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Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:58 am
by Atomic
illiad wrote:
jayessell wrote:This Fridays' cliffhanger:

What is keeping Atsali from falling over?
:D note L O N G legs support, out of sight!!! :mrgreen:
And the Rule of Funny!

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:21 am
by Dave
Atomic wrote:
illiad wrote:
jayessell wrote:This Fridays' cliffhanger:

What is keeping Atsali from falling over?
:D note L O N G legs support, out of sight!!! :mrgreen:
And the Rule of Funny!
Haven't we concluded that her hair must have interesting properties, possibly including an antigravity effect? I can't figure out any other way it could be cantilevered out as it is in that first frame. Mousse alone would not do the job... ;)

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:04 am
by Brasten
Dave wrote:Methinks Jessie is growing up, too.
Busting out the bottom of your swimsuit in near proximity to "boys", only to be saved by the buxom nerd you've been snide to can do that... or push one so deep into a frothing frenzy of self-loathing that you stop at nothing to destory the one who helped you. Good thing Jessie didn't inherit psyco from grandma. :)

Although that leads me to a different question, now that Jessie has demoted herself from Queen Bee, and dating no longer is relevant to her status, what types will she goes for.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:17 pm
by Sgt. Howard
Brasten wrote:
Dave wrote:Methinks Jessie is growing up, too.
Busting out the bottom of your swimsuit in near proximity to "boys", only to be saved by the buxom nerd you've been snide to can do that... or push one so deep into a frothing frenzy of self-loathing that you stop at nothing to destory the one who helped you. Good thing Jessie didn't inherit psyco from grandma. :)

Although that leads me to a different question, now that Jessie has demoted herself from Queen Bee, and dating no longer is relevant to her status, what types will she goes for.
... SHE don't even know!

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:41 pm
by Dave
Brasten wrote:Good thing Jessie didn't inherit psyco from grandma. :)
Perhaps that's the paternal influence showing through.

My hunch is that Dad Gotlieb may be a pretty successful guy. Jessie's mother and grandmother were "abandoned" and had to make their own way (says Mom)... and yet Jessie was in a position to become the social Queen Bee of the high school. This suggests that the family is now financially well off. It's not easy for Poor Folk to end up as the social leaders of a high-school-age cohort. Mom may have married well.

Financially successful... in what appears to be a competitive and trendy and image-conscious paranormal race... I wonder if he's a big-name fashion designer? Maybe he "made a killing" introducing the paranormal community to human innovations such as stone-washed denim, back when that was The Big Thing?

If so, Jessie might have inherited some good genes from him.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:55 pm
by AnotherFairportfan
Dave wrote:
Brasten wrote:Good thing Jessie didn't inherit psyco from grandma. :)
Perhaps that's the paternal influence showing through.

My hunch is that Dad Gotlieb may be a pretty successful guy. Jessie's mother and grandmother were "abandoned" and had to make their own way (says Mom)... and yet Jessie was in a position to become the social Queen Bee of the high school. This suggests that the family is now financially well off. It's not easy for Poor Folk to end up as the social leaders of a high-school-age cohort. Mom may have married well.

Financially successful... in what appears to be a competitive and trendy and image-conscious paranormal race... I wonder if he's a big-name fashion designer? Maybe he "made a killing" introducing the paranormal community to human innovations such as stone-washed denim, back when that was The Big Thing?

If so, Jessie might have inherited some good genes from him.
Stone washed genes?

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:08 pm
by Brasten
It actually isn't clear what the financial state of Mommy Gotlieb's family was. Maybe Granny was loaded. All we know is Grandpa left because Grandma ways crazy(evil), and was unable to take his daughter out of that environment when he did. That suggests to me fiscal (and other) power was with granny.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:56 pm
by Dave
AnotherFairportfan wrote:Stone washed genes?
But of course. Rocky coastlines, big waves pounding... it sorta comes with the territory, being mermaids and all. :D

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:47 pm
by Sgt. Howard
Devyn still feels rather freaky
Atsali is trying to be meek (y)
and says that she wishes
to be like other fishes
which drives Devyn WAY beyond squeaky

