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"Daddy - there's funny white powder in my Halloween bag."

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:56 am
by Fairportfan
Man accidentally gave bags of cocaine to cop’s kids on Halloween
Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo! News | The Sideshow wrote:A British man is facing criminal charges after accidentally handing out bags of cocaine to a police officer's children on Halloween night.

The Guardian reports that 23-year-old Donald Junior Green faces sentencing on Monday after confessing to the charge of possessing a Class A drug. He is expected to be released from custody on probation.

"This was an accidental act. It was grossly foolhardy," Green's public defender, Steven Sullivan, told a court in Oldham. "He has been embarrassed by the publicity but does not seek to feel sorry for himself."

Green says he was reaching into his pocket to hand out some Haribo candies that his girlfriend had purchased for Halloween. But instead, he gave the children a pack containing eight "snap bags" of cocaine that he had purchased earlier that same day.

Amazingly, the illegal drug was not noticed at the time by the children's father, off-duty police constable (PC) Simon Fowell.

But when Fowell checked in on his kids (ages five, six and eight) later that evening, he noticed the drugs in their pile of Halloween candy.

Prosecutor Sean Brady told the court that once Green realized what he done, he immediately scoured the neighborhood to find Fowell and his children.

"I know exactly why you are here," Green reportedly told police when they showed up to his house later that night. "I knew you were coming."
That it was a cop's kids makes it truly wonderful.

Re: "Daddy - there's funny white powder in my Halloween bag.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:06 am
by Jabberwonky
It's these kind of stories that have me convinced that if I turned to a life of crime, I'd be a criminal genius...GENIUS!

Re: "Daddy - there's funny white powder in my Halloween bag.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:23 pm
by Mark N
Jabberwonky wrote:It's these kind of stories that have me convinced that if I turned to a life of crime, I'd be a criminal genius...GENIUS!
I know exactly what you mean (kinda scares me when I think about it though) :(