A visit from the Skinwalker

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Post by Jharris16-17 »

Ulysses was rummaging through the pile of parts for the world machine and still he needed to get it done. As hearts went his was an glass heart that Archimedes had made for him when he brought him back from the dead. When Ulysses stubbed his finger on an screw driver he cursed and the air sizzled. "I know I can't curse..."
"Easy I am here to assist," - Standing he turned and saw the man himself. Archimedes was dressed in a fine suit and was leaning casually against the wall. "You are straining yourself..."
"You are infamous for stating the obvious right?" - Archimedes snickered and shook his head.
"Well I am the one true expert in mechanics..."
"Oh shut up!"
"You didn't call me before?" - Ulysses glared and Archimedes summoned and Book throwing it to him.
"Whats this?"
"Oh the manual shorty, and don't use it to light the boilers..." - Archimedes disappeared and left Ulysses wondering.
"My god the boilers... They haven't gotten rid of the old One!" - the old Boilers were still running, but were not being used. He wouldn't be able to go unless Cain gave him the key. So he'd have to find his friend and then activate the engine from the nether realm. The only risk opening a back door for the one force that terrified every being worth there salt.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Sgt. Howard »

Boilers... it runs on steam... then the belt drives a... govenor? Certainly not the main traction device...
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the Old Sgt.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

His mind ran at the speed of light. How to track Cain down... He was a strategist and an useless mechanic. He might be able to find him through Lucifer, but it was nearly impossible to find him. He was radio silent at the moment. This would present an issue, but there were a few mortals that specialized in these types of things. Christina saint-Claire the red witch or the Lynx AKA Ryan Illyan. He could find them easily having taught them all they knew. Then there was the issue that he, Ulysses was confined to hell and one space. This workshop...
He might be able to get a pass, but that would mean getting Crowley's permission to leave.
"What are you thinking so bitterly?" - Crowley stood bloodied and smiling.
"I have a way to stop the collapse of the wall, but I need a way out to find Lucifer..."
"You want to do what exactly?"
"This engine is toast. If we can activate the prior world engine and use that then we solve this issue and then we can go ahead and solve this issue," - Crowley rolled his eyes.
"Why should I let you go? I can send any other mortal and get a similar result..."
"I know your secret Crowley, how you have been screwing the bosses wife!" - Crowley drew an sword and approached suddenly very angry. he had to act quick and hope that Lucifer was listening.
"Oh great Lucifer, I implore you find me and I will solve this. You know what we say. I ask for a chance to prove my worth and for justice to be served..."

The room obscured with smoke and Ulysses was in the middle of an field. High hills surrounded him and he was not alone. Looking around Lilith was sitting at a long table in red satin drinking some blood.
"Little man black mail is it?" She paused at this.
"I think that you are a coward. My husband can hide from anyone, even me. He is old and cranky and I offer you something in return, the chance to have power and well any woman you wanted... They'd be vampire, but that's what I can offer,
"I think not..."
"But why?" Lilith asked sweetly.
"I want to live and he knows... Old Lucifer isn't one to forgive, you know that,"
"Fine a break, but reveal my affair and..." - He interrupted her.
"Or what, I think that helping him realize where he is negligent would really help. He has dropped his security hasn't he. Imagine I reveal the affair and he kills Crowley and sends you to purgatory. You just find a younger stupider young strapping monster. Or I can give him the idea to let you get locked up for eternity with the spirit of vengeance as your captor..." - Her face was white as stone and terrified. She finally stuttered an answer
"Yes I will let you go... If you want to find him... look up Luke Forbes the third..."
The valley obscured again with black smoke and he was in the great Library.
"Ah back on earth, such a relief..."
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Phix was awoken by Aeterna screaming. Rushing and picking her up a note was inn the cradle. neil had been awoken and picked it up. His eyes went jet black and his body was stock still. A voice hollow and deep filled the smoky room.

Phix please excuse the rude interuption, but I need your help. My copy of the key to the nether realm has been stolen and Cain is the only one with a key. A man, Ulysses has arrived in the library tell him to find dean Naraskell. I have to hide and this is an major risk. The four horsemen, God, the deadly sins, and the ark angels are in hiding except the garrison. The worlds are collapsing as we speak and this is the beast I can do. please say sorry to Neil for me, I wish I did not have to do this, but I had to. Find Cain and then find me. Look for Lucas Forbes the third.

Neil unfroze coughing. "Neil take her now!" - Handing Aeterna to Neil Phix went to find Ulysses.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Ulysses was off reading in the hunting department when a very large paw picked him up carrying him to a room he'd never seen before. Almost thrown his vision blurred, but came back quickly as they adjusted to the dim light. "Ulysses, I have information for you..." - Looking for the source of the sound he could only see the outline of a big cat. then it stepped into the light. This one was big and oddly was wearing glasses even though she was immortal. "Hello?"
"Lucifer sends an message, find Dean naraskell, his copy of the key has been stolen. Also take this..." - Lookin ginside the bag he was surprised to see a Drivers Liscense,
A Credit card, and $500 cash. “Be careful Cain is very short tempered...” - With that she was gone and he was teleported to an parked car. keys already in the ignition he buckled up and pulled out tapping into demon radio. After several u-turns and asking people where to go he finally got out of town. After finding the signal he consulted with an state map and headed north. He’d have to go 50 miles past Bozeman and open up an spawn gate, but he could do it. 261 miles to go, the joy...

