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Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:48 am
by shadowinthelight

Wapsi Square
n. - A slice of supernatural life webcomic by Paul Taylor.

Square Off
v. - To assume a fighting stance; prepare to fight.

Wapsi Square Off
n. - The ultimate video game.

When you are doing the same thing 400+ times each day at work your mind has to wander to keep from going insane. After doing my "8-bit" art stuff probably no one would like to see a Wapsi video game more than me. But what genre would fit best? An RPG would require a complicated story and lots of new characters. A platformer doesn't feel right (I've actually been toying with the idea of hacking the graphics of an existing game but can't find one that fits). That is when it struck me. Paul has created the perfect cast for a Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat style fighting game! Cue many hours of fleshing out the details...

I can't think of a good story to explain why they would be fighting, even less how they could all be fighting on an equal level. That isn't really important for a good game, though. What is necessary is interesting characters and innovative gameplay. Wapsi provides content for this in spades. It is possible to make your own fighting game for free using an engine like M.U.G.E.N. I know I could probably download existing character packs and tweak them to behave as I want. I'm good with pixel art but there is no way I could ever draw the animation frames for all the sprites well enough to do the Wapsi characters justice. The game will have to remain no more than a fantasy. There are still a few gaps (I'll put a ? on details I'm currently stumped on) but I thought I'd share the ideas I came up with to show the potential that is there. To do everything exactly like I imagine would probably take a new engine coded from scratch. One can only dream some day, someone talented and insane enough will give it a try.

Right off the bat we have enough for at least 8 unique player characters and 3 (maybe 4) boss characters which is a good standard number. There are also enough characters and outside forces to be summoned as helpers in Marvel vs. Capcom style. Let's say you can use them after scoring enough hits to fill the meter. Weak/strong punches and kicks will have to be normal moves of course along with dashing forwards and back. The real twist is how many Wapsi characters are shape shifters. For X reason, remember I said I couldn't think of a good story yet, everyone is limited to their human form most of the time. Taking enough damage to fill a second meter, however, allows them to temporarily change to their paranormal form with a whole new set of moves and stats. This in essence this doubles the number of playable characters.

All that is left is thinking of how to present them as fighters in a way that fits (while taking copious amounts of liberties) with the established characters. I am not going to go so far as detailing every move but give an overview to lay out the feel of each fighter.

Character: Monica
We know Monica is not a very athletic person so it makes sense she would be slow and akward when moving normally. What makes her effective is instead of regular dashing she has advanced poiting ability in every direction. This can be applied for offense or defense. Backwards to escape attack. Forwards can surprise the opponent from behind. Poiting up to start an aerial attack. Poit down during a jump to reappear on the ground. Grandpa Sullivan's gun is an obvious projectile attack.

Helper: Dietzel
He has never been violent but can perform tasks beyond those of normal dogs. Picture him rolling out a wagon carrying Monica's stereo system to deliver a sonic blast to the opponent.

Transformation: Jaguar Girl
Jaguars are expert ambush predators so agile pouncing with strong slashing and biting attacks would follow at the expense of losing the poiting ability. Astral fire can wielded to burn opponents.

Location 1: Museum
Location 2: Sandy Beach

Win quote 1: I am the Jaguar Girl. I can hunt you down even in the beyond.
Win quote 2: Perdóname por patear tu trasero.

Character: Shelly
Muscle-butt would be a standard street fighting brawler. Her most notable move would be the item toss. A slow but powerful move, the object she throws would change depending on the location. An engine block in the Garage, a large piece of driftwood at the Sandy Beach, ect.

Helper: The Companion
"Connie" is very protective and has no problem getting dirty. Savagely slashing her opponents with a butcher knife sounds appropriate.

Transformation: Sphinx
Larger and slower, but much more powerful. Clawed paw swipes for short range and wings that can create wind gusts to flatten an opponent at range. Flapping wings while in the air can create the effect of a double jump.

Location 1: Time Forest
Location 2: Garage

Win quote 1: All feelings are transient. Except for your pain. That is permanent.
Win quote 2: If I can kill myself 56 times what do you think your fate will be?

Character: Jin
Having over 80,000 years to practice, Jin would be have had more than enough time to become an accomplished martial artist specializing in t'ai chi ch'uan. Even though the different styles are relatively modern, the time loop let her take the knowledge to the past and continue training. This helped her deal with her mental instability (somewhat).

Helper: Mayahuel
May is a genius inventor. It stands to reason she would have some interesting Lanthian weapon designs. Probably some kind of explosive.

