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A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 10:11 pm
by Jharris16-17
The day had been rather rough. First it had been him losing the tool box in the field, then to add to it all he'd had to go back to his place for his phone. James was sweating like a dog. After finishing off the fence james put the toolbox away and was about to head home when the urge to relieve himself hit. Looking around he guaged the distance from the outhouse to the house. The out house was closer. Making his way he slipped and fell to one knee twisting his ankle. Getting up he limped over and tested the door handle. It was stuck and it wouldn't turn left or right. After pulling it and pushing and slamming his shoulder into the door. He glared at the door and angrily wung. The whole building shook but the door held. His fist was bloody and his temper began to boil over. Though his ankle hurt he tensed his shoulders. Slamming his shoulders into the door with all his mass, It swung open and he was sent sprawling and came down his right arm dislocated and face down in an very dirty alley way. His pants were soiled but he didn't care. He could only move his head. Looking back the foor was shut and had no signs of the abuse he'd recently shown it. Using his left arm he lifted his body up. Managing to sit up his shoulders hurt worse than his knuckes. Grabbing the rusted edge of the trash can he pulled him self up. Holding his Shoulder, james limped towards the sound of the cars at the other end of the alley way. The smell of his own blood, the urine, and the gas made him nauscious, but he struggled forward. Slowly he made it to the entance of the alley way.

Using His left arm to keep himself upright, he rounded the corner. He stopped as he beheld the largest minotaur he'd seen in his life. Althought he'd only seen one, This one was huge standing atleast twice james' height at his shoulders. My names Mike! That was all the warning he got as a big fist hit his solar plexus sending him flying. His arms and legs were strewn behind him like streamers and to add to that his nausiating feeling was replaced by no breath to his lungs. He didn't know how far he flew but he passed over several semi's and enough cabs to fill a motor garage twice. He hit the sement and was out like a light.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 5:45 am
by AnotherFairportfan

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:14 am
by jwhouk
AFF: Sit down, it's another story time.

JHarris: Interesting start.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:42 am
by GlytchMeister
That's a bad way to start a day. Injuring yourself trying to get into an outhouse that, unbeknownst to you is a portal to a extra-dimensional library, then getting gut-punched clear across a street by an Ancient Greek mythological creature with a bad attitude.


Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:07 am
by Jharris16-17
When James woke up his head was surprisingly clear. The hospital room he expected was not there and the stale smell that accompanied it wasn't there either. Instead bright sunlight filtered in from large windows. He knew by the floor to cieling shelves full of every book shape, color or age that he was in a library. Where he didn't know but His pain had vanished and his clothes were perfectly dry and were spotless. Looking at his fist the only way he knew he'd hit the door was the scars in a dozen different patterns. His gut did't hurt and he felt his ribs strong as ever like before. You would think after being slammed at speeds in which he'd flown that his entire upper body would be a marsh mellow. To test his new found security James pulled himself up to a sitting position. He was in an upper loft of an extremely large library bigger than his school building.
The rush of wind caused him to twist his body in search. Scanning the shape of a sphinx glided towards him. He'd only seen them in pictures but they were extremely accurate in there description, and presentation. A lion body, eagle Wings and a Large lioness head. It landed and he gulped. His heart pounded and he was stock still. He could not hide being terrified. A creature that could fly and devour him in one bite was less than six foot from him. It sniffed the air and smiled showing dozens of sharp white teeth. "What is your name?"
It had spoken in a soft musical voice like an normal human being. Although normal wasn't really the right word. He stutterd at first but managed to get the words out. "James.. My name is James."
"What a nice name." Her voice was full of amusement. His heart rate only sped up as she stepped forward. "You are a human yet you survived i am intrigued."
"Uh... I don't know myself... Honestly." A goat on her hind legs stepped up and looked at him with a curiousity that made him want to curl into a ball and shut the world out.
The she goat tilted her head and smiled.
"Its all right, Greg told us who you were, we were just wondering if you knew whom you were." The sphinx spoke again this time with a normal voice.
"You don't have to be afraid!" Great, Greg knew he was in a wierd library, was in the presence of supernatural creatures which terrified him and to add to that knew what had happened to him. Great... Just great! What ever bravado James had went out the window as the loft shook. His flight tendency kicked in but he knew he could not run. As he watched terrified, a Minotaur which stood well above the sphinx idled up. James' gut twisted and he wanted to scream. James had been alright with the first part but this was all to much. Fumbling with his words, the Minotaur leaned in looking him over.
"Where is Greg?"
"Oh you want to see Greg."The Spinx smiled and waved her large paw. Libraian dresssed in office Clothes looked down and smiled. the she goat followed suit and so did the minotaur. The she goat looked at least 21, whilst the minotaur looked to be 14 or 15. His senses were about to explode when Greg walked up the stairs and onto the loft.. "Whats up Kid." It was casual like notheing was wrong. James stared at Greg trying to discern what had him acting so comfortable around these creatures.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:30 pm
by Jharris16-17
"James this is Phix, Nudge and Tom." Greg gestured to the three.
"Wanna get something to eat?" being terrified had down played his nagging hunger.
"Sure." Getting up slowly he edged around the three seemingly normal creatures. "Lets go." Descending the stairs his momentum had him at the door in less than a minute. He waited for Greg to arrive and Greg ambled over shaking his head. Almost eagerly, James pushed open the doors and the smell of the city greeted him. Though it was foul compared to the sweet scent of the magnolia's within the library, he as glad to be outside. Waiting for Greg he tested his right arm. It still worked and what ever damage caused no longer bothered him. His phone was slightly cracked. Greg stopped and looked down the street. 'Greg, how the hell did they fix me up?" Greg looked at him with an incredelous stare.
"You don't know of the alchemists blood cure?"
"The alchemist blood what?" Greg sighed and drew himself up to full height just above James' own.
"It is where we mix ash of a loved one and 8 oz. of your blood and give it to you. You kept muttering about it hen you were on the way from purgatory. James' screwed up his face, he had no memories of anything. "I as in purgatory?"
Greg chuckled... "Oh yeah, we could get the healing done but wwe had to lock you away for a while." James' looked at Greg with an incredulous look this time. Oh that's just great, you lock me away where Julius Caesar, Dracula and every other madman is locked till the day he is finally picked by a side resides." James paused for effect. "All to mix the my blood with a loved one whom probably didn't even know the donation even happened!" James stopped as as a chill swept over him. A ghost was was right next to him. Turning James' hand went to his hunting knife. His hackles rose and all other information was blotted out by a large man whom was leaning casually on a big double bladed axe. He turned and looked at James with big blue eyes the color of the sea.
"Oh hello there!" The mans voice was heavily accented by Germanic, mostly Saxon. He as broad shoulder dressed in leather armor stylized after a roman jerkin. his black beard engulfed his lower lip and his face was heavily scarred. looking the man over, he was massive. A German he was the classical viking but had the soldiers upright stance. James stuttered but choked the words out. "Um who are you?"