At his aprtment James was arguing with yet another ex-girlfriend who wanted his dog. Yeah he was a little rough when disciplining, but the Chesapeake Bay Retriever/ hellhound was hard to handle and needed exrtreme puinshment. that was twelve and counting that wanted to sue him for the dog. This boggled him.
“God Damnit asshole you abuse that dog!” - Damn she was persistent. “Listen very carefully. I own him and have raised him from a pup. He killed an burgular once then tries to turn on me. I can manage him only because I am not afraid to show him who is the alpha. you weak boy toy can’t deal with your cat let alone Bubba...” - Silence as she hung up the phone. Bubba started barking as someone knocked on the door. Smelling the air it stunk of sulfur and he drew his pen knife. It would have little effect, but the training he had gotten when he was forcebly attached to Arminius made it almost invincible. Going to the door and looking through the peep hole, he saw an middle aged man tall and lean in proper atire for Hawaii. No weaons or magics. Opening slowly the stanger cocked his head smirking. “Suspicious are we?”
“After what I have seen, yes...”
“May I come in?” - This was an odd question. Bozeman Montana was no place for a man dressed for the sun. And James had no clue whom this was.
“Why?” - The stranger chuckled.
“Well I need to open an spawn gate and I need the blood of an victim. no great amount...” - Looking aroung he fpound no one in the hall way and ushered the stranger in. “Easy, I came here to be normal, these people thinkl I am an MMA fighter or something...”
“No you have the blood of Arminius running in your veins...” - Bubba jumped up attepting to tear at the strangers face. Pulling the dog off although struggling. Bubba in an mad haze bit his right wrist drawing blood and latched on. Pummeling him with his free fist it took six forceful punches to get the dog to go. The dog fell and began to wimper, his eyes sealed shut. “What breed is he?” - looking at the strnger he wrapped his wrist in cloth. “Chesapeake-bay -Retriever/ Hell Hound mix... err What do I call you?”
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"Okay I am no expert, but the spawn gates are tied to each other. When on is opened they are all opened?"
"Not quite James, when the first one is opened, then the theothers open in an chain reaction. I do not know if you can feel it but the world wall is collapsing. Hell and hades are holding up but the wall collap[ses as we speak..."
"Okay so what is holding them?"
"The wolrd engine is not working. Once the aetherial world collapses then the border willl collapse and an darkness unlike we've ever seen will invelop the earth,"
"I wish I could say no but I can not an innocent. I accept that the supernatural world is around. An innocent does not. Spawn gates as I know are able to opened by there creater?"
"Cain created them, we have to find him..."

Cain was off twirling the first blade when Crowley appeared bloodied and bruised. He had chains around his throat. "You look well liar!"
"In all fairness...." - His eyes bulged as the first blade plunged into his chest and twisted. "Crowley Darka, I left you in command, and look at it. Ulysses is missing and you are sleeping with the first vampire. I kept you because you were an excelent shield against getting killed! You will find Ulysses and then report to me. If you don't... You can wish your tortured life good by!''
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

James flinched and dropped the roll of bandages. "My brother is alive?"
"Wait who is your brother?"
"My father Richard is the fromer Cain. It is usually the oldest child but a witch removed him from my mother and sent him to the aetherial realm. He was given the job of cain because he did not have my connections,"
"So your saying that we find him by using blood magic..."
"No, Bubba!"
In a swift change of gears James was getting his wallet, phone, and several pencils. he grabbed an collection of almost thirteen knives of all shapes and sizes. He put an big military knife on his belt and went to the door grabbing his keys and Leather jacket. "Come with me I know a guy who can fingd him any where!"
Following James Ulysses could barely keep up. In the parking Lot he clicked an button on his phone and a 1990 Chevy Lumino pulled up. Chirping . "Get in" - The car was visibly smaller than what james needed but it was just fine for Ulysses. Pulling out into the free way the car roared as he dodged traffic and and turned into an dead end. Looking over at the spedo James was going at 90 mph. Calculating they had seven seconds befor they hity the wall. Bubba leaped out in spirit form and went through the wall. Gripping his seat Ulysses closed his eyes before contact with the wall. He was in a brief space of freefall before the car came down on a sivery wisp of a high wall Invisible wall. Bubba ran ahead of them keeping slow enough to not lose them. Bubba dodged another car and then ran down towards an bustling town. It was nearly 90 degrees then it leveled out and they were on an street in Minneapolis. Pulling up in front of Mucho Moca, James pushed an button and the car returned to normal.
"That is the Aetherial realm," - Getting out Bubba followed happily wagging his tail. Ulysses bulked when he saw the woman behind the bar. The women was dead mentally but was kept up by demons, or possibly... "Hey James, What would you like today?''
"Well Tina I am looking for my twin but can't find him... Oh this is Ulysses,"
"As in Ulysses the Greek hero?"
"No actually he was Macedonian,"
"Cool, so what tracker will it be today?'' - James smirked and looked at her tilting his head to one side. "Drago Ivorsky" - A tall man in the corner spit out his coffee and Hissed. It sent shivers down Ulysses throat. He stood up and balled his fist's. "No one knows my true name, tell me now human!"
James smirked and then patted Bubba on the head. Bubba shifted into and full size hellhound .It stood six feety at the shoulder and was built like an tank. It looked like an giant mastiff and had blood red eyes. He growled at the stranger and James shifted into an six foot four inch centurion with an Spatha in his right hand. "Ah an Roman spirit okay, well I'm caught," As he wasthced james and drago talked in low voices. They we so low that he could not here them.When ever Cain was said the entire place shivered. Tina wa talking with an you sixteen yearold sireen. He smiled at her and she blushed deeply.
He was cuffed by another Roman Centurion. This time an Gangly kid. "Do not play with her!" - This caught James attention. He stood up and looked down at the centurion that barely looked five foot two. "Morning Cornelius you look hungry...."
"You could say that..."
"Drago this is Cornelius..." - Drago flared up and blew flames from his nostrils burning off the younger centurions Fessod . "Do not hide your self Cornelius! next time you attempt to Marry my mother and run away, I'll kill you!" - Neil obviously scared backed up but was stopped by Bubba whom was growling and as Ulysses watched two more heads formed they all Growled at Cornelius.
"Who... Is your Mother?" - Cornelius pale white.
"Phix, grand Librarian of the Eternal Library of Damascus!" Drago snarled puffing smoke from his nostrils.
"Sorrry to rain in on your parade but he already married her and had an child with her," - Drago in an brilliant bout of speed grabbed Cornelius by the throat and breathed poisonous gasses. "I am so sorry but I think you need an taste of your own medicine, Roman!"
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

