Too Grounded 2014-11-18

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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by AnotherFairportfan »

Dave wrote:In closing, I'll just suggest what I've suggested to others who have expressed unhappiness with certain events as portrayed in Wapsi Square: "Have patience."
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by oldmanmickey »

I got 2 things to say about this after reading all these wonderful comments. People were recently bitching about the stories no longer being about M and the original crew. Well now we got a story centering on the original crew and now the bitching is about a new some believe unexpected twist. I think this is wonderful. It shows the true talent and ability of Mr. Taylor. He can make us care about characters he has created and he controls. I would hate to lose any of the fine people that are on here but as with any story there are going to be things in it that someone doesn't like. The purpose of these stories are to offer and escape from reality and to make you think and consider things. The best any of us can do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

The second thing is we need to remember this may be a grounded comic and based on reality but it is not reality. I have been to Minneapolis a few times when i was younger. I did not see a single titan, sphinx, demigod, vampire or MIB running around. We can not get inside the mind of rapists, serial killers and such when these are regular humans. Someone who says they are able to understand the mindset of a human apex predator is going to get the same reaction from me as someone saying they understand the mind of God, i am gonna put my hand on my wallet and be stepping lively towards the exit. The only one who can do this is Mr. Taylor because for these charterers he is God. Mr. Taylor wondered on facebook the other night "how many people would be mad over the waspi square comic he was posting tonight". This question made me understand he has a much better grasp of humans than i do. So having vented i am going over to confusion corner, lock the door to my room, turn on the monitor and watch the storm.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Catawampus »

I think that a lot of people need to calm down. This story arc is only just starting, and already people are condemning Mr. Taylor for how it will end (or rather, how they assume it will end). How about we try following the story to see where it goes?

Even if it does go off on a route that isn't what we wanted, that doesn't mean that what we get isn't good; how many of us here can say that throughout the last thirteen years the storylines never once went off on a path that we didn't expect? Some of the most loved stories have their ugly parts, and some of the most well-structured narratives have their bits that don't make sense at the time but that fit in perfectly in hindsight. Right now the storyline is intentionally in a state of confusion, so of course we're all uncertain.

I suppose that it is a good sign that people have gotten so emotionally invested in the story, but they need to remember that the story isn't being catered specifically to their own individual whims. It's the author's own project. Not that I'm saying that he should simply ignore what anybody else thinks, but it is being made according to his own plans. Those plans have worked out more than well enough for all these years, so I'm quite willing to reserve judgment and see how things conclude before I start complaining about the conclusion and the path leading up to it. Maybe he will make the story take a turn that I really dislike, and the comic will become something that I'm no longer interested in. That has happened with other comics I used to read, or with other series. If that happens, then I'll stop reading. But I'm not going to throw a fit and stop reading before it happens. That would be incredibly silly.

As for the matter of pacing: yes, things have suddenly and unexpectedly come to a boil. But they've been simmering for years. Monica's always had neurotic times, and Georgette's hardly ever been anything but. Monica's impulsiveness and assertiveness combined with Kevin's relaxed nature caused problems right from the start. Monica's worries about whether she's good enough for Kevin, Monica's complaining about Kevin being understanding and good for her, Kevin's worries about Monica's aggressiveness, Monica keeping things from Kevin. . .this has all been building up for over a decade. The situation may be rushed at the moment, but it's certainly not coming from out of nowhere.

If you're unhappy with the current pacing, that's perfectly fine. I've had problems with bits of the comic myself at times. Maybe it's a result of the limitations of the medium, maybe it's an attempt to capture the sudden abruptness that happens at times in real life, maybe it's just a miscalculation by the artist. Whatever the case, we'll doubtless pass through this rough part and things will slow down again.

If Mr. Taylor's storytelling abilities have been enough to keep you following events through almost three thousand days' worth of strips, I think that you can at least give him the benefit of the doubt and struggle through another few days to see how things pan out.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by TazManiac »

Meh, you guys type a lot... 8-)

I don't think this is the end of Kevin, quite the contrary methinks.