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:54 pm
by Jharris16-17
The ghost promptly disappeared and when James can to reality Greg was walking down the street. Running to catch up Greg didn't ask and silence reigned till they were in front of a coffee shop. His stomach rumbled and Greg laughed. Following Greg inside a busy Barista called them over. "Coffee Greg?" "Sure, and lunch for my boy!" "Let me Guess... oh you are a tough one... lemon ice tea with a ham steak and a side of salad?" His stomach growled almost in response and she went off to the kitchen. "Ice tea?" "Yeah whats up?" Greg shook his head and welcomed the coffee, next was the tea followed by the meal. The ham and salad were delicious and his hunger soon abated.
Greg gave her the NCNB card and finished his coffee. When she returned with a 20 in her hand. Greg was about to accept it when the Barista handed James the 20.
Looking questioningly the Barista winked.
He and Greg left and they were headed north when Greg stopped. "You need to see Nicodemus!" Following it seemed like forever but they arrive at a plain house with an expertly cut lawn. Walking up the steps Greg knocked ion the door and no answer. "Nicodemus my son is here." "I am rather busy at the Moment!" Sounds of chomping and chewing filled the Air as several cans were thrown up and over the house onto the lawn. After a short while Nicodemus came around looking rather pleased with himself. "Damn neighbor kids." He caught sight of James and looked with scrutiny. "Oh he's alright." Nicodemus twisted his wrist and summoned a Pepsi. "So what can I do for you two rather unfortunate travelers today?" The Ghost appeared and was wearing an rather tight muscle shirt without arms. Again James disconnected and he caught sign of the tattoo. It was the red burn marks that spelled out S.QR. 12 lines were it and his smile broadened. "Damn it, stop playing with me you..." The ghost disappeared but right Nicodemus' hooves and golden Spatha was Dug into the dirt.
When he snapped back the Spatha was gone.

(FYI the Spatha is an Roman Calvary sword stylized after the Gaulic longsword sword.)
"Certa enim quos pareretur libertatis!"
"Freedom is only gained by those who fight for it?" James was boggled on how he knew Latin but he knew it. Nicodemus' brow thickened and his face was taught with concern.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:48 pm
by TazManiac
Alright, I've a good handle on your style and flow- in fact it's moving along nicely.

Small nit to pick; re-run the whole thing through a spell checker one more time- I'm nowhere near the greatest spell,by any means, but it mispellings derail me a bit now and then.

They're like pot holes on an otherwise smooth road.

That said, 'Lay on, Macduff!'

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 11:51 am
by Jharris16-17
Nicodemus was very disturbed and had dragged them back to the library yet again. Once when the ghost tried to phase James the agitated Nicodemus sent a fist flying and some how sent the ghost flying. As they came to the library the ghost was even more agitated. He stayed as far away as possible though. Phix was equally perturbed as Nicodemus was. "What do you need?"
"I need to go to the quiet room!" Nicodemus grabbed his wrist and dragged him through a large door which shut promptly. It shook but stayed shut. 'I told them to do it he hard way."
"Wait what?" Nicodemus looked at the door and his face was taught with concern. "The ghost that has been following you... it hooked a ride from purgatory!"
"Okay so how did it hook a ride then?"
"When tom brought you here you were dying and we had to save you, To do that we decided to suspend your soul in purgatory so we could heal your body. You were dying and all of a sudden you just began to whisper how to heal you." "We did just that but the portal was delayed... "Wait, the portal was delayed!" Yes, now shut up!" After a short pause he continued.
"That Spirit pushed you out and when you came through he hitched a ride!"
"The story goes back over two thousand years ago... I was a travelling wise man working for food and a place to rest my head. "I was hired by a petty noble who i can not remember the name of, but when he was deployed to Germany with three of the most professional legions in all of Rome, he told me... what you said exactly."
"How many marks did he have?"
"Eight at he time... He said he was waiting for the right time to claim his destiny and conquer Rome."
The doors flew open and Phix stormed in, the ghost was glaring. "We have more issues Nicodemus than you telling this boy that he is being followed around by the end of civilization!"

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:10 pm
by lake_wrangler
TazManiac wrote:Alright, I've a good handle on your style and flow- in fact it's moving along nicely.

Small nit to pick; re-run the whole thing through a spell checker one more time- I'm nowhere near the greatest spell,by any means, but it mispellings derail me a bit now and then.

They're like pot holes on an otherwise smooth road.

That said, 'Lay on, Macduff!'
I concur. This is an interesting start to what promises to be an interesting story, but you do need to proofread it. The best way to type those things is to do so in a word processor (like MS Word, or Libre Office Writer), which will then not only show you spelling mistakes, but also when grammar is being jerked around by a missing article or a missing verb, and such (which has happened, in some of your posts). Having a second pair of eyes is always a good thing, though not mandatory, in that they sometimes will catch something that we, after having read and reread our stuff, will glaze over.

