First Introductory Thread

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Bathorys Daughter
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Bathorys Daughter »

Well, um ... I thought quite a bit whether to even put anything here since I'm really paranoid about being on line. I surf through a proxy and everything. I end up having to re-enter passwords and user names a lot but I feel safer. What that all means is that I'm also hesitant to say much of anything about myself or where I live or anything like that. Some things though:

I am deeply into genealogy concerning my infamous and distant ancestor. This has lead me into other areas of similar themes. That is, evil female leaders and female-centric things only a few women seem to like. Things like Amazon warriors and female gladiatorial combat. Julian APostata, for instance, does some great female gladiator comics and drawings. Some webcomics I tend to follow:
Devils Panties
Meaning of Lila
Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Jane's World
Slightly Damned
Angels 2200 (pretty much defunct now though, sigh)
Last edited by Bathorys Daughter on Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by waldosan »

hello! do you mind if i call you Bath? don't worry about your family's past we all have skeletons in our respective closets, if you look far enough we're all related to some kind of infamous character! i mean ganghis khan had like 4000 children, do you know how many people are related to him? neither do i but i'd bet its a whole lot of people!

anyways I'm waldosan, I'm mostly German with the rest being some kind of native American if it helps to clarify anything. I'm not worried about my presence on the internet, i don't have anything to hide though i think i would like to drop a raspberry pi off at a wifi hotspot to use as a proxy. just a little adventure that would be fun to partake in! i'm thinking, maybe the next time i take a vacation... idk.

i'm mostly interested in electronics and engineering in general, i can respect a well design mechanism whether it be a bridge over water or the escapement in a clock. i've always wanted to build some kind of big convoluted gear system that hooks a power source up to a big huge flywheel with a governor and a gear box that shifts itself based on the stored power of said flywheel. all this to turn a generator. or something. i haven't quite gotten to that part yet.

i started reading wapsi square last Christmas when shelly was having delusions of whats-his-name joining her in the shower, tasteful nudity for the win and all, it's still nudity. anyways i fell in love with the comic and now i read it steady like i do the other 30 in my library repertoire.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Opus the Poet »

Casey wrote:I guess I should have posted on this thread earlier (I didn't notice it). I'm Casey. I've been reading Wapsi for about 16 months now. I'm from Seattle, and I think I owe everything I own to the pun jar.
Casey, is your avatar one of McPedro's kids from his fling with the spiderplant? (and I'm not telling anyone about which comic that storyline took place in)
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Bathorys Daughter »

waldosan wrote:do you mind if i call you Bath?
I'm not worried about my presence on the internet, i don't have anything to hide
I prefer "Your Royal and Exalted Highness", but Bath will do.
It's not so much something to hide as it is fear of someone being able to get back at you through your computer. I'm a petite little thing and tend to be overly cautious. Maybe that's one of the reasons I like the powerful and brave women depicted in Amazon and female gladiator stuff. I think I wish I could be like that.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Flion »

Hello. I'm a long time reader (I discovered WS a few months after it started) and member of the original forums. As you might guess from the avatar, it's pronounced "Fly-on" - a nickname for the winged lion, a mythical creature that I have been associated with since my SCA and Ren-Faire days (and you thought it had something to do with me being a pilot.) I hated the loss of the old forums but it prompted me to cure my forum addiction, so my posts will be few on this new venue.

For the old gang, after moving to Flagstaff in 2002, I discovered there was not enough work in computers to keep me busy and I had no intention of commuting. So I bolstered my certifications with a BSCS degree and am now embarking on my Masters with a view toward teaching here at NAU. I also completed the aircraft I had been building in 2008 and started on another, which is being dedicated to the memory of my mother. I'm still a biker and, on occasion, still a working musician though the last time I was in a full-time band was 2005. I'm currently cat-less as my old buddy Lunch passed away in 2008 at the age of 20 and I don't have the heart to replace him..

While I don't expect to participate much in the forums, I am a regular reader of WS. I miss the old 'slice-of-life' feel from the beginning (and what happened to the gang at the biker bar or the band, I ask you?) when life was so much simpler, but I still enjoy Paul's work and the new arcs.

Ok, head over to if you want the pictures.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by jwhouk »

Flion! Good to see you, and glad to hear you got the plane working.

Now all we need is our little Todd Rundgren-loving lady.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by PrettyPrincess »

I hope she shows up :) Welcome to everyone!
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Nimrod »

Wow! It is great to see so many "old" posters from the "before time" and interestingly I may be one of the oldest in terms of how far back I go.
Yes, been reading from when Wapsi Square was only one month old. Of course there is no way to prove it, at least that I could think of.
I do not recall if the host was even KeenSpace or not, I do not think it was.

Anyway as a few others here, I tend to use the same avatar and name so you might see me around the internet from time to time.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by tripodcat »

Hi - I'm tripodcat and this is my first-ever forum membership. I was brought to Wapsi by comments from crossover readers of Pibgorn, about the time the Calendar machine was destroyed. As a retired librarian and long-ago Classics major, I love Paul's take on mixed mythologies and libraries! I'll mostly lurk, but thanks for having me.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Mark N »

tripodcat wrote:Hi - I'm tripodcat and this is my first-ever forum membership. I was brought to Wapsi by comments from crossover readers of Pibgorn, about the time the Calendar machine was destroyed. As a retired librarian and long-ago Classics major, I love Paul's take on mixed mythologies and libraries! I'll mostly lurk, but thanks for having me.
Welcome Tripodcat. i am sure that someone with your pedigree will just prove to Paul that his stuff is that good.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Ratcatcher »

Ratcatcher offers his profoundest regrets. I was so into catching up that I neglected to introduce myself.
Born in 1955 I'm hardly the oldest fan here.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by titmouse »

My name is Titmouse long time reader
shamefully I was introduced to the comic when it was listed as a Big Bust comic on a Forum board that shall remain nameless (so as not to attract attion to themselves OR associate this place with them)
In short I came for teh boobs but stuck around for the story.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Wrecker »

Hola amigos!

