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Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:49 pm
by oldmanmickey
This is somewhat similar to the Europeans discovering America. The natives already there didn't even realize it was lost. Same for Nixon going to china.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:10 pm
by MerchManDan
ShirouZhiwu wrote:I wonder if there is a back room full of paranormal items only for sale to paranormals.
Ooh, neat idea! I sure hope so, now - unless it turns out like the storeroom at Curious Goods. :?
jwhouk wrote:Pablo states that Roy died of a heart attack while he was visiting the Great Wall of China.
Paul Taylor (Facebook) wrote: It (Roy's death) never happened on camera. Roy was an elderly gentleman who looked a lot like a Persian cat with a big white mustache and beard.
He had an antique shop that Monica liked to go to when she was younger, and the shop wasn't doing as well as it once had. Monica used some of
her money from the lawsuit of the hospital to buy half of the shop and get things moving again. Roy was able to have young college employees,
and he could travel to find new items for the store. He passed away while touring the Great Wall of China. He died with a smile on his face.
Well, dang. This is what I miss when I don't check Facebook.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:19 pm
by Warrl
Catawampus wrote:With this comic's setting, being dead does not necessarily preclude him being featured. . .
Heck, I'm writing a book where the main character dies five days before the story starts.
If I ever gained time travel, I've worked out a plan for going back to Herculaneum around 78 AD and commissioning a large statue of Vulcan, with a pedestal thus labelled, but with the figure showing pointy ears and slanted eyebrows and making a certain specific gesture with his hand, and then leaving the statue somewhere that is only being excavated right now. Just to mess with archaeologists and Trekkies.
I like the way you think.
ShirouZhiwu wrote:Taking on small business ownership is a much better fit for Monica's new roll. Small businesses can be time absorbing, but if you sell high ticket items and have someone to cover for you, like Tiffany, you can earn a years living in a handful of sales and end up with acres of time. I wonder if there is a back room full of paranormal items only for sale to paranormals.
It will give her more personal freedom, too, which might be handy. Plus make money laundering and smuggling easier. . .
How could it possibly make smuggling easier?

Covering up the smuggling, yeah. By providing a suitable avenue for fake documentation. But not the smuggling itself.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:27 pm
by shadowinthelight
Catawampus wrote:If I ever gained time travel, I've worked out a plan for going back to Herculaneum around 78 AD and commissioning a large statue of Vulcan, with a pedestal thus labelled, but with the figure showing pointy ears and slanted eyebrows and making a certain specific gesture with his hand, and then leaving the statue somewhere that is only being excavated right now. Just to mess with archaeologists and Trekkies.
I would learn ancient Greek, leave some tablets "predicting" future events, and end them with proclamation that Han did indeed shoot first.
Paul Taylor (Facebook) wrote:Roy was an elderly gentleman who looked a lot like a Persian cat with a big white mustache and beard.
It all makes sense now! Space Alien Cat Girls is a Wapsi spinoff. Roy must have put the team together before his passing. 8-)

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:33 pm
by Boxilar
MerchManDan wrote:
Aed wrote:The quantum phone sound interesting as well.
Eldritch cell phone, anyone?
I liked D20 Modern as a game system quite a bit. I've thought about figuring out how to beef the core and advanced Modern classes up so that they're comperable/equal to Pathfinder classes.

Regarding the mood whiplash, I guess I don't see it. Or at least it isn't any worse than finding out that Shelly is an 80,000 year old Sphinx. Or that Monica is the guardian/controller of a separated Chimaera. Or that Brandi was being partly controlled and influenced by an evil spirit. Or that Katherine is a Chimaera made up of three separate unborn children merged into one. Or that Shelly's boyfriend is actually a frigging Titan who lost his memories. Or that the vampires Lily Pratt and Suzi McBride are Special Agents for the FBI. Or that part of Monica's self doubt is that she was systematically abused while incarcerated in a mental health facility. (Which is obviously hinted at way back in the first couple of years of the strip if you know what to look for.) Or that Monica, the main character of the strip, who up to year or so ago was the fairly "normal" person amongst all the planet smashers, Titans, Sphinxes and demigods, is now one of the most powerful and (rightly) feared members of the cast.