Transformation: Chimera Part - Snake
Her body makes long range strikes very easy slithering on the ground puts her low enough to dodge standing attacks and projectiles. If her body is stretched while moving it makes her extra vulnerable to downward aimed air attacks, though.

Location 1: Cerberus Club
Location 2: Giza

Win quote 1: Ooooh, pooor baby. ... Are you hurt?
Win quote 2: ?

Character: Brandi
Brandi's normally non-violent attitide (she sticks flies in jars instead of killing them afterall) leads her to be a grappler with submission holds and throws.

Helper: MIB Gunship
Being Senior Director, Brandi would surely have the authority to call in an airstrike when necessary. Helicopter noises could be heard as bullets strafe the ground but the vehicle itself would not be shown since some stages are indoors. We can pretend they are shooting through the roof for it to still make sense.

Transformation: Chimera Part - Lioness

Location 1: MIB Headquarters
Location 2: Shopping Mall

Win quote 1: I wouldn't hurt a fly. Too bad you're not a fly.
Win quote 2: No time to manipulate you into hurting yourself so I'll do it now.
Character: Bud
As a dance instructor, Bud's movements would be fluid and graceful. A ballerina style spinning kick, gymnastic flips, ect. Dancing with both flair and flare as her punches are plasma powered and throwing (breathing?) fireballs.

Helper: Tepoz
Tepoz and Bud make the perfect combo. All he has to do is poit in and throw a wave of alcohol for Bud to ignite with her plasma creating a massive fire attack.

Transformation: Chimera Part - Goat

Location 1: Dance Studio
Location 2: Garden

Win quote 1: My next dance will be on your grave.
Win quote 2: I once destroyed a civilization. Did you think you stood a chance?

Character: Tina
Also martial artist (leftover instinct from her forgotten past with Jin) but nowhere near as skilled. She compensates with what is available to her as a barista, carrying a bone-crunching metal coffee pot. Throwing hot coffe scalds opponents. Spilling coffee on the ground creates puddles to make the opponent slip and lose control. (yes, a ripoff of Sub-Zero's ground freeze)

Helper: Inner Demons
The inner demons that make up Tina come out and attack the opponent directly in a swarm of demonic rage.

Transformation: Guardian "Angel"
Although her body remains the same, Tina lets her demon self shine through with luxurious black wings, waving demonic hair, and hollow eyes. Being powered up she loses the coffe pot and attacks more directly. Her wings allow her to jump high and perform air dashes and power dives. Now she can not just read auras, she can project her own dark aura as an energy attack.

Location 1: Mucho Mocha
Location 2: ?

Win quote 1: I can read a person's aura. Yours says you are in a lot of pain.
Win quote 2: I could stop your heart instantly. Breaking your body is more fun.

Character: Nudge

Helper: Tsillah
Tsillah is a master at manipulating shadows. If her attack is successful the opponent would temporarily be bound by darkness unable to move or attack. No damage is caused immediately but this allows Nudge to launch any attack at her leisure.

Transformation: Trickster

Location 1: Floating Cliffs
Location 2: Volcanic Crater

Win quote 1: ?
Win quote 2: ?

Character: Atsali
Being a young bookworm, Atsali does not have a very developed fighting style. Her punches coming out more like slaps. Instead of a strong kick, she swings her backpack full of school books which also serves as a shield. Sharpened pencils are weak but can be thrown in quick succession.

Helper: Katherine
Katherine. With a box of spiders. An undodgeable attack when she throws them on the opponent. How much damage is taken is dictated by how quickly they are shaken off.

Transformation: Siren
Atsali's siren form is the only character that can stay hovering in the air, touching the ground only when knocked down. The tradeoff is her limited defense (birds are light). Her trademarks are a swooping talon attack and picking up and dropping her opponent.

Location 1: ?
Location 2: ?

Win quote 1: No one is getting in the way of my adventure!
Win quote 2: ?

The Bosses
Character: Phix
Similar to Shelly's sphinx form but stronger and faster. Slashing at you while pinned to the ground is bad enough but watch out for her tail spikes.

Helper: Apotropaic Sphinx
Apos may not normally have Phix's back but there will always be one that won't be able to pass up the chance to join in the fight. Phix+Apo will mean fighting off two opponents at once.

Location: Library

Win quote: Oh dear, did I beat you to a pulp? Have a cookie.

