Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

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Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

well Its taken me a couple days but im finally getting around to posting this as promised. at least the part i've finished any way.
WARNING NSFW. triggers may contain but are not limited to suicidal thoughts, self harm, and foul language
i apologize in advanced for this, I'm in a dark place as i write this character into the wapsiverse

jason leaned against his motorcycle, taking another drag from his cigarette. The street was mostly empty aside from the few busy bodies going in and out of the coffee shop across the street.
"Mucho Mocha" he said exhaling smoke "doesn't look like much"
"dammit Jay, you're talking to yourself again, better quit before THEY show up again"
"double damn" Jason threw away his cigarette in frustration. "just what i need"
He reached into his jacket for his pack.
"triple damn...two left"he grimaced taking his second to last and lighting it.
those things will kill you, you know that?
"Fuck, wouldn't that be great, I'd be rid of you and your lot at least"
You'd think that, wouldn't you?
Jason scowled at his hallucination, a skeleton wearing biker leathers mirrored to his own with black fire for hair.
Don't look at me like that, it's not my fault you suck at it
"says the git that took the gun from my mouth" he retorted poking the phantom through it's jacket
that seemed to quell it for the thing for a time, long enough for Jason to fish his medicine out of his pocket and swallow a couple pills.
Those things wont keep me out forever Vix, you know that.
"They will give me some peace of mind, at least for now" Jason took another dose and smiled smugly as the apparition slowly started to fade.
"dammit doc. you said this would help, oh well let's see what's so great about this coffee shop and bounce I need to get more cigs"

"Hi welcome to Mucho Mocha" the barista frowned at him as Jason approached the counter.
Alot of people do that, the ashy smell is off-putting to most people, that and most people just don't like to be around him. At least that's what Jason told himself
"yeah hi, lemme get a double mocha, cream not milk if you have it."
"sure no problem" the barista eyed him over her shoulder as she went to work. A fairly tall woman with dark hair and slightly longer teeth than most.
"if anyone should be staring it's at you lady" Jason mumbled
"what was that?"
"nothing, just talking to myself"
you do that a lot, don't you
the barista turned to look at him cocking an eyebrow
"sorry, someone i REALLY don't want to talk to right now" jason said fishing a Bluetooth earbud from his pocket and putting it in his ear.
"didn't i already say i wasn't talking to you?" he refused to make eye contact with his hallucination.
WOW, she's hot , gonna ask for her number? the skeleton asked jabbing a thumb at the back-turned barista
"No, I'm not and how did you get through to me?"
Bluetooth, nice touch, so people don't think your crazy right? too late, they already know.
"I'M NOT CRAZY" Jason screamed at the skeleton.
touchy, touchy but you might wanna tone it down. people are staring.
Sure enough, he was right, he'd gotten the attention of two women who just walked in and the barista.
Of the two, one was almost as tall as he was with broader shoulders, she looked like she could bench press a truck. The other was a full head shorter than jason with bright red hair, not the same burnt copper tinge his had . Putting her at maybe 5' flat hard to tell with the boots she was wearing.
"sorry, I'll take this outside" Jason said grabbing his coffee and heading to one of the shaded tables on the front patio.
The figment plopped itself down across from the table Jason chose
Man you are too easy, it's almost not fun anymore he chortled
"Then why don't you, I don't know, FUCK OFF"
Can't do that, as much as we'd like to. You're stuck with us and we with you, till death do us park
"not for lack of trying" Jason sipped his coffee
hey now, there ARE rules to this thing
"and you're not aloud to tell me"
bingo he clicked at Jason
how did he do that without a tongue? Jason stopped caring about ten seconds into that thought.
"what do i have to do to be rid of you? What will get you to stop using me like a goddamned marionette?"
okay, first off we can't control you. Never could, you hold the cables. We can only tug on the strings a little bit, second... no that's about the jist of it.
Jason was getting fed up with this, it was the same conversation every time. He'd been to counseling, therapy, doctors and hypnotists alike all told him that these voices, that these creatures just weren't there. that he could just will them away if he chose too
"power of the mind my ass"
come on, quite moping and go talk to the barista bet you could get her number if you tried, maybe even get laid
a fabulously taunting visage passed before Jason's eyes as the skeleton waved his hand across Jason's face.
"ENOUGH" Jason reached into himself, into the dark recesses of his mind where he buried everything he hatted. His sick passions, his dark desires, he kept digging until he found what he was looking for, a dank corner of his mind where rested a piece of his madness, these hallucinations feared it. He didn't know why and at this point he didn't care anymore, all Jason knew was that this skeleton would flee from this shadow and he had only appeared after it had been caged.
"time to let a hungry dog off it's chain"
what are you doing in there? were you listening to anything I've sai....wait you didn't? you wouldn't? YOU ARE INSANE don't you realize it will consume you?
"the lesser of two evils I'm afraid, I can deal with him a lot more easily than i can deal with you and yours"
the shade materialized into Jason's vision just behind the skeleton, it growled hungrily
you can't do this, HELP ME....SHEPHERD.....SAGE.....ANYBODY?!
Jason all but laughed as the shadow bit into the phantom and dragged it into its' darkness
"I will be no ones puppet" Jason said getting up and throwing away his cup "least of own."
and he left singing softly to himself the shadow well fed for the first time in a long time falling into place behind him
"oh i had strings, but now I'm free. there ain'"
Last edited by Gingerninja on Sun May 22, 2016 1:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by GlytchMeister »