As he watched in muted horror Ulysses was present to an true disaster. Drago was tightening his grip on Cornelius' throat not too gentle about it either. Cornelius kicked as his life slowly drained from his pale skin. Cornelus went for his gladius but Drago unballed one of his fists and cut his wrist. Though no real damage Cornelius shook with fear. "James what is Drago doing?"
He was answered by Drago instead of the centurion leaning casually against the wall. "This Centurion led an squad of Legionaires and Killed my mother and then broke every other egg in my Clutch! He then enlisted an younger centurion and killed the gypsy who gave me an home!" - Drago shook with rage.
A puff of smoke and the Sphynx appeared aiming a swipe at Drago's leg but missed knocking down an table. "Mother I wish I could speak to you but I have unfinished business with this man!" Drago said not even looking sideways
"Drago don't, he is changed..." Her voice was shrill and as she stared at Drago though she knew Cornelius was guilty. "Okay honey we can bring him to justice but he is the father of my child..." - Drago dropped cornelius and turned on the Sphynx. "He killed my mother and you defend him. He killed my entire Clutch and my mate! Many more eggs broken and atleast a generation of dragons. He killed the Gypsy that cared for myself and Illian.
If anything he'll be tried in front of the dragon court. We do not take being slaughtered nicely, you know that," - the sphynx's face drained of all color. "He won't get to defend himself! He'll be sentenced on his acts not what he's become. He is garanteed to death..."
"Good riddance, another dragon killer dead then, so you'll stand back and let justice swing its hammer!" - the Sphynx stood up growling. Drago snarled back letting loose an blue stream of flame and coated the Sphynx in an cocoon of fire. "You can be tried for defending him, you realize. I don't want to see you suffer but if you push it I will be forced to apprehend you!"
Don't test me, I am not an chld easily swayed by a mothers voice. I will stop at nothing to garantee justice for all those slain by him and his kind!"
James steeped inbetween Cornelius and Drago. "Okay Drago, tell me where my twin is,"
"Look for the license plate 22FJ51!"
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Cain was terrified. He could not escape the hell hound. Every turn he made, every dodge was answered perfectly. To add to that an mere mortal was following the hell hound and dead intent on getting him. he hated being powerless. The whole situation was getting to him. Around an blind corner, he barely missd an kid on an bicycle. His engine was overheated and he knew it. 110 degrees and his engine wouldn't last. His only hope over the bridge. He was slowly gaining speed but the hell hound smiling widely was gaining ground on him. The smell of blood made the Hell hound go harder and faster.
Doing the math he'd have seven seconds before he went over the ridge and hopefully to an escape route. The hell hound followed by its master in the Chevy Lumino was gaining. Only having an half second behind him and Cain was getting worried. The traffic broke and he starightened out kicking the Toyota 86 into fifth gear, Cain reallized his mistake. The guy in the Lumino raced past the hell hound shouting an order and steered wide coming in hot on an intercept course. Turning quick to put the top on his tee, the more experienced driver turned accordingly and Cain cursed when the Lumino hit the car t-boning it sending him rolling. when the car stopped an massive set of jaws bit down on the engine. They were canines as long as his fiddle finger and over 120 of them. Madly trying to escape the jaws of the monster, the locks were broken. His nightmare became even worse when to thell hound bit the fore end of his car off throwing it into the river. A well aimed swipe knocked out his window and he clamped down on the roof tearing it off with ease
Trying to get out two more heads popped out and one grabbed him by the legs, whilst the other grabbed his body. The hell hound carried him to the Lumino and Dropped him into the back seat. The hell hound turned into an normal Mastiff/ Retriever cross and hopped in licking his face and barking.
"Bubba don't bark so loud... Oh your awake. Most people faint when they smell his breath. He only wants to play..."- Bubba barked and tucked on his leather jacket tearing it with razor sharp teethe.
"Go on pet him..."
"You have tamed a Cerberus? Are you nuts!"
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"Of course we gave you fire, you damn prick!"
"Easy keep your voice down, alright i'm sorry but it seems a little rude that it was the dragons that gave us humans fire..."
"You just stole our fire via brush Idiot!"
"Shut up you two we are all here to find out what the verdict is, lets just get this done!"
"Fine Parthos!" - Drago scoffed drawing a Kukri he twirled it around and threw it it penetrated the skull of an skeleton sitting on the other side of hall. The skeleton glared but tossed it back. He caught it smartly and began to sharpen his nails. Eventually the courier came out exhausted. "He's been cleared!"
The hall was full of Dragons turning in a jumbled mess. They roared breathing flames and threatening to bring the roof down. All of them were angry and there skin in an multitude of shades went white. Drago already partially turned incinerated the courier whom backed against the wall in pure terror. They flooded into the council chambers. The old Dragons rose in alarm displaying there broad wings and breathing white flames. The chambers of the council was a large cave with a jagged tooth coming down. Two miles down lava spewed from a pit the size of a large lake. each council member was on an ledge. The missed legs and claws but every dragon knew that they were no match for the thousand of year old dragons. They roared and the sound bounced o the walls making the dragons partially lose control. The noise would have deafened any other being but the dragons could with stand it. Drago the largest dragon in the assembly flew above them screaming insults in Dragon tongue. "Why? We have all lost our own. He led the dragon hunters and slaughtered a thousand dragons before we killed them. We cant let a murderer free!"
The collective shout made Drago shutter. "You will abide by our decision, we must reconnect and what do we do knowing that we kill him and all our efforts go to waste. You will work with him and assist Cain! But! If he decides to turn onyou feel free to dispose of the murderer,"