Oh, and lest I forget, a little something to review;

Read through about oh, say, twenty entries or more...
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by TazManiac »

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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Dave »

TazManiac wrote:Meh, you guys type a lot... 8-)
Dave buys pixel-ink by the gallon. :P
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Akeche »

Yamara wrote:
We don't know yet that he's taking it well, just that he showed a compassionate face to Monica. We may hear a lot more about his reactions, what with Alan being with Jin and other connections. I expect that to be interesting.

Alright, people argue this isn't the end of Kevin. And you make a point of bringing Alan up...

Where exactly is Alan? We'd not seen Jin in a while either, but it's definitely a good question. No sign of Shelly and Justin either! I honestly have no reason to believe we'll ever see Kevin again, who aside from Daren was the most likable guy out of the cast. As for the smart ass suggesting someone goes and finds a comic filled with nothing but men... That isn't the point, whatsoever. A good story needs some balance, and Wapsi Square hasn't had that kind of balance for a long time.

To bring up another point... I was looking forward to seeing who Atsali's crush might be, but then Paul threw quite the curve ball when the more reserved of the shape shifting twins is now going all blushy over her too! While I would like to see some actual same-sex relationships in Wapsi Square it's kind of looking like Paul is going to go that route with both of his main characters. At least for now, Atsali might not have any interest in that way...

To put it another way, we don't even have enough men in the comic to suggest a same-sex relationship there either.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by sheik »

Akeche wrote:
Yamara wrote:
We don't know yet that he's taking it well, just that he showed a compassionate face to Monica. We may hear a lot more about his reactions, what with Alan being with Jin and other connections. I expect that to be interesting.

Alright, people argue this isn't the end of Kevin. And you make a point of bringing Alan up...

Where exactly is Alan? We'd not seen Jin in a while either, but it's definitely a good question. No sign of Shelly and Justin either! I honestly have no reason to believe we'll ever see Kevin again, who aside from Daren was the most likable guy out of the cast. As for the smart ass suggesting someone goes and finds a comic filled with nothing but men... That isn't the point, whatsoever. A good story needs some balance, and Wapsi Square hasn't had that kind of balance for a long time.

To bring up another point... I was looking forward to seeing who Atsali's crush might be, but then Paul threw quite the curve ball when the more reserved of the shape shifting twins is now going all blushy over her too! While I would like to see some actual same-sex relationships in Wapsi Square it's kind of looking like Paul is going to go that route with both of his main characters. At least for now, Atsali might not have any interest in that way...

To put it another way, we don't even have enough men in the comic to suggest a same-sex relationship there either.
For that matter we haven't seen Justin all that much either.
Males seem to be window dressing or like Victorian era children, "better seen but not heard."
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Catawampus »

TazManiac wrote:Meh, you guys type a lot... 8-)
I'm paid by the serif.

You do have a serif font enabled on your web browser, right? Right?? How else am I going to afford to get all of these mustard stains out of my silly hat?
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Dave »

Catawampus wrote:
TazManiac wrote:Meh, you guys type a lot... 8-)
I'm paid by the serif.

You do have a serif font enabled on your web browser, right? Right?? How else am I going to afford to get all of these mustard stains out of my silly hat?
I read this forum using the Omar font.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Y'know.... I had a serious (at least I thought so at the time) relationship where the young lady in question GAVE ME PRETTY MUCH THE EXACT SAME SPEECH- I begged her to reconsider, and told her that should she change her mind she ought to contact me again- she did... five weeks later... with her STUNNING girlfriend in tow... after a month and a half, I threw them BOTH out!!! Never got anything done, no bills paid, food rotted before it got cooked, kept calling in sick, damn near lost my job ... but got some INCREADABLE bragging rights!!!

... didn't bother LOOKING for a date for three months, it took that long to recover...
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Boxilar »

Strawberrycocoa wrote:I'm a little disappointed in Kevin for taking a conversation that sounds like, "I am going to talk and you don't get to say anything. For God only knows how long, my fucking you has been hate-fucking." with what seems to be an overabundance of calm. That's not being understanding, that's being a pushover.

But then again Kevin's been such a passive non-presence in the story, I'm not really surprised either.

Bye, Kevin. You had a great goatee.
I can say from experience that some guys can remain utterly calm in the moment their significant other drops the bomb that It's Over. It's after they think about it awhile that anger and betrayal start to edge into their thoughts.