But yeah, I definitely look forward to reading more.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:02 pm
by jwhouk
I'm always basically typing in Word first before I post any stories here. Of course, I have a pretty good inline spellchecker in FF, and I've written so much stuff (including my own novella, thanks) for so long that things do come second nature.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 3:13 pm
by Jharris16-17
"We found a way to send him back!"
"Who the ghost?"
Once again he was in a different place. This time a marshy area. Two groups of Germans fought and the ghost was charging with his Calvary. As James watched an young Cheruscan warrior threw his spear and it penetrated the ghosts back.
The ghost looked at James, bored.
"Betrayed by my own people,"
"Your Arminius?"
"Oh yes and the only way to dispel me is to take another trip to purgatroy and leave me there! Then manage to escape the land that the gods can't even escape!"
"Why use me?" Arminius smiled and the scene changed. The Area in which they stood was the alleyway with Mike kicking, the spectre slowly strangling him to death in his throat.

"You see I will raise myself with your help and go back in time and fix hat happened and get my way!"
The scenes changed and he was in a runic circle. James' hairs rose and he drew what he thought was his hunting knife. Instead an full length Spatha with Gold inlays and a leather wrapped handle. The words "Freedom is life!" engraved in it. The Room was black then he was in a swamp. Arminius was wearing what he'd worn when he'd first met him.
"Oh Boy..."
"Isn't it wonderful what happens when your betrayed?" Arminius laughed, though it was short lived.
"Phix sent you back and Greg or Greg's aura will Join you shortly!"
As the words sunk in, The air shimmered and A Doctor which matched the appearance of a civil war era Surgeon appeared, an Dragoon in his holster. Greg had come or his aura had as Arminius had said.
"I see, you decided that a Surgeon is more likely to survive an human killing machine."
Arminius set the axe aside and snapped his fingers and servants Layed food down on the table which appeared out of thin air.
"Mind you if you eat the food... your stuck here with me,"
"I could have escaped and killed the coward but my hunger betrayed me,"
"James do not eat it, I know what this ghost wants to do!" Greg's eyes showed no fear, but His left hand which shook uncontrollably showed it.
"My name is Arminius you whelp!" The spectre threw a knife and it barley missed Greg's arm.
James' temper rose. "Do not do that again!"
His voice was low and threatening which caused Arminius to smile.
"I waited the Breath of a Millenia and now I can rise." "I don't know if you ever felt betrayed but... You'll know when it Happens."

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 7:33 pm
by Jharris16-17
Just then A big man dressed as an SS officer materialized behind Arminius. Arminius was immobilized and four more officers arrived weapons pointed at Arminius. Just then an man dressed in a fine sharkskin suit Materialized. "Put the sword away boy were here for him!" The SS officers disappeared with Arminius. Putting the sword away by slipping it into the sheath it returned to looking like a hunting knife.
"What just happened?" Greg's Aura was very confused by the turn of events.
The man Looked Darkly at the spot where Arminius had stood. "War Trials"