Later Parthos and Drago glared as they escorted the terrified Neil to the Suburban. Both thought dark things to do to him. Drago knew the repercussions though and did nothing. Parthos on the other hand was hoping and praying to the mother of all for a chance to kill the murder.
Last edited by Jharris16-17 on Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"Why do we have to speak?" Drago asked annoyed.
"Because we have to work together, we might as well be friends..."
Neil tried to be cocky, but Drago punched his face getting blood on his jacket.
"Are you angry?" - Neil was trying Dragos patients and he knew it.
"yes you prick," - Drago said through gritted teeth barely avoiding an semi truck.
"Shut up you two!" - Parthos resigned to living with the fact they had to work with Neil had changed his attitude and had resigned himself to keeping the peace.
Drago glared concentrating on the road as he drove towards the library. Parthos glared at Neil's reflection. Passing Mucho Mocha a little too fast a cop car screamed around to chase but saw the emblem on the side of the truck. Dodging and weaving in Minneapolis Traffic his temper boiled into rage. He had to work with an murderer. Not just any murderer but the one true dragons bane. His thought was cut short when he saw his mother on the steps of the library, his gut twisted. He'd have to tell his Clutch mother that Neil was one mistake away from death. Drago would handle it as best he could... he would have to be harder on his mother than ever before and manage to live.Pulling up in front of the library Drago got out and Let the tied Neil out. Phix ran trying to hug him but was shocked when she could not reach him. The magical barrier made it so they could not reach. Phix began to tear up.
"Why?" - It broke Drago's heart but he did not break.
''Well... punishment for the time being...'' - Parthos answered coldly.
"They let him live!" - Drago choked on the words and Phix knew it.
Phix's expression turned sour seeing the dragons poker faces.
"They think he can help... If he can't special permission..."
"Wait what is special permission?'' - Neil winced hearing the shrillness of Phix's voice
Drago laughed at Neil's expression as he looked at the terrified Phix.
"We can dispense you if we see the need," - Parthos enjoyed himself saying this.
"No you can't... I can't... I am an father!'' - Neil knew it wouldn't work but had to try.
"Both Parthos and myself had mates and eggs... a dozen children at least. You don't even raise your children, until now. Think about every Dragon who had there Clutch of Broken eggs or a mate killed by you and your warriors,"
"Phix what do you know of this?"
''Enough Neil, I cannot stop them... they are powerful..." - Neil looked hopelessly at Phix whom had tears in her eyes.
"Phix we need to find Cain..."
"Hes in the Dark room..." - Phix said this and went inside to tend to Aeternia.

Cain hated it. His older brother had him in chains. He was being to force open the nether realm and on top of that had to also find Lucifer. He was the Lord of Murder and couldn't even stop them. His mind ran at the speed of light but to no avail. The silence was broken by two blood dragons, and the man at the center.
"Cain one question, how do we open the nether realm?" - Cain was shocked a dragon had asked them. Still he answered though his blood ran cold.
"The blood of the creator, Neil...'
Last edited by Jharris16-17 on Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"What the hell? Your telling me that my husband is the key to opening the dragons torment!"
Cain wilted in Phix's glare. ''Your husband made it so Dragons could never return... Hell and Hades are on the verge of collapse. If we don't Purgatory goes, then heaven. You did not exist back then... War was the only thing around. No peace, and no way for change. God came up and set things straight. We cannot go back to that so you decide. Hinder us and save your husband from a fate unknown or make it so your daughter will live in a world un-ravaged by war,"
Phix glared at him but kept quiet.
"Neil where is the entrance?"
"Through Purgatory, we wanted no human to let them out..."
James spoke up and the room began to change into an observatory. It floated above the realms like an great satellite.
"Purgatory is where supernaturals die and stay. It becomes your personal hell or you personal heaven. It is the middle man... Beware it will change you, no man or woman comes out the same, supernatural or not. You will see things which will challenge your very way of life. Should you eat the food it will be your doom. I lost many friends to that,''
Phix shivered but headed back inside to tend to the crying Aeternia.
"Do you have an way?" Drago asked with forlorn look on his face.
"Oh yeah, although I need one object..."
"Whats that?" - Parthos asked confused.
"The sword of Arminius..." - They all shivered as a gust of wind rent around them. The ghost of Arminius stood leaning against the wall smiling. "I knew you'd need me some day my friend..."
The ghost turned into an Spatha with An ivory handle and Gold lattice work. The Blade had Arminium written on its blood vain.
Last edited by Jharris16-17 on Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