Give all the crazy reveals we've seen in the past, I guess Monica quitting her job at the museum to work at the antique store she's owned since the beginning of the comic rates pretty low on my WTF meter. It's even lower than M's hair going from pixie cut to butt length between appearances to let us know a year or so had passed.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:58 pm
by TlalocW
KnightDelight wrote:
zachariah wrote: The handing down thing would be tricky. She can't shape shift, AFAWK. Other than to JG form that is. She could claim to be her own daughter I suppose, but she would still have to change her looks somewhat. Doing so for years would get old fast though. OTOH, I suppose everyone else who knows her would eventually die off, so she could pull it off several times.
I think it's established that while her deaths aren't permanent, and she's hard to kill in the first place, she does age as her first "reboot" after Bud punched out her heart gave her her younger body at the point when the blade was put in her head by Shelly (sans scars from the explosive adventures she and Jin went on). So she can age and conceivably die of old age then a few seconds later, reboot to her younger self.

Plus I'm sure there are plenty of long-lived paranormals, like Suzi and Lilly, who would be willing to show her what she needs to do to prepare for that eventuality.


Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:03 pm
by lake_wrangler
Boxilar wrote:Or that Katherine is a Chimaera made up of three separate unborn children merged into one.
Six. Not three, six... Not that it makes much difference, I guess... It's still pretty crowded, in there. Fortunately for her, it didn't evolve into schizophrenia...

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:36 pm
by scantrontb
Timotheus wrote:Let's see: fresh coffee, hot water for tea and drinks, check date codes on pastries, vending packages, and refrigerated goods, replace stale popcorn, check beer and soft drink carboys, fresh ice, vacuum upholstery, clean glasses out, plump pillows, check sound proofing on door to screaming balcony, clean white boards, refill headache remedies, neck braces, folding chairs for overflow crowd, wipe down head banging wall...

The confusion corner is ready for this weeks developments. (I'll be in the closet if anyone needs me. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
OMG!!!... i JUST realized a few minutes ago while reading this post, that we can get ORIGINAL formula Coca-Cola again!.... (no not the one with actual cocaine in it, but the more socially acceptable one of today).... the FORMULA was WRITTEN DOWN!!!! The Library WILL have it! all we'd need to do is to check out the book that has it and we can make our OWN... granted, if we try to sell it as such, then we're in big trouble, but just making it for "personal use", they'd never find out as long as we don't go crazy and make Tuns of it... wine pun intended... i mean if The Library will make available any and all research that was written on deadly-dangerous things like the Vimana Cells to anyone that has access TO The Library (ie. Monica), i highly doubt that it will censor a chemical formula / ingredients list for a JUNK FOOD no matter how profitable the mega-corp has become in this dimension / era.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:39 pm
by Boxilar
lake_wrangler wrote:
Boxilar wrote:Or that Katherine is a Chimaera made up of three separate unborn children merged into one.
Six. Not three, six... Not that it makes much difference, I guess... It's still pretty crowded, in there. Fortunately for her, it didn't evolve into schizophrenia...
Thanks. I miss remembered the number. Human Chimaeras are a real thing. I remember a story where there was some sort of custody dispute and a mother was shocked when the genetic testing on the kids revealed that the children she had conceived, borne and birthed were not genetically hers.

Further investigation revealed that she had absorbed a fraternal twin sister in the womb and that her entire reproductive system, along with a large percentage of her internal organs weren't genetically hers. Genetically, the children she had were her nieces and nephews, not her sons and daughters. Legally, the kids were hers, of course.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:37 pm
by jwhouk
Boxilar wrote: Regarding the mood whiplash, I guess I don't see it. Or at least it isn't any worse than finding out that Shelly is an 80,000 year old Sphinx. Or that Monica is the guardian/controller of a separated Chimaera. Or that Brandi was being partly controlled and influenced by an evil spirit. Or that Katherine is a Chimaera made up of three separate unborn children merged into one. Or that Shelly's boyfriend is actually a frigging Titan who lost his memories. Or that the vampires Lily Pratt and Suzi McBride are Special Agents for the FBI. Or that part of Monica's self doubt is that she was systematically abused while incarcerated in a mental health facility. (Which is obviously hinted at way back in the first couple of years of the strip if you know what to look for.) Or that Monica, the main character of the strip, who up to year or so ago was the fairly "normal" person amongst all the planet smashers, Titans, Sphinxes and demigods, is now one of the most powerful and (rightly) feared members of the cast.

Give all the crazy reveals we've seen in the past, I guess Monica quitting her job at the museum to work at the antique store she's owned since the beginning of the comic rates pretty low on my WTF meter. It's even lower than M's hair going from pixie cut to butt length between appearances to let us know a year or so had passed.
This times a thousand. Hell, even Space Alien Cat Girls appearing in the cast don't phase regulars.