There's also a very male desire among some of us in the older generations (call it deep cultural conditioning) not to show weakness, so in the moment we just kind of shut down and quietly accept what we're being told. Then we go get drunk or find something physical to do to stave of the emotions.

I kind of want to see the scene where Kevin and Allen are hanging out after the break up.

We've got Monica's side of it. I want to see what Kevin really thinks about all this.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by shadowinthelight »

Boxilar wrote:I want to see what Kevin really thinks about all this.
In a fit of rage he punches a hole in the wall. A brick wall. His paranormal side has awakened. 8-)
Julie, about Wapsi Square wrote:Oh goodness yes. So much paranormal!

Image My deviantART and YouTube.
I'm done thinking for today! It's caused me enough trouble!
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Dave »

shadowinthelight wrote:
Boxilar wrote:I want to see what Kevin really thinks about all this.
In a fit of rage he punches a hole in the wall. A dimensional wall. His paranormal side has awakened. 8-)
Fixed that for you. ;)

Shortly thereafter, Brandi gives him a serious chewing-out.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Warrl »

Sidhekin wrote:
AnotherFairportfan wrote:
DilyV wrote:Ouch. The fact that Kevin was so understanding makes it hurt even more. Now imagine that one of your golem girl best friends is going to pick up the slack... This CAN'T turn out good.
Actually, i dunno - i think Monica would be happy for Bud, and probably Kevin, too.
"We're through, but here, have a Bud!"
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by AnotherFairportfan »

Here is the lead-in to Monica's first meeting with Jet.

I note that Amanda says that Jet specifically requested Monica for the shoot, even though (apparently) all she knew about her was what sounds like a more-or-less casual conversation with Amanda.

Sounds like the souls thing that Tina has revealed was already in action.

Old Souls, indeed. And, for whatever reason neither of them really knows, she's special to Jet...
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by DoctorOverlord »

This is not how I expected to see Kevin after all this time :shock:

But on a plus note - GO GET 'IM BUD!
shadowinthelight wrote:Maybe the grounded boy needs the earthy girl?
Nah, grounded guy needs UFO girl.

Or polar bear girl (Okay, that doesn't fit but I was reminded of this strip looking for the other one)
Last edited by DoctorOverlord on Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by AnotherFairportfan »

AnotherFairportfan wrote:Old Souls, indeed. And, for whatever reason neither of them really knows, she's special to Jet...
For those not familiar with Phantom of the Paradise (it is, after all, forty years old), both of those songs (actually written by Paul Williams) are from a pop cantata based (as is the movie in great part) on "Faust", which one of the main characters wrote and had stolen from him.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by Strawberrycocoa »

zachariah wrote:That isn't what Monica said. It sounds that way but it isn't. She had things to tell him about herself. Things she had to share to lay the groundwork for what she is doing, ending their relationship. That is all. There is no dominance involved by this. It is apparent Kevin listened, understood, and didn't blow a gasket. Getting mad by Kevin is the worst thing to do. Keep it on a rational level and just let it flow. That is what he did. Kevin understood a lot more than Monica gave him credit for.
Good point. I've been known to read things a touch too literally. XD

Boxilar wrote:I can say from experience that some guys can remain utterly calm in the moment their significant other drops the bomb that It's Over. It's after they think about it awhile that anger and betrayal start to edge into their thoughts.

There's also a very male desire among some of us in the older generations (call it deep cultural conditioning) not to show weakness, so in the moment we just kind of shut down and quietly accept what we're being told. Then we go get drunk or find something physical to do to stave of the emotions.

I kind of want to see the scene where Kevin and Allen are hanging out after the break up.

We've got Monica's side of it. I want to see what Kevin really thinks about all this.
I'd like to see more of Kevin's side of it too. But he's been so... barely-there in terms of on-screen presence, especially lately, that it wouldn't surprise me if this is a simple writing-out.
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Re: Too Grounded 2014-11-18

Post by TazManiac »

All I heard (read) Monica say is that she spoke to Kevin.

It's 9PM on Tuesday night as I type this but lets see how things play out...

(btw- I've been enjoying the longer posts, deep is good...)

[I get payed by the ellipses...]
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