Training Exercises

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Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

AN: Credit to Shneekey for use of and assistance regarding certain...mannerisms of muttery instructors.

While those in the northern hemisphere celebrated Winter with various feasts and other assorted religious rituals, it was high Summer south of the equator. Although not monsoon season yet, the air was still hot and muggy, the fog settling in amongst the trees of the Amazon Basin.
There are still places which are unexplored by civilization, places which should not be explored. Places which are respected and revered by the locals, but otherwise avoided. The stone halls of the structure which was nestled deep amongst the mangroves and jungle was one such place. Carved by an ancient, fabled civilization which even the Mayans considered Elders whom they mimicked, even the local pests somehow knew better than to infest the place.

In the back was a pool fed from one of the endless tributaries that fed off of the mighty Amazon. Unlike most such pools, one did not need to fear caimans in the moss-covered waters, nor did one have to concern themselves about any other larger predator, for they instinctively avoided the place. They knew that an even more fearsome predator laired here, and did not wish to become a meal.

There were still traps here, ranging from the crude to the clever. Most were designed to discourage rather than injure. A few were designed to kill the greedy. Even fewer were there to protect that which should never be disturbed.
When the Lanthians tinkered with things that should never have been tinkered with, they accidentally forged a portal between here and... somewhere else.
Unfortunately for them, that somewhere else was already inhabited. Fortunately, it was as sparsely inhabited on that side as it was on this side of the portal. However, one being in particular realized the various potential hazards and decided to set up residence to... discourage those who would attempt to plumb the secrets of the ruins.

Deep within the ruins, Power stirred. The portal became active, briefly, and two figures were disgorged from the warp which connected the two worlds. Rather than being solemn as the sanctity of the ruins would normally inspire, one was singing rather loudly and off key.

"Usstan xuat kyon... vel'bol they are aluin ulu telaaaaanth!"I don't care... what they are going to saaaay!
Her green armor was no longer attempting to blend in to the human culture, and so the six and two weave of the chain maille interwove with the boiled and wax-infused leather that formed the foundation of the armor. Her twin swords were sheathed over her back, bow slung over a shoulder, and quiver along side. It was clear that someone had indulged, perhaps the right term might properly be over-indulged, in 'Christmas Cheer'.

Her sister, astride her black steed with fiery mane, was less than amused, and the expression on her face demonstrated her displeasure with a creasing wince of her eyebrows.

"No, but he will. Do keep that up, sister. It will be amusing to see his reaction to that particular song. From a suitable distance."

"Him, who?" Emerauld's smirk was too broad and exaggerated for effect, "Master Mutters or Master Nope?"

"Take your pick. You still have not introduced me to "Tall, Dark, and Grumpy" (is what I believe you called him) as of yet. Such a resounding silence on that topic. Is there some reason for this?"

"Yea. Master Mutters said not to. On pain of eviscer... evisce... disembowel-thingy. Take it up with him."

Neither sister were making any attempt at stealth at this point. And so the pond out back... stirred.
Rising out of the mossy murky water was a form that at first seemed crocadilian. Dull scales glinted in the faint rays of light as the figure surfaces. The snout was too short to be a croc, and too bulky and long to be a caiman.
Yet the head, body, and tail moved with the same grace of that species. As it reached the shoreline and began to exit, the resemblence ended.
The head was more akin to a monitor lizard, forked tongue flicking in the air, and more knife-like teeth than any grin should rightfully have.
Unlike a typical monitor lizard, however, the skull is somewhat more bulbous to accommodate the larger brain. He pushes himself up with his arms, attaining his crouched bipedal stance with near complete silence as he slid out of the water and onto shore. His lean and wiry arms ended in oddly-formed hands, three fingers and one thumb opposite them, and all sported wicked claws. His legs were thick for his lean figure, muscles bulging in thighs and calves, and his feet also ended in a similar arrangement of 'toes', three splayed out in front and one going back as an opposible 'thumb' that more closely resembled something a bird of prey might sport, although it was webbed to the first knuckle. The ridge that ran along the spine was only about an inch, used primarily for aquatic navigation. The tail was thick and blunt, only slightly longer than his legs, as thick as his thighs, and elongated front to back to make a paddle for aquatic propulsion. The underside, however, was padded and could easily be used to support his weight for a time, not unlike a kangaroo's.

With highly sensitive hearing, the reptilian figure stalked forward.


Safyr had grown silent, letting her sister make enough noise for the both of them. It was outwardly a sullen silence, however there was a slight tug of a smirk to the corner of her mouth that she was unable to completely disguise.

"Can you at least carol at a lower volume?" she made one last attempt to settle her sister down.

"No!" the exclamation was almost a pout. "I am not going to, and you cannot make me."

A sudden rush of movement, and Emerauld found herself pinned on the floor with her arms bound up behind her.

"No, but he can." Safyr let her smirk run free now.

"Ummm... Hi there Master Mutters. Er... I am back for my training."