James drew a Spatha cut his wrist room disappeared. The shifting of time and space was like gears that had never seen a greasing as they passed though the portal. He wanted to cut out all the sound but did not fearing the consequences. James shouted above the roar terror filling his voice. "We have to take the walk through the testing grounds, be careful!" His night vision did nothing for him. His feet hit the ground and his vision returned.They were in a field of wheat as far as the the eye could see. Two full size dragons, an Equities Centurion, and a Greek Ship captain. Cain in a black suit, and him in His old scale armor. It was like a great weight pulled him down. Parthos fought it and failed. Neil saw the efforts to fight from the others . "Easy, do not fight it my friends. The Wimbres test you for what your true purpose is...'' - Parthos interrupted him shouting out in dragon. Drago glared at him. Shaking his head James resumed his position at attention and after what seemed like an eternity they were back to normal. ''What now?"
"We will now pass through the fields of judgement. They are an torturer's nightmare, don't dare try and reason with it. They are to judge you. No being may pass through purgatory with out taking the test. Then we go to the immortal pool of life. that is if the test does not kill us. There we can ask Lady of Time what she will tell us,"
"Why when our worlds collapse? And who is this Lady of Time?" Parthos asked as if a child were asking.
"We could do all the work we came here to do then fail. We need to find out if it will work out, Parthos!" - James made the dragon wilt.
Following them Parthos and Drago went feral not to exhaust there reserves of energy. What must have felt like day passed until they came to a wall. It seemed short enough to hop over by a dragon, but the dragons did not dare.
"What is this I can not see the top?" - James glared at Parthos whom wilted yet again reducing to his human form.
"The wall is for the separation of realms. Should it go down Purgatory will collapse. To get in we must all become the weakest form capable to pass." - Parthos and Drago grumbled but changed into humans again and they waited. And waited and waited... Cain finally shed the black armor made of shadows and wore human a outfit made for an 50's greaser. The door appeared and it was reminiscent of the wall at Diagon alley. Though they could all fit in they filed in one by one. It was a damp depressing walk and led out to yet another wheat field. They all passed through it and the wall disappeared. Looking around Parthos was panicking seeing something. His face was white as stone. James was at ease . He was the only one not affected. Drago itched at scabs unseen by Neil. Cain was screaming silently in pure agony. James now showed some pain as blood began to drip from his lip. James snapped back to normal looking around at the others then staring at him. he was drained of all color.
"My friend we are in dire trouble..."
"What? We have the Lord of Murder and two dragons complimenting the 66th seal, and the first dragon hunter...''
"Shut up Cain, we are not immortal here. we die and live as an mortal does. we may possess knowledge of a different world but we are being forced to act as powerless humans..."
Silence pervaded the area as the others snapped out hearing this.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"Your already a human to begin with, what is the problem. James?"
"We cannot access our abilities. We are now humans, whatever knowledge we had is all we have here in Purgatory. We have also been set back a great deal seeing as we need permission from the twelve to access our abilities,"
Cain disgruntled shook his head and started walking. "Come on, get moving''
They walked and walked and walked. The dragons were tiring faster than them and lagged behind. Still James kept his pace. Keeping in the middle to conserve energy Ulysses and Neil chatted. Drago played with an Kukri and did not care that Parthos talked incessantly.
After what seemed like an eternity passed by they came to an cliff. He recognized the vale and stopped. James halted the others and examined the vale. A hundred yards away the vale surrounded a large village. It was full of people of all shapes and sizes. Drago and Parthos teared up unable to help there own kind escape. "Neil, what did you do?" - Parthos shook uncontrollably.
"I made them humans to live in Eden..." - He hurt saying this but had to.
He was interrupted by Cain whom picked him up and went to the edge of the cliff and readied to toss him.
"How do we enter the Lost garden of Eden?"
"A blood offering to the Lady of Time..."
James cut their palms one by one and gave the Spatha to Neil- Neil then threw the it into the vale. It shimmered and they were in the square. A young woman peered at them and approached bravely. Drago was sweating as if he'd seen a ghost. Parthos was in terror as an older woman using a walking stick approached him.
"Who are you?" - The woman's voice was mesmerizingly sweat and Drago knew her. The young woman stood level with Drago and peered at him. "I was mated with a man that looked just like you..." - Drago's body shook as she touched his cheek lovingly. The old woman was a yard away from Parthos and she looked harder as if she fought to remember something. The rest of the town approached closing in on Parthos and Drago. These were the Dragons he had sent here. Then an Golden Doe approached the crowd which cleared a way for her. She went right up to Drago and turned into an beautiful woman. Her brunette hair was kept short and her armor shined like the sun. a bow was over her back. She was level with Drago though he was weary seeing as he could not become an dragon or tap his immense strength..
"Brother... how is our dear little sister?"- Dragos face showed age old recognition.
"Illiana..." -
"Don't you dare speak her name, Heretic!" - The old woman cuffed him in the back of the head making him go to his knees he was so dizzy. A unmistakable sound ripped through the air as the young woman whom had so bravely stood up to Drago turned into an small dragon and blew fire on the old woman whom turned into an dragon herself openly challenging her.
The flames ignited something in Drago and Parthos as there bodies fought to turn. Illiana waved her hand and the two combatants came down in human form. Her harsh glare made the two stop. She turned smiling at Drago.
"This is my Older brother Drago, his friends are my friends and you will respect them as you do me. They call me the Lady of time..."
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"So sister, what is the story here?"
The others had finished eating and dispersed; the place was quiet. The women were watching him as if he was prime material for mating. One in particular, a lovely Brunette was especially curious. He could smell the eternal Blood. An primal sign of fertile mating season that any beast could sense. it was overflowing and He had to fight not to follow his urges.
"This is refuge, What I will tell you will make you incredibly angry but do not attack...
Neil was part of the dragon legion... They hunted the dragons locking them away here as to get rid of the possible threat to the empire. He did not break the eggs. He knew nothing of the breaking of eggs. The dragons weren't killed they were immobilized and had there power removed. Then they were taken here... They are never dying. I hope you can forgive me, but I cannot help you to find your son..."
"My son! I lost my clutch to those murderers,"
"You are being stupid! One survived, it hatched early!"
Her face drained of color as he choked her, lifting her high with his long arms. He didn't even have to utilize his dragon-born strength. "Lying..."
He dropped her when his arm caught fire. The blue flames opened up wounds from before his time in the service of Hannibal. The blood burnt and sizzled, and he began to feel woozy. Then, as a surge of adrenaline flooded his body, the block on his feral form shattered and his world went into a red haze. Flying high above the crowd, Illiana told the women to run. They scattered before him as he breathed a long jet of flame. "Come challenger... just try it! I hope you can face a dragon who has fought against our mother and lived!"
A large blue dragon winged from above and dived, tucking his wings to his sides. Rolling over in the air, the challenger couldn't pull out in time and crashed into the ground, breaking his wing. Snarling, the challenger blew a long jet of flame at him which he enjoyed thoroughly. Blood pumping, he weathered it, knowing that the challenger could not hold out. Just as he predicted, the Challenger used up his fuel and couldn't move. Drago landedon the belly of the challenger, digging his talons into the challegers side. The Challenger screamed pitifully. Drago had dealt with more pain on a lazy day. Biting down, Drago snapped the remaining wing of the challenger and used his dew claw to put pressure on the challenger's Jugular vain, threatening to tear it open.
"Find your self a good reason I shouldn't kill you now, in front of all these females in heat, Desperado!"
''Let him go!''
Turning his head, Drago spotted a gold dragon, who was hovering and threatening to pepper him with bursts of hot flames.
"And who are you... His clutch mother?" Drago sneered, her hatred boiling over.
"I am his mother, and you just so happen to be holding the life of you're one surviving child.''
Laughing, Drago got off the challenger and blew a burst of flames. The Clutch mother dropped onto her wing. Her scream Attracted the attention of the entire crowd. "Prove it by getting me the old world engine!"

