Doing it right...

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Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Brian Wahnee was close to closing when the Police cruiser pulled up. Recognizing Justin Epimetius, he let out his breath (his boy Peter had managed to get a bit too familiar with some law enforcement types over the years due to his lax attitudes with traffic laws and speed limits) and walked over to the fellow as he climbed out of the car. Brian noticed that Justin was... anxious? worried? THAT can't be good... he approached with a furrowed brow and asked,
"Justin? Is everything alright?"
Justin steeled himself for a moment, then said,
"That all depends on you, sir- I wish to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage,"

Brian could not have been more stunned had Justin smacked him with his nightstick. Shelly bean? Married? And... THIS man just asked MY permission? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!

"Sir? Are YOU alright?" Justin now asked Brian.
"Oh... I WILL be... but you kinda caught me flat-footed there, son... yes, of course you have my blessing! But... I'm not sure how much of a wedding I can scrape together for you two..."
"Actually, we have that covered,"
"Hmm? Well, then I need to know what I CAN contribute to the event in question- I take it you two have already discussed this?"
"Ah, well, yes, of course we have, Justin chuckled, " and decided you need to walk your daughter down the aisle,"
"Well, I'm thinking about marriage in general- all the responsibilities and such. I know that Shelly is a much calmer person than I ever remember, and I suspect you have a LOT to do with that... but even so, there are many things that can ... 'come up'... without warning, and put a strain on 'until death do us part',"
"Like... BABIES?"
Brian looked directly at Justin.
"Well, yea... those do tend to show up, you know... is there anything else...?"
"No, Shelly's not pregnant- but we were thinking about letting that happen, and figured we ought to do it right and proper so that the little one gets a proper name and all that... and you get a chance to play with your Grandchild..."
"Well... there's no rush on my account, you need to know that... but yes, thank you for thinking about me on this, I am honored. Do you two have a date set yet?"
"This discussion had to take place first- we will do this right. It might not be in a Catholic Church, mind you- there are complications there. We have a dear friend who we want to preform the ceremony, and he would not be allowed to do so in a Catholic Church,"
Brian frowned- "He is Protestant?"
"No," Justin replied, "Jewish- he is a Rabbi,"
Brian looked at Justin wide eyed- "WAIT!... OK, not that it REALLY matters, but ... are you...?"
"No," chuckled Justin, "Greek Orthodox. But that's not the point- oh, once you meet him you would understand. He is simply a wonderful man and a true scholar. Shelly and I met him at a friend's wedding, we've been tight ever since,"
Brian took this all in- "Well, it would seem that a Synagogue might have a similar issue- you both being ... what is the term?.. gentiles... what church will have you?"
"-"Where there are two or more of you gathered in my name, there am I in your midst"- we don't need a building, just a place to gather. We're thinking of Lake Calhoun as a possibility- but Shelly doesn't want to wait until the Spring,"
"There's... there's that old, old dancehall that is getting renovated... they MIGHT do it as an opener, but I've no idea what they would charge or what your budget is,"
"There's a number of possibilities- Shelly and I will find the one that works... do I call you 'Dad'?"
Brian chuckled at that one- "NAW... 'Brian' works for me- now you go plot with my daughter, and let me know where I can help,"
"Yes Sir," - and with that, Justin climbed back into his cruiser and took off.
"My little Shellybean," murmured Brian as he wiped a tear from his eye.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shellybean and the Cop

Post by lake_wrangler »

Auspicious start! :D
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Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

I REALLY have no idea where this one is going... but it HAD to happen, so here we go...

...actually, I DO have an idea... and thus, the change in the title...
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Re: Shellybean and the Cop

Post by lake_wrangler »

Sgt. Howard wrote:I REALLY have no idea where this one is going... but it HAD to happen, so here we go...
Don't many successful writers actually say that they're merely recording the action, and that the characters are the ones writing their own stories, or something like that?
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Re: Shellybean and the Cop

Post by Julie »

lake_wrangler wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:I REALLY have no idea where this one is going... but it HAD to happen, so here we go...
Don't many successful writers actually say that they're merely recording the action, and that the characters are the ones writing their own stories, or something like that?
It's always been that way for me. :)
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Let's just say... I'm going to give them a little ...'nudge'...
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Dearest, did you get the word from Shelly and Justin? They're still trying to figure where the wedding will take place... and I'm no use there, I really barely know the town," Neil asked Phix.
"My knowledge can't be much better," Phix replied, "for beyond a few establishments, I really don't know Minneapolis,"
"Her Father... hmm... YOUR SON, will be there- THAT ought to be an odd sensation, wouldn't you think?"
"YOUR son is ALSO on the guest list... he looks identical to what you looked like when you stepped in the Library ... almost a year ago. THAT might be a little odd as well,"
"Hmm... well, HE knows about the paranormal world at least.... and Shelly also has a younger brother, right? How much of her family will be there?"
"Don't forget the 31st precinct- this place will be swarming with cops... I love them both to pieces, but why don't they just elope?!?"
"So my DADDY can walk me down the aisle," replied Neil in his best impression of Shelly's voice, "Besides, they want old Nicodemus to do the ceremony,"
"Well... what to get them is just another worry... they've lived together for a while now, probably well set up... a subscription to 'Pinfeathers'?"
"How about a metal detector at the door? That way, we don't get any nasty surprises like at our wedding,"
"She.. wouldn't ...dare," Phix hissed between clenched teeth.