"So I had noticed. As would anything else in earshot. Which, considering your volume, probably almost goes out to... ssivilisszation." The hissed sibilant on the last word was an indication of his lack of approval at civilization in general. He was normally more in control of his accent.

"I... errr... sorry. So... where is he at? I thought we were going to do training when I got back."

"He has been gone for... some time. Several seasons. He is... on the hunt. That other one gave him word of something that caused him to decamp with surprising speed. Of course, since he cannot take advantage of portals or other forms of travel, it takes him longer to get around."

"Oh? Who got on his naughty list this time?"

"An old grudge, I think. This time, it is personal. The one who made him... what he is now. I believe he had something to do with the old golem experiments as well."

"Oh no. No, no, no... it cannot be..." she face-palms and shakes her head as Safyr continues for her.

"He has already been... dealt with. He crossed the golem girls he created. They were... not amused. I will have to say, their revenge was... appropriately creative. Delightfully so, even."

The reptilian head swung up, a frown of concern creasing through the scales.
"Then someone had best tell him this before he tears apart the city attempting to find this former-threat."

"So, how long do you think it will take him to get there?"

"Well, he had to travel from the Orient by boat to get to the continent. From there, he has to take a land route, and since he does not do too well with blending in or with human artifice, he will not be making the time he could if he did not need to worry about blending in and able to take some form of transportation. Perhaps.... perhaps a year or so?"

"And how long has it been?"

"Oh, three or four seasons now. Let us see... monsoon season had already started when he left, so we have some time still. Assuming nothing is foolish enough to attract his attention en route."

Eme face-palmed again. "Master Mutters, please do not invoke Murr-fee."

"Oh, I expect the American government organization will ensure that no... distractions... are encountered on his travels."

"Should we leave a note for them?" she said, suddenly concerned for her new friends in said government organization.

"Oh, I am sure he lit up their monitoring system the moment he crossed their border. For certain types of scrying, he is impossible to miss. He must be on their list of natural disasters to look out for after he tracked down that pack of lycanthropes back at the turn of the previous century. Their president at the time established a whole national park just to cover up the aftermath, after all."

"And you say Eme' is a 'loose cannon' going off in all directions."

"Emerauld is more... subtle. You have to admit, he does not do subtle very well."

"I would not know. For some reason, I still have not had an opportunity to meet him."

"And as a result, you yet live. Let us keep it that way."

"I rather enjoy our... sparring sessions. Cheating death is... exhilarating."

"Eewwww... come on, I am right here. Really, sis?"

"He... does not spar. He would not give you a scar to remember. He would simply rip your head off."

"Ooohhhh, sounds fun."

"Seriously, get a room already!"

The reptile's head swivels to target Emerauld precisely. She had barely enough time to slide into stance before her training began in earnest. Few humans could have followed the flurry of blows between the half-elf and the reptilian mentor. Fortunately, there were no humans to worry about.

Spinning like a dervish, his first fist was deflected, at least his claws were carefully fisted to avoid ripping her apart anyway. The second was dodged as the elf faded back. Her backpedaling continued as a spin kick came flying around her at head level. The follow-up sweep with his tail caught Safyr; who was too busy gloating over getting her sister in trouble, completely by surprise and knocked her ingloriously on her arse.

"We will finish that conversation...Later. For now, Emerauld has come to be trained. So, trained she shall be."
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by FreeFlier »

Promising . . .

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Re: Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

"I need a break, and not least, not until I can tap a leyline. Geez, Master Mutters is grumpy. We told him it was a debt of honour, but I guess I should have said it to him, and not left a letter."

Emerauld's thoughts were taking on a decidedly improper pattern as she scrubbed the algae out of the bathing pools the old-fashioned way...though he did allow her to use magic to redirect the water flow until she was finished. Small blessings.

Safyr had similarly inappropriate thoughts as she sparred.

"You are correct. We should have told you. I am very certain you would not have let her go, and at least two people very important to that family would have died."

Ignoring the scream of pain her muscles made as his claws raked across her arm again, she pressed an advantage, using her good arm to grasp, then shove a clawed foot, making him stumble.
As he righted himself, she flung her arm, now very wet with fresh blood straight at his face, splattering blood into his eyes, temporarily blinding him.
Pressing another advantage, she hit him in his chest, sending him flying.

"She actually made friends there. She never stopped training. Never. That she has been injured here is due to you giving her lessons at MY level. Are you trying to get yourself killed, ScaleTail? Do stop, please. I'd much prefer you alive and biting." The last bit was said with a smirk.

"Perhaps I believe her now strong enough to handle it," he said as he lunged for her midsection, breaking her arm instead, as she dodged evisceration at the last second.

"Do you question my method?"

Cradling her still bleeding and now useless arm close to her, she drew out her short sword, signaling for him to continue.

Swinging it at his head, it whistled in the air until caught, then was let go as she punched him once again in the chest.