Madness lifted his head and looked around at his bleak prison cell inside Glytch's black fortress. "Why do I feel nervous...?"
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by jwhouk »


Tina, meanwhile, was looking out, watching the conversation he was having with what appeared to be several apparitions... and then...

She froze at the sight.

And she reached down, without looking, and picked up her cell - swiping, tapping, speaking, "Monica."
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by GlytchMeister »

Ok, my post was just a reaction that wouldn't have any effect on the story. Might wanna check with the author before you start writing parts of his story.

(Hint. Monica was one of the two women who walked in)
He's mister GlytchMeister, he's mister code
He's mister exploiter, he's mister ones and zeros
They call me GlytchMeister, whatever I touch
Starts to glitch in my clutch!
I'm too much!
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

is okay, minor hiccup. but yes i would love collaboration from other authors. sending out second passage roughdraft. PM me please if you'd like to help or just wanna do stuff with my story. yay i have a story *claps hands*
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by AmriloJim »

As for JW's addition...
A ringtone accompanies the ladies as they step into the shop... "Do you wanna see the girl who lives behind the aura? / Behind the aura, behind the aura, behind the aura?"
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by jwhouk »

My little addition was Tina slamming down the panic button.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

The rumble of Jason's FatBoy grounded him as he rode his giddiness onto the freeway. Best. Day. Ever. he had finally rid himself of that fiery nuisance. It was payday, and the coffee was miles better than the paint thinner in the Cal lab's break room. The only thing that could possibly ruin his mood was
we are followed
Jason looked into his mirror, there was another bike in tandem with him, but that didn't mean he was being followed....did it?
Jason got off the freeway two exits early, and slowed to 45mph. The second rider slowed further, letting another car merge between them. He took a detour through the industrial park. about five minutes later Mystery Rider showed up again.
Jason stopped at a gas station, he needed cigs anyway. He watched the rider in his mirror as he.she? hard to tell. slowed and turned a corner.
"your being paranoid Dog, first time off your leash and your jumping at shadows"
The rest of the ride home proved little incident.
"see? just being jumpy." the apartment parking lot was empty, as usual, save the one Pontiac up on blocks.
Home sweet home, well maybe not sweet but home non the less.
Nothing looked out of place as Jason shoved open the door on it's bent hinges, always thought about replacing them every time he opened the damn thing. Through the window he heard another bike pull up, but it wasn't the high whine of his neighbors Kawasaki, this was deeper, slower.
the stalker
"shhhh be quiet" he felt stupid as soon as he said it sneaking up to the window, pulling back the curtain enough to see
The new arrival took of her helmet, it was one of the women from the coffee shop.
"SHIT, we were followed. but why?"
"okay, okay i get the idea" the woman was on the phone with someone. no time to find out who.
Jason ran to his desk and grabbed his pistol, an old worn 1911 Springfield and the spare mag. He REALLY didn't want to shot someone today, and it had started out so well. he went back to the window, pistol at the ready. Another person was with the stalker. The red haired woman from the coffee shop?!
"what the bloody fuck is going on here?" he hadn't heard another car drive up. How had she gotten here so fast?
"Mon I don't know about this, I think he spotted me tailing him"
"Shelly look, if he isn't a para then he's definitely putting himself in danger, I'd bet dollars to donuts that he doesn't even comprehend what he's done"
"Para?, danger? WHAT? But i was followed, good instinct dog"
"tell it to me later, right now we need to figure out what to do, are they just here to talk?"
Predators do not stalk prey to talk
"'ve been right so far, fine what now?"
flee.....for now, wait for them to enter. Then leave through the window
"that's a fifteen foot drop! are you serious"
you will survive. I will see to host
Jason watched his stalkers enter the building, took two steps back from the window,sucked in a breath and ran
"this is a REALLY bad idea"

