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Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:50 am
by Nibster
I like that first panel! I wonder if her horns are the source of her nickname "Pickle"?


It also makes me wish my wife had a similar visual aid in helping me guage how ticked off SHE gets over somethings! :?

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:35 am
by zachariah
Nibster wrote: ~sigh~

It also makes me wish my wife had a similar visual aid in helping me guage how ticked off SHE gets over somethings! :?
Women do have an indicator. You just have to pay attention and keep track of the ambient temperature.

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:43 am
by Julie
Have I mentioned before how much I love this "family"?? Becuase I do. :) This page made me smile so much my face hurts a bit. And it was nice to see a full page when I was expecting a Halloween pin-up. :P

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:19 am
by meisdadoo
Grantwhy wrote:
Bathorys Daughter wrote:
AmriloJim wrote:In one statement, Castela has confirmed that there has been some off-camera bonding between Lily and Kath, and enough of it in the kids' presence for Castela to have accurately grasped the concept of BS.
Indeed. This one comic has confirmed a lot of speculation. The family has bonded well. The Golems have taken on the roles of psudo-aunts. Oddly she calls Bud "Aunt" and Phix and Nudge "Tanta." Looking at definitions, she may be using Tanta to mean great-aunt.
Or, it could be that Bud said, call me Aunt while Phix and(or?) Nudge chose to be called Tanta.
Don't forget that the golem girls, were once humans, but ceased to age once they became (for lack of a better phrase) undead, Ditto for the vampire insects.

The sphinx and the demon on the other hand, are actually much older, and although they age slower than humans, they do age--so Tanta is the appropriate term.

But all that flies out the window if you consider the numerous time the calendar machine re-set, which makes several of them much, much older--or not, depending on your understanding of the terms and how the machine worked. . .

Either way, "Tanta" outranks "auntie", and Phix would NEVER allow anyone to even imply that she and a vampire were somehow equal. I mean, Phix loves Monica, but tore half her head off when she brought vampires into the library. . . just sayin.

Makes me wonder, which one is the oldest. I'm thinking one of the Titans, or perhaps not. The library?

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:01 am
by Jabberwonky
meisdadoo wrote:Makes me wonder, which one is the oldest. I'm thinking one of the Titans, or perhaps not. The library?
Library, definitelyThe Library...

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:35 am
by Wdot
I think it's great that PIckles doesn't think Bud is a stuffy, stinky adult! I think to Pickles for a long time (relatively speaking) adults were authority figures with no love attached to them. Bud is obviously fictive kin and loved. Loved ones, especially Aunts or Tias or Tantas are great exceptions to the dreaded authority figure. It's funny, Bud may be one of the oldest characters... we do not know how long she spent it the demon realm, but she seems the youngest of the adult characters.
On Bud, one of my favorite characters, I have to paraphrase James T. Kirk: "Of Acacia Budur, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in Wapsi, hers is the most... human."

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:35 am
by hiddentwilight
DilyV wrote:Lily Pratt, vampire, fairly new MiB agent, partner to Suzi McBride, (who just so happened to take care of Monica's assailant at the institution...
Ok, I've been archive trawling for a while now with no luck. Where did it identify Lilly with the person that killed Monica assailant?

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:10 am
by Sidhekin
Suzie, not Lily (you misread DilyV); and not in so many words, but ... how else are we to read the lower right inset on

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:13 am
by Boxilar
hiddentwilight wrote:
DilyV wrote:Lily Pratt, vampire, fairly new MiB agent, partner to Suzi McBride, (who just so happened to take care of Monica's assailant at the institution...
Ok, I've been archive trawling for a while now with no luck. Where did it identify Lilly with the person that killed Monica assailant?
Suzi, Lily's current partner, killed Monica's assailant.

Pratt and McBride's first"official" appearance. Suzi McBride is on the left, Lily Pratt is on the right.

Suzi takes out the trash. Men abusing girls is a Berserk Buttonfor her.

When Monica tells Jett that her assailant was found in multiple places missing all of his blood, we were shown this glimpse of Suzi McBride.