Character: Justin
Justin's police training comes into play with hand to hand combat. He can also attack with a taser and pistol. He may seem normal and not boss material at first but what would make this fight long and frustrating is his regeneration ability. You will be forced to constantly be on the offensive with little chance to defend because of his constantly refilling power meter. A fighter truly made to piss you off.

Helper: SWAT Team
A group of armored officers arrive to back Justin up with high powered weaponry. A devastating barrage of bullets follows.

Location: City Street

Win quote: ?

Character: Bia
Bia is strong. Very strong. Like fighting Mike Tyson in the old NES game strong. She doesn't need much style since she will just beat you down hard and fast.

Helper: Charon
Charon summons a wave from the river Styx. Aside from the damage caused by the wave, the lost souls it carries weakens the player's attack strength.

Location: ?

Win quote: I am strength itself. You will never stand up to my power.

I contemplated adding Euryale as a boss before Phix, but other than some sort of ice gaze attack I wasn't able to flesh out any details to make her viable. I guess the moral of all this is to demonstrate how dangerous it is to allow my mind to wander for extended periods of time. Please discuss/ridicule/help fill in the blanks. That, or start up a Kickstarter to hire the former Mane 6 develpers to make this thing happen. :D

edit: Also, I forgot to add the skull gear is the perfect logo right up there with the Mortal Kombat dragon seal.

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:48 am
by Atomic
I'll have some of what he's having...

Like the idea! Flash games are one way to prototype stuff like this fairly directly, if not easily. Lots to create, but, sounds like you've got the world designed in good order. Fun stuff!

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:59 pm
by MerchManDan
This sounds SO GREAT!! :mrgreen: I would totally play a Wapsi fighting game, even though I suck at fighting games (it always comes down to button-mashing or finding one combo & using it over and over).

Anyhow, if it ever calms down here at work I'll have to do an archive trawl, download some comix and slap together a few cut-n-pasted in-game "screen grabs." Unless, of course, somebody beats me to it. ;)

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:31 pm
by Jabberwonky
Great concept! :D

I've already got great visuals in my head. (Big fan of "Vampire Hunters/Darkstalkers") Somewhere back home I have a very detailed book on that game that would be a great resource.

You could give Connie a whip attack with the cup and ball toy...

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:09 am
by shadowinthelight
Jabberwonky wrote:I've already got great visuals in my head. (Big fan of "Vampire Hunters/Darkstalkers") Somewhere back home I have a very detailed book on that game that would be a great resource.
2D Capcom fighting games like Darkstalkers are the exact style I was imagining. In a stoke of coincidence, here are development sketches of Felicia. Look at the bottom right corner. Looks like a certain Wapsi character?
You could give Connie a whip attack with the cup and ball toy...
:roll: every time I remember her playing with that my mind goes to Family Guy. I was orignally leaning towards Jin using a knife attack of some kind because of the scene in my avatar but then I remembered Connie's graphic show of stabbing Monica in the head.

I may have the imagination but making this game is beyond my abilities. I am working on something else closely related but it is still in the most preliminary stage so I don't want to give details. Once I have something to show I may have to rely on you guys to publicly ridicule, I mean help motivate me because it is something that is within my abilities but it is the type of project I have never been able to follow through on.

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:39 am
by Jabberwonky
I always defer to Dark Stalkers when it comes to fighting games. I had only a passing interest in them until that one showed up.
I need to...thank?... you for sending on a trip through some very interesting web sites with this thread. I'll post a couple of them that might be helpful with this sort of thing. I was trying to find images for backgrounds, first. ... /index.php

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:19 am
by Boxilar
I'd love to see the game. Fighting games were never my strong suit. I was accused on more than one occasion of being a "button mashing whore" while playing Tekken and Street Fighter .

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:47 am
by DinkyInky
ImageMy little sister and her friend, back when we all did the anime cons and cosplayed. She has a furry purse full of "candy mice™" that she shared with the audience. Stitching that costume while she wore it was a PitA x infinity! She made the wig herself.

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:39 pm
by Atomic
I'm seriously considering attending a con as a Zombie Santa with death mask makeup, if only for the chance to ask pretty young things, "Have you been -- naughty?"

Re: Wapsi Square Off

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:02 pm
by kingklash
Sounds cool. For research, I'd recommend checking out the simplified version of Toshinden for Game Boy. The hidden boss, Lady Uranus, has wings and can use them to hover, shield herself, toss feathers, and in a special throw, she grabs her opponent, flies up off the screen then throws straight down. It's a fun version of a generally serious fighting game series.