Shortly after Drago's fight the the square had unstopped there collective power blocks. The world engine ran and was ready to move. James was working on opening an gateway and Cain was readying the engine for travel. Drago was speaking with his son. His son was called Tiberius Maximus. Mostly they were the same. They were almost exactly the same in hair color face sculpture and even in his stance. Drago was built heavier with slightly shorter arms. There were about twice as thick though. Tiberius was an good inch taller with a slightly less heavy build frame. Dragons all had an color. No two dragons had a matching color scheme. They all had an different pattern. They in human form had eyes like humans though they show cased the particular color of the dragon. Dragos were Forest green while Tiberius' eyes were a deep shade of Blue anyone could get lost in. When Drago spoke with his mate Dorna it was like watching an memory happen. They were truly a couple to be jealous of. Dorna was a classic Italian maybe shoulder height with her son. She had a light frame and wasn't worried about her mate or son. Ulysses expected that she could outdo any thing that threatened her and her family. His thoughts were broken when Cain called them over. Tiberius hugged his mother then followed Drago. As if fighting something, Dorna looked back, shook her head and then followed her mate whom beckoned her over. Cain looked oddly but shook his head. Standing along the edge James again cut his palm and passed around the Spatha. They cut there palms and James stuck the Spatha into the ground. the portal opened dropping them into hell. The air stunk of sulfur and the sun was blood red. Two knights bathed in blood approached and bowed to Cain who waved them off.
"Go hook up the engine, we have to get it done Now!"
Even as Ulysses teleported to the main room he felt the wall shake. The cracks were wider now. Placing it in spot and clearing the cluttered work space with a wipe of his hand. He found the buried power hook up and Plugged it in. This was the defining moment. Then he realized, he couldn't start the boilers. pathos materialized besides him in full feral a big grey and opened the door to the boilers. Letting loose an long burst of flame the engine began to hum. Running up the stairs to the control panel Ulysses prayed to every god or goddess he knew. Turning it over the heat made ignition instantaneous. The engine kicked and with a mighty roar the power surged. Watching in amazement the walls reformed , the cracks disappearing.

Phix was holding the crying Aeternia when the Earthquake stopped. the library repaired itself and the havoc outside ceased to happen. She knew that it was better, but they still had to leave hell in the first place...
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Back in the Library the party was relaxing. Drago and Dorna had run off to there own little corner probably to make out but Tiberius did not care. Cain was searching for the dark council, his head buried in a pile of books, Ulysses had stayed behind with Parthos in hell to maintain the world engine. James was off getting a tall Pepsi and a large sand which. The humans fascination with Bubbling drinks amazed him. He just like many of his tribe wondered how humans could eat garbage and still live. Dragons could only eat meat and a few vegetables. Fashion, oh Fashion, the way that humans followed fashion as if it were an life source. Call it what you want, but it didn't make sense how the simplistic life that humans had thrived upon for a millennium had been replaced by a fad driven or as James put it "Keeping up with the Jones''
The leather chairs sunk to low for him and he had to stand. No human chair was built right. He preferred hard simple chairs that made you sit up. Humans took out there balance and backs slowly but surely by sitting in comfortable chairs and bean bags, oh bean bags... No core support or back support and how was anyone supposed to sit in them. He had a better chance of comfort laying down on the hard wooden floor. Cars were nice but un-necessary. A good horse was much more efficient and if raised right didn't give out every 100,000 miles.
And this crap with the president and what democracy had turned into made him sick. Even though they had butchered his tribe, the Romans when they were an senate did follow set guidelines to an point.
Sitting down at the table the chair was considered hard but it was as soft as his human hide. Phix made him confused. Apex predator, and librarian. What creature tricked or not would do such a thing? But he would not hassle her. All those humans outside and she married one of them. The baby cried incessantly and made him want to curl up in ball to shut it out or the nuclear option which was just silencing her with an drop of dragons blood. Phix wouldn't have it and his father had told him to buck up.

Cains head shot up and the light bulbs shattered. "I found Him!" Phix, and Drago came over while the library repaired itself.
"Right here...''
Phix turned around and saw him first. She ran up hugging the fallen Ark Angel causing his breath to go out. He was floundering in human form as Phix went full feral bear hugging him. "Phix..."
Phix cried ignoring his words. He patted her back and began singing in Angelic. After an hour she got off him her eyes looking like sponges. She made a growling noise and the baby stopped crying. Tiberius watched eyebrows drawn into v-shape as he tried to comprehend the whole situation. A small Sphinx wing its way towards its mother. Its flying was hard, but she made it landed on her mothers back. Lucifer looked puzzled at her. Phix saw this and made a whining like noise. The minuscule sphinx hopped up over her mothers head and landed in Lucifer's arms.
"Your step-granddaughter..."
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

It had been four years since the events of the trip to Purgatory. They had all went there own separate ways. James had made into the Marines and in his years had accrued several Purple hearts as well as a battlefield commission in the Cuban Conflict of 2018. At the age of 26 James had reached the rank of Captain. He made every Christmas and Easter but did not have leave any other time. 21st Marines were always at the front. His job was harder than the officers let it on to be, but he managed. He was an oddball. Although born on the 15th of June 1998, his body was that of an 26 year old instead of the 21 year old he should be... Well he would live.
Drago stayed true to his promise to Dorna. They had been married and bought an house. It was in the rough part of town but this part of town was where paranormal came to live. Dorna had opened up the Boxing gym. Tiberius was not the biggest or the strongest but could trounce any one, well beside Drago or his mother. Until his senior year he would be in home schooling. They had two little ones two little rambunctious boys. Due to Dorna being stripped of her Dragon Abilities they were human growing up as if humans did. Jesse and Joey were very intelligent and it took incredible struggled to keep them in toe. One day they'd managed to hack his computer and accessed his personal email. He'd been so harsh they stayed as far away from any electronics. On the street it was mostly paranormal's so Tiberius was not bullied for his slow aging in comparison. True to his dragon instincts he had an cave. So did Drago, His was much more compact but he'd gathered much more gold. The little two bedroom house wouldn't had fit them if they were human but since Tiberius had an cave the space required was much less. No one entered an dragons cave without permission. To make it so he'd enchanted the door way to remove all weapons and powers if he did not give special permission. his cave was a labyrinth of smaller inlets and tunnels. His gold was hidden everywhere. In four years he'd accrued over four billion. An impressive sum by human standards. Tiberius had an subterranean garage as well. In it several tanks and old jeep and an Honda 2750 Motorcycle. Many dragons would have been jealous of Tiberius' Cave, but they did not dare.
Lucifer was as invisible as ever and Cain was always busy. Parthos was happy for once and Ulysses had gotten special visitation rights to his wife. Neil was raising Dixie with Phix and was happy. Although he had never been the same... Although no one was the same since. They had to see an Counselor to deal with it. That was no small task since there was far and few paranormal counselors that would even speak to them.
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