"DO NOT USE EXCEPT IN CASE OF FIRE" Read the sign over the extinguisher. Thymbris spent at least a half hour reading the sign before she pulled it off the wall and started to play with it... in short order, white foam filled a goodly amount of the study area where she stood. Nudge stood just behind a bookcase, biting her finger to avoid laughter as she watched her hapless Mom make a mess of everything.
"You're not very nice to Mom," Came a voice behind her.
Her sister Tsillah regarded her with an accusatory scowl.
"The sign told her to leave it alone," she smirked.
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by jwhouk »

The phone rang.

"H'lo?" How I managed to get that out, half asleep, is nothing short of amazing.

"Hi. On my way home. Did you already pick up the mail?"


"Okay, I'll check the mail when I get home. Love you."

"Mrg ha."

I hung the phone back up.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by DinkyInky »

jwhouk wrote:The phone rang.

"H'lo?" How I managed to get that out, half asleep, is nothing short of amazing.

"Hi. On my way home. Did you already pick up the mail?"


"Okay, I'll check the mail when I get home. Love you."

"Mrg ha."

I hung the phone back up.
This is me, talking to family at toodarnearlyoclock.
Yanno how some people have Angels/Devils for a conscience? I have a Dark Elf ShadowKnight and a Half Elf Ranger for mine. The really bad part is when they agree on something.

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Re: Doing it right...

Post by jwhouk »

I rolled out of bed when I heard my wife open the door of our apartment. Throwing something on, I wandered out into the living room.

"Who do you know named 'Wahnee'?" Sarah asked me.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

"Well... I'm finding nothing among the rental halls that even BEGINS to make sense...." Justin muttered.
"Oh, something will show up... I don't care to wait until Spring, but if we have to, we have to- meanwhile, we can keep looking...actually, I can keep looking, YOU'VE got to get to the precinct house and do your shift!"
"Whoops! So I do!- I'll see you 'bout midnight... here's my gunbelt... 'bye, love," he reached over and kissed her before he bolted out he door.
Shelly kept up the search.

LaMar Jefferson was just waking up- his day would start in a very short time as he had several packages to deliver and more than a few debts to collect... some of which had not been very forthcoming as of late. No problem- he knew how to get his money. Everybody knew he knew how to get his money... that's why he had two new tear tattoos off the corner of his right eye. There might be several reasons for such tattoos... but in LaMar's case, there was no question.
He had just killed two deadbeats.
Putting together his packages, he also checked his hardware- a .380 Smith & Wesson that he stowed in a shoulder rig and a .25 Raven kept in his belt in back. There was also a set of brass knuckles that served as a belt buckle, but he had never used it as such. The Smith did most of the talking.

Monica was rather flustered- her besti was getting married and nobody knew where to do it. Shelly's Father and Justin's co-workers made it near impossible, being mortals with no knowledge of the paranormal. Bia was Brian's 'dead' wife- currently, she is a twelve-year-old. Phix was Brian's 'dead' Mother- currently, she is about twenty with a newborn. Greg Howard would be there- he was now sixty one. Neil is his Father- he is currently about twenty.
And all of this had to stay under wraps.
There were many VIABLE options... until you reckon on what Justin and Shelly could (supposedly) afford, which trimmed the possibilities dramatically.
Tina had just served her French Press when Monica uttered a long, loud sigh-
"Well," Tina commented, "THAT matches your aura- what's the malfunction?"
"We can't find a place for Shelly and Justin's wedding," Monica muttered, "it's gotta be big, cheap and not sleazy... in a decent neighborhood... and available,"
"Pillsbury 'A' Mill, 315 SouthEast Main- there's a street-level main hall that is pretty reasonable with a wet bar- you have to stock it- there's also a short set-up that works for me and a full buffet table set up,"
Monica stood there stunned, her jaw hanging limp.
"I catered a Wedding there last weekend- it was a blast! Can I give you the number?"