I just wish I could do something about this whiplash...

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:41 pm
by jwhouk
scantrontb wrote: OMG!!!... i JUST realized a few minutes ago while reading this post, that we can get ORIGINAL formula Coca-Cola again!.... (no not the one with actual cocaine in it, but the more socially acceptable one of today).... the FORMULA was WRITTEN DOWN!!!! The Library WILL have it! all we'd need to do is to check out the book that has it and we can make our OWN...
There's just one problem: it's locked in the shelves behind the reference desk. And Phix has the only key to the shelves.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:07 pm
by KnightDelight
Boxilar wrote: Regarding the mood whiplash, I guess I don't see it. Or at least it isn't any worse than finding out that Shelly is an 80,000 year old Sphinx. Or that Monica is the guardian/controller of a separated Chimaera. Or that Brandi was being partly controlled and influenced by an evil spirit. Or that Katherine is a Chimaera made up of three separate unborn children merged into one. Or that Shelly's boyfriend is actually a frigging Titan who lost his memories. ... etc.
Well, when we refer to whiplash we usually mean a sudden change of scene and events. This one had the added weight of several things which occurred off screen. Quitting her job, Roy dying, taking over the shop, working with a new, not previously introduced person, having Jet as an investor and partner in antique hunting. A number of major events that just came out of the blue all in ONE comic. That's a pretty big lurch in the story line to hit the reader with all at once. It also means some characters are gone, like the museum director. I guess Kath still works there. Or she may have quit as well to work for the MIB full time, who knows. Plus, some of the other things mentioned were transient in nature, with all other things going on as before. Even with the Shellinx story we were eased into it with only one major lurch when we were thrown into the TTF. When she got back she tried to pick up her life from where she left off even. This reveal makes a major change in the life of a major character with no foreshadowing or lead in at all.
TlalocW wrote: I think it's established that while her deaths aren't permanent, and she's hard to kill in the first place, she does age as her first "reboot" after Bud punched out her heart gave her her younger body at the point when the blade was put in her head by Shelly (sans scars from the explosive adventures she and Jin went on). So she can age and conceivably die of old age then a few seconds later, reboot to her younger self.
Right, that's what I meant by she could pose as her own daughter (or granddaughter if she waits long enough to "die"). I figure, though she will kick off long before that. Old age is no fun and she would probably prefer to die fairly young. Possibly around 50 or 60.

Still I have to wonder. Fully becoming Jaguar Girl may have changed all that. We don't really know. It could be she will no longer age now. JG may be a very long lived creature like all the rest. Everyone tells her she is now a very powerful being so she probably can't be killed so easily as before when Phix slashed off her face. She seems to be able to transform into JG very quickly now as well, which would help greatly in defending her life against apex predators. In fact being a demon wrangler could mean she can snuff out their life with a gesture to one of their demons, like Tina can ( Powerful indeed.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:22 pm
by My2Cents
ShirouZhiwu wrote:Taking on small business ownership is a much better fit for Monica's new roll. Small businesses can be time absorbing, but if you sell high ticket items and have someone to cover for you, like Tiffany, you can earn a years living in a handful of sales and end up with acres of time. I wonder if there is a back room full of paranormal items only for sale to paranormals.
An antiques business requires lots of travel to keep it stocked, unless it is actually a pawn shop. Lots of easy cover for absences, especially with the MIB helping to keep things suitably murky. (i.e. out of state purchase slips, travel, hotel, and restaurant bills to expense on her taxes, etc.) Take’s a lot of work to hide in plain sight.

I agree, she is likely to have a back room of paranormal only items. She will probably also end up with a vault for items that should be available to no one, including MIB and the Library.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:39 pm
by Hansontoons
Jabberwonky wrote:
Swedish Chef wrote:...Southern France?.

My guess would be either Cathars or paleolithic, Cro Magnon, age.

... Or both
I'd say Glozel, but it's more central France.
Soccer Blue!
Ah, Canadian!

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:14 pm
by eee
You know, upon reflection, I'm surprised Jin isn't the one being a co-owner of the store and helping Monica search for artifacts. Admittedly we don't know what Jin is up to these days - maybe she's still managing her fortune AND keeping the other Immortals in line... and mentoring Atsali... - but she and Monica have usually been in synch even when they were antagonistic, and now that things have calmed down, seem to enjoy being in each others' company. And Jin would be good at finding antiques because she's lived so long. And she might enjoy doing something as prosaic as working in a store...