Whether several days or several minutes, time in purgatory was elusive. They were in a broad court room one could compare to the court room in harry potter and the order of the Phoenix. High basalt walls and a black polished floor. Twelve men Sat on the bed of the U and above them a short portly woman with a quill on her hands next to her a Short man with bleach blonde hair. He wore a set of fine senatorial robes. Around them sat Almost all humans and some demons. A few he recognized. Hannibal, Benedict Arnold, Lincoln of all people. Yes, Abraham Lincoln top hat and all. A few he'd only seen in rough pictures Greeks, Romans, Every sort of Barbarian and many from other times.
"I Julius Caesar of Rome am acting judge for the trials of Arminius, Son of Segimer. Acting Jury is Jon, James, Peter, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Judas Iscariot, Judas, Simon, and James, son of Alphaeus. For acting Defense of Arminius, Benedict Arnold has been chosen. For acting Prosecutor of Arminius, we have chosen Hannibal of Carthage." Silence followed.
"Will The accused Come forward?" Arminius Came forwards in a straight jacket His legs were chained. A chair materialized and He sat down.
"Does the accused have anything to say?"
"I wish to Here the Charges!"
Caesar nodded and the portly woman cleared her throat.
"The charges are as follows... Forced Pregnancy, Forced Rape, Forced Mutilation, Slaughter without due reason, Forced betrayal, Murder of Children... Escape from purgatory, Forced occupation, Forced Binding."
Arminius just smiled.
"Does the accused have anything to say?"
"Yes, I wish to here the argument." This perturbed the crowd but silence followed.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 9:52 pm
by Jharris16-17
Silence echoed as new seats materialized.
"James Harris, you are our best case so your with me." James looked at Greg's Aura which nodded ready to draw the dragoon. Sitting
down besides Hannibal and his heart was was pounding . Arminius sat and Benedict Arnold came down slowly, Staring at James examining the teenager.
"Prosecution you may call a witness." Hannibal stood up and looked over the crowd.
"I call Quintillius Varus to the stands!" A portly man in a toga came down and sat a determined look on his face.
"Varus you commanded the 17th, 18th, and 19th legions, correct?"
"Yes I did."
"So you could tell us what happened to your legions?" Hannibal had a smirk on his face.
"Yes.. we were drawn off..." Varus was sweating. " We were on our way to our summer camp when we saw the watch towers burning. I diverted the hole line believing that Arminius was in trouble!"
"And what happened?"
"We were about half way through the Cherusci ambushed us."
"And what did you do?" Arminius smiled broadly at Varus' expression.
"We fought for our lives."
"What happened to the baggage trains?"
"They were burnt!?" Varus quivered.
"What happened to the woman and children?"
"The women were forced to watch as the children were beaten and abused. The sons were tied and fed to pigs..."
There was a collective gasp and Arminius laughed. Even Benedict had gasped. "The woman were forced to watch as the girls were molested en-mass. Then after the warriors were done they fed the girls to the pigs. The woman were raped and kept to breed. They were kept and forced to give birth." Glares from everyone were centered on Arminius whom was smiling broadly.
I have no further questions. Hannibal sat down with a smile on his face.
"Does the defense have questions?"
"Yes I do!" Benedict began to pace. "Quintillius Varus would you say you were a good commander?"
"Not at the time."
"So you can responsibly say you were very Mediocre?"
"I was." Varus glared!
"So your judgment was impared!"
" In battle and watching as Romans were slaughtered, One is very clear!"
"How can you claim that you were Not very good?"
"I wasn't and over a millenia can really show you your mistakes!"

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 4:36 pm
by Jharris16-17
"I have no further Questions!" Hannibal stated, his expression turning into a broad grin..
"If it so pleases the court, I would like to cross examine," Benedict Arnold responded.
"Proceed" Ceasar was distraught at the the recent facts. Hannibal scrutinized Varus' white face as he sat.
"Quintillius Varus, when you first met Arminius what was you opinion of him?" -Varus visibly relaxed at this.
"I Believed him a capable man that did very well, his former record was very impressive... A very good officer, Rose quickly through the ranks and was recommended highly by General Tiberius."
"Quintillius Varus, did it ever occur to you he may have been the one behind the rebellion?" -Varus was slow to answer.
"Only when his uncle Segestez accused him did I even think it was a possibility." A barbarian shifted uncomfortably just opposite of James.
"So could you say you had been played by the traitor to Rome?" -Hannibal was trying not to giggle.
"Yes it is the whole truth!" Varus looked inquiringly at Hannibal whom was smiling.
"I have no further questions,"