LaMar pulled into the district east of uptown- the address was well known. He parked and locked his El Dorado with the remote, then walked up the steps of the deteriorated brownstone to ring the buzzer. At the ground level, Agnes Southard peeked out her window. She new this fellow and what he represented. She also knew who he was here to see and why... and as super for the building, she also knew that Russell, the fellow he wanted to see, had no money for rent... therefore, would likely not have money for the drugs that had been fronted by this fellow at the door. She knew this, because the old building offered no privacy of even the most intimate conversations... and Agnes literally had nothing better to do all day than eavesdrop.
She immediately dialed 911.

Monica dialed Shelly and gave her the info regarding the Old Pillsbury Mill. Shelly fired up her Sportster and rolled right over to inspect it... and fell in love with it immediately. She then returned home and walked over to the library portal to discuss the matter with Nicodemus.
She found him in his favorite reading nook, studying ancient Assyrian scrolls.
"Nah! Shalom Kindre! Shalom indeed! And to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Nicodemus, we have FOUND A PLACE! It is big, it is not shabby and ..."
"Nicht zu teuer...?"
"Ya- es nick su toyer ist... did I get it right?"
"I shall make a mensch out of you yet- so, where is this palace?"
"The old Pillsbury Mill! It is absolutely splendid!"
"Really? I never knew you could rent it... well, learn something new.. OY! SPEAKIN OF LEARN SOMETHING NEW... how's THIS for a Rabbi?"
Without the slightest flourish, he grew to 5' 8", lost his horns and muzzle and became a convincing, Conservative Orthodox Hasidic Hebrew- his voice still had that slight 'ba-a-a-a-a' sound to it, but it only added to his perceived age instead of throwing doubt onto his species.
All in all, the effect was quite pleasing. She hugged him, saying, "It's perfect!"
"Oh my! I should do 'human' more often if pretty girls hug me so..."
"You, sir, are a rogue!"
"No, I am a goat... I suppose the difference is slight, but there it is,"
They both chuckled.
Last edited by Sgt. Howard on Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by TazManiac »

"Pillsbury 'A' Mill, 315 SouthEast Main...

(You just know I was going to Google it.)
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Re: Shellybean and the Cop

Post by Warrl »

lake_wrangler wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:I REALLY have no idea where this one is going... but it HAD to happen, so here we go...
Don't many successful writers actually say that they're merely recording the action, and that the characters are the ones writing their own stories, or something like that?
If I don't have an idea where it's going, I find it hard to even get started.

Of course, that idea sometimes turns out to be incorrect... and even more often I encounter a few surprises along the way.
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by jwhouk »

I looked at the invite:

(Link If you can't see the image above)

"Huh. Kinda short notice. Lucky I'm off then."

"What does that bottom part mean?" Sarah asked.

"It's something for close friends of Shel's," I explained. "She's Phix's grand-daughter, but it's... well, it's a very long story."

"Okay..." Sarah looked at the invite again. "Where's this place, anyways?"

"Downtown Minneapolis, across the river. It's where Pillsbury used to have its flour mill before they closed in the 1990's, I think."

"And you know her through Phix?" I nodded.

"She's a bright, intelligent lady. And he's a police officer," I explained.

"I dunno," she said, even as she looked at the directions to the Mill.

I pointed out on the RSVP card, "Free food."

"Well, that sold me."

"Who knows, you might get to see Aeternia."

"Wait a minute - if Shelly is her grand daughter, how the heck can Phix have a two-month-old baby?"

"Like I said - it's a long story..."
Last edited by jwhouk on Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by jwhouk »

CHARACTER NOTE: Obviously, the date is variable, but it does happen to work for me as a day off...
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Date is perfect- I can have a full boil going on by then... but it needs to be a slow cook...
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by jwhouk »

Oh, by the way: for those of you who were getting on us about the fan art section - that invite is for you. :P ;)
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by Julie »

jwhouk wrote:CHARACTER NOTE: Obviously, the date is variable, but it does happen to work for me as a day off...
That's my parents' 39th anniversary. :D
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Re: Shellybean and the Cop

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Warrl wrote:
lake_wrangler wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:I REALLY have no idea where this one is going... but it HAD to happen, so here we go...
Don't many successful writers actually say that they're merely recording the action, and that the characters are the ones writing their own stories, or something like that?
If I don't have an idea where it's going, I find it hard to even get started.

Of course, that idea sometimes turns out to be incorrect... and even more often I encounter a few surprises along the way.
My best stories start out as a loose, random concepts that surprise me as I write them- this DEFINATLY falls into that category!

Alternate title- "Murphy's Law and Wedding Ceremonies,"
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
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Re: Doing it right...

Post by Sgt. Howard »

jwhouk wrote:Oh, by the way: for those of you who were getting on us about the fan art section - that invite is for you. :P ;)
Do check with us before submitting- PM
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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