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Re: Purple Raindrops

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:47 am
by TazManiac
jwhouk wrote:In case y'all didn't know, Prince originally recorded ([almost] all instruments AND most of the vocals) on the tune that became...
Most every song he ever worked on, including the Times original albums, and those of 'the Family', etc, etc.

Re: Purple Raindrops

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:08 pm
by TazManiac
Sorry, this post is not even behind the fourth wall whatsoever, but-

Joy in Repetition, Live version from the 'One Nite Alone... The Aftershow, It Ain't Over!' album.

Definitely worth listening to on the HiFi or headphones... (dude's gonna shred...)

Re: Purple Raindrops

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:37 am
by jwhouk

Monica dropped in to Mucho Mocha, in a somewhat happy mood - only to find the barista standing behind the counter, looking down at a notebook in her hands.

"Hey, Tina!" She called out. "Still trying to decipher that notebook?"

Tina didn't respond, even as Monica approached the counter. This was highly unusual; usually Tina could tell she was there from the second she came in the door.

Monica took a quick look at her demonic demitasse dispenser. She was frozen, it appeared – and was looking down at the notebook. M recognized it immediately: it was the one she'd asked her to help decipher.

It'd been relatively simple, of course – it was shorthand, and apparently Tina 1.0 had used it as her "casebook" in her former life as a psychologist. There hadn't been anything of meaning to it, at least that Monica had been able to determine.

But now – now, for some reason, Tina was frozen in place, holding the book open.

"Uh, Tina?" Monica called out, trying to get the attention of one of her demons. "Hello? Demon shepherd here, someone home?"

No response. The eye sockets weren't dark – something which Shelly had told her were a sign of "lights out no one home" for Tina. But her silver, swirling irises were frozen in place.

"Okay, Tina, you're scaring me," she said, looking down at the notebook in her hand, then back up to her face. Cautiously, Monica stepped back behind the counter and gently removed the notebook from Tina's hands.

Looking down, she noticed an entry from back in about 1980. She took it back to the front of the counter, and looked at it with curiosity.

Suddenly, after a slight flash and hissing sound, Tina started to move.

"SHAZOWIE!" She suddenly said – then turned to look around in a panic. "Wait! What? Where'd the… oh, Sunshine! I didn't know you were…"

Tina immediately saw that Monica was reading the notebook.

"NO! No! That book! We have to…"

"You were Prince's psychiatrist?" Monica said with a sense of surprise. "Wow… I'd have never guessed!"

"NO! Sunshine, you don't understand… I killed him." Tina was nearly breathless – almost as near to the edge as she was after the ordeal with Georgette. "I was the one who suggested he try psychotropics…"

"…but he didn't seem receptive to the idea," Monica said, flipping the page. She scanned a few more pages. "It looks like this was the only time you saw him, if the notes are dated correctly."

"…Wait, what?"

"It doesn't look like he saw you more than once, Tina," she said, finally, handing the book back to the barista. "There are no more entries with 'P.R. Nelson' in them in there. And I'm surprised – I thought you knew he died from pain killers, not psychotropic drugs."

"But… but we got him addicted…" Tina was about to freeze up again.

"The drugs he was taking weren't even invented when you saw him," Monica said, taking the notebook back out of her hands. "Maybe I should hold onto this for a while until you guys get things sorted out?"

Tina shook her head, as if trying to clear out a mental image.

"No, it's okay," came a rather high-pitched response. "I – I think we have this… under control…"

"Tina – you did not kill him. He was prescribed those painkillers because of his hip issues. Saying you killed him is like saying Hurricane Katrina started because I belched too loud."

The two of them exchanged glances for a moment. Monica wasn't entirely sure what was going to happen, after a second.

Two seconds.


Then… a smile formed on Tina's face.

Which broke out into a laugh.

That laugh became infectious, as both Tina and M started to chortle loud enough that at least one patron decided to not even enter the shop.