provide us the nutrients needed to maintain our lifestyle..." Dixie's was hopelessly confused now.
"So, Ya eat Fruits and Veggies to say you don't need to fight?" Dorna chuckled as Joey grabbed yet another Pear tearing into it with ferocity of a starving man into bread. He finished it in six large well landed bites.
"More to show off..." Spouted Joey... Dixie's eyes went wide as realization dawned on the Sphinx. Now questions began to flood the young Sphinx's mind
"How Ya knows your safe to eat em?" Just then Tiberius shifted as he napped. His jaw involuntarily opened letting loose a burst of flames that seared the ground. Like that they were as his mouth shut with and audible snap.
"That my dear..."
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Outskirts of Seelow Heights - April 16th. 1945
Drago popped the hatch open, and Drago raised himself up. All around him the Dragon Company of the 61st Guards army waited. The artillery barrage kept going the noise almost deafening. Even his human counterparts were wearing earmuffs or had wrapped their heads tightly with scarfs.
His unique physiology allowed him to close off his ear drums and thus he could ignore the display for the most part. Then the barrage ended. A brief message shrieked over the radio, and it had begun. 'Атака'Thjose magick owrds had spurned the Million strong force into a battle rage that would not ebb.
Tapping Yuri on his left shoulder Drago manned the heavy Machine Gun on the top and Screamed in Draconic
"Strunyolnos!" The tank lurched forward, and the 61st Tank armies advance began. The road would support two tanks across until they had cleared both sets of trenches. His tank took the charge its gun forward. The following tanks guns were at angles to the left and right.
All tanks swiveled their guns ten degrees side to side MG's reigning death on the German Defenders. Behind them in rapid succession Infantry swarmed like ants over the trench's killing any who survived the barrage or did not escape when they had the chance. A round struck the side of his tanks turret and deflected going into a trench where it exploded killing a dozen infantry men. Swiveling in the direction of the shot he lit the area up with a heavy burst.
Men ran their position done for only to be cut down by vengeful Russian fire.
"Танк вперед, Пятьсот метров" The tanks turret swiveled and its massive gun raised belching an Armor piercing round. The Mark Four Panzers turret flew high on a jet of flames. Yuri had gunned the engine as they hit the slope towards the heights. Drago and the others were now on stable enough ground and forms a large wedge Guns firing with abandon at all targets that made themselves capable.
With the breakthrough the Mobile Infantry had joined them supported by their tank destroyer escorts. Seven more times the main gun belched death each time masterfully drove home Marcus' impeccable aim and Yuri's driving skill. As they cleared a rise another round struck the tank this time exploding on the heavily armored nose.
The gun bucked wildly as it was fired though the explosion enough to kick it up five or so degrees. The High Explosive round struck a Tank and it exploded in viscous Igor. It seemed to bore its way out. As they neared it Drago smiled; It was a King Tiger. Its Brittle Front armor had fractured irreparably under the impact of the High Explosive shell.
They cleared yet another small ridge as Drago ran out of belts for the top mounted Heavy MG. Climbing back into the tank a good trick as it traversed the slope turned into a cratered mess by the Artillery Barrage. With only his head out he scanned the field.
"К победе или смерти"

Back in the present
Drago was stirred from the memory as Tiberius chuffed by him.
"What?" Drago said annoyed. Tiberius growled as if to say be quiet old man
"Flight at our nine o'clock two thousand meters below..." Looking down Tiberius was correct. A dozen dragons of all shapes and sizes flew in ragged formation following a large bronze male with scars a plenty.
"Make our presence known, but do not initiate!" Tiberius nodded as Drago looped back and brought himself to fly parallel with the Airship.
"Dragon Flight... Fruldremdun!" Those who spoke draconic nodded solemnly whereas Niels Clan were perplexed. Before ether very eyes they would see a meeting rare in the happening. Two foreign dragon clans would meet and hopefully come to terms.

Down Below
Coasting calmly Tiberius chuffed and drew the Lead Dragons attention. He heard a more audible chuff and two large even compared to other Fighters tipped there wings up and caught the updraft rapidly gaining speed they rose a hundred or so yards above their flight and took an attack vector on Tiberius. They were twins with matching Platinum colored scales. There eyes were bright yellow as were his, but they were without scars.
They flapped hard and swung in behind him on his four and eight examining him, smelling him. He showed no fear keeping a steady pace away from the flight, but close enough to say he was there. The one on his right came up their wingtips almost touching
"Tahdrundrem?" Tiberius nodded slowly as to not break his composure. He was still in a position incredibly difficult to defend from.
"Bormah Krahaldinok Drundrem!" The Dragons done with their investigation backed off and flew back to the Flight speaking to the Lead in hushed tones. Tiberius did not waver in his flight path only beating his wings to stay aloft and maintain his position. After a short bit the two Dragons resumed their positions guarding the flanks. The Lead Dragon tipped his wings up and rose this time with deadly intent.
A show of force like all true Dragons should. He rose wings beating hard to gain altitude and when above Tiberius dived Wings tucked in his side. Tiberius waited until the last second and folded his left wing rapidly spinning right. Rapidly he tucked in his right wing and dived using his tail to correct. Flaring his wings, he then climbed back to altitude resuming his flight.

