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What took less than eleven hours?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:41 pm
by Fairportfan
And the Final Jeopardy answer was "Raising two million dollars"

Veronica Mars' movie is a go! 'My mind is blown' says Rob Thomas
Erin Strecker/InsideTV wrote: You did it, Marshmallows!

Less than 11 hours after Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell announced a Kickstarter campaign, fans have raised the $2 million necessary to finance a Veronica Mars movie. It’s officially on!

“My mind is blown. I’ve been fantasizing about this and had to tell myself, ‘Stop it, Rob, you’re being silly. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment,’” the Mars creator tells EW. “And now today has exceeded the wildest pipe dream I let myself entertain. Holy cow. We better make a good movie. These amazing fans have stepped up. We better deliver.”

“I knew Veronica Mars fans were cool, but I had no idea they could rally with such power. They are unstoppable — just like Veronica. I will have a permanent blush on my face, feeling so lucky to be associated with this entire thing,” says Bell.

The goal was to raise $2 million in 30 days. Warner Bros. Digital Distribution has agreed to put the movie into production and pick up the tab for marketing, promotion, and distribution. But exhibiting a passion that broke Kickstarter records in just six hours, fans have been flocking to the site since the page went up at 7:30 a.m. PT. And even though the goal has been reached, pledges can keep coming in.

In a previous interview with EW, Thomas spilled details about the upcoming movie’s plot, which will include — no surprise — murder, mystery and a high-school reunion. It will film this summer and be released in early 2014.

Don’t know what all the fuss is about? Now is the perfect time to catch up: The entire three-season run is streaming in full over on (the show originally aired from 2004-2007).

Re: What took less than eleven hours?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:10 am
by Atomic
Oh wait -- I was thinking of Eyes of Laura Mars. Never mind.

Re: What took less than eleven hours?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:54 am
by Jabberwonky
I was thinking "Veronica - Investigator of Mars" by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Re: What took less than eleven hours?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:58 pm
by Boxilar
Jabberwonky wrote:I was thinking "Veronica - Investigator of Mars" by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The book would be pretty good, and Disney would make decent adventure flick out of it, then kill it's chances at the box office with a lousy ad campaign because they needed to offset the projected profits of the next Avengers movie for tax purpouses and would eliminate the word"Mars" from the title of a movie about Mars.

Then when the movie went to DvD, they'd slap a cover on it that looked like it was pieced together by a third grader with MS Paint instead of using the movie poster.

This would not anger me at the treatment of a beloved childhood Sci-Fi novel, and I would not feel slightly guilty about my enjoyment of the Avengers as a consequence.

Really. * right eye twitches spasmodicaly*

Re: What took less than eleven hours?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:35 am
by Jabberwonky
:lol: :lol:

Re: What took less than eleven hours?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:41 am
by Atomic
Boxilar -- If you're looking for something a little closer to the bone than a good movie with horrible marketing, perhaps you would like to see a private comic based exactly on the text? It seems the fellow drew it for, well, just because!
James Killian Spratt wrote:I was almost prepared to try to illustrate the entirety of one of my favorite stories of all, A PRINCESS of MARS. Knowing that art is more pleasant and fruitful if permitted to happen, rather than by being made to happen, I drew a deep breath and committed myself to the pages, anxious and excited to see what this magical story would reveal.

Since I was drawing initially for my own amusement, with no thought of publishing, I pulled all the normal stops and drew the way I imagined the classic story to be written. The characters are highly underclad, yet oblivious to it; it's their normal way, and they don't see much naughty or titillating about it.
Very NSFW because that's the way it was.