The next few rounds were a flurry of feints, blows, kicks, punches...the sounds of breaking bones.

"No. Just your timing. That I do question. This other one leaving on a...'wild cockatrice chase' seems to have you more than a little concerned. From what little I did manage to get my sister to say of him, he seems well capable of taking care of himself. I also do not believe you would let him go were he not. I can only surmise your fear is for those foolish enough to...cross his path.
We shall continue with this later. I wish to enjoy the sparring, and for once, you are distracted...this is not enjoyable."

Stepping into the shadows, Safyr disappeared...presumably to tend her wounds.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
--Safyr Drathmir
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by ShneekeyTheLost »

In some non-descript office, a young lady was busy typing up something on her computer. She was unaware of the Library portal nearby, which made her an ideal means of occasionally giving her reports a... nudge.

Code: Select all



From: Department of Early Sensing of Paranormals (E.S.P.)

To: MIB station on duty to San Francisco Bay Area

Subject: Person of Interest


To advise you of a Person of Interest to the M.I.B. entering the country via San Francisco Bay Port. 


Said Person of Interest arrived on cargo vessel from Hong Kong and was not listed on said manifest. Said Person of Interest possesses Class S exemption originally issued 1904 as an award for removing serious paranormal threat and coming to the rescue and aid of POTUS Theodore Roosevelt. 

Agents are advised to avoid direct contact and to monitor the situation. Attempt to plot likely destination if possible and pass along to next duty station. Agents are also advised to suppress or evacuate potential paranormal threats to avoid any unnecessary collateral damage.

Person of Interest is a seven-foot tall felinoid. He is easily tracked via magic as he is a natural ground point for magic, so just look for the negative space in a scry and you have him. He also apparently has a grudge against lycanthropes and vampires, so these will need to be evacuated from his path to avoid any unpleasant scenarios. 

Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to detain. If he gets out of control, AFSOC has AC-130 on standby to respond. Be prepared to paint target for response with M102 incendiary rounds. Anything less will just piss him off. Trust me, you won't like him when he's angry.
Nudge felt very clever by making sure he was appropriately reported. Unfortunately, she did not take into consideration the power of bureaucratic 'file and forget' or the degree of distraction that certain events would cause.
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by FreeFlier »

Oh my . . . a Spectre on standby?

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Re: Training Exercises

Post by jwhouk »

Someone tell Al to load the machine guns on the Vanquish...
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by Just Old Al »

jwhouk wrote:Someone tell Al to load the machine guns on the Vanquish...
Wouldn't be the first time an Aston-Martin has gone up against SPECTRE...

EDIT: No, I am NOT paying the pun Jar...that was not a pun - it was truth.
Last edited by Just Old Al on Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

Emerauld was unhappily scrubbing away when the air around her became that unmistakable copper tinged flavour of blood and battle.

Tensing, she first looked around for injured predators. Next, she spoke to the shadows.

"Inbau doeb d'gaer nin p'los nind talinth uk zet dos 'zil bait." Get out of there now before they think he left you as bait.

"Er'griff ka dos iglata ulu naut xo'al lu'batiny ukta. Nindol uss Usstan deserved." Only if you promise to not try and beat him. This one I deserved.

"Get. Out. Here. Now."

With that, Safyr stumbled into the clearing. She had her arm broken in several places, half her body was torn by claw marks, definitely at least four broken ribs. Her breathing was ragged, so internal injuries too. Damn.

Stifling a curse, Emerauld decided rules be damned, and grabbed her healers kit.

Breaking a wand, she let the magic eneergy flood her system, and began healing the serious...Lord and Lady, they all were serious! She just started healing everything.
Breaking a second wand, she continued, finally sensing the bones were all knitted together, so she worked on internals, relying solely on her Sense.
That she did not argue for saving any to heal herself, Emerauld surmised that the "conversation" must have been about her.

"This one," she said, pointing to an ugly little tear near her ankle, which she hit with an herbal tincture that made her sister wince before bandaging, "You have to let heal the normal way."


"He has a reason for everything he does, even if the lesson is harsh. Is this not what you told me the first time you brought me to be trained? I trusted that advice...I still trust it. YOU need to trust it. I am not sure why you do not trust it this day, but you should.
I grumbled at the broken bones because I have been distracted. It would have been nice to know new lessons were coming, but one never gets warning in battle.
At least here I get dedicated healing, either by my own magic, or by his cleric friends passing by. On the battle field, they take no quarter."


"Do not make me beat a smile out of you," she said, grinning as widely as possible doing her best impression of Master Mutters, then giving her sister a hug.

Smiling weakly, Safyr finally spoke.

"When did you grow so wise?"

"Well, I have been speaking with Bluebell lately..."
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
--Safyr Drathmir
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by ShneekeyTheLost »

Code: Select all



From: Department of Early Sensing of Paranormals (E.S.P.)