In the Airship
Jesse and Joey were in rapt attention at the display. It was a Display not often seen and fewer times going this well. Dorna in her twenty-seven-hundred-year existence had seen it six times prior. Now her son was representing The Sikorsky clan. After the Big Bronze had taken a parallel flight, impressed by Tiberius they talked in Draconic, the words of power rippling hundreds of yards way through her soul. Despite her lack of Draconic features, she still felt her native tongue.
The two Dragons were now relaxed lazily swaying back and forth, but still ready. An excellent sign, she was in no position to help her son and Joey was still having trouble controlling his feral form. As she watched the two Dragons compared Flames. They were comparable with Tiberius having a slightly large cone whereas the Bronze had a longer tighter cone. They were talking fast now. hard to do in Draconic, no doubt sprinkling in words from English to supplement the Guttural language that was Draconic.
A loud roar filled the air as both Dragons let rip with a bone chilling show. They then broke in merriment returning to their charges. The Bronze came in loud taking lead with a roar. It was a clear call for obedience. Tiberius rose up and met his father far out where he led the ensemble. They spoke in English where none in the ensemble, but they could understand.
Slightly swaying Drago waved off Tiberius who lazily circled back and came just below the Gondola.
"Jesse, Joey! Dad says were to introduce ourselves!" Jesse and Joey now broken from there rapture filed to the now open door and waited. Masterfully Tiberius raised up and they climbed on like cats on railing. Once on they kicked his side, and he began to coast.
"They will be safe!" Tiberius called out before his mother could speak...
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

It was midafternoon when the warning claxons went off stirring John from his nap. Sitting up he looked at the monitors. A large airship reminiscent of the Hindenburg was flying led by Dragos massive form and escorted by the red form of Tiberius. At the edge of the estate the Airship began its slow methodical descent Tiberius and Drago flying wide circles protecting the large Airship.
Standing he put the revolver in its holster and walked down to the Cruiser and sat on it kicking over the worn motor. Driving out he kicked up dust speeding off the already prepped landing zone. Upon reaching the outer border he stopped and put the stand down killing the motor, he then waited.
After fifteen or so minutes the Air ship was landed and Secured to the moors made available. Drago and Tiberius were in human form offloading the others and their bags. One of the two children played thirty or so yards from them with revolver handed to him by Drago. This was a mistake John had not foreseen.
Still fresh in Fred's memory was the incident with the FIB. Silently creeping out of the pond so silently that Drago did not hear. Only the tall woman saw this and was confused. She went to speak but hesitated. In a great movement Frad Leapt into the air, his intended landing zone the oblivious boy. Before John could speak, the tall woman screamed 'Drago!'
Drago and Tiberius looked around and instantly reacted Primordial instincts kicking in. They ran almost a blur way too fast for their comparatively large sizes. Drago closest was almost too late as he caught Fred collapsing to his knees. He cursed in Draconic the words rippling through every soul present. Tiberius in a head long charge now struck Fred with his right Shoulder denting his front armor and sending him tumbling back.
In a flash he was now in Feral form snarling flames just kept at bay. Fred was in shock as righted himself he took in the Dragon and wilted all his vigor gone.
John was knocked to the ground as The Wiry Italian man who'd accompanied the tall woman struck him.
"What the hell, that was my grandson!" John's eyes were wide with realization. This was Niel...
"Fred, play nice..." John said attempting to take off the pressure exerted on him. Fred pouted limping back to his pond away from Tiberius' still who snarled hatred burning in his Yellow Eyes.
"You named that thing Fred?" John nodded sheepishly not trying to piss off Niel. His bravado had failed his intentions.