Watching Dragos' truck pull in Tina readied the dragon fire tea. It was Dragos favorite. When Drago entered he was followed by his son Tiberius. Tiberius was hunched over and was already partially feral. They sat in the corner. She walked over and gave the tea to Drago. Tiberius was testy and she didn't try speaking to the ruffled dragon. Casually coming back with an tall lemonade, her fears were proven when Tiberius snatched it up and drained it. he smashed the cup and Drago began to curse under his breath. The air was malleable between them. "So what did he do?"
Tiberius smirked pulling an human ear out of his jacket. It was perfectly cauterized. "Some punk thought my cave was susceptible to thieves in bulk. They'll be looking for the others for days, but a certain Punk escaped and seems to think he can challenge the dragon council,"
"Which punk?"
Drago growled but Tiberius snarled back. Fangs were present as they both began to turn. Tina had to do something. "Okay boys just tell me..."
"My sisters son..."
"Oh Mina, I though Nymphs could only have daughters?" - this relieved the stress in the air.
"No they can have sons but the Men are more violent..."
"Drago Sikorsky! My son is in the hospital and if you don't teach your son respect I will personally make your life hell!"
In the door way stood a tall woman in a fine black business suit. She was no resemblance but there defiant looks wee all the signs one would need to tell them siblings. "Sister, you look well..."
"Don't you dare sister me! My son doesn't have his ear!"
"He took his little club and raided Tiberius' cave. Not only did he not get permission in but stole several thousand in gold. I am surprised he didn't lose his life..."
"Oh the cave excuse! Try me, Drago I will have your head on a stick on my cruise ship if I don't get the ear!"
"Try me and then explain why you are paying off the mayor to make sure that your son doesn't go to jail for burglary,"
"Your a parent, we all know its how we raise our children and yours did too much damage!"
"You don't raise yours so its your fault that your sterile son attacked and tried to steal from a dragons cave, not just any dragons cave either. The incinerators cave!"
"Quit with the crap you winged idiot! You are dealing with the queen of the Sea Nymphs! We don't take kindly to..."
"You don't take too kindly to scandals and especially since your neck deep in scandals,"
The woman glared at Drago now flared up and left disappearing into thin air.
"Who was that?" - Drago smirked at his Son and shook his head.
"Tiberius meet your aunt Mina..."
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

"Okay so when did you last see her?"
"That would be Twenty days after the end of world war two..."

Captain Vladimir Sikorsky had just finished polishing the tank in the shop when the quarter master pulled him aside. It was the Usual, another fist fight between Yuri and Marcus He waved it off due to the fact that the Russian tankers no longer had Germans to fight. He hoped beyond all hope that Stalin would approve of Dragon Company. Another messenger had him signing an clipboard. Ever since the war had ended twenty days earlier he'd been neck deep in paperwork. He signed it and then turned towards his command tank. A short Mousy Haired woman was examining the tank. Waving off the Quarter master whom was strained as ever he approached her. She turned hearing his foot steps and smiled. Were he not morning Dorna he'd be intrigued. "Can I help you?"
"Yes I am looking for Captain Sikorsky..."
"That's me,"
She looked at him with disdain. She was like all those propaganda writers, Absolutely no respect for The common man.
He was in an Standard set of Overalls that were covered in grease form working on the tanks. She walked over to the Quarter master whom referred her back to him. "I think you know why I am here...''
"Actually I don't,"
"You are incredibly stupid if you think that you can hold yourself so low!"
"Why do you care?"
"Because this little show is going to end very quickly if you don't tell me your name!"
"Why my Name?"
"It is of Utmost Importance!"
"I know your an spy!"
The workshop filled up with soviet tankers as they encircled her. "You do know I know your name!"
"Try me..."
The woman faltered and looked around Nervously. Although not Big Men the Tankers of Dragon company, 671st Guard Battalion were not afraid to break bones women or man. She was surrounded by over two hundred wrench armed Russian men, many f whom had lost everything to the Germans. They were veterans and had been trained by the best that the Russian tank corp could offer. Plus they were Drakes...
"Your name is Drago the Scourge of..."
"The Scourge of what?"
"The underground!"
The other tankers tightened up not allowing the five foot nothing woman any room to maneuver. She looked around and found Parthax whose game eye and Broken appearance made her queasy.
"You are surrounded by over a hundred battle hardened Dragons and you have the audacity to come in here and call us murderers. I think you need a lesson in abject humility..."
Hearing this the quartermaster called the regiment commander. Major Arfus Benet was a fearless and Ruthless Commander that they feared. he would scare them. With in two minutes he was there with three armed guards. The tankers broke forming a loose half circle. "Captain Sikorsky, Report!''
Drago saluted and ignored the oil running down his cheek. "This woman is an spy and has information on the resistance! Sir!"
"I tell you now woman, your name and any thing you can tell me about this resistance which bothers the KGB so much,"
"My name is Mina, High Queen of the sea nymphs...''
"Sikorsky do as you deem fit,"
Arfus left and Drago smiled. "So sister, still no children... I think that you are in need of an heir to your watery throne,"
Drago walked away and he heard the scream. He didn't need to look back as the Ravaged drakes pounced upon His little sister who had sided with the Germans. Tough Love...