So Jessie just barges on in
to prevent the young girl from tail-spin
"Never say 'Oh I do
wish I was just like you'
at you status that's almost like sin"

But let's not forget 'Mommy Dearest'
(who's presence the staff here all fearest)
who washes the truth
with gin and vermouth
so her vision is not quite the clearest

But in spite of her Machiavellian ways
and extended hair salon stays
she has finally been told
by her daughter so bold
of Grannie's lies and sick power plays

In the end here I freely admit
that when the bombshell finally hit
and Granny's disgrace
got rubbed in her face
... I don't envy her one little bit

Annie has banned me from the kitchen having read about the stash that has gone to the confusion corner and tallied it against the grocery bill. I am dropping three John Denver 8tracks there and hope somebody has something that can play them... meanwhile, I gotta figure out the top of a 'Dutch Door' that is going onto Annie's greenhouse

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:23 pm
by oldmanmickey
Sgt. Howard wrote:
zachariah wrote:
Sgt. Howard wrote:
NORAD this is Bravo Charley- I have the 921 MASH with 265 MEDIVAC already on standby. Bunker is fitted with blast doors. Two cameras are in hardened viewports. What other protocols do you require for a Broken Arrow? over
Bravo Charley I don't think this qualifies as a broken arrow. This appears to be an implosion, not an explosion. Besides the device was not lost was it? Just the operating instructions were misdirected.
Zachariah this is Bravo Charley- yes, it would seem our NBC NCO is somewhat baffled by the situation... it's not like we can take apart the young lady in question and diffuse her... there is concern about fallout, however- over
This is Norad, your Broken Arrow report was somewhat garbled and we are requesting clarification. Initial indications from your report and oprative Zachariah is that nuclear weapons were used against an undersea target codename "tuna fish". You are both reporting extensive damage to target infrastructure codename "brain" due to fallout or possible EMP effects? Is this correct?

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:31 pm
by captnq
I don't get it. The comic is confusing enough, but I really don't understand the military jargon being thrown around either.

So, someone you admire pays you a compliment, her friend says, "No! Don't say something nice!" But she freezes up anyways?

I hear girls say they "envy" one another with phrases like "I wish I had your..." Fill in the body part of your choice, all the time. With annoying frequency, actually.

I just don't get it.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:19 pm
by themadkansan
captnq wrote:I don't get it. The comic is confusing enough, but I really don't understand the military jargon being thrown around either.
...They're being silly and meta among themselves. It's not intended that you understand. Don't sweat it. :)
captnq wrote:So, someone you admire pays you a compliment, her friend says, "No! Don't say something nice!" But she freezes up anyways?
...It would be like someone you worship and idolize coming up to you and saying "Hi! Wanna trade places?" :mrgreen:

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:51 pm
by Sgt. Howard
oldmanmickey wrote:This is Norad, your Broken Arrow report was somewhat garbled and we are requesting clarification. Initial indications from your report and oprative Zachariah is that nuclear weapons were used against an undersea target codename "tuna fish". You are both reporting extensive damage to target infrastructure codename "brain" due to fallout or possible EMP effects? Is this correct?
NORAD this is Bravo Charley... er... the , er, nuclear power in play here is a referance to the emotional turmoil of an adolecent female... who happens to be a paranormal of unknown species. 'Tuna Mama' and 'Tuna Fish' or 'Little Tuna' are referances to members of a totally dysfunctional family of ... er... of mermaids... I say again, mermaids. Fallout is more a referance to emotional injuries to a group of adolecent paranormals of a variety of species who are all involved in the situation. We are NOT, I say again, NOT facing anything actually involving anything thermonuclear- we ARE dealing with some paranormals who can make a 3kMT look like a firecracker by comparison. This is NOT, I say again NOT a broken arrow in your understanding of the term- PLEASE stand down any air units you have mobilized- over

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:12 pm
by Sgt. Howard
captnq wrote:I don't get it. The comic is confusing enough, but I really don't understand the military jargon being thrown around either

... we barely understand it ourselves- I started with the idea that the 'Nuclear' explosion that was going to happen between Atsali and her (then unknown) antagonist required the protection of a forward observer's bunker/foxhole situation... then the confrontation got sidetracked so I continued by sending in 'I am soooo bored' reports and my usual bad limericks- now oldmanmicky and Zacharia have jumped in and (like every other co-operative effort here in wapsiworld) the situation has escalated beyond control.

