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Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:18 am
by Jay-Em
:lol: The little tyke has quite the mouth on her.. I dare speculate that being in the company of f.i. aunty Bud, is partly to blame. And aunty Shelly won't be an improvement too.

Of course, the kid does nót emulate the civilized use of words of Tanta Phix (civilized, úntil she gets peckish), but emulates her foul-mouthed "younger" aunts to a cinch. Younger aunts, the bane of existence for mothers éverywhere. :P

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:39 am
by Timotheus
Apparently we are being informed in this story arc that the paranormal population in the area is both quite sizable and well organized. Far more so than the story would have led us to believe earlier. The most important element of this revelation is that it implies that the golem girls were not in some isolated storage and then summoned to Monica's house by Tepoz. There is obviously a whole different set of circumstances behind that event that needs to be spelled out.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:48 am
by zachariah
Timotheus wrote:Apparently we are being informed in this story arc that the paranormal population in the area is both quite sizable and well organized. Far more so than the story would have led us to believe earlier. The most important element of this revelation is that it implies that the golem girls were not in some isolated storage and then summoned to Monica's house by Tepoz. There is obviously a whole different set of circumstances behind that event that needs to be spelled out.
It doesn't have to be limited to just that area. The gates remember through the library and MIB. I'm also sure several will have their own form of transportation. By the earlier reveal of the paranormal culture it is fairly widespread. A good comparison would be Rowlings Wizards to Muggles. Some know, most don't and like it that way. But the para's still want it to be kept quiet.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:15 am
by Atomic
Welcome to the Diagon Alley Mall! Good to know Brandi is in a fine fettle today. And that dress looks pretty good, too!


"Castella! Stop playing with that Ficus -- come out of the planters, please! Oh wait -- this is a Ficus. Castella? Castella!!"

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:31 am
by Bud_Fanboi
Oh dear lord that made me bust up laughing. Which, I wish I hadn't due to cracked ribs and all, but still worth it.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:35 am
by DinkyInky
Fairportfan wrote:Wish i could find the run of Foxtrot where Paige was babysitting, watched Jerry Springer, and the four-year-old learnt a new word.


"Oh, no. We'll watch Barney instead, okay?"

"*BLEEP* Barney!"

"Oh, *BLOOP*..."






{Mother comes home. Kid smiles silently at mother. Mother looks 'round kitchen.}

"What did all these empty peanut butter jars come from?"
You're Welcome

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:38 am
by Fairportfan
My2Cents wrote:Better assign Suzi McBride to Atsali. Suzi is a little more laid back, and she isn't the leader who got blamed for the loss of the helicopters due to Atsali's actions. Plus I suspect she would enjoy watching Atsali trying to try on every piece of clothing in the mall.
Yeah, despite her age, Suzi is still rather an overgrown teenager herself - her fangirling when they first encountered Monica was so very seventeen...

Anyway - do the MiB actually know what happened with the choppers?

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:42 am
by Fairportfan
Timotheus wrote:Apparently we are being informed in this story arc that the paranormal population in the area is both quite sizable and well organized. Far more so than the story would have led us to believe earlier. The most important element of this revelation is that it implies that the golem girls were not in some isolated storage and then summoned to Monica's house by Tepoz. There is obviously a whole different set of circumstances behind that event that needs to be spelled out.
Might explain why Epimethius got relocated to the TC, too, after his injury. (And, BTW, we knew from Justin's account of his pre-Shelly girlfriend troubles that there were more paranormals around than we'd seen.)