*crash* *CRUNCH*

Jason groaned as he rolled off the hood of the Pontiac "THAT hurt"
but you survived
"right... any landing you can limp away from..."he gimped quickly to his FatBoy
'HOLD IT!!" the red headed woman called from the apartment stoop.
Furious at himself more than the intruder, Jason drew and fired on the red haired woman as she stepped forward. Six shot's echoed in the close confines of the apartment buildings the woman vanished behind the brick arches, he didn't stay to see if any of the shots connected. He hopped on his bike and wheel spun, throwing loose asphalt and gravel as he sped away.
once on the freeway, and sure he wasn't being followed Jason spoke again "I am in control DOG, not you. I am the puppeteer NOT YOU. Your freedom is my whim and by my will alone do you walk free. Pull that shit again and I'll cage before you can say 'oh fuck"
*growlll* It is as you host. But know this my name is not dog.

My name is Despair
Last edited by Gingerninja on Sun May 22, 2016 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Nice Story, Excellent Character, Excellent nemesis I would have never thought of a hallucination or I this case spirits.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by jwhouk »


"NNNNGGGHH! Dammit, that HURT!"

"MONICA!" Shelly ran to her friend, doubled over at the entrance to the apartment building. She looked up to see the skittering of the motorcycle as it screeched away. As much as her urges were to sphinx out and go after him, she had to make sure M was okay.

"Monica! MONICA! You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... Lydia's underwire and kevlar deflected most of those shots... did you SEE that thing he had riding with him?"

"Good - I wasn't the only one seeing things," Shel commented. She looked down. "Yeesh, your shirt looks like Swiss cheese."

"Good thing I got it in Wisconsin, then," Monica retorted as she put a finger through one of the bullet holes. "Gah, that always unnerves me when it happens. Think I'll have to poit back home and get a new shirt..."

"Wait - what about the motorcycle guy with the gun? And those demons of his?"

'What?" Monica looked up, realizing how concerned her friend was. "Oh, them? Doubt's handling it."

"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by jwhouk »


How hard could it be? That was what she told herself.

This, of course, provided a moment of levity for Doubt; demons weren't actually hims, hers, or its, for that matter.

In all the times that the Demon Shepherd had sent her off on tasks - mostly to find out about Jin's demon horde, and that infernal False Queen of hers - finding and tracking the demons of others weren't difficult. She found out a lot of juicy stuff that way. In fact... well, she didn't want to acknowledge it, but that was how she found out about Tina. And Shelly. And that little fae girl. And Jet's lovely little horde...

She stopped for a moment. The motorcycle was screaming onto 94, and heading... somewhere. Doubt was able to "hitch a ride" on a truck heading the same way as the cycle, then a car, then another truck. In moments, she had caught up to the cycle - though she kept her distance to keep from being spotted.

She saw the demon horde inside him. Ooh, this one's LOADED, was her observation. And, he's got a real big 'un in there...

The realization had hit her all at once. The scent was wrong.

This guy wasn't human.

She immediately pulled back. That scent. Where had she smelled that...

Pillsbury. The Grand Hall. That one creature...

She had hoofed it back to her Queen as quickly as possible.

This... was going to be difficult.
"Character is what you are in the dark." - D.L. Moody
"You should never run from the voices in your head. That's how you give them power." - Jin
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by FreeFlier »

Oh dear . . .

