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You are in a blue box. It is larger inside than outside>

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:41 pm
by Fairportfan
Season 7, Part 2, first episode of Dr Who


Okay. Oookaayyy. Ooo-kaayyy. Ooo-kaayyy. Ooo kaayyy.

OH-flippin' KAY!

Let the craziness begin!

The First Doctor's TARDIS. And his suit.

Clara. Again. For the fourth (or third, or fifth*) time.

This series promises some Major Twisties before anything gets resolved.


* Third or fourth depends on how you read the events in the Christmas special.

Fifth? Well, consider this:


As someone says in a comment to that video - "This is the way the Doctor's life works - aside from the Doctor's swinging interlocutor and her mother, there are only three people in this clip. A little boy and girl - blonde girl, black boy running with her at 0:08, and a blonde woman talking to the Doctor's little firend's mother at 1:32...

Re: You are in a blue box. It is larger inside than outside

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:22 pm
by Fairportfan
Fixed The Amazing Vanishing YouTube URL...