Broken Arrow- lost and/or stolen thermonuclear device

NBC NCO- Nuclear,Biological,Chemical Non-Commissioned Officer (Sgt. in charge of such training and preperation)

Bravo Base, Bravo Charley, etc.- First Bravo is referance to NET B (radio frequency 'B', or Bravo)- Bravo Base is HQ of unit- then there will be 'Bravo Alpha', Bravo Bravo, Bravo Charley, Bravo Delta and so on down the alphabet...

My one time in a tactical observation post I was 'Bravo Charley'.

NORAD- North American Aerospace Defence Command, the people who freak out when you send a kite high enough with tin foil on it

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:10 am
by oldmanmickey
Agreed and i do appologize for getting to into what sarge was playing. again sorry if i upset anyone or got anyone overly confused.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:41 am
by captnq
themadkansan wrote:...It would be like someone you worship and idolize coming up to you and saying "Hi! Wanna trade places?" :mrgreen:
Uh, wouldn't believe it and assume he/she was just being polite. I clean people's asses and try to keep blood inside them against their will. Ever see someone whittle away the flesh from their arm while whistling? No pain. No reaction. Like... shaving wood? Cheerfully? Like it was funny? That's an image that will haunt you. The problem with my job is every once in a while you forget these people are insane, usually right before they remind you. There are times I long for the days when all I did what change depends. Instead of keeping inventory of every knife, scissor, and sharp in the building every 8 hours while having to write everything using special "soft" pens. And yet, somehow, these guys get razorblades. I can't buy razor blades at the store without a frickin cavity search! *Sigh* Who'd want to trade places with me?

Nope. Don't get it at all. You'd have to be supremely fragile to have that girl's reaction. Denial is a far more likely reaction.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:42 am
by captnq
oldmanmickey wrote:Agreed and i do appologize for getting to into what sarge was playing. again sorry if i upset anyone or got anyone overly confused.
Not upset. Just... whatever. I'm used to babbling from schizos who refuse their meds.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:18 am
by AmriloJim
I'm enjoying the interplay. I follow most of the jargon, and it's a delight to see your bending Paul's handiwork into a mil-ops scenario.

I can relate a bit to the occupational hazards. Taxi riders like to use drivers as sounding boards for everything in their lives. One regular passenger is FINE* and regularly bursts into tears for no apparent reason. Definitely not to the degree that you folks are dealing with, but disquieting nonetheless.

*Link contains NSFW language.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:50 am
by jeffepp
To put things in prespective, what Atsali was about the same as if you ran into Pippa Middleton, and she told you something that "Grandma 'Lizzy" did, while working on diesel trucks, back during the war.

Re: Just Spring Something 2015-06-05

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:06 am
by Hansontoons
Sgt. Howard wrote: Annie has banned me from the kitchen having read about the stash that has gone to the confusion corner and tallied it against the grocery bill. I am dropping three John Denver 8tracks there and hope somebody has something that can play them... meanwhile, I gotta figure out the top of a 'Dutch Door' that is going onto Annie's greenhouse
Sounds like something that will involve a stray 2x4, couple of 1x4, a selection of random length sheetrock screws (my favorite!), wire, and some duct tape for a nice finish trim around the edges. And at least one trip (usually on my projects) to the big box store for one or two items that stretch into at least an hour of wandering the aisles wondering what else might be worthy of purchase during the visit.

So Atsali dropped the bomb,
wrecking Devyn's aplomb.
It will be interesting to see
what her reset will be,
shrill words from a tuna fish mom?

With apologies to Sarge, who seems to have a nose for prose.