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Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 12:05 am
by TazManiac
Well, on an impulse, I jammed the new version onto my OS partition, didn't even look to do and backing up or archiving 1st. It was OK though, partly due to my creating a different user account this time around (less chance of stray 'over-writes' that way...)

It's interesting, and I like it better, and it seems faster than 14.04 LTS, but that maybe in part due it being a fresh install, lacking all the sedimnetry layers of the onion the previous version had accumulated.

Since this computer uses an Intel chipset, having better support for High Def Video was an improvement I was/am looking forward to; still haven't tested it fully, but I was getting a lot of frame drops and square pixelization with the old OS/driver package.

Any who, I think Lake-Wrangler might also be a Ubuntu user, anybody else?

(For clarification; the 'Studio' variant is different on the front end from the basic Ubuntu- Studio uses the XFCE interface...)

Sorry no links this time, gotta run, Google is your friend.
(barely running a one-pass spellcheck...)

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 5:36 am
by AnotherFairportfan
Also, Studio is configured primarily as a multimedia machine, if things haven't changed since last i looked.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 8:12 am
by lake_wrangler
Indeed, Ubuntu Studio uses Xfce as a desktop environment, so as to minimize its load on the PC, keeping most of the processing power towards media creation.

Other than that, it also places all sorts of media creation tools at your fingertips, whether it be music creation, video creation/editing, image manipulation, publishing, etc. The installed applications are well organized, and it's generally easy to navigate. It also has a low-latency kernel (music creators will know why that can be important). There are other Linux distros that have a NO-latency kernel, but they only specialize in audio creation, instead of the panoply of tools available in Ubuntu Studio for all other facets of artistic media creation (64 Studio, AV Linux, and KXStudio come to mind. There were others, but many of them are no longer being worked on - the article itself is dated 2008...)

And in spite of being a multimedia creation friendly distro, Ubunto Studio can very well be a good, all-around, daily driver distro.

I guess I will probably update to 16.04 eventually, but I have no time for it right now. (That, and I'm not even quite done configuring some of the software to my satisfaction, yet, as I am also using it daily for, well, daily stuff...)

One reluctance I have in upgrading (still using 14.04), is that it is usually best to do a full, clean install, rather than a mere update, and this means that any software I installed after Ubuntu Studio, I will have to go look for again through the repositories. Not only that, but I have to figure out a way to list what those software were, so I don't forget any...

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 10:48 am
by ShneekeyTheLost
I run Linux Mint, so a Penguin here.

For recording, I use OBS now that it has a Linux distro. Does an excellent job without cluttering everything up or lagging to heck and back.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:05 pm
by TazManiac
I should have started a journal of the experience of transitioning from one to the other versions, but I got started on a lark and just jumped in.

Prior to installing 14.04 on this (then) new and blank hard drive, I had partitioned it to have separate OS and /HOME sections.

This made it easy to just whipe the OS partition and install the new version, specify it a mount point of '/' and Bob's yer Unckle.

What I Did Do was create a new user login profile, separately migrating over my previous stuff after the dust had settled,
What I Didn't Do was scour the OS section for anything I might have wanted to keep, nor take inventory of installed apps/utils to aid in replicating them afterwards.

LW- I'm pretty sure you can get a 'print out' of your current apps n' stuff prior to making major changes.

PS- I installed a small form-factor Dell in the rack of a local church my brother has been supporting (he installed the P.A. during construction in fact...) SO I'm looking into better ways to record the proceedings; the some decades old dual-well CD-R rack-mounted unit is showing it's age... OBS huh?

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:00 pm
by lake_wrangler
TazManiac wrote:LW- I'm pretty sure you can get a 'print out' of your current apps n' stuff prior to making major changes.
I don't doubt it. I just haven't had the time to look it up, yet.

If I was running Linux Mint, it would be easier: they have a backup program that backs up your installed programs, lets you do your clean install of the next version, and go back to the backup program so it can install all the software you had on before... but that backup program is not in Ubuntu Studio, and I'm not sure it would even work, were I to include Mint PPAs to look for it...