Dinner Time
John now relaxed exited the kitchen of the guest house and placed the large roast in the center of the table. Jesse and Joey on loan to him by Dorna brought out the other food laying it out as he had instructed. When they were done, they set out the plates and silver wear in precise positioning. Taking off his bib, John walked out to the porch. In the yard Dixie was giving Fred an oil bath relation having long been patched over from the afternoon's events.
Drago and Tiberius were walking in hushed tones away from the others. They were still on edge, blood still hot. Niel, Dorn and Phix spoke comparing notes on life with dragons. Niel albeit fairly knowledgeable in Dragon culture was asking a million questions.
Ringing the dinner bell the spell was broken. They now meandered in. Fred wined as Dixie cleaned up heading in. Niel, Dorna and Phix took their places around the table fist. Dixie took place by her father to which Jesse and Joey sat to her left. Last to arrive was Drago and Tiberius, they were still moody. Drago sat at the right of the head of the table and Tiberius sat on the left by his mother.
Dorna dared not sit by Drago as their dispute had almost turned violent in the wake of his nye on catastrophic decision earlier in the day. Finally, John sat and raised a cup of Ancient Whiskey.
"My friends and Defacto family I am pleased to announce the first meal I feel truly proud to host at this humble Estate..." Dorna chuckled, and he continued.
"I am proud to announce that my mission went off without a hitch and so far, no one has died..." Tiberius grinned wickedly at the comment.
"Please enjoy the meal..." They dug in and John watched bemused. Phix and Dixie argued about Dixies lack of decorum as Niel attempted to negotiate the argument. Jesse and Joey were just as their teenage nature allowed serving large portions to themselves and their mother. Tiberius and his father waited like John. After a while the others had dished themselves out the mood was relaxed. Niel spoke up his mind running wild.
"So why implant the personality of a Labrador puppy into a Maus?" John chuckled.
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Kiev, Early Russia

Drago stood still as stone as the Mongolian envoys spoke with Mistislav. The envoys were like there people short and even shorter tempered. No matter how they preened Mistislav just ignored them cleaning his nails with his Saex. His Fellow Druzhina simply zoned out only paying attention enough to watch for Mistislavs signal.
"Why should I give them over?" The translator spoke and the lead Envoy who recoiled as if bitten.
"Every last man and women on the Rus will die!" The translator shuttered and repeated it to Mistislav. He smiled and stood up.
"I have One Hundred thousand battle hardened veteran. Why should I fear a meer force of Cowardly Archers?" The Envoy understood this and drew his Saber.
"Face me your pathetic excuse for a warrior!" The translator spoke shivering. Mistislav chuckled and sheathed his Saex. Placing his hands crossed on his stomach he smirked.
"Send them to their gods!" Before the translator could speak the assembled Druzhina were attacking. Drawing his Sword Drago charged forward and swung at the lead envoys head. He drunkenly parried but failed to counter strike. In an thrust the tip of his sword pierced the Envoys throat. All around him the Dozen Druzhina cut down the envoys with malicious ease.
The translator stood quivereing as Mistislav walked up a smile that did not touch his eyes on his scarred face.
"Go to you Khan! Tell him the Rus will die before they betray their Oaths!" The translator ran off the dust of the steppe rising high as he fled.
Drago could smell his soiled trousers. Mistislav went up to Drago who scanned the enemy encampment.
"Find his family, kill them and annihilate that traitors blood line!" Drago nodded and cleaned his sword sheathing it. upon turning it Mistislav proceeded to go to his horse.

Back in the present Drago woke to the sounds of his boys training. Tiberius and his two brothers fought with practice weapons in the traditional methods of the Kievan Rus. Tiberius was a master having trained for thousands of years. Jesse and Joey fought with vigor unleashing their inner rage but were nevertheless inexperienced. Every time they struck Tiberius easily parried. His skills were offset by his age. Jesse and Joey fought in the ways of the Druzhina, warriors of the Kevan Rus loyal to their Princes to the death. Both braced behind single grip targes roughly thirty inches wide they wield bearded axes the beginning weapon of any Druzhina.
One would rush while the other flanked and attempted a strike by hitting in the leg where its edge could easily slice into soft flesh and debilitate the enemy. Tiberius saw this coming and stepped to the right and struck Joey in the head with the flat of his Sword as Joey raised his shield too late. He stumbled into Jesse who fell Axe falling to the ground. Tiberius spoke his voice reminiscent of a drill Seargeant.
"For that failure! Jesse One Hundred Chin-ups! Joey... One Thousand Chin-ups!" Drago chuckled and whistled.
'I want to smell the sweat rolling off you two!" The two went over to the pull up bars and got to work.
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Sgt. Howard
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

James Patrick Harris, sadly, will not ever finish this particular story. On the 11th of this month, he had a mishap with a pistol. He did not survive. His Mother and I are in deep mourning as we try to tie up the loose ends of his life.

Gregory Francis (the Old Sgt.) Howard
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by FreeFlier »

I'm very sorry to hear that.

I extend my deepest condolences.

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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Dave »

Oh, damn :(

Greg, I hope that your grief and Annie's will find healing in the proper time.
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Just Old Al
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Re: Unexpected Reunions...

Post by Just Old Al »

Greg, you know what I've had to say about it - we've talked.

I hope the Lord and Lady help soothe his spirit and help you and Anne find some comfort in these times.

"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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