To: MIB station on duty to SAC Ft Carson

Subject: Person of Interest


To advise you of a Person of Interest to the M.I.B. crossing Rockies in your area


See attached memorandum. Person of Interest has been making his way east, and will be entering your area. He appears to be avoiding heavily populated areas, so he is likely to be taking Cheyenne Pass to avoid Denver. This has the potential to bring him into your restricted zone. Please have agents on patrol able to pass him quietly through. Don't worry about him seeing something he shouldn't. He doesn't seem to have an interest in anything more technological than a crossbow. Just expedite his passage through the pass and he'll be out of your hair. Make sure to flash your badge to establish your credentials as an Authorized Person so he knows you are cleared to know about him and are rendering assistance rather than hindering his passage. 

Don't offer him a ride. I doubt he'd accept in the first place, and your vehicle would likely suffer from malfunction. His magical grounding apparently extends into the electromagnetic spectrum. Fortunately, this doesn't extend much outside his immediate contact. 

Spooky has been temporarily reassigned to your base to cover him as he passes out of the operation zone of New Mexico. Just in case.

We are tracking him 24/7 and will keep you apprised of his location. 
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by GlytchMeister »

I wonder what would happen if John and this "Person of Interest" ever sparred...
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

GlytchMeister wrote:I wonder what would happen if John and this "Person of Interest" ever sparred...
See section where Safyr is complaining about lack of introduction. (He doesn't need a sword like hers to do that trick.)

Let us just say Safyr would friendly spar with him before this one would.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

Disposing of the remains of the used crystals and bandages proved a challenge, as...things smelled blood, and due to their natural inquisitive nature at the scent of a free meal, came to investigate.
They were less inquisitive once they encountered the elf, who after having already broken the rules, used more magic to prevent injuries from the feisty carnivores while rounding them up and sending them away, only killing the ones not able to be charmed due to disease, or...other reasons.

Emerauld decided to not take chances by waiting for the Master to seek her out, and walked into the training grounds where she knew he would be, and began to help cleaning up, waiting for him to speak.

"You have used magic, despite my order for you not to."

"Yes, Master Mutters. Feel free to punish me or stop training me. I would do so again if the situation arose." She slid into stance, unsure of where this conversation would turn.

"What reason would be so important to defy an order?"

He looked rather comical holding the broom like a common char, but she knew better than to laugh. Everything turned dangerous in his hands.

"My sister would die. She was hiding, refusing to bind her wounds. She apparently was fighting something...dangerous. She also...lost her spirit."

"That is serious. You believe this reason enough?"

While he made no outward movement(the wily ScaleTail was ALWAYS in stance after all), his tail twitched slightly.

"You know I do. So I will pack now, for should this happen again, I will defy you again." She barely dodged the whistling fists flying at her vitals, claws not hidden this time.

"I will tell you when to pack." One kick aimed at her shoulder grazed it, the wound opened, then closed quickly.

"Defensive magic? Surely that is not from healing her."

"No, Master Mutters. There were...issues while I cleaned up after healing her. That was so the carnivores I could not charm would not eat me or those I could. I dispatched two. One looked like it had played with you before. The other was diseased. Both were disposed of far from here.

I have defied another rule, so I shall pack."

One fist connected to the back of her head, while his tail swatted her rear.

"Have I not said that I will tell you when to pack?"

A flurry of fists, claws, kicks, punches, flips, dodges commenced...even one move Emerauld did that was reminiscent of Glytch's flawless Parkour. That one got a strange look from the Master.

"Interesting move. I did not teach you that."

"No. My...friend did. Well, not directly. I have seen him use it to avoid attacks. He is the one I was keeping my pure archery skills honed with. He is...human. He had already fair skill with the bow. It is much better now."

"Think you a teacher?"

"No. I was just tired of practicing alone, so company made it better. You told me I needed to practice without my magical skills. What better way to keep training it than with a human? He never asked for training. I do they say it...'breaking the iceberg'.
He lives clean. Uses as little as he can. He refused many of my gifts. Said it was more than needed. He kept only what was practical, and one gift from Saf' that was very much not so practical, but because it was a real gift. You would like him. He is not as most of their kind."

"He sounds most...interesting."

"Shall I pack, or dispel my guards and shields and take a punishment?"

"You have come here to be trained. So, trained you shall be."
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
--Safyr Drathmir
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by ShneekeyTheLost »

GlytchMeister wrote:I wonder what would happen if John and this "Person of Interest" ever sparred...
Well, considering he owes John a huge debt of honor (although he doesn't know it just yet), odds are actually pretty good that he'd be willing to train him, if he were introduced properly. Failing proper introductions, however... let's just say that this fellow's first reaction to a potential threat to humanity as a whole is to eliminate said threat with extreme efficiency. I don't know who would win, but there wouldn't be much of a city left behind.


