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The Food Stamp Gourmet

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:47 pm
by Fairportfan
Wonderful 70's cookbook - "Patrician eating on a proletarian budget".

I finally got my scans of it into a form i'm not intensely ashamed to release.

Big file - 11.5 meg PDF.


Re: The Food Stamp Gourmet

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:10 pm
by Dave
Now that is a wonderful piece of reference material for you to have rescued from the depths of time. Thank you!

The price estimates are, of course, badly outdated, but everything else I read in it seems perfectly applicable. The writing is excellent for the targeted audience (those not yet used to "fine cooking") as many hints and tweaks are explicitly stated rather than being left in the "Well, all experienced cooks know this already" realm.

Page 29 - the "flaming tongue" graphic scan seems to have overstomped the left edge of the text.

Page 30 - the amount of cayenne pepper is somewhat open to question - it reads "1/z tb.", and as "z" usually indicates the third-dimension measurement this would make the curry hotter if the cook is shorter ;)

Re: The Food Stamp Gourmet

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:53 pm
by Fairportfan
As i said, there may be some formatting and/or OCR glitches i missed.

I shall fix those.

Thank you.

Re: The Food Stamp Gourmet

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:01 pm
by Fairportfan
Fixed errors and re-uploaded.

My OCR software doesn't like typographical fractions (like "½"), and i missed it on proofreading, because it looked close enough to the correct version that i didn't spot it. I fixed where i'd forgotten to re-arrange the layers on the page so the fire-eater is not intruding on the text.

Anyone else who spots errors, let me know.