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:53 pm
by Jharris16-17
Caesar looked at Benedict whom sat down lounging in the chair. "Does the the Prosecution wish to continue questioning this witness?"
Hannibal Looked back and shook his head slightly. "No I do not your honor, but if I wish to call another witness to the stand," - Caesar looked at the portly woman besides him and she nodded with her pale straight no nonsense look. "Hannibal, you may proceed," - Hannibal stood and circled the room twice before stopping and looking hard at Arminius. " I would like to call Segestez to the stand,"
"Proceed" - the barbarian that shifted earlier came and sat down with chains encircling his arms, his face showed age old concern.
"This is your nephew.. correct," - Segestez nodded slowly.
"Please speak up for the clarity of the court!" - Hannibal smirked and partially drew his Iberian Falcata. This had the desired effect.
"Yes Arminius, son of Segimerus is my nephew,"
"Segestez, did you in fact accuse Arminius of treason and attempting to start a rebellion?"
"Yes, I did... to little effect," - Arminius laughed and made the table jump when he hit it with his fist.
Caesar rung the bell and Arminius quieted.
"What was your impression of Arminius as a young boy?"
"I believed him conniving and a nuisance, when I allied with the Romans I believed that he could be taught respect and loyalty to those other than himself,"
"Did it work... at all?" - This brought every Roman officer to his feet and had them shouting every curse capable of being spoken. Caesar rung the bell several more times before order was restored and Hannibal Smiled.
"No... it did not,"

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:50 pm
by Jharris16-17
"I have no further questions,' -sitting the Whole court was disturbed looking at Arminius with a new found hatred.
"Does the defense wish to counter question the witness?" - Benedict Arnold was pale and shook his head slowly.
'Segestez return to your seat," - Segestez returned and looked troubled.
'Does the Prosecution have another witness?'- Hannibal Stood up and nodded.
" I call Gregory Howard to the stands," - Greg's aura materialized in the chair and the chains encircled his arms.
"What did you know of Arminius prior to these events?"
"Vaguely, James is a history nut and did a lot of studying into German history,"
"So did James or yourself know of the War crimes?"
"We knew it was possible for the time but not of what happened,"
"Why did Arminius use your stepson to escape purgatory?'
"I do not know, possibly to reek revenge on his enemies, or maybe to have a breather,"
"Please tell the court why James was down in purgatory to begin with?" - Greg sighed and breathed deeply for a minute.
'A Minotaur punched him in the stomach, he was a medical mess and we only knew of one way to heal him but his soul needed to be seperate. we healed him and brought him back, but Arminius hitched a ride out of purgatory,"
"I have no further questions," - Hannibal sat down and Benedict Arnold Smiled
"If it pleases the court i wish the counter question the witness,"
"Proceed" - Standing Benedict began to pace.
"Are you sure you were in your right mind Gregory, or James if you want to under stand,"
" Why James?"
" I met him once, a naive lad , he betrayed us and well rushed in blindly and failed in the end..."
" Why are you talking about my ancestor?"
"Because you are so brash you make it possible for a maniac to escape..."
"It was that or tell his mother!"
" I request the panel of the twelve decide the fate of Arminius son of Segimerus!"
"We have already" - The court room was shocked.

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:08 am
by Jharris16-17
"We will hear the closing arguments,"- Greg materialized in the seat beside James.
"Benedict you will make first argument," - Standing and pacing the former US general drew his chest out and released several more times.
"As you know the Defendant is guilty of many crimes known and unknown," - Murmurs of agreement filled the room. "I further saying that even if said thoughts were of malicious content... those crimes would be perfectly normal in that day and age as Gregory Stated earlier... The acts were against his enemies and thus he had some justification. His escape from purgatory can mean several things for Arminius, but lets us say that he is sent to hell... he is in the same cage as the demon spawn of the world above and between. That is more dangerous than if we brainwashed him and sent him to heaven..."
"Never, I will not lose everything i know and love to the false justice of a few meagre disciples of a man whos cowardice led him to die on a cross instead of battle defending his religion" - Arminius moved faster than light and was strangling the rather pale Benedict. Several SS guards pulled him off and dragged him to the chair where the chains wrapped around his fore arms, chest, legs and engulfed both of his mammoth sized hands.
After several minutes Benedict stood straightening his stance. I propose we leave him here where we can watch and handle him properly not in an area where he is an complete unknown entity,"
Murmurs arose from the crowd and Caesar rung the bell bringing silence to the room.
"Your insight is appreciated,"

