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Re: Purpose

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:47 am
by DinkyInky

Re: Purpose

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:08 pm
by jwhouk
I've got a bad feeling about this...

Re: Purpose

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:13 pm
by DinkyInky
jwhouk wrote:

Re: Purpose

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 2:05 pm
by GlytchMeister
John stood, alone, in the A Mill. It was decorated for Shelly and Justin's wedding, but it seemed like he was the first one to arrive. He was wearing the suit from Prescott's and the humongous .500 Smith and Wesson (that wasn't very big in his hands at all). His cloak, ever-present, went over top of everything.
"Well, I guess I don't have anything better to do." With that, John strode toward the nearest chair and made to sit in it. The moment he touched it, however, it burnt away, reduced to ash.
"But... I'm not trying to..." John's clothes burnt away now, and the gun melted, the gunpowder exploding, shattering the weakened, hot metal on his hip. "No, I'm... Im in control! No!" John touched more chairs, some on purpose, many by accident. Soon, he had cut an ashen trail of destruction through the room. "Someone help!"
Help? But you are doing what you are meant to do... This is your purpose. A familiar, chilling voice spoke.
John whirled around and saw a huge crowd standing where moments before had only been an empty room. "No! I... I don't want to destroy!" The crowd was comprised of people he had seen dying or had killed himself. At their head stood Nodaki, mobile and smiling... It was a mirthless smile, one devoid of any true happiness. In his right hand was a chain... It led to a collar that was buckled around the throat of what could only be described as some unholy, beastial monster. It wore a tattered, billowing black cloak, and it was wreathed in smoking flames. Brighter flames whirled and wound out from under the hood as wicked horns, and still more fire shone like daggers in its terrible maw and it's horrific clawed hands.

But the eyes... The eyes were the worst. They were utterly mad, completely devoid of kindness. They burned with a kind of hating, spiteful, merciless fury that made John recoil in disgust.

You don't know the power at your disposal... Here. Let me SHOW YOU!

Nodaki dropped the chain, and the monster went nuts. It ripped, teared, clawed, bit, burnt, incinerated, immolated, and cremated. All the while, it roared and laughed, it's guffaws echoing and rebounding on themselves, filling John's mind until it was the only thing he knew.

Then he found himself looking out from the eyes of the beast. He paused, trying to resist, but the laughing grew louder, and he kept going. He heard Nodaki laughing as well and rounded on him, snarling and growling. Nodaki stopped, suddenly fearful, and tried to take a step back, but John issued a jet of fire that solidified his clay. Then he saw more people behind him... Not Nodaki's forces, but his friends. John tried to stop himself, but he couldn't... He was like a passenger in the mind of the beast. He watched as he laid waste to his friends, his senseis... Screaming and sobbing inwardly, the beast waded through the ash until he saw his family and friends from before... Vague and faceless, but he could still tell who they were. Still unable to stop, he reduced them all to quivering gobbets of flesh before incinerating them.


He was alone. A predator with nothing to hunt. John rode along inside the beast as it wandered aimlessly in the empty world until the beast felt something behind it. Spinning, it caught the blade as it shrieked through the air, and bellowed a mighty roar at the wielder, a blue-skinned female elf with eyes like ice.
John felt the dark energy drain away from him and into the blade, and the beast withered and sputtered before going out. John fell onto his hands and knees, fighting for consciousness. Without changing expression, Safyr raised her blade again and swung at John's neck. Just as he felt the black blade biting into his flesh...

John awoke in his tent, sweating profusely, the sleeping bag completely tangled around his limbs. He obviously had been thrashing around quite a lot. He was still shaking.
The images of his family, incomplete and vague as it was, swam before his eyes... The laughing still echoed in his mind.

Re: Purpose

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:35 pm
by DinkyInky
GlytchMeister wrote:Then...

He was alone. A predator with nothing to hunt. John rode along inside the beast as it wandered aimlessly in the empty world until the beast felt something behind it. Spinning, it caught the blade as it shrieked through the air, and bellowed a mighty roar at the wielder, a blue-skinned female elf with eyes like ice.
John felt the dark energy drain away from him and into the blade, and the beast withered and sputtered before going out. John fell onto his hands and knees, fighting for consciousness. Without changing expression, Safyr raised her blade again and swung at John's neck. Just as he felt the black blade biting into his flesh...

John awoke in his tent, sweating profusely, the sleeping bag completely tangled around his limbs. He obviously had been thrashing around quite a lot. He was still shaking.
The images of his family, incomplete and vague as it was, swam before his eyes... The laughing still echoed in his mind.
(( this he remembers, but nothing else?))