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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

"Okay so what now?" Shelly asked
"we wait for doubt to tell us where he's going."
"ooooookay, well what can we figure out so far? he shot at us."
"he shot at me
"right, he shot at you with just a gun. That means he's human right?
"c'mon Shel think, it's not even 5 and no clouds. He's not gonna go feral in broad daylight, it doesn't prove shit."
"except that he's dangerous, possible unstable, willing to kill."
"Not unstable, influenced, you smell that? I recognize this stench. He's housing something evil, but it doesn't feel the same...older, possibly even sentient."
"how is that possible? he couldn't be much older than 25?"
"Monica cocked an eyebrow at Shelly."
"right, dumb question. But if he's not human, then what is he?"
Why does it even matter? Connie asked
"because" Shelly replied "if he IS human, he's MIB's problem"
"look either way we have to find him, I'm going to change and then we check out his apartment, see if we can't find something while we wait for doubt.


shell stood looking around outside, from what she could see through the broken window it was a small place only one room. The kitchen was cluttered with pizza boxes and microwave ramen cups, the shifting lights suggested he'd left the TV on, old grey scale photos on the wall showed soldiers sitting around a campfire in a trench laughing.
*BWOOP WHOOP* A squad car pulled into the parking lot and Justin got out,
"why am I not surprised, what are you doing here?"
"me? what are you doing here? don't you clock out early today?"
"last call, shot's fired in the area, please don't tell me you had something to do with this"
"okay fine i wont tell you"
Justin sighed, Shelly got Justin up to speed on what happened more or less
"and he just shot at Monica? just like that? He sounds deranged to me"
"so can we go kick down his door now?"
Justin frowned at Shelly "not without a warrant, but we can at least get his description out there. and put a Black and White out front in case he comes back"
"fine, it's something at least. Just tell them to be careful"
Shelly was uneasy, this wait and see was going to get somebody hurt


"GODDAMMIT" Jason screamed throwing his helmet against the motel room wall. "Get out here Despair, NOW"
The shadow materialized fazing into existence on the floor. fully formed it resembled an overly muscular jackal, four feet tall to the shoulder. Its' head far too large for its' body. The most unsettling thing about the creature was its' eyes. It had way too many, Three pairs going up the sides of it's face with one large one opening vertically in the center of its' forehead. Each one was bleach bone white, as if the creature was blind, and all seven were staring strait at him.
Jason would not be intimidated by Despair "I've stared down gun barrels bigger than him" he told himself. He couldn't remember where, or when, but he'd done it.
Yes my host? it was eerie to watch it speak
"what the shit was that crap you pulled outside of the apartment huh?, better question how did you talk with my mouth?"
"merely a warning to our hunters, to make them wary of us. As to how I accomplished it, I am as much a part of you as the nose on your face" Despair scratched his nose with a fore paw, Jason mimicked the motion.
Jason growled at Despair "last warning, I "
Am the puppet master, and I the lowly puppet....I KNOW Despair faded into nothing
Ah, but I am done with you. I am weary, and must rest. Call upon me when you need me. whispered the voice inside his head.
"stupid phantoms, always appearing when I don't want them, and now this one leaving when I do"
Jason looked outside, the sun was still above the buildings, it was only 4:45pm. he walked over to the nightstand and pulled out the phone book, he needed to find a hardware store close by. He'd have to go on foot, there was probably already an APB out on his bike.
Leaving his jacket behind on the bed Jason set out, before leaving the parking lot he pulled the bike cover out of the left saddlebag and tossed it over tucking it into place.