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:40 pm
by TazManiac
{ Set way-way-back machine to 'Laugh-In'... }

"Eeeenteresting... OK, so {edit}:

THIS ... ackup.html

(from 5 or six years ago) led me to

THIS: ... -your.html

And along the way they also touched on

THIS: ... -tool.html , again, from 2010, so it's dated.

But then again, I'm just getting started...

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:53 pm
by TazManiac
Different reply to my own thread:

I seemed to have been surprised by the stuff I had to add and the other stuff that was already in the default package (Studio 16.04);

VLC, a media player, wasn't by default, but LibreOffice v5 is. Stuff like that.

And my old stand-by; GParted had to be manually installed. (and of course I always add 'disks' too...)

And Stellarium. :D

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:35 am
by lake_wrangler
TazManiac wrote:Different reply to my own thread:

I seemed to have been surprised by the stuff I had to add and the other stuff that was already in the default package (Studio 16.04);

VLC, a media player, wasn't by default, but LibreOffice v5 is. Stuff like that.
I had forgotten about that... Well, I knew LibreOffice was there (part of the "Publishing" aspect of media creation), but I'd forgotten that VLC wasn't...
TazManiac wrote:And my old stand-by; GParted had to be manually installed. (and of course I always add 'disks' too...)
Really? I know it's part of the live CD... But since I didn't take any notes while installing, about a year ago, I forgot it wasn't installed until I looked for it and installed it...
TazManiac wrote:And Stellarium. :D
Oooooooh. Nice. :D

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:39 am
by ShneekeyTheLost
OBS is a screen-capture video and audio recording system that can also pull from mike as a separate channel, much like FRAPS. More geared to making Youtube Let's Play videos than recording audio. For just recording audio, use one of the several audio programs already mentioned.

Incidentally, thank you for introducing me to Openshot, included in Ubuntu Studio. I will be using this for video splicing and doing post. Might even finally be able to record an intro/outro and be all perfessinal-like.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:01 pm
by TazManiac
LW- Yeah, GParted is part of the LiveCD(DVD) but not part of the actual completed installed OS (whaaa?)

Shneekey- Studio turns out to be a great default, everyday OS, as the Wrangler of Lakes points out, pluuuuus- it's got A/V stuff in there as well.

It's changed a bit in the look&feel department, esp regarding the Main Menus and the removal of a default 'hidden' icon bar across the bottom of the screen.
Actually, the historical feeling I've gotten from the 'new' menu setup harkens back to something I recall from Ubuntu 9.x or something.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:44 pm
by lake_wrangler
TazManiac wrote:{ Set way-way-back machine to 'Laugh-In'... }
"Eeeenteresting... OK, so {edit}:
THIS ... ackup.html
(from 5 or six years ago) led me to
THIS: ... -your.html
And along the way they also touched on
THIS: ... -tool.html , again, from 2010, so it's dated.
But then again, I'm just getting started...
Thanks for those links. I think I'll mostly stick to the second one: it seems like a simple and elegant solution. That, and since the article on that first link is old, there's no knowing if it's been updated to later versions and would work on 14.04. But really, I just like the simplicity of the commands in the terminal, in this case.

As for the third link, I'm already using Deja Dup (third most popular on that list...)

I have to admit, that this is one of the problems a new Linux user runs into: with so many programs available to do so much stuff, how to pick either the best one, or the one that will most fill your need...

For instance, for taking notes (whether it be to-do lists, odd notes that are unrelated to each other, sticky notes and reminders, or whatever), I have already noted (no pun intended) the following:
CherryTree, KeepNote, RedNotebook, GNotes, Notes, and I know there are several more... I started reading the users manual on a few of those, but have not had enough time to read enough to make a properly informed decision...

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:41 pm
by TazManiac
(the next Johnny-5 reboot will have a quote; "Too Much Input!"... I have no doubt...)