Maybe the MiB are using the Twin Cities as sort of a Very Big safehouse for paranormals.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:54 am
by Aleister Crow
First time seeing Brandi since her "roommate" got evicted. I wonder if we'll find out more about how she's handling that in this arc.
My2Cents wrote:Lily (WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!) Pratt gets assigned to Castela. Lily isn't happy, makes Castela unhappy, and things go down hill from there when Castela goes to pieces this Friday. Atsali has to be called in to rescue the situation, and then Kath shows up in "You made my little girl CRY!" mode next Friday.
But Lily is Grandma! Castela'd get spoiled rotten.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:29 am
by chicgeek
Yep,the girls end up stuck with Grandma, take advantage of it by either a)Pushing things as much as possible,seeing if they can get away with more,playing on grandmotherly feelings and then ditching her,or b)Being perfect angels to lull suspicion,then ditching her. And counting on her to stay mum and not rat them out. Because, Family, or because she'll look foolish for letting a couple of kids give her the slip. Probably in the changing room.
"Grandma, which slip look better?"
"hmm...I think this o-Atsali? Atsali!"
But they'll find out Granny is not to be trifled with. :D
Anyone else see an off duty Justin being a mall security guard for the day?
And speaking of old girlfriends, Epimethius was married to Pandora. Justin doesn't remember his life before the head wound, and who knows if Shelly has told him yet. But he was a police officer in Italy when it happened...Anyone want to take a bet on Pandora showing up in the future to cause trouble? Even if she'd been an ex for ages before the amnesia causing injury, well,Justin doesn't know that. He'd feel guilty, and responsible, upon finding out he's married, to an outwardly seeming loving woman. I can see her rubbing her hands with glee, upon realizing he doesn't remember any of her faults or indiscretions.
Wild speculation is fun.^_^

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:45 am
by eee
Aleister Crow wrote:But Lily is Grandma! Castela'd get spoiled rotten.
Hear hear! One sixth Grandma, but that doesn't matter in the spoiling department!

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:30 am
by Radical_Knight
"WOAH!" Like the guy said... "Out of the mouth of babes!" SHEESH!!!

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:38 am
by analyst
And wacky hi-jinks ensue...

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:25 am
by SilverMane
zachariah wrote:
Dave wrote:
zachariah wrote:I wonder if the place is called the Paranor Mall?
Ow ow ow ow. Pay up, dude! :D
Okay. To the jar one slightly used pumpkin from a failed pumkin-pault experiment. That should be gourd for something.
Very clever....
I don't think that the pun jar is big enough for what you are going to owe it...

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:02 am
by meisdadoo
Wow, she said a swear! Such a thorny little child, stubborn as a weed that one. But with proper parenting she could blossom into a fine young willowy woman, the very flower of. . . I had better stop now before I go broke paying the pun jar (throws in his last 2 cents)

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:12 am
by KnightDelight
The way she said it. Not just blurting out the word, as kids might do, but the way she says the entire phrase makes me wonder if she's not really a tyke. Could she be a much older being pretending to be a child? Wild speculation of course, but with Paul you never know.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:37 am
by kingklash
As many have pointed out, not only has our desert flower used a swear, she has used it properly. She did it, so Atsali doesn't have to, and can try to be the mature one. At least Cassie's thorns aren't showing. Yet.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:54 pm
by Julie
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Whew! I needed that today! :D

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:57 pm
by sheik
It's sometimes scary what a child that old can say.
My father had a business associate with a girl about that age when he went into a bar in Montana for some reason with her in tow.
When the barkeep informed him that she had to leave she announced, "That's okay daddy. I've been thrown out of better places than this!" and flounced out to wait in the pickup.

Re: Not Fair 2013-10-30

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:26 pm
by txmystic
DinkyInky wrote:
Fairportfan wrote:Wish i could find the run of Foxtrot where Paige was babysitting, watched Jerry Springer, and the four-year-old learnt a new word.


"Oh, no. We'll watch Barney instead, okay?"

"*BLEEP* Barney!"

"Oh, *BLOOP*..."






{Mother comes home. Kid smiles silently at mother. Mother looks 'round kitchen.}

"What did all these empty peanut butter jars come from?"
You're Welcome
Look at the previous page on that link (page 50) to see how Paige tried to use cake as an incentive to stop...