It was dark before Jason finished putting the last coat of primer on the FatBoy. it's beautiful midnight purple now a dingy flat yellow, the last touch was a light dusting of glossy white over the license plate. Not enough to smother it, but just give it some more reflective qualities it might buy some time with traffic cameras. He went inside to wash his hands and pull out the vinyl tape he'd bought. Sitting at the small writing desk he began fixing long strips up and down the arms of his jacket. about ten minutes later he put it on and stood in front of the bathroom mirror.
"yup, like a florescent bumble bee" Jason sighed.
A large Pink Scorpion with half inch fangs crawled up the counter top.
I thought the point was to be LESS noticeable? the bug rubbed it's fuzzy claws together nervously
"They're looking for a purple bike and a rider in brown leather, not a walking bumble bee. Draw the eye, and distract the brain. You blend in by standing out. well go back to the apartment tomorrow morning and grab the bug-out bags from the sofa."
We aren't leaving the twin cities are we? It's nice here, why should we leave?
Of all his imaginings this one he liked, always worrying about one thing or another, it was nice having someone, anyone fret over him.
"Not if I can help it, no. We may have to lay low for a while until we can get this mess sorted out" Jason checked the clock by the bed 8:30 he needed to get to bed
the scorpion scuttled, back and forth along the sink casting glances at him occasionally
"what is it?" Jason asked curiously
I was..that is..are you going to feed all of us to...that thing?
"I don't honestly know little one, maybe just those of you who've hurt me, the doctors say you're not real anyway"
WE ARE TOO REAL the scorpion wailed, she almost sounded like a child ready to cry And Lust never hurt you, he only showed you things. Things that might happen, nice things that could happen...if you would let them
"HE TORTURED ME ON A NEAR DAILY BASIS." Jason slammed his fist down next to the bug "Always with things I can never have, IT'S NOT FAIR," Jason leaned in close "and you say that's not hurtful?"
the scorpion fled, scattering along the counter disappearing in a puff of pink mist.
Jason pulled his fist from the counter, he could already feel the bruise forming. A slight grinding sound caught his attention.
"Cheap fucking linoleum, they better not bill me for that"
He turned out the lights and went to bed, and for once slept a dreamless sleep. Oh how heavenly pleasant it was.

The phone rang at 5:45, it was his wake up call. Jason gathered his things and got on his Harley. The paint was still tacky, he checked the sky, overcast. He might not have much time, the FatBoy roared to life between his legs as he left the Robin Hotel.
"Fucking Cops" Jason cursed as he rolled past his complex, but he was expecting that, he saw two uniforms standing next to their car parked by the Pontiac he'd crushed. yellow tape circled from the front door to the corner post closing in the whole corner of the parking lot. Jason circled around back and parked by the fire exit. Not removing his helmet he tried the door
"thank god for lazy landlords" it was still broken held closed with a simple door chain he easily reached inside and unhooked. He took the stairs two at a time to the second floor and peered around the corner.The hallway was empty, more police tape crisscrossed his door. Jason unlocked and eased the door open as quietly as he could, squeezing through the yellow tape. He could feel the space had been violated. "Fucking Pigs" he cursed again. Drawers were left open, his TV was shoved aside. The bed had been pulled out of the couch and the mattress stripped of it's sheets.
Jason went over to the couch cushions that had been tossed aside, unzipped their covers mentally crossing his fingers.
A sigh of relief escaped his lips, they were still there. Nestled inside a cutout of the cushions sat the two small duffles. He slung both over his shoulder and made to leave.
"I'm telling you Jim, I heard something"
"whatever man if it's so important you check it out"
"shit, shit, shit" Jason cursed to himself, the cops were coming up the stairs.
"cant go that way...up it is" not bothering with stealth any more he ran through the police tape that split with a sharp *SNAP* and up the stairs two more floors to the roof. There was a ladder, a fire escape that dropped down to the street.
Grabbing the sides he slid down the smooth metal his boots hitting the pavement with a thud.
As he sped away back around front the two officers where coming out the door
Two sharp pops went by his helmet before he was out of sight.
"great, just fucking great" he was going to have to paint the bike....AGAIN.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

Jason tossed his bags onto the bed in his new room. He'd changed numbers after Angst, his pink scorpion, had suggested it. As it turned out it had been a good iea. The receptionist this morning was about to come find him, his predecessor hadn't taken down any of Jason's info. 100 dollars and a new room key later and the new receptionist had conveniently "forgotten" just who it was renting out room 212. He couldn't afford to do this for very long however. payday or not he was running out of cash, and he didn't dare use his cards with the police after him.
He decided to do something constructive and inventory his emergency bags. The first held two refillable water bottles, 300 dollars in small bills, a rechargeable flashlight, a carton of cigarettes that were probably stale, a disposable phone, and three days worth of food rations.