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:50 pm
by Jharris16-17
"Does the Prosecution wish to put forth there closing arguments?" - Hannibal nodded and got up pacing looking at each and every one watching the proceedings.
"As Hannibal Barca you could say I have a grudge against Rome, that being said any enemy would beat Rome so severly would be my friend... Arminius would in fact would see eye to eye with myself in almost any other circumstance. His actions against his own people is self explanatory of his malicious intent. I believe he is a time bomb waiting to happen. If he is sent to the cages of hell he is right at home. If he is sent to heaven his Identity is not long before promptly discovered and released to the nether realms. I believe that if he is kept here in the plains of the forgotten we can watch him and keep his leash in hand justice is served. the second part is that he is too forever be in service of the court. As a guard who's sole purpose is protecting the ones he hated or wished to use to malignent content," - Arminius fought and his entire body was encased in its cage.
Peter stood up and bowed.
"Thank you Hannibal Barca, and Benedict Arnold for your insight," - Hannibal sat down a light smirk on his face.
Arminius, son of Segimerus is to be imprisoned in this court for eternity and will never be let out. The crimes he is accused of are all guilty and thus far he will be forced to feel the pain, suffering and hatred he has wrought on this world and above. In conclusion... permanent solitary confinement as long as god wills it,'

It was not long before James was back in the library on the couch he'd awoken on prior to the whole debacle. The memories of the trial were fresh and vivid. Thinking back Benedict knew that Arminius was guilty and thus would suffer but had represented Arminius anyways. This puzzled James, but the winging broke his train of thought. Bolting from the couch his adrenaline fueled the long run the the alley way where if he'd been at all fully aware would have exhausted him kept going. as he reached the corner he slowed and his movement the hoofing that he'd missed earlier caused him to bolt yet again to the door. "I wish to go home!" Looking behind, the Minotaur whom had a bloody nose and a rather black eye was slowly walking towards him in a dream like state. Opening the door he rushed through and fell promptly on his face in a pile of feces. After getting up and clearing his face he was in the middle of the field and was surrounded by goats of all shapes and sizes. A girl dressed as Mary from the popular children's tale "Mary and the little lamb" looked up and his gut fell as he recognized Nudge. Running he hopped the four and a half foot fence in a feet only adrenaline could muster he ran down the hill to the one place he knew from experience that some regularity existed. The three bed, one and a half bath home he'd known off and on since the age of seven years old.
James tripped rolling and coming off with a stream of curses he'd normally never say. When he stopped rolling James looked up to see Nudge standing over him a wicked smile on her face.
"Don't think your done Buster Brown,"

- I am ending this chapter here for the moment. I may come back or may not but will continue to attempt to keep up with some interesting fan art. (Bow and a wave of the hat.)

Re: A trip down the Rabbit hole!

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:34 am
by Jharris16-17
"Hey ma," - his mother stared at him. Ignoring her stare James dodged and weaved till he came to his room.Attempting to enter the room was stopped by the suddenly very thin doorway. When he attempted to enter it was worse seeing as his head was tigh against the doorway. Ducking and turning sideways James lay down on his bed. His feet of gargantuan size hung off the end of the bed. Turning his mother stood in the door way mouth open. "Is there an problem?" - His mother nodded profusely. "look in the mirror..."
Getting up his mothere stepped aside and he went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror James oathed in Latin. How he knew Latin, he did not know, but his image was scary. His shoulders were much broader and he was leaner. Not to mention six inches taller. He had the full beard and mutton chops of his Welsh heritage and his hands were huge. His arms and legs were much more defined. "What happened James?"
''I honestly don't know,'' James then told her of the fence, the minotaur and of purgatory. She handed him a card and then an hundred dollar bill. Go to this person and then consult me...

- I'm back! -