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Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:19 am
by TazManiac
'Group Eye'

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:39 am
by Warrl
Catawampus wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:... AND it's widely known for big boobs.
The appeal of those is very egalitarian, crossing all boundaries of age, race, gender, and social station. A veritable symbol of the American Dream.
There actually is a universal base standard of physical beauty, across all species sophisticated enough to be capable of voluntarily NOT mating when the opportunity to mate arises.

That standard is: look healthy, prosperous, and fertile.

How the standard is expressed varies wildly, of course. This is why primitive societies where starvation is an issue love obesity, while rich societies with over-abundant food aren't so fond of it.

But one type of feature often found is the extravagance: something that is not really pro-survival but requires health and/or prosperity for maintenance. Peacock tails, lion manes, red Ferraris... and, on human females, BOOBS. She's gotta be reasonably well-fed (prosperous) - and old enough to be fertile - to have big knockers, and reasonably healthy to strut them well.

Of course, for the guys there's a certain reproductive advantage in going after the girls that are NOT the center of every other guy's attention...

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:28 pm
by lake_wrangler
lake_wrangler: group H

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:41 pm
by jwhouk
Right now, it's looking like the majority of the WS demographic on these boards is in the 1954-1968 YOB range, which translates to 46-61 age bracket at this particular moment.

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:54 pm
by GlytchMeister
Catawampus wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:You... Don't know your birthday?
Woah. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around that concept.
You probably know your birthdate and birthplace because other people who know it told you, and because of documents that have it written on them. What if you never had either of those sources to give you the information, though? Heck, I didn't even have a name until I decided on one in my late teens.

I do know my birthday, though: January 15th. And April 28th. And May 23rd. When I was first introduced to the wonders of Filling In Paperwork, I was extremely casual and just put down whatever date came to mind. By the time I realised that all of those forms were being kept permanently and forming the official picture of who I am, I already had multiple dates in the system.
How did this even happen, though (if I may ask)? The only explination I can come up with is you were orphaned and went through the foster care system, getting such cruddy foster parents that none of them bothered to name you or remember your birth name, and your birth certificate was lost in a paperwork mishap.
Or something like that
Unless you were raised by wolves or something. (If that's the case, I'd like to congratulate you on your adaption to modern society, seeing as you are an active member on a webcomic forum.)

The point I'm trying to make here is you're blowin' mah mind, man.

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:00 pm
by Alkarii
Group D.

As for the big boob thing, I think I'd prefer smaller breasts. They'd fit in my hands. Though, I don't have any experience, so I can't say for sure.

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:28 pm
by Sgt. Howard
Alkarii wrote:Group D.

As for the big boob thing, I think I'd prefer smaller breasts. They'd fit in my hands. Though, I don't have any experience, so I can't say for sure.
Big boobs are fun to play with, and can handle somewhat rough usage (usually). Small boobs tend to be sensitive but very erogenous. I am more concerned that she has enough fanny to grab, personally...

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:47 pm
by MerchManDan
MerchManDan, Group F.

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:14 pm
by lake_wrangler
I am mildly amused by the fact that the cutoff dates for the age groups are 3s and 8s, rather than 5s and 10s... Any reason for that? (For the cutoff years, not for my being mildly amused by them...)

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:32 pm
by shadowinthelight
Alkarii wrote: As for the big boob thing, I think I'd prefer smaller breasts. They'd fit in my hands. Though, I don't have any experience, so I can't say for sure.
Weird Science: "Anything bigger than a handful, you're risking a sprained tongue."
Sgt. Howard wrote:Big boobs are fun to play with, and can handle somewhat rough usage (usually). Small boobs tend to be sensitive but very erogenous.
IIRC, bigger size often = more spread out nerve endings = less sensitivity.
I am more concerned that she has enough fanny to grab, personally...
That's just funnier if one imagines the British meaning of that word. ;)

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:48 pm
by Sgt. Howard
[quote="shadowinthelight] That's just funnier if one imagines the British meaning of that word. ;)[/quote]

OK.... woof! Had to look that one up to see what it meant... that's NOT what I meant... I was referring to a round, shapely posterior that offers... cushioning... I do not care for a bony butt

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:26 am
by jwhouk
3's and 8's (no, Good Buddy, it's not for that reason) are because of the "floor" age of what's considered Young Adult (12).

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:24 am
by lake_wrangler
jwhouk wrote: are because of the "floor" age of what's considered Young Adult (12).
That makes sense, I guess.
jwhouk wrote:3's and 8's (no, Good Buddy, it's not for that reason)
I'm afraid this simple French-Canadian guy has missed the reference...

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:18 am
by TazManiac
Turn your head sideways maybe?...

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:27 pm
by jwhouk
CB radio sign-off slang, actually.

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:53 pm
by TazManiac
OK, but take a 'three' and/or an 'Eight'.

Now place your self in a Wapsi frame of mind.

Now, tilt your head on it's side

Let the ink blot do the rest...

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:12 pm
by lake_wrangler
TazManiac wrote:OK, but take a 'three' and/or an 'Eight'.

Now place your self in a Wapsi frame of mind.

Now, tilt your head on it's side

Let the ink blot do the rest...
Ah... I get it, now... I think...

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:26 am
by TazManiac
yeah you do...

The phrase 'Threes and Eights' has now officially become a thing.

You all saw it happen in real time.

(PS- CB Slang, not withstanding, or collaborating for that matter- I don't know; I haven't yet Googled the prev ref yet,)
it's at least taken on new meaning.


Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:20 pm
by Catawampus
GlytchMeister wrote:The only explination I can come up with is you were orphaned and went through the foster care system. . .
The "foster care" system was actually a "become a brainwashed child soldier for whichever local warlord" system, so I decided not to participate in that.
Unless you were raised by wolves or something.
Meerkats, actually.

Re: Age And The Wapsi Fan

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:04 pm
by GlytchMeister
Catawampus wrote:
GlytchMeister wrote:The only explination I can come up with is you were orphaned and went through the foster care system. . .
The "foster care" system was actually a "become a brainwashed child soldier for whichever local warlord" system, so I decided not to participate in that.
Unless you were raised by wolves or something.
Meerkats, actually.
Oops. I forgot to think beyond my first world white guy privileges. Sorry, my bad.