"okay smart guy, now what?" he should really quite talking to himself.

we could call that nice lady from the hospital, the one that got us the job and apartment. Angst had reappeared and was poking at one of the MRE's
She said to call her if we needed any help

Jason remembered her, the tall woman with dark skin and nice suit who had been at the hospital after he woke up from his attempted "accident". She had been nice enough, hell she'd paid for his medical bills. He just didn't know how much he could trust a government lackey, and it wasn't like they could just stop the investigaion.

"I shot someone, probably killed her" Jason sighed "fuck, I am so screwed"

That's right Jason, they all think you're insane, and none of them will rest until your caught, killed, or even better...both.

Jason rubbed his temples, he was getting a headache

Doesn't that make you angry? How people always seem to never leave well enough alone? It's almost as if you draw their attention. You'll never find peace, not so long as there are people like HER out there in the world. Meddlers, troublemakers, people who just won't leave you alone.

"Despair...lunch time" Jason could just hear the creature's screams. Like someone watching a horror movie in the next room over. He didn't need something winding him up like a tin soldier, he needed a clear head

"It's right though, this won't stop unless I end it" he shoved his provisions aside and opened the other duffle bag.

Nestled inside amidst special cut foam were nine pieces of metal each a different shape and size.

"hello Angel, did you miss me?"

These were the pieces of his darker half, a 30-06 long barreled rifle. He'd had this thing as long as he could remember, it had been heavily modified of the years the latest of which was so that he could break it down and fit it inside this bag. He assembled the weapon and started dry firing, the action was gummy

"someone needs a bath"

Jason spent the better part of the morning cleaning and tweaking Angel, getting ready for what had to be done. An odd verse came into his head making him feel almost nostalgic as he went about the task.

"We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy... but peace. Amen."

Jason disassembled Angel, returning her to her padded cradle in his duffle bag.
"C'mon Despair, it's time to go find our enemy"

Despair finished chewing and swallowed, padding over to Jason as he left the room slinging the black bags over his shoulder

And a hunting we shall go Despair said chuckling at his own joke.

Neither of them noticed the form that ran from the room behind them
This is bad Doubt told herself as she raced back to Monica This is very, VERY bad.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

Jason sat outside a local Starbucks, the coffee he'd ordered slowly growing cold while he contemplated what to do next. He needed a lead, or at least a name. Jason pulled out his phone, there where two number's programed into it. The first was the government contact. Jason called the second.

The line rang six times before a choked voice answered "herroh?"

"Hey there Jabba. Still stuffing your face wit Cheetos?"

The voice on the other end of the line swallowed "nah, Doritos are my thing now."
"Damn, JV it's good to hear your voice. How long has it been now? 4 years?"

"Just about, hey Jabba I need a favor. I'm cashing in my IOU."

"Do my best, depending what it is." Jason could hear the crinkled rustling of a chip bag and subsequent crunch of chewing

"I'm in Minneapolis now, I was followed driving down the 94, another bike. You remember what mine looks like?"

"plate too, if you haven't changed it"

"Thanks a lot buddy"

"Not any trouble really, what's this about man?"

"Best if i don't tell you, the less you know th"

"The less I have to lie about, I remember the drill. Always with the mystery, alright give me about ten minutes I'll call you back."

Jason put the phone down and lit a cigarette thinking. 'Can I really do this? Can I really, honestly go through with what I'm planning? This all feels so familiar, this strange calm. The planning, the preparations. It's all so DAMNED cozy to me. What the flying fuck is this?' The phone buzzed, Jabba was calling.

"That was fast"

"What the Hell JV? Why didn't you warn me the Fed's were watching you? The minute I ran plate searches some hotshot with fast fingers played lookie lou and merry hell on my system. I had to yank my hard line to get them out."

"I didn't know, Jabba I'm sorry"

"*sigh* It's fine, I didn't get much before I got flagged, your mystery rider is some chick, name of Shelly Wahnee a personal trainer at a place call punk yoga. It's all I could get"

"Thanks Jab, it helps"

"Look man, you know I try not to ask questions but I gotta know...Is Angel involved in this? Please tell me your not with her again."