While cracking one's knuckles is not something which ever needs to be done for certain paranormals, Nudge takes pride in being authentic while impersonating a human. So with great glee, she cracks her knuckles and begins writing the next report

Code: Select all



From: Department of Early Sensing of Paranormals (E.S.P.)


Subject: Person of Interest


To brief you on Person of Interest based on intel obtained by research. 


See attached memorandums. Research on this Person of Interest has revealed that he has an interest in Lanthian tech, and the removal or destruction of such devices. Possible target is one of three likely candidates in M/SP. Also suspect other targets either are or may be entering region soon. See cross-referenced file on increased organized criminal activity in the region. 

Person of Interest appears to be Lanthian project himself. From information obtained vis a vis the Library, we have reason to believe he was a failed attempt at a super-soldier project prior to the Golem project. If our findings are accurate, he was augmented using, among other things, phoenix blood, which explains his current lifespan. Also suspect Titan infusion, hence his physical stature, strength, and endurance. Notes are sketchy at best, even in the Library. Much of the work was destroyed before it could be archived. The project was headed by same individual who headed the Golem project. Subject received the abilities desired, but lacked any means of external control. Once loyalty was compromised, subject went rogue. Suspect this is why he turned to using girls for the next project. He was likely under the mistaken impression that girls would be easier to manipulate than a combat veteran. 

Person of Interest is apparently still heading in an east/northeast direction. It seems likely at this point that his target destination is likely to be one of several including Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Green Bay, or perhaps some rural area in that region. Please advise regional agents to go on alert and be aware that this individual may end up in their turf some time at the beginning of the new year.

He now has a new disguise, with the changing of the seasons. He now has a beat-up olive drab canvas trenchcoat and hoodie, with loose-fitting knit gloves. He also has a military surplus rucksack and ALICE to carry his gear. He gives a good impression of a homeless vet on the move. 

This individual is known to target only extremely dangerous and out of control paranormals or paranormal affiliates. Case files with his suspected involvement go back centuries, but may include: 

 *  A certain black-project the Nazis had trying to summon things that shouldn't be summoned. The entire 'coven' was found dead and dismembered. 
 *  A soviet-era super-soldier project involving augmentation with paranormal artifacts. Building suffered an unknown explosion which left a sizable crater. The facility containing the records suffered a similar explosion.
*  A pack of lycanthropes who had been systematically killing and eating campers in what is now Yellowstone Park. Saved Roosevelt's life in the process when his 'beefeaters' went in to investigate.
*  Extermination of rogue paranormal in Italy back in the 1800's. Little is known about the incident other than he was supposedly assisted by an 'unseighlie shidhe'. Interpretation may be subject to local religious prejudices of the era. 

I don't know what he is hunting this time, but whatever it is, it is probably something that needs getting rid of anyway. Stay out of his way, he'll stay out of yours.
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by GlytchMeister »

POI owes John? Hmm... Another debt to balance... That might cause some interesting events in Purpose...
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

The term 'cool' was a relative one for the evening, but since the sun had set it was at least less stiflingly muggy than usual. The reptilian instructor was sitting and meditating by the pool in what was suspiciously similar to lotus position.

He wasn't particularly concerned about his former student who was on the path of revenge. He was, however, concerned about the population of the city when his hunt ended in frustration. And what sort of response may be elicited by his frustration. After all, powerful as he was, there were still plenty of things which were even more powerful. And while nothing was truly immortal, as humans tended to use the term, any sort of extended conflict would only increase the collateral damage in the area. Perhaps it was best to ensure that there was at least someone on hand to prevent calamity by being one of the few people he would listen to.

Emerauld was certainly coming along with her training. Perhaps she had earned a break. That way, he could focus on Safyr to keep her sufficiently distracted. She needs to be introduced to him when he is not in a hunting mood, or else things would likely be... disfavorable. While his former student has many virtues, he also has the vices of his virtues, and tolerance had never been numbered among his virtues.

And, of course, while she was visiting the library, she could be assigned... homework. Studying on certain topics. There was a list of texts she could be assigned as required reading. Complete with reports. And if she just so happened to be around to defuse the Grumpy-bomb, so much the better.

"I can have a break? Really? Training my brain for a while is wonderful! Thank you Master Mutters!" With that, Emerauld tackle-hugged him, which as usual, caught him off-guard and set him to muttering.

"Please don't injure Saf' too much, please."

"Leaving now would be wise...unless you would rather train here," he said, grinning with so many teeth.

"Leaving now! ThankyouMasterMuttersIwilltrainhardIpromiseBye!"

"How ever does anyone do that? Sooooo many teeth!" Emerauld wondered, stepping through the portal.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Training Exercises

Post by DinkyInky »

"Empires of Trust: How Rome Built--and America Is Building--a New World"

"Are they serious? I could gather more intel from the Centurion! This one reeks of collusion."

"The Command of Air"

"I will be asking Sarge and Al how true this is. I find it...lacking."

