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Re: "Gamergate is just exuberant boys havin' fun right?"

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:09 am
by Atomic
I'm reminded of a tale about an artists collective, wherein five of them lived in the same garrett, as starving artists are wont to live. The poet, the artist, the musician, and the dancer shared space with a guy who was attracted to making animal balloons. Each worked on their own craft, finding work where they could, and sometimes displaying their wares to a mostly uncaring public. Except the balloon guy. It seems people thought his creations delightful, and he was even invited to places to entertain the children, the old folks, and those in hospitals. Eventually, he decided to start a book on how to make his balloon animals. He asked the artist to help illustrate the book, the poet to help write it, and asked the musician and dancer to help him create better performances to amaze the crowd.

The other four called him a sell-out and threw him out of the garrett. So, he wrote the book himself and earned a good income from it and his performances.

If there's one thing people can't stand more than criticism, it's success in the face of their own mediocrity.

Re: "Gamergate is just exuberant boys havin' fun right?"

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:39 pm
by Alkarii
Being a male who still lives with his parents and is still a virgin, I'm a bit perplexed at the assumption that a majority of those people who say horrible things online for any reason are sexually frustrated nerds living with their parents. Is it so hard to believe that some males just haven't been able to afford to move out of their parents' home? Or maybe that, thanks to American society sacrificing men's rights to protect women, it's not even safe to complement a female anymore?

It also implies that anyone who hasn't had sex, for whatever reason, is less of a person. For some people, it's akin to being refused entry to the party because noone invited you, and nobody wanted to take you with them, but EVERYONE WHO WENT derides you jut because you didn't go somewhere you weren't wanted.

Now I'm all for treating women with respect, but some a lot of this feminism goes too far, and quite possibly without the women realising it. If I weren't using a Nook to post this, I'd link a youtube video called "war against male students", which is pretty disturbing.

There's also and, you should check it out if you don't believe society hates men.

But as to the treatment of women in video games, as a straight male, I'm tired of companies trying to get my money by puttig tits in a game. Or any other form of entertainment, really. Though my frustration probably stems from the fact that females don't really consider me worth their time unless they're desperate.

(Before anyone asks, I didn't go to college because I couldn't afford it or the decade plus of debt caused by loans, and nowadays it's difficult to get ANY job, much less those that require a degree.)