"Yeah, you guessed it, I'm gonna introduce her to Ms wahnee and have one last fling with the gal. Go out with a bang you know?"

"Not funny JV. Listen, if you get out of this mess, Heaven forbid, don't ever call me again. Not while your still involved with that bitch. She's no good for you JV."

"Thanks again Jabba, sorry I got you involved"

"Yeah, screw you too buddy. And ditch that phone, they probably already tagged it too."

The line went dead after that. Jason sighed "so long old friend" and dropped the cheap Nokia into his half full coffee cup.

Jason found the place easy enough. A square building nestled about halfway down it's street. A Large billboard was where he set up his position. Jason cut a rectangle into the weathered plywood of the advertisement with a pocket saw from his emergency bag, he had a perfect view of the whole street. The field was set, Angel was ready all that was left was to wait for his quarry.

"Hey Des, mind if I ask you something?"

If you insist on it, my host.

"If you could have one wish, just one, what would it be?"

Why do you care? Despair turned his bleached eyes on Jason.

"They say you can learn a lot about a man by his desires, and since your my hallucination. Maybe I'll learn something about myself"

Interesting theory. False. But interesting Despair went back to watching the street

Jason sighed "whatever man"

several minutes of silence went by, Jason began to watch a spider build a small web inbetween the support beams of the billboard.


"what was that?"

To live, even after your demise.

"I don't follow"

Angst and the others, they will continue to exist long after you cease to...I will not. My life ends with yours. That would be my wish, a life free from the fear of death. What of you my host?

"Me? I wish for a life somewhere where no one will notice me." Despair turned to look at Jason again. "All of this" he gestured to the rifle "the running, the preping, this hunt all of it just comes so damned easy to me and I don't know why. The thought of killing this woman, it doesn't faze me."

should it? you humans kill each other needlessly on a regular basis, or so I recall.

"That's not the point Despair, there's supposed to be guilt, or remorse, anything but this....this calmness. Like I'm just going to get another pack of smokes. I don't want to be that person. I don't want to remember what kinds of things I've done, if this is natural for me. Jabba was right, this rifle is bad for me."

I still do not see why you asked him nothing about yourself, he seemed well versed in your history

"It's a clean slate, at least it was. Until this mess got started"

target sighted

"But it looks like neither one of us will get our wish"

you do not expect to live after this encounter?

"I don't expect people to stop looking for me, not after what I'm about to do. But we might slow them down a little with this, make them keep their distnace"

distance to target 2,680 feet

"Got it" Jason adjusted the focus for the distance

wind is negligible, 5 miles or less

"No correction required"

Jason slid the bolt forward, unlocking the trigger safety

"And now I lay thee down to bed,
with earthen soil to prop your head,
so rest in peace...for you are dead"

lining the cross hairs up with her head, he exhaled one last time squeezing slowly on the trigger.

birds scattered as thunder cracked across the empty evening sky.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Warrl »

Warning: sphinx shooting is hazardous to your health and can lead to decapitation, evisceration, or consumption.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by lake_wrangler »

Warrl wrote:Warning: sphinx shooting is hazardous to your health and can lead to decapitation, evisceration, or consumption.
OR??? :twisted:
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Gingerninja »

How does shooting a sphinx give one tuberculosis???
I would eat your soul, but I'd prefer to keep my lunch down.
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Dave »

Gingerninja wrote:How does shooting a sphinx give one tuberculosis???
Gunpowder smoke is hard on the lungs... suppresses the immune system almost as much as tobacco smoke. ;)
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Re: Two Screws Shy of a Picknick Basket

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Dave wrote:
Gingerninja wrote:How does shooting a sphinx give one tuberculosis???
Gunpowder smoke is hard on the lungs... suppresses the immune system almost as much as tobacco smoke. ;)
Actually, it's the inherent lead poisoning that stops the breathing... and the heartbeat... and cranial function... and everything else.

ASSUMING YOU USE ENOUGH LEAD- otherwise, you piss somebody (or something) off.
Rule 17 of the Bombay Golf Course- "You shall play the ball where the monkey drops it,"
I speak fluent Limrick-
the Old Sgt.
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