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:19 am
by kingklash
Happy Plant is happy!

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:55 am
by NOTDilbert
I just remembered the old Dick Van Dyke Show - the wife of one of his writer co-workers - the character's nickname was Pickles.

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:20 pm
by Dr. Otter
NOTDilbert wrote:I just remembered the old Dick Van Dyke Show - the wife of one of his writer co-workers - the character's nickname was Pickles.
She was Buddy Sorell's (Morey Amsterdam) perpetually off-camera wife.

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:42 pm
by NOTDilbert
Dr. Otter wrote:
NOTDilbert wrote:I just remembered the old Dick Van Dyke Show - the wife of one of his writer co-workers - the character's nickname was Pickles.
She was Buddy Sorell's (Morey Amsterdam) perpetually off-camera wife.
No WONDER I couldn't remember what she looked like....

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:03 pm
by Catawampus
meisdadoo wrote:Makes me wonder, which one is the oldest.
Hmm. That question gets a tad complicated when you consider the ways in which some of the characters have lived sort of outside the normal time flow, while others have been looped back repeatedly. And of those who looped, some remember the repeats (and thus could be said to have lived that entire time) while others only recall the present iteration.

As near as I can figure it, based on memory of what characters have said about things:

Atsali: 15 years old

Tina and Connie: Around 22 years old

Monica, Jacqui, Amanda, Kevin, and other normal humans: Around their mid-30's

Tina's physical body: Around 40 years old

Euryale: At least 2,700 years old (the earliest indisputable Gorgon references that I know of are from the 8th Century BC)

Nudge: At least 2,700 years old (We know that she interacted with Oedipus, and Hesiod mentioned him around 700 BC)

Lily: 5,000 years old

Brandi: 12,000 years old

Bud: 12,000 years (plus subjective "time" in Demon Realm)

Shelly: 80,000 years old

Phix: At least 83,900 years old (She also met Oedipus, just as Nudge did. Plus, she was in the library and so wasn't re-set during the time loops)

Jin: 91,700 years old (she experienced and rememberd every iteration of the time loops, so the full 81,200 years of that counts for her)

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:37 pm
by Boxilar
Catawampus wrote:
meisdadoo wrote:Makes me wonder, which one is the oldest.
Hmm. That question gets a tad complicated when you consider the ways in which some of the characters have lived sort of outside the normal time flow, while others have been looped back repeatedly. And of those who looped, some remember the repeats (and thus could be said to have lived that entire time) while others only recall the present iteration.

As near as I can figure it, based on memory of what characters have said about things:

Atsali: 15 years old

Tina and Connie: Around 22 years old

Monica, Jacqui, Amanda, Kevin, and other normal humans: Around their mid-30's

Tina's physical body: Around 40 years old

Euryale: At least 2,700 years old (the earliest indisputable Gorgon references that I know of are from the 8th Century BC)

Nudge: At least 2,700 years old (We know that she interacted with Oedipus, and Hesiod mentioned him around 700 BC)

Lily: 5,000 years old

Brandi: 12,000 years old

Bud: 12,000 years (plus subjective "time" in Demon Realm)

Shelly: 80,000 years old

Phix: At least 83,900 years old (She also met Oedipus, just as Nudge did. Plus, she was in the library and so wasn't re-set during the time loops)

Jin: 91,700 years old (she experienced and rememberd every iteration of the time loops, so the full 81,200 years of that counts for her)
Katherine is in her mid 40's, minus the 5000 years she was in suspended animation, before the errant missile exposed the chamber she was stored in and released her to be found. I don't think the 5000 years count for her, because unlike Lily, she wasn't awake or aware for any of them.

Of the characters we've actually seen, the Oldest is Charron or Phix. We saw an adult Charron at the destruction of Lanthis by the Chimera, where as Bia was still a child then. Phix is old, but she is also the youngest of the Sphinxes, aside from her grandaughter, Shelly. I'd hazzard a guess that she's younger than Charron, and might be younger than Bia.