I've been following Wapsi for...I don't remember. A year? Something like that. I knew about its existence before that (I think I found it through Project Wonderful) but didn't have the time to do an archive dive right away. I'm so glad now that I found that time. Wapsi's amazing <3

I'm Wrecker, full name Criminal Wrecker. If you're familiar with such things, you probably already figured out that I play roller derby :) My day job is installing two-way radios in firetrucks and other vehicles, and outside of that, my life is almost entirely derby. I have my own webcomic, Pink Parts [NSFW], which is not dead but in sore need of more frequent updates. Basically, it got sacrificed to derby, along with some other things.

Sweaty hugs! :D
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Leak »

Wrecker wrote:I have my own webcomic, Pink Parts [NSFW], which is not dead but in sore need of more frequent updates. Basically, it got sacrificed to derby, along with some other things.
If only one could read this at your website... ;)

(Or, in other words, I was kinda wondering what had happened (again) - even a tiny newspost would have been great...)

Anyway - glad you made it here.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Lupine »

I'm a long time reader and former participant on previous WS forums. I hadn't posted for a couple of years, but I did look in and see how things were going on a regular basis. I'm glad to see so many familiar handles here on the new forum: Pretty Princess; Bookworm; Flion; The Old Wolf and quite a few others.
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by txmystic »


Finally got over here from a link on the comic. Had no idea it formed in July, or I'd have been here sooner!

I know a lot of you from my excursions at the old Pibgorn forums (also defunct for similar reasons that Paul removed commentary), and am happy to continue the Comfy couch or corner of confusion over here. This format is a bit more difficult for me to follow than the format used on the page (and indeed over at uclick for a long time), but I'll do my best to participate.

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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by ShadOBabe »

Hey guys!!
It's me ShadOBabe (with another new Bud avatar). I'm sorry it took so long for me to get over here. College just started up again today, but I've been lurking around and been sure to keep up with the comic.

I'll try to comment more often!!
Gotta say, I'm going to miss our conversations on the original site. Can't even go back to re-read them. But hey at least we still have the pun jar!! :lol:
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by rootwalla »

Hi all..
Long time lurker, occasional commenter. (the pair of eyeballs you see blinking at you from a wall or ceiling... that's me :))

I've missed the comments on the comic and finally managed to drag my lazy carcass over here :)

To quick questions: (didn't read or search so 'scuse me if it's already answered)
1. Is there, or will there be, any effort made to "rescue" the old comments? (there were some epic moments there as well)
2. Slightly related to the previous question. Has anyone been keeping track of the size (and volume) of "THE JAR!" ?

Cya, all.
Now hosting a cocktail bar in the confusion corner.
Beware the Jar... Jar... Jar...
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Julie »

txmystic wrote:Hi!

Finally got over here from a link on the comic. Had no idea it formed in July, or I'd have been here sooner!

I know a lot of you from my excursions at the old Pibgorn forums (also defunct for similar reasons that Paul removed commentary), and am happy to continue the Comfy couch or corner of confusion over here. This format is a bit more difficult for me to follow than the format used on the page (and indeed over at uclick for a long time), but I'll do my best to participate.

Major life change occurring now. After 17 years in and around Austin, Texas, my family is relocating to the French Alps as of August 29, 2012.
WHAT????!!! You're leaving Austin??? I didn't know people ever did that! :) I'm sure our great state will miss you and your family. Enjoy mountain life!

Oh...and welcome to the forums finally! :P
rootwalla wrote:Two quick questions: (didn't read or search so 'scuse me if it's already answered)
1. Is there, or will there be, any effort made to "rescue" the old comments? (there were some epic moments there as well)
2. Slightly related to the previous question. Has anyone been keeping track of the size (and volume) of "THE JAR!" ?
1. We may get the comments back eventually. I believe this has been addressed in the board requests thread in the Main Pub Room. :) You can find more details there than I can remember (and if it's not in that thread, it's somewhere...I promise!).

2. The size and volume of the Pun Jar is beyond human comprehension. It is folly to attempt to "keep track" of it...your brain may well be the next thing sucked in to satiate its overwhelming hunger. :P
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Re: First Introductory Thread

Post by Dave11 »

[quote="Julie]2. The size and volume of the Pun Jar is beyond human comprehension. It is folly to attempt to "keep track" of it...your brain may well be the next thing sucked in to satiate its overwhelming hunger. :P[/quote]

*points at signature*

Julie, I'm just wondering whether the Pun Jar will achieve sentience or turn into a black hole. Either one would be a "Singularity" :lol:
Eagerly anticipating the Pun Jar singularity event...

Forget the Plot Flour...we're into Plot Cornstarch, and the plot has gone non-newtonian...

"To the Journey!"
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