But as noted, she might be off doing other things.

I wonder if Monica's going to employ Tepoz at the store as a 'transportation specialist', or if he's still Nudge's chauffeur.
jwhouk wrote:
scantrontb wrote: OMG!!!... i JUST realized a few minutes ago while reading this post, that we can get ORIGINAL formula Coca-Cola again!.... (no not the one with actual cocaine in it, but the more socially acceptable one of today).... the FORMULA was WRITTEN DOWN!!!! The Library WILL have it! all we'd need to do is to check out the book that has it and we can make our OWN...
There's just one problem: it's locked in the shelves behind the reference desk. And Phix has the only key to the shelves.
So when Phix asks you her question, you say "I'm just here for the Coke, ma'am." :)

Then run. :D

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:06 pm
by ShirouZhiwu
My2Cents wrote:
ShirouZhiwu wrote:Taking on small business ownership is a much better fit for Monica's new roll. Small businesses can be time absorbing, but if you sell high ticket items and have someone to cover for you, like Tiffany, you can earn a years living in a handful of sales and end up with acres of time. I wonder if there is a back room full of paranormal items only for sale to paranormals.
An antiques business requires lots of travel to keep it stocked, unless it is actually a pawn shop. Lots of easy cover for absences, especially with the MIB helping to keep things suitably murky. (i.e. out of state purchase slips, travel, hotel, and restaurant bills to expense on her taxes, etc.) Take’s a lot of work to hide in plain sight.

I agree, she is likely to have a back room of paranormal only items. She will probably also end up with a vault for items that should be available to no one, including MIB and the Library.
"Now this here ancient tablet acts as a GPS map as long as you are a paranormal. If you are a norm, it turns you into a newt and gives you a bad rash."

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:49 am
by AnotherFairportfan
Dave wrote:
Catawampus wrote:If I ever gained time travel, I've worked out a plan for going back to Herculaneum around 78 AD and commissioning a large statue of Vulcan, with a pedestal thus labelled, but with the figure showing pointy ears and slanted eyebrows and making a certain specific gesture with his hand, and then leaving the statue somewhere that is only being excavated right now. Just to mess with archaeologists and Trekkies.
Best be careful with that sort of idea. The Causality Police get very cranky when you start introducing anachronisms. The risk of a merry-go-round time loop is rather severe.
Michaelangelo pulled something rather like that when he was 21.

He sculpted a Cupid in an earlier style, broke off one arm, and he and his pardon, Lorenzo di Medici, buried it for a while to "season" the marble, then arranged for it to be discovered and sold to a cardinal. Instead of an arrest for fraud, it resulted in his being invited to Rome...

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:39 am
by AmriloJim
jwhouk wrote:There's just one problem: it's locked in the shelves behind the reference desk. And Phix has the only key to the shelves.
Well, if Phix invites someone to share a special beverage, we'll know what it is.

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:17 am
by Jabberwonky
Catawupus wrote: lake_wrangler wrote:Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, and a girl is just a girl.

And sometimes a girl is a cigar!
Only if she's smokin'...
Catawumpus wrote:Aed wrote:Am I the only one wondering what book Tiffany is reading? :roll:

On the Care and Handling of Large South American Jungle Felines, 3rd ed.
"Easy Capybara Recipes" ?
Prester Fred wrote: AmriloJim wrote:"Only Nixon could go to China."

Then how did all those other people get there?
I believe that rubber Nixon masks are still fairly easy to obtain...
MerchManDan wrote: Aed wrote:The quantum phone sound interesting as well.

Eldritch cell phone, anyone?
It's been tried...

Re: Hold Down The Fort 2014-08-25

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:01 pm
by illiad
jwhouk wrote:
scantrontb wrote: OMG!!!... i JUST realized a few minutes ago while reading this post, that we can get ORIGINAL formula Coca-Cola again!.... (no not the one with actual cocaine in it, but the more socially acceptable one of today).... the FORMULA was WRITTEN DOWN!!!! The Library WILL have it! all we'd need to do is to check out the book that has it and we can make our OWN...
There's just one problem: it's locked in the shelves behind the reference desk. And Phix has the only key to the shelves.
ummm.., TWO problems actually! the *second* is asking Phix about it, the FIRST is getting into the library.... yeah you know exactly where the 'door' is, but it just looks like a run-down building unless you know the quantum key... :P