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:30 am
by Yamara
Of all characters name-checked so far, Styx would be the oldest. There's no telling how old Bia is by her appearance, as Nudge revealed that Bia is fine with mimicking human form as it develops.

Hesiod refers to Bia and her brother Kratos as Styx's "wonderful children". Child-like beings of untold power have always been terrifying in mankind's imagination.

Isn't that right, Jin?

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:48 am
by DilyV
Catawampus wrote:
meisdadoo wrote:Makes me wonder, which one is the oldest.
Hmm. That question gets a tad complicated when you consider the ways in which some of the characters have lived sort of outside the normal time flow, while others have been looped back repeatedly. And of those who looped, some remember the repeats (and thus could be said to have lived that entire time) while others only recall the present iteration.

As near as I can figure it, based on memory of what characters have said about things:

Atsali: 15 years old

Tina and Connie: Around 22 years old

Monica, Jacqui, Amanda, Kevin, and other normal humans: Around their mid-30's

Tina's physical body: Around 40 years old

Euryale: At least 2,700 years old (the earliest indisputable Gorgon references that I know of are from the 8th Century BC)

Nudge: At least 2,700 years old (We know that she interacted with Oedipus, and Hesiod mentioned him around 700 BC)

Lily: 5,000 years old

Brandi: 12,000 years old

Bud: 12,000 years (plus subjective "time" in Demon Realm)

Shelly: 80,000 years old

Phix: At least 83,900 years old (She also met Oedipus, just as Nudge did. Plus, she was in the library and so wasn't re-set during the time loops)

Jin: 91,700 years old (she experienced and rememberd every iteration of the time loops, so the full 81,200 years of that counts for her)

In this strip, from 2012, we find that Tina is 36 years old...

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:25 am
by Yamara
Yamara wrote:Of all characters name-checked so far, Styx would be the oldest.
Correction: Unless Titans predate the universe, demons are by far the oldest.

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:38 am
by Julie
Catawampus wrote:
meisdadoo wrote:Makes me wonder, which one is the oldest.
Hmm. That question gets a tad complicated when you consider the ways in which some of the characters have lived sort of outside the normal time flow, while others have been looped back repeatedly. And of those who looped, some remember the repeats (and thus could be said to have lived that entire time) while others only recall the present iteration.

As near as I can figure it, based on memory of what characters have said about things:

Atsali: 15 years old

Tina and Connie: Around 22 years old

Monica, Jacqui, Amanda, Kevin, and other normal humans: Around their mid-30's

Tina's physical body: Around 40 years old

Euryale: At least 2,700 years old (the earliest indisputable Gorgon references that I know of are from the 8th Century BC)

Nudge: At least 2,700 years old (We know that she interacted with Oedipus, and Hesiod mentioned him around 700 BC)

Lily: 5,000 years old

Brandi: 12,000 years old

Bud: 12,000 years (plus subjective "time" in Demon Realm)

Shelly: 80,000 years old

Phix: At least 83,900 years old (She also met Oedipus, just as Nudge did. Plus, she was in the library and so wasn't re-set during the time loops)

Jin: 91,700 years old (she experienced and rememberd every iteration of the time loops, so the full 81,200 years of that counts for her)
Wouldn't Nudge be older that that? We know that she visited Shellynx in the Time Forest and Nudge interpreted Shelly's instructions to refer to th 57th iteration of the loop...which suggests to me that she was either aware of or outside of the loop I'd think she should get the years of repetition added to her age. :)

Re: Stuffy Adult 2013-10-31

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:38 pm
by Mark N
Julie wrote:Wouldn't Nudge be older that that? We know that she visited Shellynx in the Time Forest and Nudge interpreted Shelly's instructions to refer to th 57th iteration of the loop...which suggests to me that she was either aware of or outside of the loop I'd think she should get the years of repetition added to her age. :)
I would think that anyone in the Library and the other dimensions would have been free of the time loops since they only affected the Milky Way Galaxy and its worlds. The other dimensions are separate from the Universe we are in.