Emerauld sat reading book after voluminous book, finding no rhyme, nor reason to how these battle tomes applied in a world filled with mages and fantastical beings and constructs in hiding...nor how one could hide the way they seemed to handle warfare.

"Master Grumpy was always reading from this one book...he said it calmed him when surrounded by 'fools in uniform glutted on power'. What was that book? I cannot read another word of these! They all say the same thing, with different wording...and it all sounds false."

Silently venting her frustrations on a quilting scrap, she completely missed her friend Glytch stealthily sliding a book onto the top of her precariously stacked mountain of military tomes.

Some time later, she arose from her needlework, making a face.

"Well, if I ever wanted a little quilt of horrors, I have the first block complete," Emerauld mumbled, staring at the grotesque scene displayed.

"What is this? Ooooh! This I like!" she whispered, picking up the book.

"The Art of Peace" by Master Morehei Ueshiba.

With that, she sunk into the chair and began to read, feeling more relaxed than she had been for the last few hours she had been here.
Last edited by DinkyInky on Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

Aphyon chu kissa whol l'jaed.
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by GlytchMeister »

{Credit to DinkyInky for helping (a lot) with Eme's dialogue}

Glytch stood stock still, barely even breathing, until he was sure Eme' was completely absorbed in The Art of Peace. Then, he slowly tiptoed away, down to the far end of an aisle, turned a corner, and crept back toward her from behind.
Just when he was merely inches away, he crouched down and whispered, "Hey, Eme'!"

Emerauld, her nerves still a bit raw from the time with Master Mutters, spun into an automatic kick hissing through the air toward Glytch's head as she tried to put distance between herself and the surprise via sudden force.
Glytch, fully expecting this, had already dropped completely to the floor and rolled away. Springing back to his feet, he took one look at Eme's wild-eyed expression and doubled over laughing.

"Glytchie! What are you doing here? And why did you startle me?" Eme' furrowed her brow as a thought struck her. "And... how did you?"

Glytch flashed her a wicked grin. "You were so completely engrossed in that book the world outside fell away from you. I know the feeling well. I couldn't pass up the opportunity..." He started to giggle a little at this point. "I wonder how often humans manage to get the drop on elves..."

Eme' pouted a little, and began to fervently hope Master Mutters never found out about this. It was a fleeting hope. He always finds out.

"So, to answer your first question, I'm working on a little something for the surprise party. I heard your grumpiness all the way from where I was and decided to step in."

"What party? I bet this has something to do with that envelope the Master won't let me see. I have not managed to get it from him yet...I need a better strategy.
In a way, I am glad you did... I was not getting anywhere with what I found."

Glytch nodded. "You're reading history as written by historians. Interpreted and filtered by multiple retellings." Glytch flung his arms out in a grand gesture. "You are in The Library! Why read hearsay and rumors and the doddering imaginings of senile historians when you can read the lessons as taught by the masters themselves? The private notes and innermost thoughts of history's greatest tacticians! Ghengis Khan, Julius Caesar, George S. Patton, Stonewall Jackson, Hannibal Barca, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Alexander the Great!" With every name Glytch mentioned, a small stack of books VORPed next to him. "And then there is philosophy... The Art of War and the other six military classics, The Prince..."

Emerauld was giving Glytch a strange look.


"All that time we were out in the forest... You were never really in your element, though far from uncomfortable. You are in it now."

Glytch stared at her for a moment before nodding. "I guess you're right... Welcome to The Library... the home turf of the academic." He looked at the books he had summoned. "Well. These should get you started, at least. Once you get going, you should be able to figure out what you're looking for on your own."

"Human strategists are...strange. I am used to Elven lore, and the Bard's tales brought straight from the battles...though with a small bit of padding. Their songs and instrumentals are more than just words after all.
I am not sure this library would carry those, so I went with a general query regarding battle stratagems. I do not even know who most of these people you named are, other than Master Sun Tzu--thank you, I could not remember that book, Master Grumpy was always reading and quoting. Master Ueshiba...I would make this and Master Sun's work required together. Strong philosophy for battle and life after.
...and well, The Prince is used as a cautionary tale. I would file it under the same type as...oh, what was it? ah, yes...the Screwtape Letters.

Both of the Masters follow a more...Asian style of life regarding battle, control, respect(though they are lenient on me regarding my rather...puckish nature), loyalty, honour. If I understand aright, that way of living has not been popular here in over a century.

I suppose to understand human warfare, I need to learn more about human weaponry.
There is a very important reason I tool certain weapons by hand, versus tinkering like you noticed me doing with my fletching kit. To make sure they function properly, tinkered items retain a memory of the jobs it has done.
If one were to forge a human...firearm I believe is what Sarge called them, if they created one in a tinkers forge, then the memory is stored, and those gnomes could, and would if given enough platinum, make guns. It is better for all if that does not happen. So perhaps I need to know about weapons, those not forged in magic by evil whose names never should be uttered. This way I know good versus very bad ideas."