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:24 am
by lake_wrangler
Heh... I'm currently doing an archive binge of a webcomic, and it looks like they still have Live CD versions of Linux on Bootable USB keys, in whatever century Freefall takes place... :mrgreen:

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:37 pm
by TazManiac

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:56 pm
by TazManiac
lake_wrangler wrote:Heh... I'm currently doing an archive binge of a webcomic, and it looks like they still have Live CD versions of Linux on Bootable USB keys, in whatever century Freefall takes place... :mrgreen:


Oh, wait, you mean waaay in the future?

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:00 pm
by Warrl
TazManiac wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:Heh... I'm currently doing an archive binge of a webcomic, and it looks like they still have Live CD versions of Linux on Bootable USB keys, in whatever century Freefall takes place... :mrgreen:


Oh, wait, you mean waaay in the future?
Given that the universe of Freefall has:
  • FTL space travel
  • Genetic engineering sufficient to create sapient bipedal wolves
  • A colony in another solar system with approximately 20,000 immigrants, 20,000 native-born children, and 500,000,000 robots (most of them sapient)
  • The fact that the colony is finishing up borrowing a moon from one of the local gas giants to stabilize the colonized world
Yeah, I'd say waaay in the future.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:31 am
by TazManiac
Ok, it's right after the 4th of July and I've found a couple of 'tings that are still bugging me following going from Ubuntu Studio 14.04 to ver 16.04, namley;

(These are quick notes to remind myself to post up Bug Reports...)

- Cursor active, but not Visible, following re-awakening from screen-locking (Cnt-Alt-F1 then C_A_F7 = one way that brings it back...)

- mscorefonts fails to download/install, part of 'XX-restricted-extras'.

- THUNAR File Manager; cut/paste causes window to close, (after completion of paste).

- Corners of Thunar window should have bigger area to resize windows.

This last one is a troubling bit thats been talked about for some years now- some of the responsible people mentioned stuff like "Whaaaat?, it's perfectly _fine_ to have the borders of the windows be only a single pixel wide. Whats wrong with you people?" or words to that effect. And then it's chimed in "Just Choose Another 'Theme'"... Balderdash.

With the greater advent of large and higher resolution monitors the need to be able to adjust the Actionable Area of a window (to resize it on the fly) and not have to resort to Cntr-Alt-this and that Right Mouse Clicks seems fundamental to me.

Anywho, and for the most part, things are purring along just fine.

I even refurbished an old laptop with the 16.04 32bit Lubuntu variant, and that PC only has 384K (Kay!) of RAM.
That and a 20G Hard Drive, of which a sizable portion is still Win XP.

Still, works (more than) halfway decently.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:27 am
by Dave
TazManiac wrote:- Cursor active, but not Visible, following re-awakening from screen-locking (Cnt-Alt-F1 then C_A_F7 = one way that brings it back...)
I had somewhat similar problems when my Debian system upgraded, and started using the "light-lock" screenlocker (part of the lightdm display manager suite) in place of, or in addition to "xscreensaver". The keyboard wouldn't work right, either.. there was a "key grab" error reported.

I removed light-lock, used the "pinning" feature to keep it being from reinstalled, and the problem went away.

This might not be what happened on your Ubuntu system but might be worth checking.

Running Linux (or XP) on a 384-kilobyte system? Forgive me if I suggest that you check that RAM number again. Even the Linux kernel alone is bigger than that. Older systems like Slackware used to be able to boot a minimal text-only shell environment in 4MB but I think the kernel now requires a minimum of 8MB.

Re: Ubuntu Studio 16.04

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:47 pm
by AnotherFairportfan
Last time i looked, 64-bit Linu ez didn't speak USB3 directly without going in and beating on the BIKS/UEFI.

And, it having been awhile back, i can' remember what it was i had tk change.

Since tbis ma hine refuses to dual-boot, no matter WHAT I do in BIOS/UEFI, i gave up messing with it.

Going to be installing a new mobo as soon as i get a new power supply {this board wants an EIGHT-pin auxiliary connector} and see what i can do then.