"So the idiot who raided my cave was the half-breed of an drake and an Nymph!"
"Yes He was and that is now in broad daylight for everyone to see. She is in in big trouble seeing as the elections are coming up very soon...'' - Drago smirked thinking of the Repercussions that Mina would deal with.

Illiana was sick and Tired of her sisters unending complaints about Drago. No one had ever had so many complaints about one man as Mina. Mina surrounded herself with men and few women preferring to use them. Her son had been stupid and the 'So called sympathetic middle child' had been very happy hearing the results. Every bone broken in his body broken. The terrifying accounts made the Golden Stag's heart beat jump. At her desk she smiled. Mina hated this but had too let of steam some how... Mina was a short women of five nothing. Her chest was so flat you'd assume she was a man. Her only defining feature was her gorgeous face. like many nymphs she favored Satyrs and the occasional sterile human. He rant went on for Days and Illiana soaked in all of it not wanting it too stop. Odd really but it was pleasing hearing control freak rave about how bad it was when people from all sides took shots at her.
Then silence. Illiana Looked around and found the very angry Mina face to face with her. "You enjoy this don't, you!"
Normally her cold tone would scare an normal person, but Illiana just nodded smiling broadly.
"Why... Why do they hate me?"
Illiana had always been competitive but just had to. "Maybe if you tried trusting them..."
Mina disappeared in a cloud of vapor and Illiana Squealed with excitement. Her older brother had always been able to do it, but not she had finally told her baby sister. She had ascended the level. Drago upon hearing this would congratulate her for making the transition and then he would hook her up with Luther. Changing the notice on her door she Teleported to his location. She in an hurry told him him faster than she thought was possible and waited a his eyebrows met. His Blue eyes showing great concern. "Really and it took you this long..."
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Re: A visit from the Skinwalker

Post by Jharris16-17 »

It had been several days since The episode with Mina. Not much comment on the Mayors decision, but at the precinct they had a good idea that it was not going to favor Mina. There new case was one that boggled them. A young drake not fifty years old had robbed a series of convenience stores in Drake form. Media and Reporters were kept silent , that was if they'd heard of anything. No one had been so reckless, not even Mathias the Bezerker of 52. Susie dug through an small mountain of Paperwork while he was trying to trace the blood line. This Drake, an boy of Jeffery had no distinguishable bloodlines and no family. It was like he had been born via magic. His picture wasn't even showing up on street cams even though several trackers privately hired by the council had followed him until they found his heavily warded cave. his cave near as they could tell was twice the size of Tiberius' and abroad plane.
No one had been able to contact him through school. Every time he left he'd disappear then show up again robbing another store. Thousands of years of hunting and no one so crafty. His phone rang and broke the silence. Susie looked up her eyes barely above the stack of papers. "Who is it?"

Answering the phone call his concerned wife spoke hurriedly.

"Do you know where Tiberius Is?"

"No not really, but he can fend for himself..."

"Turn the TV on to channel six!"


"Do it now!"

Heading to the TV Drago turned it on and went to channel six.

--- Breaking news today as Minneapolis Ignites in a street brawl. Jeffery Dawson convicted thief and Forger attempted to Rob D&D's Boxing club. carrying seven guns and as much ammo as he could carry Dawson attempted to take savings money. when the teenagers saw this they stormed him. Tiberius Sikorsky led the One hundred something group of Individuals beating and destroying Dawson's Vehicle. Though Dawson has disappeared as if into the mist the Blood street gang attacked the group. Now it is a raging street brawl. The chaos has the police blocking off traffic on four streets and residents are being asked to stay in there homes. the brawl is not going to stop anytime soon says Dorna Sikorsky, saying her son and the various boxers of Ark street don't stop until they drop exhausted. Police have tried multiple attempts to stop the rioting, but to no avail. The mayor says that they have to be cautious seeing as the Brawl could turn into an war. ---

"Hey isn't that your kid?"

"Yes it is..."

Tiberius was in the middle of it all. he sent one punk flying with a uppercut and knocked out another with a right hook to the skull. Hidden by the mist the various boxers were in feral forms. Mike the Minotaur sent six flying with a power sweep of his arm. Tiberius blocked an punch and sidestepped hitting a punks face with his elbow breaking his nose. The next one stabbed at him with an Stiletto and Tiberius broke his wrist with an simple snap of his fingers. The punk screamed and Tiberius quieted him by punching his solar plexus. His vision went red as an bullet hit his lower back.Angrily he swung and sent two punks flying into the brick wall of the boxing club cracking it. Mike ignored a shotgun blast and crushed an another punk with his size 50 Triple E hoof. Jeffery was his target. Jeffery Dawson who had raided his Cave. moving unopposed as he walked towards the drake he blocked another punch and With a swift jab knocked out his trackia. Jeffery was trying to word an spell when Tiberius Reached him.
Grabbing his Coat, Tiberius effortlessly lifted him up and smashed his head into the brick wall. Blood ran from Jeffery's face as Tiberius smashed him into the wall. Tiberius' Claws dug in making the Drake howl in pain. His Adversary drew an knife and managed to plunge it into Tiberius' side. Tiberius roared and Broke Jeffery's back over his knee. Jeffry's gang broke ranks and ran. The wounded were unconscious or Unable to move. Tiberius heard the cop cars and Picked up the Immobilized Jeffery. As he expected his father pulled up and got out surveying the carnage.

"A little much isn't it?"

"No I was just getting started, then I found him,''
Tiberius Deposited Jeffery on the hood of His fathers car. Susie looked at Jeffery and thought something to herself. Drago ignored this but Tiberius wondered why she looked at him wit h such a curiosity. Then she got out examined Jeffery, then yanked out the knife still in Tiberius' side.

"What was that for?"

"An inspection..."

"Oh what?"

"If the blade is poisoned, Idiot!"
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