"Care to show me how to best use the library for studies?"
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by ShneekeyTheLost »

Brandi staggered into her office. It had been some time since she was able to get in here, due to the Pillsbury Incident. Between dealing with the aftermath and certain other crisis events, and a growing dread of what she might find in her inbox, she had found several excuses to not get in. However, those excuses had run out, and she really did have a need to see what lurked in her inbox. She shuddered at the thought of how many regulation updates she would find there.

She started with one document from HQ marked Urgent, Time Sensitive, and a few other flags as well. Dated from just before the Incident. Oh well, whatever it was they thought was so damn urgent had probably already happened. So with glum resignation, she opens it up.

Code: Select all



From: M.I.B. HQ

To: Agent Billens, Oduya, and Budur

Subject: Person of Interest entering your area


To brief you on Person of Interest based on intel obtained by research. 


See attached memos. 

Declaring Condition Furball. 

It is clear Person of Interest is targeting crime boss in your area. It is of the utmost importance that this situation be handled with the utmost urgency and care to avoid unacceptable collateral damage up to and including the cities of Minneapolis, St Paul, and surrounding suburbs. 

You may need to elicit the aid of the Jaguar Girl and the Golems to assist in restraining him if necessary, since they're going to be the only things in the area able to stop him. Be advised this individual is an expert martial artist who has been training and learning various styles since the Lanthians blew themselves to hell. Also be advised the 'paddle' he has been reported to be seen with is likely a bladed weapon with sheath. 

Target is effectively immune to direct magical assault and will ground any energies thrown at him. This also apparently extends into the electromagnetic spectrum, although the field size is typically measured in inches from his person, limiting the potential problems which might arise from having everything go dark. Just don't let him sit at your computer. This also prevents him from using magic to disguise him. He has been surprisingly inventive with his mundane disguise which has so far at least kept the mundanes from realizing that he isn't just a very large human, however it would not take much for an incident to spin out of control very rapidly. 

Subject is considered to be armed and very grumpy. He is clearly actively hunting his target with malice aforethought, which means he will be even more disinclined to listen to reason than usual. He is, under no circumstances, to be permitted within a block of the main Library entrance. 

ETA approximately early January 2016 if he maintains his current tempo. You should have a month or so to prepare. Good luck. You'll need it. 
There was a crash that resounded somewhere in the background. Belatedly, she realized it was her coffee mug that she had dropped. Her brain was working on multiple levels. One level was merely repeating 'ohshitohshitohshitohshit' over and over. The next level was calculating how long it would take to evacuate the paras from the area and coming up with 'not enough time'. The next level was wondering if she would get in trouble for taking a vacation to Tahiti, returning an answer of 'probably'.

Unlike whomever wrote the report, she knew who this had to be. Yea, sure, Bud and I could probably handle him now, but that doesn't necessarily mean it would be the best idea.

Slowly, she took in a deep breath and let it out slowly to let her mind spin down to normal.

You are an immortal and invincible golem. You are not a helpless little girl any more. He is not a boogyman under your bed, like they made him out to be back then. He's just a guy. Well, just a guy who got turned into a monster by that asshole. He's even got his own code of honor. You can do this, Brandi. Hell, you could launch him into orbit if you had to. So take it easy.

"Okay, fine. I can do this. So, step one, I need reinforcements. If we're gonna need to do an evac of all paranormals in the area, I'm gonna need some assistance." Muttering to herself, she considers her course of action "Tsillah, you there? I need you to run an errand to the Library. We're probably going to have to use the Library as an evacuation point to get everyone out in time. Which means you need to go ask Phix permission first."

A shadow coalesces in a corner, one with a quirked brow. "Evacuation? What for, we took out the jerk."

"We've got a Condition Furball on our hands."

"Really? What's that?"

"It means I need you to get to the Library. Here, read these and catch up."
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by GlytchMeister »

Once Glytch finished showing Emerauld the ropes, the elf was happily learning all about the military history of the human race and all of the stratagems and tactics involved therein. He started her off on familiar territory...
The tech tree her world seemed to follow seemed to be a result of divergent evolution. The medieval weapons were all there, but her worlds weapons turned off in a different direction from the path humans took...possibly due to magic?
Once the common ground was established, he moved on to crossbows, the introduction of gunpowder, the death of metal armor, and the rise of the firearm. From there forward, he decided to warn her about the nature of some of humanity's more advanced weapons.
"We... Seem rather fond of... Devices that contain atrocities. We started using chemicals... Poisons, diseases, and different explosives and such, to kill more people in less time. It's not very nice. It's downright horrendous, actually. Just... Be prepared."
Eme' was predictably appalled at the concept of chemical weapons like mustard gas, or the primitive beginnings of bioweaponry; blankets soaked in smallpox, catapulting bodies infected with plague...(he had always found these sorts of weapons repulsive, but he had long since gotten used to the concepts).
And her expression of horror only intensified as Glytch tried to be as gentle as he could in informing her about the myriad other horrific nerve agents, poisons, and genetically altered pestilences. Her face gained a distinct green shade when they got to Agent Orange.
Glytch bit his lip. He was saving the worst for last, and now he was having doubts as to whether he should even bring it up. Steeling himself, he broached the topic of the atomic bomb.
"World War II wasn't won just by Germany's defeat... The Japanese were still going, and their culture at the time didn't seem to allow for surrender.
The United States had been pooling its intellectual resources for a long time, warned that Germany was attempting to create some form of doomsday device. The greatest minds, often displaced by the Nazis or native to the US, gathered together to build that device first.
What they created was a bomb that could level an entire city, create winds faster than any storm, burn hotter than any normal fire, and nearly per entangle poison the land with an insidious energy that killed, poisoned, or mutated the unlucky survivors."
Emerauld was pale and her expression was stricken once Glytch had coached her through the advancements in nuclear weaponry and the effects it had, both in terms of destruction and fallout as well as how it shaped history and politics.

Breathing deeply, she spoke...slowly, voice heavy with emotion.

"There are unspoken magics, artifacts too that can do things like this where I am from. We may not have a Lee-Enfield or a Colt, but we have poison spells, death magic, so too are there strange power mad mages that tinker with perversion of life.
There is a poisonous fog that keeps the mad ones that made the Yuan ti prisoners in their desert lair.
The mad ones also created other sentient lizards, bastards of dragons and...other creatures, they themselves being monstrous serpents. Their creations created the fog to prevent their 'masters' from leaving to regain control of their slaves.
Those that survived...let us say the madness is the least of the horrors from them.
There are...weapons, both sacred and profane, that can drain life, light, dark, magic energies...weapons that can revive the dead as an ultimate healing, or as playthings, weapons that can...level mountains, bring green to barren lands, boil oceans, make it rain. Spells and weapons that can leave the Gods shaking in fear.
They are curses, abominations all. Though some were meant well, the potential of utter chaos remains. Had someone weaker than I claimed the swords and bow I wield, the world could have ended. Were I able to do so without breaking my oaths to the Lord and Lady, I would destroy that is a lie. I wield them so evil not triumph from my inaction.

Now tell me, do some of these weapons serve a healng purpose?"


Tsillah wasn't really all that impressed by this whatever it was, but since it was kind of her job, she figured she might as well do it. Besides, gave her an excuse to head out to the library.

Walking into the library, sheaf of documents in 'hand', she started speaking out loud, knowing that Phix would probably hear her, thanks to the Library...or at least Nudge would hear.

"Hey, Phix! You 'round? Brandi asked me to go ask for your permission to use this place to evacuate the paras.

Some kind of 'Condition Furball' involving a seven foot tall felinoid with a personal anti-magic field coming to town and Extra Super Grumpy. I dunno, doesn't sound all that important to me, but Brandi was like 'oh emm gee like right now', so I'm like 'yes, boss' so here I am. Whatcha want I should tell her?"

Emerauld stopped mid sentence as she heard 'Condition Furball' and 'Grumpy'.

"Eme'? Vendui, Eme. Har'dro ulu Eme'! Gu'e, ph'dos si?Eme'? Hello, Eme. Earth to Eme'! Hey, are you okay? Glytch said, waving a hand in front of her, for she froze, and grew very pale.
Waving him aside, with assertions of wellness, she marched up to Tsillah.

"T'sil...did you just say Grumpy furball?"

"Yeah, Brandi is freaking out, but..."

"Where is he?" she interrupted.

"Emerauld, really it's..." Tsillah started.

"Where. Is. He." she said, doing her best Master Mutters impression, grinning wide, voice cold, eyes shifting to icy blue.

Glytch, z'haan! Alu tesso Phix nindel Jabbuk Prroul zhah heading nindol i'dol, uk 'udtila naut zhaun nindel Nodaki zhah nau mzild. Jal paranormals z'klaen tlu kyo'feirus. Usstan ssrig'luin ulu kyorl ukta...p'los uk razes l'che'el searching.Glytch, run! Go tell Phix that Master Prroul is heading this way, he does not know that Nodaki is no more. All paranormals must be cleared. I need to see him...before he razes the city searching.

Glytch, upon hearing the news, left Emerauld shaking Tsillah, and ran to find Phix... But he was still thinking hard about what Emerauld had told him.
Mad ones? A large group of insane people? That sounds way too familiar to be a coincidence... Did the Lanthians or the Etheitians make it to her world too?
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
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Re: Training Exercises

Post by Just Old Al »

GlytchMeister wrote:Once Glytch finished showing Emerauld the ropes, the elf was happily learning all about the military history of the human race and all of the stratagems and tactics involved therein. He started her off on familiar territory...
Damn, Glytch - very good. VERY good.
"The Empire was founded on cups of tea, mate, and if you think I am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken."
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